2023-05-10 20:02
  • 叶强
  • 叶强 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-经济与管理学院-个人资料




近年来先后在ISR、POM、JMIS、TM及IJHM等管理学主流学术期刊及国际学术会议发表五十余篇学术论文。2008 年获亚太信息系统学术会议(PACIS)最优论文奖,2012年获得国家杰出青年科学基金,2016年入选教育部长江学者特聘教授。2017年获“中国信息经济学乌家培奖”。先后入选2015-2019年爱思唯尔 (Elsevier)中国高被引学者。
教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划, 2008年
第12届亚太管理信息系统国际学术会议(PACIS)大会最优论文奖:Q.YE, Q. HU, Y. LI.(2008) How Organizational Culture Shape Competitive Strategies: A Comparative Case Study of Two E-Commerce Firms in China., July, 2008
梁 赛 南开大学 助理教授
方 斌 厦门大学管理学院 助理教授
徐 敏 西南财经大学 助理教授
王朝友 东北财经大学 助理教授
陈 伟 亚利桑那大学Eller商学院 助理教授 (美国)
吴葳芳 哥本哈根商学院 助理教授 (丹麦)
李露丝 加利福尼亚州立大学洛杉矶分校商学院 助理教授(美国)
陈立巍 辛辛那提大学商学院 助理教授 (美国)
王晓琳 上海海事大学管理学院 教授(上海)
王墨涵 苏州大学商学院 讲师
李慧颖 厦门大学管理学院 助理教授
李 彤 卡内基梅隆大学商学院 博士研究生(美国)
元文娟 Temple大学管理学院 博士研究生(美国)
黄 菲 Temple 大学 计算机学院 博士研究生(美国)
景华仪 国立新加坡大学 博士研究生(新加坡)
林 斌 上海大学悉尼工商管理学院讲师(上海)
王 菲 卡内基梅隆大学 硕士研究生
郭 雷 蚂蚁金服(上海)
凌翰文 字节跳动(北京)
陈 敏 腾讯公司(深圳)
曹 彬 SAP 公司(上海)
李长江 中科院中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)(北京)
于 东 华为公司(深圳)
肖 磊 哈尔滨工业大学人事处(哈尔滨)
郑文英 支付宝公司(杭州)
张紫琼 哈尔滨工业大学管理学院,讲师 (哈尔滨)
[4]2010-2012年,国家自然科学基金: 在线UGC的管理分析及其对电子商务的影响研究(课题编号:70971033)
The Impact of User Generated Content on Traveler Behavior, (博士研究生:李慧颖;合作指导教授:Rob Law)
新兴电子商务重大基础问题及关键技术研究 (课题编号: 70890082) ,子课题负责人
互联网用户评论信息情感分析理论与方法研究(课题编号: NCET-08-0172),负责人
Evaluation of Tourism Websites: A Genetic Algorithm-Based Group Decision Making Approach (合作研究者Rob Law, Xiao Qu)
Sentiment Classification of Online Reviews for Travel Destinations,(合作研究者Rob Law)
[12]2006年-2008年 国家自然科学基金项目:
[13]2006年-2007年,Center for International Business Education and Research at McCombs School of Business UT Austin:
Trust in Online Consumer-to-Consumer Markets: A Comparative Study of Institution-based Trust and Interpersonal Trust in the US versus China. (合作研究者Bin Gu, Kevin Zhu)




Chen, W., Gu, B., Ye, Q*., and Zhu, K. X. (2019). Measuring and Managing the Externality of Managerial Responses to Online Customer Reviews. Information Systems Research
Bin Fang, Qiang Ye, Deniz Kucukusta*, Rob Law. Analysis of the perceived value of online tourism reviews: Influence of readability and reviewer characteristics. Tourism Management 52 (2016) 498-506
Kou Y, Ye Q, Zhao F, Wang X*. Effects of investor attention on commodity futures markets. Finance Research Letters, 2018.
