2018.07--至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院,长聘教授
2017.09--至今 哈尔滨工业大学先进动力研究所,副所长
2011.04--至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院,博士生导师
2010.12--2018.09 哈尔滨工业大学基础与交叉科研院,教授
2005.10--2010.12 哈尔滨工业大学基础与交叉科研院,副教授
1995.09--2005.10 哈尔滨工程大学热能工程专业,助教/讲师
2001.09--2005.04 俄罗斯莫斯科航空学院,火箭发动机专业,工学博士
1998.03--2000.04 哈尔滨工程大学,热能工程专业,工学硕士
1991.09--1995.07 哈尔滨工业大学,热能工程专业,工学学士
简介: 本课程是本学科专业技术基础课,主要面向动力机械及工程专业的硕士生,讲解空间推进系统的基本知识,使学生了解空间推进的基本原理、关键技术和最新的研究进展,为学生毕业后从事火箭发动机、冲压发动机、等离子体发动机的研究工作打下基础。
1) 诚招工程热物理方向,动力机械及工程学科的硕博研究生。
2) 俄英均可,热烈欢迎有俄语基础的学生报考。
3) 普通招生外,同时招收“哈工大-莫航双学位硕士联合培养\
S. Lin, M. Xie, W. Zhou et al., Chemical kinetic model reduction through species-targeted global sensitivity analysis, Combustion and Flame, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.12.004
S. Lin, W. Zhou, Y. Wu et al., Evaluation of reduced combustion kinetic mechanism using global sensitivity-based similarity analysis, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2020.10. 008
Lin Long, Weixing Zhou*, Ling Yang*, Ximing Zhu, Wen Fu. Etching Characteristic of Graphite on Metal Substrates by Hydrogen Plasma in Closed Cavity, Plasma chemistry and plasma processes, 2020. Published.
Lin Long, Weixing Zhou*, Jingfeng Tang, Desheng Zhou. Experiment study on etching process of graphite electrode by DC hydrogen plasma. Plasma Processes And Polymers. 2020(17), 1900242. IF3.065
Chengxu Qiu, Weixing Zhou*, Dan Jin, Lin Long, Xuefeng XiaoElectric field effects on oxidation coking deposition of n-pentane in needletube flow reactor. Fuel. 2021(283), 118875. IF5.57
Lin Long, Weixing Zhou*, Yunfeng Qiu, Zhenzhong Lan. Coking and Gas Products Behavior of Supercritical n-Decane over NiO nanoparticle/nanosheets Modified HZSM-5, Energy. 2019,11(192).
Hao Zan, Weixing Zhou*, Xuefeng Xiao, Zhixiong Han, Mantang Chen, YanLi. Numerical investigation of flow oscillation in a contracting and expanding passage subject to vibration, Aerospace Science and Technology. 2019, 8(93), 105341. IF2.83
Hao Zan, Weixing Zhou*, Xuefeng Xiao, Long Lin, Junlong Zhang, Haowei Li. Recurrence network analysis for uncovering dynamic transition of thermo-acoustic instability of supercritical hydrocarbon fuel flow. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2019(85), 1-12. IF2.83
Zhenjian Jia, Weixing Zhou*, Wenli Yu, and Zhixiong Han. Experimental Investigation on Pyrolysis of n-Decane Initiated by Nitropropane under Supercritical Pressure in a Miniature Tube. Energy & Fuels. 2019(33), 5529-5537. IF3.02
Shuyuan Liu, Yu Feng*, Yong Cao, Keyu Gong, Weixing Zhou, Wen Bao. Numerical simulation of supercritical catalytic steam reforming of aviation kerosene coupling with coking and heat transfer in mini-channel. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2019(137), 199–214
Haowei Li, Jiang Qin, Yuguang Jiang, Weixing Zhou, WenBao and Hongyan Huang. Experimental study on the thermodynamic characteristics of the high temperature hydrocarbon fuel in the cooling channel of the hypersonic vehicle. Acta Astronautica, 2019(155), 63-79. IF2.482
Zhou Weixing, S.I. Martynenko, and P. D. Toktaliev. On the differential equations for orthogonal grid generation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Series. 2019(1158), 042036.
