工作经历2019. 07 - 至今 哈尔滨工业大学经济与管理学院 副教授2015.08 - 2019. 06 江西财经大学 助理教授教育经历 2010. 10 - 2015. 03 日本东北大学 (Tohoku University) 社会经济信息科学 博士研究生科研项目环鄱阳湖城市群发展机理与调控机制研究:基于NEG和SCGE的理论模型与政策评估研究领域
Hangtian Xu, Yiming Zhou* (2020) Inter-industry trade and heterogeneous firms: Country size matters. Japanese Economic Review, forthcoming. (SSCI) linkZhou, Yiming (2020) Urban agglomeration and heterogeneous firms: a synthesis of Helpman and Melitz. Journal of Economics 130: 275-296. (SSCI) PDF.pdf linkHangtian Xu, Yiming Zhou* (2019) Public Housing Provision and Housing Vacancies in Japan. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 53. (SSCI) linkZhou, Yiming (2019) Market size and wages. Economics Letters 174: 153-156. (SSCI) linkZhou, Yiming (2019) Spatial inequality and urban costs: Revisiting the home market effect. Journal of Regional Science 59: 302-321. (SSCI) linkZhou, Yiming (2018) Heterogeneous firms, urban costs and agglomeration. International Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming. (SSCI) linkZhou, Yiming (2017) Urban wage inequality and economic agglomeration. The Annals of Regional Science 59: 475-494. (SSCI) link Zhou, Yiming, D.-Z. Zeng (2015) Offshoring, globalization, and welfare. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 31: 75-93. (SSCI) linkMISCHanming Jiang, Yiming Zhou, Hangtian Xu (2020) Incomplete contract and allocation of residual claim along the global value chain: Evidence from Japan. Applied Economics Letters, 27(13): 1061-66. (SSCI) LinkZhou, Yiming (2019) Home market effect, land rent, and welfare. Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 3(2): 561-580. (Scopus) Link\ 相关热点