Xiaolin Wang, Qiang Ye*, Feng Zhao, Yi Kou. Investor sentiment and the Chinese index futures market: Evidence from the internet search. Journal of Futures Markets, 38(2) · November 2017
Liu Xianwei, Ye Qiang*, The different impacts of news-driven and self-initiated search volume on stock prices, Information & Management. (2016)
Xiaolin Wang*, Qiang YE, Feng Zhao. Trading activity and price behavior in Chinese agricultural futures markets. Finance Research Letters.2016(18):52–59
Bin Gu, Qiang YE*. Firm’s First-Step in Online Social Media – Measuring the Influence of Online Management Response on Customer Satisfaction. Production and Operation Management, 2014
Qaing Ye*, Tong Li and Rob Law. A Co-Authorship Network Analysis of Tourism and Hospitality Research Collaboration. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 2011 (Acceptance, DOI: 10.1177/1096348011425500) (SSCI)
Qiang Ye*, Guoxin Li and Bin Gu. A Cross-cultural Validation of the Web-usage-related Lifestyle Scale: Evidences from China. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,2011, 10(3): 304-312 (SSCI)
Qiang Ye*, Rob Law, Shi Li, and Yijun Li. (2011) Feature extraction of travel destinations from online Chinese-language customer reviews.International Journal of Services Technology and Management, 2011 - Vol. 15, No.1/2 pp. 106 - 118
Yijun Li, Qiang Ye*, Ziqoing Zhang and Tienan Wang (2011). Snippet Based Unsupervised Approach for Sentiment Classification of Chinese Online Reviews. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making. Vol. 10, No. 6 (2011): 1097-1110 (SCI)
Melody Kiang, Qiang Ye, Yuanyuan Hao, Minder Chen and Yijun Li (2011). A Service-Oriented Analysis of Online Product Classification Methods. Decision Support Systems, 2011,52(1): 28–39 (SSCI/SCI)
Ziqiong Zhang, Qiang Ye, Zili Zhang and Yijun Li. Sentiment classification of Internet restaurant reviews written in Cantonese. Expert Systems with Applications. Volume 38, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 7674-7682 (SCI)
Ziqiong Zhang, Qiang Ye and Rob Law. Determinants of hotel room price: an exploration of travelers’ hierarchy of accommodation needs.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2011 23(7): 972 - 981 (SSCI)
Qiang Ye*, Rob Law, Bin Gu and Wei Chen. (2011) The Influence of User Generated Content on Traveler Behavior: An Empirical Investigation on the Effects of e-Word-of-Mouth to Hotel Online Bookings. Computers in Human Behavior, 2011, 27(2), Pages: 634-639 (SSCI, IF: 1.767)
Ziqiong Zhang, Qiang Ye*, Rob Law and Yijun Li(2010). The Impact of E-Word-of-Mouth on the Online Popularity of Restaurants: A Comparison of Consumer Reviews and Editor Reviews. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 29(4):694-700 (A+ Journal in Hospitality, SSCI) (* Corresponding author: Qiang YE)
Qiang Ye*, Rob Law and Bin Gu. (2009)The Impact of Online User Reviews on Hotel Room Sales, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2009,28(1) : 180-182 (A+ Journal in Hospitality Management) (SSCI, IF1.382)
Qiang Ye*, Yijun Li, Melody Kiang and Weifang Wu. The Impact of Seller Reputation on the Performance of Online Sales: Evidence from TaoBao Buy-It-Now (BIN) data. Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 2009, 40(1) :12-19 (SSCI)
Qiang Ye*, Ziqiong Zhang, and Rob Law (2009). Sentiment Classification of Online Reviews to Travel Destinations by Supervised Machine Learning Approaches. Expert Systems with Applications, 2009, 36 (3) 6527-6535(SCI)
