2023-05-10 19:59
  • 吴健
  • 吴健 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-能源科学与工程学院-个人资料




吴健,1985年生于江西;哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院,副院长;入选哈工大“青年拔尖人才选聘计划”(2016),国家海外高层次人才引进计划(2018),黑龙江省“空天动力与能源”头雁团队骨干成员(2019);已发表SCI论文60余篇(19 篇发表在JFM、PoF、PRE、PRF上 ),国内重要期刊论文3篇;担任中国力学会流体力学专委会电磁流体力学专业组副组长,全国工程专业学位研究生教育指导委员会(工程教指委)专家。
2020.06 - 现 在 , 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院,副院长 (研究生培养、学科建设、博士后)
2017.12 - 现 在 , 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院,教授,博士生导师
2017.4 - 2017.12 , 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院,特任研究员,博士生导师
2015.6 - 2016.6, GeoRessources Lab, CNRS-Université de Lorraine(France), 研究工程师
2014.11 - 2014.12, University of Seville (Spain),访问学者
2012.10 - 2014.9, Institute Pprime, CNRS-Université de Poitiers (France), 研究工程师
2008.10 - 2012.9 法国普瓦提埃大学-CNRS 流体力学 博 士
2006.9 - 2008.7 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院 制冷与低温工程 工学硕士
2002.9 - 2006.7 哈尔滨工业大学能源学院 热能动力工程、工商管理 工学和管理学双学士
2019.09 黑龙江省“空天动力与能源创新研究团队”头雁团队骨干成员
2018.02 国家青年海外高层次人才引进计划
2016.12 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才选聘计划
2012.10 法国杰出实验室计划(Labex)博士后研究员
2020, 哈尔滨工业大学先进个人
2019, 哈尔滨工业大学优秀思想政治工作者


CFD 工程应用


孙志浩, 杨鹏飞, 吾世昆·阿吾孜汗, 罗康, 吴健*, 电场作用多线-方腔结构内有机相变材料熔化特性研究, 工程热物理学报,Accepted.
孙德鑫, 孙志浩, 宋志伟, 罗康,易红亮,吴健*,2020,介电液体电羽流流动特性实验研究,《中国科学:技术科学》, Vol. 50(7), 983-996 (“纪念哈工大建校100周年”专辑)
吴健,张蒙齐,田方宝*,2018,三维方腔介电液体电对流的数值模拟研究,《力学学报》,Vol. 50 Issue (6): 1458-1469 (“纪念郭永怀牺牲50周年”专刊邀请论文)
Junyu Huang, Qi Wang, Yifei Guan, Zhonglin Du, Ramachandran Selvakumar, Jian Wu*, Numerical investigation of instability and transition to chaos in electro-convection of a dielectric liquid lying between concentric cylinders, Physics of Fluids, Accepted
Baojie Zhu, Yifei Guan*, Jian Wu*, Two-relaxation time lattice Boltzmann models for the ion transport equation in electrohydrodynamic flow: D2Q5 vs D2Q9 and D3Q7 vs D3Q27, Physics of Fluids, Accepted
Yifei Guan*, Tianhang Yang, Jian Wu, Mixing and transport enhancement in microchannels by electrokinetic flows with charged surface heterogeneity, Physics of Fluids, Accepted
Zhihao Sun, Pengfei Yang, Kang Luo, Jian Wu*, 2021, Experimental investigation on the melting characteristics of n-octadecane with electric field inside a cavity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 173, 121238
R. Deepak Selvakumara, Jian Wu*, Junyu Huang, P Traore, 2021, Numerical analysis of electro-thermo-convection in cross-flow configuration inside a differentially heated square cavity under arbitrary unipolar injection, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, .Volume 89, 108787
R. Deepak Selvakumar, Liu Qiang, Kang Luo, Phillipe Traore and Jian Wu*, 2021, Effects of electrohydrodynamic flow induced by uni-polar charge injection on melting of a pure dielectric phase change material, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 136, 103550.
Qi Wang, Junyu Huang, Yifei Guan, and Jian Wu*, 2021, Numerical Analysis of Electrohydrodynamic flows of a dielectric liquid in a wire-plate configuration with cross Poiseuille flow, Physics of Fluids, 33, 014107.( Featured article).
