于继寿,男,汉族,1963年生;哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院道路材料工程系。先后承担或参加国家自然科学基金重点项目2项、国家西部建设重点项目2项、以及多项省部级重点项目。 获得国家公路科技进步二等奖1项,省公路科技进步1等奖一项,省科委和省教委科技进步3等奖2项。工作经历1984.07~1993.03哈尔滨建筑工程学院 助教、讲师 实验室主任1993.03~2000.06哈尔滨建筑大学 讲师、副教授 教研室副主任兼实验室主任2006.06~2009.01哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院 副教授、硕导 教研室副主任2009.01~哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院道路材料工程系 副教授、硕导科研项目水泥混凝土抗冻融耐久性能研究盐类外加剂对混凝土孔结构与抗冻性影响的研究盐类外加剂对混凝土早期收缩与开裂影响机理的研究基于国防地下工程设施高抗渗阻裂混凝土及显微结构研究复合型混凝土防渗漏剂奖项成果复合型混凝土防渗漏剂水泥混凝土抗冻融耐久性能研究水泥混凝土抗冻融耐久性能研究讲授课程1 硕士生课程现代混凝土技术2 本科生课程土木工程材料招生信息硕士招生:每年招收硕士研究生教学成果教学成果1995年10月 “建筑材料”课程评为哈尔滨建筑大学优秀课程1998年04月 “建筑材料”课程评为建设部一类优秀课程2004年09月 “土木工程材料”课程评为哈尔滨工业大学优秀课程2010年04月 “土木工程材料”课程评为黑龙江省精品课程2011年06月 黑龙江省高等教育学会优秀高等教育科研成果二等奖(教材类)2011年07月 哈尔滨工业大学教学成果二等奖Work Experience2009.1~present Department of Road Materials and Engineering, School of Transportation Science and Engineering, Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor2006.6~2009.1 Department of Building Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Associate Professor, Graduate Advisor2000.6~2006.6 Department of Building Materials, Harbin Architecture University, Department chairman, Associate Professor1993.3~2000.6 Department of Building Materials, Harbin Architecture University, Department chairman, Assistant Professor1984.9~1993.3 Department of Building Materials, School of Harbin Architecture Engineering, Assistant Professor, Lab. ChiefCoursesBuilding Materials ⅠThis course is a compulsory course and technical foundation course for the students in road and bridge engineering major and traffic engineering major. The students would learn the following knowledge and abilities: basic properties of building materials, stone, cement and cement concrete, building steel and engineering polymer. By studying this course, the students would know the composition, property, application and testing methods about building materials. The students would know the relationship between composition and properties of building materials. The students also would know how to improve the performances of building materials. After this course, the students must know how to design and work on building materials.Technology of Modern ConcreteNew technology, new craft and new equipments of modern cement concrete are introduced in this course, and the main contents of this course include the design principle and application characteristic of high-strength concrete, high performance concrete, mass concrete, concrete in winter construction, pavement concrete, steel fiber reinforced concrete, non dispersible underwater concrete,expansive concrete,Pumping concrete and Self-compacting concrete . This course can help students to develop the knowledge system of cement concrete.Honors and AwardsOct. 1995 \研究领域
高性能水泥混凝土:高抗渗防水低缩混凝土、活性粉末混凝土、寒区高抗冻混凝土及高耐腐蚀混凝土、高性能快速修补混凝土及砂浆;混凝土外加剂:高性能混凝土防水阻裂剂、混凝土表面处理剂、高效混凝土防冻剂及道路基层处理剂;道路及基层材料:低粘度高耐久路面混凝土、高耐久防水道路基层材料;绿色环保材料:再生骨料混凝土、工业废料综合利用。"High performance concretewaterproof concrete with high impermeability and low shrinkage 相关热点