2023-05-10 20:02
  • 叶枫
  • 叶枫 - 教授-哈尔滨工业大学-材料科学与工程学院-个人资料




1985-1989年:毕业于哈尔滨工业大学热处理专业 获工学学士学位
1989-1992年:毕业于哈尔滨工业大学材料学科 获工学硕士学位
1992-1995年:毕业于哈尔滨工业大学材料学科 获工学博士学位
1995.4-1997.3 西北工业大学材料科学与工程学院博士后流动站 博士后、副教授
1997.3-1999.9 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院 副教授
1999.9-2001.8 德国卡尔斯鲁大学 洪堡(AVH)学者
2001.8-2002.3 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院 教授
2002.3-2004.3 日本产业技术综合研究所 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)访问科学家
2004.3- 目前 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院 博士生导师


Haixia Yang, et al. A novel silica aerogel/porous Si3N4 composite prepared by freeze casting and sol-gel impregnation with high-performance thermal insulation and wave-transparent. Materials Letters 138(2015):135-138.
Haixia Yang, et al. Microstructure and properties of the Si3N4/silica aerogel composites fabricated by the sol-gel method via ambient pressure drying. Materials & Design 85(2015):438-443.
Shaojie Lin, et al. Fabrication and properties of porous boron nitride/silicon oxynitride ceramic composites via gas pressure sintering.Materials & Design 87(2015):272-277.
Shaojie Lin, et al. Mechanical, dielectric properties and thermal shock resistance of porous silicon oxynitride ceramics by gas pressure sintering.Materials Science & Engineering A 635(2015):1-5.
Biao Zhang, et al. High-k and ultra-low-loss BADCy/Ni0.5Ti0.5NbO4 composites for PCB application fabricated by cold isostatic pressing and vacuum assisted infiltration processes. Journal of Materials Science Materials in Electronics 26.10(2015):7823-7828.
Biao Zhang, et al. Dielectric Properties of BADCy/Ni0.5Ti0.5NbO4 Composites with Novel Structure Fabricated by Freeze Casting Combined with Vacuum Assisted Infiltration Process. Composites Science & Technology 119(2015):75-84.
Biao Zhang, et al. Fabrication and Properties of BADCy /Ni0.5Ti0.5NbO4/ZnNb2O6 Composites for Dielectric Device Application. Journal of Alloys & Compounds 658(2015):476-482.
Shichao Liu, et al. Feasibility of preparing of silicon nitride ceramics components by aqueous tape casting in combination with laminated object manufacturing. Materials & Design 66(2015):331-335.
Feng Ye, et al. A route to increase fracture toughness of layered Si3N4/SiC composite using interlocked interfaces. Ceramics International 41.8(2015):10331–10335.
Shichao Liu, et al. A new way of fabricating Si3N4 ceramics by aqueous tape casting and gas pressure sintering. Journal of Alloys & Compounds 647(2015):686-692.
Shichao Liu, et al. Preparation of Aluminum Nitride Ceramics by Aqueous Tape Casting. Materials & Manufacturing Processes 30.5(2015):605-610(6).
Shichao Liu, et al. Fabrication and properties of SiC/Si3N4 multilayer composites with different layer thickness ratios by aqueous tape casting.Ceramics International 41.10(2015):12917-12922.
Shichao Liu, et al. Production of Si3N4/Glass Composites for LTCC Substrate by Aqueous Tape Casting Process. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 13.1(2015):61-68.
Lianbing Zhong, et al. Transient liquid phase sintering of tantalum carbide ceramics by using silicon as the sintering aid and its effects on microstructure and mechanical properties. Materials Chemistry & Physics 149-150.5(2015):505-511.
Q. Liu, F Ye, Y Gao, S. C. Liu, H. X. Yang, Zhou, Z. Q. Zhou, Fabrication of a new SiC/2024Al co-continuous composite with lamellar microstructure and high mechanical properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 585 : 146-153, 2014
Q. Liu, F Ye, Y Gao, S. C. Liu, H. X. Yang, Z. Q. Zhou, Development of elongated 6H-SiC grains in reaction-bonded porous SiC ceramics, Scripta Materialia, 71: 13-16, 2014
Z. Q. Zhou, L. Guo, H. X. Yang, Q. Liu, F. Ye, Hydrothermal synthesis and magnetic properties of multiferroic rare-earth orthoferrites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 583: 21-31, 2014
Q. Liu, F. Ye, Z. P. Hou, S. C. Liu, Y Gao, H. J. Zhang, A new approach for the net-shape fabrication of porous Si3N4 bonded SiC ceramics with high strength, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 33(13-14): 2421-2427, 2013
J. M. Ma, F Ye, Z. Hua, Microstructure and mechanical properties of BAS/SiC composites sintered by spark plasma sintering, Materials Characterization , 84: 100-104, 2013
C. F. Liu, F. Ye, R. S. Xia, L. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Y. D. Huang, Influence of Composition on Self-toughening and Oxidation Properties of Y-alpha-Sialons, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 29(10): 983-988, 2013.
中国硅酸盐盐学会测试技术分会 理事
兵器工程学会无机材料专业委员会 委员
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国家自然科学基金、国家高技术 863 专题项目通讯评审专家
国家优秀博士论文通信评审专家 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology 编委
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Eng. A 等)特约审稿人和国内期刊(《高校化学学报》、《无机材料学报》等)审稿人。

