张毅超,男,汉族,1980年生。哈尔滨工业大学数学学院、数学研究院教授。荣誉称号2015年,青年拔尖教授工作经历2010.10 - 2011.07Pohang University of Science and Technology, Researcher2011.08 - 2014.08the University of Connecticut, Post Doctor2014.08 - 2015.05the University of Arizona, Visiting Assitant Professor2015.06 - presentHarbin Institute of Technology, Professor教育经历1999-2003, Peking University, Bachelor (Major in Pure Mathematics)2004-2010, University of Toronto, Ph.D. (Mathematics) 讲授课程(Courses Taught and Teaching)已授课程 Courses Taught:2008-2009 Applied Linear Algebra, Linear Algebra (University of Toronto)2011-2014 Calculus II, Honors Calculus II, Multivariable Calculus, Honors Multivariable Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equations, Abstract Algebra I, Introduction to Number Theory, Independent Study (the University of Connecticut)2014-2015 Calculus II (the University of Arizona)2015-2018 Calculus, Elementary Number Theory (Harbin Institute of Technology)正在讲授课程 Courses Teaching:Calculus (Harbin Institute of Technology)招生信息招收数论方向的博士研究生和硕士研究生。要求对数论感兴趣,对数论领域有初步了解。基础数学功底扎实,各门基础数学课程成绩优良,包括数学分析、高等代数、实变和复变函数、抽象代数(群环域模理论)等。研究领域
"Number Theory近期论文
KERNELS FOR PRODUCTS OF HILBERT L-FUNCTIONSAn isomorphism for spaces of modular forms of half-integral weightEigenform product identities for Hilbert modular formsOn sign changes of Fourier coefficients of modular formsCohomology of $extrm{SL}_2$ and related structuresDivisibility properties for weakly holomorphic modular forms with sign vectorsWeakly holomorphic modular forms and rank two hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebrasZagier duality and integrality of Fourier coefficients for weakly holomorphic modular formsAn isomorphism between scalar-valued modular forms and modular forms for Weil representationsWeyl group multiple Dirichlet series for symmetrizable Kac-Moody root systems数学学科青年教师联合会会长 相关热点