Yifei Guan, Xuerao He, Qi Wang, Zhiwei Song, Mengqi Zhang, and Jian Wu*, Numerical Analysis of Electro-Thermo-Hydrodynamic Stability in a dielectric liquid layer subjected to an electric field and a stabilizing thermal gradient, Physical Review Fluids, Accepted.
Vahid Tamimi, Jian Wu*, S.T.O. Naeeni, S. Shahvaghar-Asl, 2021, Effects of Dissimilar Wakes on the FIV Energy Harvesting Performance of Circular Oscillators, Applied Energy, vol. 281, 116092
Kang Luo, Jian Wu, Hong-Liang Yi*, He-Ping Tan, 2020, Numerical prediction of two-phase electrohydrodynamic flows in the presence of surface charge convection, Physics of Fluids, 32, 123606.
Zhihao Sun, Dexin Sun, Jinxin Hu, Philippe Traore, Hong-Liang Yi, Jian Wu*, 2020, Experimental study on electrohydrodynamic flows of a dielectric liquid in a needle-plate configuration under direct/alternating current electric field, Journal of Electrostatics, 106: 103454.
Junyu Huang, R. Deepak Selvakumar, Yifei Guan, Hanqing Li, Philippe Traoré, Jian Wu*, 2020, Numerical investigation of injection-induced electro-convection in a dielectric liquid between two eccentric cylinders. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 83: 108594.
Adeel Muhammad, R. Deepak Selvakumara, Jian Wu*, 2020, Numerical investigation of laminar flow and heat transfer in a liquid metal cooled mini-channel heat sink, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 150, 119265.
Kang Luo, Jian Wu, Alberto T. Pérez, Hong-liang Yi*, and He-ping Tan, 2019, Stability analysis of electro-convection with a solid-liquid interface via lattice Boltzmann method. Physical Review Fluids, 4, 083702.
R. Deepak Selvakumara and Jian Wu*, 2019, A comprehensive model for effective density of nanofluids based on particle clustering and interfacial layer formation, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 292, 111415
Kang Luo, Alberto T. Pérez, Jian Wu, Hong-liang Yi*, and He-ping Tan, 2019, An efficient lattice Boltzmann method for electrohydrodynamic solid-liquid phase change heat transfer. Physical Review E, 100, 013306.
Fang Li, Bofu Wang, Zhenhua Wan, Jian Wu, and Mengqi Zhang*, 2019,Absolute and convective instabilities in electrohydrodynamic flow subjected to a Poiseuille flow: a linear analysis,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 862, 816–844.
Kang Luo, Tian-fu Li, Jian Wu, Hong-liang Yi*, He-ping Tan, 2018,Mesoscopic simulation of electrohydrodynamic effects on laminar natural convection of a dielectric liquid in a cubic cavity, Physics of Fluids, 30, 103601.
Kang Luo#, Jian Wu#, Hong-liang Yi*, He-Ping Tan, 2018, Three-dimensional finite amplitude electroconvection in dielectric liquids. Physics of Fluids, 30 (2), 023602. (Cover and featured article, reported by Scilight: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/1.5025174)
P. A. Vazquez*, A. T. Perez, P. Traore, Jian Wu*, 2018, Electroconvection in a dielectric liquid between two concentric half-cylinders with rigid walls: linear and nonlinear stability analysis of, Physical Review E, 97 (2), 023106. (Featured by PRE Kaleidoscope)
Kang Luo, Jian Wu, Hong-liang Yi* , Lin-Hua Liu, He-Ping Tan, 2018, Hexagonal convection patterns and their evolutionary scenarios in electroconvection induced by a strong unipolar injection, Physical Review Fluids, 3 (5), 053702.
Kang Luo, Hong-liang Yi*, He-Ping Tan, Jian Wu*, 2017,A unified lattice Boltzmann method for electric field-space charge coupled problems and its applications with annular electroconvection, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53(4), 3995-4007.
Jian Wu*, P. Traoré, Mengqi Zhang, et al., 2016, Charge injection enhanced natural convection heat transfer in horizontal concentric annuli filled with a dielectric liquid, INT J HEAT MASS TRAN, 92, 139-148.
Kang Luo, Jian Wu, Hong-Liang Yi*, He-Ping Tan, 2016, Lattice Boltzmann model for Coulomb-driven flows in dielectric liquids, Physical Review E, 93, 023309. (Featured by PRE Kaleidoscope)
Jian Wu*, P. Traoré, A. T. Pérez et al., 2015, Numerical analysis of the subcritical feature of electro-thermo-convection in a plane layer of dielectric liquid, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Vol.311-312, 45-57.