林圣强, 王佳星, 谢鸣, 周伟星*, 杨斌. 燃烧反应机理全局性简化及骨架机理优化, 燃烧科学与技术. 2019(25), 395-400
Lin Long, Zhenzhong Lan, Zhixiong Han, Yunfeng Qiu*, Weixing Zhou*. Co3O4 Nanosheet Wrapped Commercial HZSM-5 for Promoting Catalytic Cracking of n-Decane and Anticoking Activities. ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2018(1), 4130-4139.
Hao Zan, Haowei Li, Yuguang Jiang, Meng Wu, Weixing Zhou*, WenBao. Investigation on thermo-acoustic instability dynamic characteristics of hydrocarbon fuel flowing in scramjet cooling channel based on wavelet entropy method. Acta Astronautica. 2018(147), 27-36.
Xuefeng Xiao, Guangbo Zhao, Weixing Zhou*. Numerical investigation of transpiration cooling for porous nose cone with liquid coolant, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018(121), 1297-1306.
Xuefeng Xiao; Guangbo Zhao; Weixing Zhou(*); Sergey Martynenko, Large-eddy simulation of transpiration cooling in turbulent channel with porous wall, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018(145), 618~629
JinFu Liu, LinHai Zhu, YuJia Ma, Jiao Liu, Weixing Zhou, DaRen Yu. Anomaly detection of hot components in gas turbine based on frequent pattern extraction. Science China Technological Sciences. 2018(4), 567-586
赵广播, 肖雪峰, 易珺, 周伟星*. 发汗冷却中多孔壁面添质通道流动的实验和数值研究, 推进技术. 2018,39(06), 1340~1346.
Shengqiang Lin, Ming Xie, Meng Wu, and Weixing Zhou. Global Sensitivity Analysis of Large Reaction Mechanisms Using Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test, Journal of Chemistry. 2018.
Xu Kejing, Chang Juntao, Li Nan, Zhou Weixing, Yu Daren. Preliminary investigation of limits of shock train jumps in a hypersonic inlet-isolator[J]. European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids. 2018(72), 664-675.
Kejing Xu, Juntao Chang, Nan Li, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Experimental Investigation of Mechanism and Limits for Shock Train Rapid Forward Movement, Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science. 2018(98), 336-345.
K Xu, J Chang, W Zhou, D Yu. Mechanism of shock train rapid motion induced by variation of attack angle. Acta Astronautica, 2017(140), 18-26. IF2.485
Bin Yu, Weixing Zhou, Jiang Qin, Wen Bao. Dynamic characteristics of hydrocarbon fuel within the channel at supercritical and pyrolysis condition, Journal of Thermal Science. 2017(6), 560-569.
Jia Zhenjian, Wang Zhandong, Cheng Zhanjun, Zhou Weixing*. Experimental and modeling study on pyrolysis of n-Decane initiated by nitromethane. Combustion and Flame, 2016(165), 246-258. IF=4.494
Kejing Xu, Juntao Chang, Weixing Zhou and Daren Yu. Mechanism and Prediction for Occurrence of Shock Train Sharp Forward Movement. AIAA. 2016(4), 1403-1412. IF1.951
Weixing Zhou, Wenli Yi, Xuefeng Xiao, Shengqiang Ling. Experimental study on effect of pyrolysis on heat transfer of n-decane at different pressure, AIAA. 2015, 4244
M. R. Zeng, W. H. Yuan, Y. Z. Wang, W. X. Zhou, et al. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of pyrolysis and oxidation of n-Decane. Combustion and Flame, 2014(161), 1701-1715. IF=4.494
Weixing Zhou, Zhenjian Jia, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao, Bin Yu. Experimental Study on Effect of Pressure on Heat Sink of n-Decane, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014(243), 127-136.
