2023-05-10 19:58
  • 孙飞
  • 孙飞 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-能源科学与工程学院-个人资料




孙 飞 (1988.06-),男,安徽滁州人,哈工大青年拔尖人才计划入选者(2017,2020),2017年7月博士毕业后加入哈工大能源科学与工程学院。
分别于2010年、2012年及2017年获哈工大工学学士、硕士及博士学位,2013~2015年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)Yunfeng Lu (卢云峰)教授研究组联合培养。致力于碳基功能材料及应用于能量储存、环境治理方面的基础研究及技术开发,重点开展纳米碳自组装可控制备及化学环境调控、煤基碳骨架定向裁剪组装制备功能碳材料、碳基多尺度结构内能质储运强化机制及方法等相关研究。第一作者及共同作者在Nano Letters, Adv. Energy. Mater., ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Appl. Catal. B-Environ., Nano Energy, Mater. Today Energy., Nano Research, JMCA, Carbon, Journal of Power Sources, Combustion and Flame, ES&T, Chemical Engineering Journal, PCCP, Fuel, Energy & Fuels 等学术刊物上发表论文 60 余篇,SCI 引用1100余次,H因子21。相关技术授权及受理国家发明专利15项。主持或作为研究骨干参与国家重点研发计划课题/子课题、国家自然科学基金重点基金项目、面上基金项目、青年基金项目、重大研究计划课题、中国博士后及黑龙江省博士后特别资助项目、中国电机工程学会青年人才托举工程项目、国家重点实验室开放课题面上项目、哈工大青年拔尖人才科研启动课题以及中国新奥集团技术开发项目等近20项科研项目。
2020.05-2020.12:哈工大能源科学与工程学院, 副教授,博士生导师
2017.07-2020.04: 哈工大能源科学与工程学院, 副教授,硕士生导师
2019.08-至今: 哈工大化工与化学学院,化学工程与技术,博士后(合作导师:刘绍琴 教授)
2012.09-2017.07: 哈工大能源科学与工程学院 ,热能工程,博士研究生 (导师:秦裕琨 院士,高继慧 教授)
2013.12-2015.12: 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA) 化工与生物分子工程,联合培养博士(导师:Prof. Yunfeng Lu)
2010.09-2012.07:哈工大能源科学与工程学院 ,热能工程,硕士研究生(导师:高继慧 教授)
2006.09-2010.07:哈工大能源科学与工程学院 ,热能与动力工程,本科(导师:高继慧 教授)
2019年 哈工大金牌硕士论文指导教师(学生:裴桐;题目:高比表面积煤基多孔碳制备及超级电容储能特性研究)
2018年 首届高校创新创业创造精品教育成果二等奖获得者;
2018年 哈工大百篇优秀本科毕业设计指导教师(学生:李隆昕;题目:物理-化学耦合活化制备准东煤基多孔碳及污染物吸附特性);
2018年 哈工大第二十届优秀博士论文获得者;
2017年 哈工大第二届春晖创新成果奖一等奖获得者;
2016年 中国工信部创新创业奖学金一等奖获得者;
2013年 “二十国青年论坛”(G20 Forum)哈工大代表;
2012年 哈工大第五届研究生“十佳英才”;
2012年 中日韩大学生科技创新论坛 哈工大代表;
2012年 中国宝钢优秀学生奖获得者;
2012年 黑龙江省第八届百篇优秀硕士论文获得者;
2012年 哈尔滨工业大学金牌硕士获得者;
2011年 中国航天科技集团CASC奖学金获得者;
2011年 哈工大首届“十大科技创新优秀成果奖”获得者;
2010年 第三届全国大学生节能减排大赛国家一等奖 ;
2010-2012年 黑龙江省优秀毕业生2次(本科及硕士);
2010年 哈工大优秀本科毕业论文获得者;
2006-2012年 本科国家奖学金、人民奖学金(6次)、研究生特等奖金(2次)、本科及研究生综合成绩均列专业第一。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:纳孔碳多尺度结构基元序构及H2SO4自解吸机制(2021.01-2024.12),负责人,在研;
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题:高效吸附技术对挥发性有机物及其他污染物的协同控制作用研究(2018.05-2021.04),负责人,在研;
3. 国家重点研发计划子课题:不定性活性焦脱硫及硫资源回收的技术基础(2017.05-2021.04),负责人,在研;
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:活性焦孔结构分级官能化构筑及SO2/VOCs协同吸附机制(2019.01-2021.12),负责人,在研;
5. 黑龙江省博士后基金特别资助:煤基石墨烯/无定型碳复合微畴超级电容储能(2020.01-2021.12),负责人,在研;
6. 中国博士后基金特别资助:纳孔碳结构掺杂对储气密度与速率的协同提升机制研究(2020.06-2022.05),负责人,在研;
