2023-05-10 19:59
  • 吴士平
  • 吴士平 - 教授-哈尔滨工业大学-材料科学与工程学院-个人资料




1983,09 - 1987,09 天津轻工业机械厂 助工
1990,02 - 1991,02 哈尔滨科学技术大学 助教
1991,02 - 1997,09 哈尔滨科学技术大学 讲师
1997,09 - 2003,04 哈尔滨理工大学 副教授
2003,04 - 2008,09 哈尔滨工业大学 副教授
2008,09 - 至今 哈尔滨工业大学 教授
2009,04 - 至今 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师
1979,09 - 1983,07 哈尔滨科学技术大学铸造专业 获学士学位
1987,09 - 1990,02 哈尔滨科学技术大学铸造专业 获硕士学位
1993,09 - 1998,12 华中理工大学铸造专业 获博士学位
2000,05 - 2003,04 哈尔滨工业大学 博士后
2001,05 - 2002,03 日本新澙工科大学 访问学者


1. Shiping Wu,Jingjie Guo,Yanqing Su,Jun Jia, Numerical Simulation of Melt Mold Filling during Centrifugal Casting of TiAl Alloy Exhaust Valve [J]. International Journal of Cast Materials Research,2002,15(3),137~141
2. Wu Shiping , Guo Jingjie, Jia Jun. Numerical simulation of off-centered porosity formation of TiAl-base alloy exhaust valve during vertical centrifugal casting. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering[J], 2003,11(4):599~608
3. Shiping Wu, Bangsheng Li, Jingjie Guo, Chengjun Zhang, Hengzhi Fu. Numerical Simulation for Mold-Filling of Thin-Walled Aluminum Alloy Casting in Traveling Magnetic Field. China Foundry,2004,1(2):89~93
4. Wu Shi-ping, Liu Dong-rong, Guo jing-jie, Fu Heng-zhi. Modeling of solidification grain structure for Ti-45%Al alloy ingot by cellular automaton. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2005,15(2):291~295
5. Wu Shi-ping, Liu Dong-rong, Guo Jing-jie, Fu Heng-zhi. Effect of process variables on grain growth in simulating solidification microstructure of Ti-45%Al alloy ingot by stochastic model. Trans. Nonferrous Met.,China, 2005,15(5):1096~1102
6. WU Shiping, LI Changyun , GUO Jingjie, SU Yanqing,LEI Xiuqiao,FU Hengzhi. Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of two filling methods in vertical centrifugal casting. Trans. Nonferrous Met.,China, 2006,16(5) :1035~1040
7. Wu Shiping, Liu Dongrong,Guo Jingjie, Li Changyun,Su Yanqing, Fu Hengzhi.Numerical Simulaton of microstrcture evolution of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in Vitical centrifugal casting. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006,426:240~249
8. Wu Shi-ping, Liu Dong-rong, Guo Jing-jie, Fu Heng-zhi. Influence of process parameters on CET in Ti-Al alloy ingot with consideration of shrinkage cavity formation: A computer simulation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds.2007, 441:267~277
9. Wu Shi-ping, Liu Dong-rong, Guo Jing-jie, Fu Heng-zhi, Modeling of microstructure formation of Ti–6Al–4V alloy in a cold crucible under electromagnetic field. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2008,456 :85~95
10. HuijunKang, ShipingWu , XinzhongLi, JingjieGuo, YeWang. Improvement of microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-8Gd-3Y by adding Mg3Zn6Y icosahedral phase alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011, 528: 5585-5590
11.Wu Shiping, Xu, Qin Zhang Jun, Nan Hai. Xue Xiang, Guo Jingjie .Solidified Structure of Thin-walled Titanium partical by Vertical Centrifugal Casting. China Foundry. 2011,8(2):218-222
12.Shiping Wu, Qin Xu, Xiang Xue. The Solidification Structure and Macrosegregation of Wedge-shaped Titanium Castings Produced by Vertical Centrifugal Casting Process. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,317-319:456-459
13.吴士平,郭景杰,张军,傅恒志. 钛合金铸件精密成形理论与技术研究进展.中国材料进展,2011,30(7):16-23
14. Wu Shiping, Kang Huijun, Guo Jingjie, Microstructure and interface of Mg3Zn6Y quasicrystal particulate reinforced Mg-8Gd-3Y alloy. Materials Science Forum,2010,654-656:2704-2707
15.吴士平,潘虹, 王晔, 陈立亮 .适体坐标下二维差分网格自动剖分的研究. 特种铸造及有色合金, 2011,31(1):25-27
16. 吴士平,王晔,吴光然,张建兵,肖文峰. ZL205A合金壳体铸件低压铸造工艺研究.特种铸造及有色合金,2012,32(9):811-813
17. Wu S, Xu Q, Xue X, et al. Study of Casting Complex Degree Based on Fuzzy Synthetic Assessment[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series), 2012,19(4):9-12.
18. Wu S, Xu Q, Xue X, et al. A Numerical Model for Evaluating the Casting Complex Degree[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012,184-185:28-32
19. Xu Q, Wu S, Xue X. Macrosegregation in vertical centrifugal thin-walled and complex TC4 castings[J]. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 2013,33(4):.367-372
20. Xu Q,Wu S, Xue X. Mold Filling Behavior of Titanium Melt in Thin-walled and Complicated Cavities under Hypergravity Field[J]. Engineering Review, 2013. 33(1):57-63