Jian Wu*, P. Traoré, 2015, A finite volume method for electro-thermo-convective phenomena in a plane layer of dielectric liquid, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 68, 471-500.
Mengqi Zhang*, F. Martinelli, Jian Wu, P. Schmid, M. Quadrio, 2015, Modal and nonmodal stability analysis of electrohydrodynamic flow with and without cross-flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 770, 319-349.
Jian Wu*, P. Traoré*, A. T. Pérez, P. A. Vázquez, 2015, On two-dimensional finite amplitude electro-convection in a dielectric liquid induced by a strong unipolar injection, Journal of Electrostatics, 74, 85-95.
Jian Wu, P. A. Vázquez, P. Traoré*, A. T. Pérez, 2014, Finite amplitude electroconvection induced by strong unipolar injection between two coaxial cylinders, Physics of Fluids, 26, 124105.
A. T. Pérez*, P. A. Vázquez, Jian Wu, P. Traoré, 2014, Electrohydrodynamic linear stability analysis of dielectric liquids subjected to unipolar injection in a rectangular enclosure with rigid sidewalls, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 758,586-602.
Jian Wu, P. Traoré, P. A. Vázquez, A. T. Pérez*, 2013, The onset of convection in a finite two-dimensional container due to unipolar injection of ions, Physical Review E, 88, 053018.
P. Traoré*, Jian Wu, 2013, On the limitation of Imposed Velocity Field strategy for Coulomb-driven electroconvection flow simulations, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 727, R3. (Rapids)
Jian Wu*, P. Traoré, 2013, Similarity and comparison of three finite volume schemes for diffusion flux computation on non-orthogonal meshes, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 64(2), 118-146.
Jian Wu, P. Traoré*, C. Louste et al., 2013, Direct numerical simulation of electrohydrodynamic plumes by a hyperbolic blade, Journal of Electrostatics, 71(3), 326-331.
Jian Wu, P. Traoré*, C. Louste, 2013, An efficient finite volume method for electric field-space charge coupled problems, Journal of Electrostatics, 71(3), 319-325. (Highly Cited Research in Journal of Electrostatics)

Chao Yuan, Hong-Na Zhang*, Yu-Ke Li, Xiao-Bin Li, Jian Wu, Feng-Chen Li*, 2020, Nonlinear Effect in Viscoelastic Fluid Flows and Its Application in Microfluidics: a Review, Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 234(22): 4390-4414(Invited Review).
Alexis Muhirwa, Wei-Hua Cai*, Wen-Tao Su, Quanzhong Liu*, Maxime Binama, Biao Li, Jian Wu, 2020, A Review on Remedial Attempts to Counteract the Power Generation Compromise 1 from Draft Tubes of Hydropower plants, Renewable Energy,150, 743-764. (Review)
H. B. Deng, Y. Q. Xu, D. D. Chen, H. Dai, Jian Wu, F. B. Tian*, 2013, On numerical modeling of animal swimming and flight, Computational Mechanics, 52, 1221-1241. (Review)
Xiangyu Li*, Jian Wu, H. J. Ding, W.Q. Chen, 2011, 3D analytical solution for a functionally graded transversely isotropic piezoelectric circular plate under tension and bending, International Journal of Engineering Science, 49(7), 664-676.
中国力学学会 (The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), 高级会员,2017年起. 流体力学专委会电磁流体力学专业组副组长(2020.6-现在)
中国物理学会 (Chinese Physical Society), 会员,2017年起.
中国工程热物理学会(Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics),会员,2020年起.
欧洲力学会European Mechanics Society (EUROMECH), 会员, 2012年起;
电气电子工程师学会Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 电绝缘分会(DEIS) 和工业应用分会(IAS), 会员, 2013年起;
国际期刊: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Heat and Mass Transfer, Fluid Dynamics Research, Journal of Electrostatics, PLOS ONE;Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. Journal of Physics Communications. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter; Thermal Science.Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Current Nanoscience, Energy,International Journal of Energy Research, ELECTROPHORESIS, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Science Progress, CFD Letters, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, The European Physical Journal Plus, Physica Scripta………