7. 中国新奥集团横向课题:强化锂离子电容器正负极倍率及寿命匹配的碳基功能材料设计、制备(2018.01-2019.05),负责人,在研;
8. 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室开放课题:煤基碳材料缺陷构筑及污染物电催化降解机制(2018.01-2020.12),负责人,在研;
10. 煤燃烧国家重点实验室开放课题:煤/生物质基石墨烯-无定型碳复合碳材料构筑及功能化(2019.01-2021.12),负责人,在研;
11. 哈工大青年拔尖人才计划启动项目:碳结构缺陷定向调控及SO2选择性还原技术研究(2017.10-2020.09),负责人,在研;
12. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:低成本、长寿命活性焦脱硫技术基础(2012.01-2016.12),项目骨干,已结题,结题答辩获评“A”;
13. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:活性焦内SO3/H2SO4极性致迁移及官能团定向分布机制研究(2014.01-2017.12),项目骨干,结题;


1. 服务能源或环境的碳基材料跨尺度微纳结构调控;
2. 碳基电化学能量转换及储存技术(锂/钠离子电池、双电层电容器、锂/钠离子电容、电催化);
3. 煤基碳材料低成本宏量制备及功能化技术;
4. 燃煤烟气污染物资源化/深度协同脱除技术。
Research interests
1. Cross-scale micro/nanostructure regulation of carbon-based materials serving energy or environment;
2. Carbon-based electrochemical energy conversion and storage (Li/Na ion batteries/capacitors, EDLCs, electrocatalysis);
3. Low-cost and macroscopic preparation and functionalization of coal-based carbon materials;
4.Coal-combustion flue gas pollutants recyclable/synergistic removal technology.""


1. Kunfang Wang, Fei Sun*, Yanlin Su, Yingquan Chen, Jihui Gao, Haiping Yang,Guangbo Zhao. Natural template derived porous carbon nanoplate architectures with tunable pore configuration for a full-carbon sodium-ion capacitor. Carbon, under review.
2. Xinxin Pi, Fei Sun*, Zhibin Qu, Yang Li, Jihui Gao. Hierarchical Pore Configuration in Activated Coke Boosting Direct Desorption of Desulfurization Product H2SO4: A Combined Experimental and Computational Investigation. Fuel, revision under review.
3. Xinxin Pi#, Zhibin Qu#, Fei Sun*, Zekun Zhang, Jihui Gao. Catalytic activation preparation of nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous bio-char for efficient adsorption of dichloromethane and toluene. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, under revision.
4. Zhibin Qu, Fei Sun*, Xinxin Pi , Xuhan Li , Dongyang Wu , Xiaoyong Lai , Jihui Gao,Guangbo Zhao. One-Step Synergistic Optimization of Hierarchical Pore Topology and Nitrogen Dopants in Activated Coke for Efficient NO Catalytic Oxidation. Fuel, under review.
5. Zhipeng Qie, Hassan Alhassawi, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao, Guangbo Zhao, Xiaolei Fan*. Characteristics and Applications of Micro Fluidized Beds (MFBs). Chemical Engineering Journal, under review.