Rob Law, Qiang Ye, Wei Chen and Rosanna Leung. (2009) An Analysis of the most influential articles published in tourism journals from 2000 to 2007: A Google Scholar approach. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 26(7):735–746, (A journal in Tourism Management) (SSCI, IF 0.835)
Ziqiong Zhang, Qiang Ye, Yijun Li and Rob Law (2009). Sentiment classification of online Cantonese reviews by supervised machine learning approaches. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, 2009,5(4) :382-397
叶强,方安儒,鲁奇,李一军. 组织因素对ERP使用绩效的影响机制:基于中国数据的实证研究.管理科学学报, 2010, 13(11):77-85
郝媛媛、叶强、李一军.基于影评数据的在线评论有用性影响因素研究.管理科学学报,2010(13)8 :78-96
张紫琼,叶强,李一军. 互联网商品评论情感分析研究综述。管理科学学报., 2010 (13)6: 84-96
叶强, 卢涛, 李一军等. 客户关系管理中基于云模型的动态客户细分方法研究. 管理科学学报,2006,.9 (2) : 44-52
邹鹏,李一军,叶强. 基于数据挖掘的客户利润贡献度评价方法研究. 管理科学学报,2004, 7(1)
李实、叶强、李一军、Rob Law. 中文网络客户评论的产品特征挖掘方法研究.管理科学学报,2009 ,12(2): 142-152
祝效国,叶强,李一军.企业技术创新的采纳、扩散与内化机制研究综述. 信息系统学报,2009,3(2)
叶强,张紫琼,罗振雄. 面向互联网评论情感分析的中文主观性自动判别方法研究. 信息系统学报. 2007, 1(1): 79~ 81
[1]Yuanyuan Hao, Qiang Ye, Yijun Li and June Cheng.
How does the Valence of Online Consumer Reviews Matter in Consumer Decision Making? The Differences between Search and Experience Products. Jan, 2010, Hawaii (HICSS 2010)
[2]Qiang Ye, Bin Gu, Wei Chen and Rob Law. Measuring the Value of Managerial Responses to Online Reviews – A Natural Experiment of Two Online Travel Agencies, International Conference on Information Systems, 2008, Dec (ICIS2008), Paris(管理信息系统领域有影响的国际会议)
[3]Qiang Ye, Qing Hu, Yijun Li. How Organizational Culture Shape Competitive Strategies: A Comparative Case Study of Two E-Commerce Firms in China. Proceeding of 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2008), July, 2008, Suzhou, China (W. Huang & H. Teo), pp:381-394 (获PACIS2008年度唯一最优论文奖)
[4]Qiang Ye, Wen Shi, Yijun Li.
Sentiment Classification for Movie Reviews in Chinese by Improved Semantic Oriented Approach. HICSS-39 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2006 Jan
[5]Qiang Ye, Yun Huang, Andrew Whinston. Reputation-Based anti-Spamming. Proceeding of first annual Workshop on Information Security and Assurance (WISA2006), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Dec. 2006
[6]Qiang Ye, Tao Lu, Yijun Li.
Neural Network with Forgetting: An ANN Algorithm for Customer Segmentation using Forgetting Weights.Proceedings of 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Science HICSS-38 , Jan, 2005
【Working Paper】
1. The Effects of a Platform-Initiated Reviewer Incentive Program on Regular Review Generation, Information Systems Research, Under Review.2019
2. Smart Users: Effort Management in Earning Rewards, Management Science, Under Review.2020
3. You Jump I Jump: Reward Threshold and Rating Bias, Information Systems Research, Under Review.2020
国务院学位委员会学科评议组 成员
教育部管理科学与工程类教学指导委员会 委员
中国管理科学与工程学会副理事长; 大数据与商务分析研究会 理事长
中国信息经济学会副理事长; 互联网金融专业委员会 主任委员
国际信息系统学会中国分会(CNAIS) 副理事长
中国系统工程学会 常务理事
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research(JECR) 高级主编(Senior Editor)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA) 领域主编 (Area Editor)
International Conference on Information systems (ICIS, 2011, 2012) 副主编(Associate Editor)
管理科学学报, 管理科学, MISQ, Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Journal of AIS, Tourism Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Annals of Tourism Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems等。