Jia Zhenjian, Huang Hongyan, Zhou Weixing*, Qi Fei, Zeng Meirong. Experimental and modeling investigation of n-decane pyrolysis at supercritical pressures. Energy & Fuels, 2014(28), 6019-6028
Weixing Zhou, Bin Yu, Jiang Qin, Daren Yu. Mechanism and influencing factors analysis of flowing instability of supercritical endothermic hydrocarbon fuel within a small-scale channel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014(71), 34-42. IF=3.771
Weixing Zhou, Dan Wang, Wen Bao*, Jiang Qin. Experimental method study on heat flux measurement on sharp leading edge. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014(228), 2055-2065
Wen Bao, Yanjuan Duan, Weixing Zhou and Daren Yu. Hydrogen-fueled scramjet cooling system investigation using combustor and regenerative cooling coupled model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014(228), 820-830
Wen Bao, Silong Zhang, Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou, Kaili Xie. Numerical analysis of flowing cracked hydrocarbon fuel inside cooling channels in view of thermal management. Energy. 2014(67), 149-161. IF=3.651
贾贞健,周伟星,黄洪雁,于文力. 碳氢燃料热裂解与引发裂解换热对比实验. 化工学报. 2014(65), 38-143
Qin Jiang, Zhang Silong, Bao Wen, Jia Zhenjian, Yu Bin, Zhou Weixing. Experimental study on the performance of recooling cycle of hydrocarbon fueled scramjet engine, Fuel, 2013(108), 334-340. (SCI/EI, IF=3.357)
Qin Jiang, Zhang Silong, Bao Wen, Zhou Weixing, Yu Daren. Thermal management method of fule in advanced aeroengines. Energy, 2013(49), 459-468. (SCI/EI, IF=3.651)
于彬,周伟星*,于文力,葛旭梅,于达仁, 鲍文. 燃料裂解特性对供油系统稳定性的影响.推进技术. 2013(34), 1702-1707
Jiang Qin, Wen Bao*, Weixing Zhou. Comparison analysis between Expander Cycle and Re-Cooled Cycle for a scramjet, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2012(25), 347-355.
Jiang Qin, Wen Bao*, Weixing Zhou. Heat transfer and flow characteristics comparison between regenerative cooling and recooling cycle for scramjet, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2012(26), 612-618
Jiang Qin, Wen Bao*, Silong Zhang, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Off-design Condition Cooling Capacity Analysis of Recooling Cycle for a Scramjet, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2012(28), 1285-1292. (SCI/EI, IF=0.717)
Jiang Qin, Silong Zhang, Wen Bao, L. Zhang, Weixing Zhou. Effect of recooling cycle on performance of hydrogen fueled scramjet. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012(37), 18528-18536
Wen Bao*, Xianling Li, Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou, Yu Daren. Efficient utilization of heat sink of hydrocarbon fuel for regeneratively cooled scramjet, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012(33-34), 208-218. (SCI/EI, IF=2.127)
Zhou Weixing, Jia Zhenjian, Bao Wen, Yu Bin. Effects of Pressure on Heat Sink of n-Decane. AIAA 2012, 4160.
鲍文*,李献领,徐志强,周伟星. 超临界碳氢燃料流动换热的仿真研究,热能动力工程,2012(01), 107-111
Yanjuan Duan, Weixing Zhou, Jiang Qin, Wen Bao*, and Daren Yu. Structural Design for Adaptive Heat Transfer Enhancement, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2011(18), 71-80
Wen Bao*, Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou. Heat transfer characteristic modelling and the effect of operating conditions on re-cooled cycle for a scramjet, Aeronautical Journal, 2011(115), 83-90
Wen Bao, Jiang Qin*, Weixing Zhou, Duo Zhang, Daren Yu. Power generation and heat sink improvement characteristics of recooling cycle for thermal cracked hydrocarbon fueled scramjet, Science China-Technological Sciences, 2011(54), 955-963
Weixing Zhou*, Wen Bao, Jiang Qin, Yunfeng Qu. Deterioration in Heat Transfer of Endothermal Hydrocarbon Fuel, Journal of Thermal Science, 2011(20), 173-180
Wen Bao*, XianLling Li, Jang Qin, Weixing Zhou. Modelling and simulation methodology of channel cooling using hydrocarbon fuel as coolant under supercritical pressures, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2011(225), 969-984
鲍文*, 李献领, 秦江, 周伟星, 于达仁. 碳氢燃料流动换热与裂解反应的建模及仿真,工程热物理学报. 2011(10), 1765-1771
鲍文; 周伟星; 周有新; 于达仁. 超燃冲压发动机再生冷却结构的强化换热优化研究, 宇航学报, 2008(01), 246-251
Jiang Qin, Wen Bao, Weixing Zhou, Yu Daren. Thermal Management System Performance Analysis of Hypersonic Vehicle Based on Closed Brayton Cycle. AIAA. 2008, 5178.
2)《I.J. Hydrogen Energy》,《Energy & Fuels》,《Applied Energy》,《TCA》,《Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science》,《Fuel》,《ATE》,《推进技术》,《燃烧科学与技术》等期刊审稿人