6. Fei Sun*, Hua Wang, Zhibin Qu, Kunfang Wang, Jihui Gao, Guangbo Zhao. Mechanico-Chemistry Process Transforming High-Surface-Area Chemically Activated Carbon into Densified and Oxygen-Rich Amorphous Carbon for Enhanced Sodium/Potassium Ion Storage. Energy Storage Materials, submitted.
7. Yani Ding, Wei Zhou*, Jihui Gao*, Fei Sun, Guangbo Zhao. H2O2 electrogeneration from O2 electroreduction by N-doped carbon materials: A mini-review on preparation methods, selectivity of N sites, and prospects. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, accepted.
To be updated......
1. Fei Sun*, Hua Wang, Zhibin Qu, Kunfang Wang, Lijie Wang, Jihui Gao*, Jianmin Gao, Shaoqin Liu*, Yunfeng Lu. Carboxyl-Dominant Oxygen Rich Carbon For Improved Sodium Ion Storage: Synergistic Enhancement of Adsorption and Intercalaction Mechanism. Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, 2002981.
2. Fei Sun*, Chaowei Yang, Wei Zhou, Yani Ding, Jihui Gao, Guangbo Zhao, Defeng Xing, Yunfeng Lu. Inexpensive activated coke electrocatalyst for high-efficiency hydrogen peroxide production: Coupling effects of amorphous carbon cluster and oxygen dopant. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 286, 119860.
3. Fei Sun*, Zhibin Qu, Hua Wang, Xiaoyan Liu, Tong Pei, Rui Han, Jihui Gao, Guangbo Zhao, Yunfeng Lu*. Vapor deposition of aluminium oxide into N-rich mesoporous carbon framework as a reversible sulfur host for lithium-sulfur battery cathode. Nano Research. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12274-020-3055-7.
4. Fei Sun*, Dongyang Wu, Jihui Gao, Tong Pei, Kunfang Wang, Qiuyi Zhang, Guangbo Zhao. Graphitic porous carbon with multiple structural merits for high-performance organic supercapacitor. Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 477, 228759.
5. Xinxin Pi, Fei Sun*, Zhibin Qu, Jihui Gao*, Ani Wang, Guangbo Zhao, Hui Liu. Producing Elemental Sulfur from SO2 by Calcium Loaded Activated Coke: Enhanced Activity and Selectivity. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020. doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2020.126022.
6. Jing Wu, Mingwei Xia, Xiong Zhang, Yingquan Chen*, Fei Sun, Xianhua Wang, Haiping Yang, Hanping Chen. Hierarchical Porous Carbon Derived from Wood Tar Using Crab as the Template: Performance on Supercapacitor. Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.227982.
7. Wei Zhou, Liang Xie, Jihui Gao*, Roya Nazari, Haiqian Zhao, Xiaoxiao Meng*, Fei Sun, Guangbo Zhao, Jun Ma. Selective H2O2 electrosynthesis by O-doped and transition-metal-O-doped carbon cathodes via O2 electroreduction: A critical review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 410, 128368.
8. Pengxiang Wang*, Mingjun Liu, Tong Pei, Lei Zhang, Zhipeng Qie, Xiaohui Li, Yang Yu, Minghong Han, Fei Sun, Wei Zhou, Jihui Gao, Guangbo Zhao. Ultroviolet Raman Spectra: the Resonable Method of Evaluating Coal Pyrolysis Graphitization. AIP Advances, 2020, 10: 115007.
1. Fei Sun*, Kunfang Wang, Lijie Wang, Tong Pei, Jihui Gao , Guangbo Zhao, Yunfeng Lu. Hierarchical porous carbon sheets with compressed framework and optimized pore configuration for high-rate and long-term sodium and lithium ions storage. Carbon, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2019.08.51
2. Zhibin Qu, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Tong Pei, Zhipeng Qie, Lijie Wang, Xinxin Pi, Guangbo Zhao, Shaohua Wu. A new insight into the role of coal adsorbed water in low-temperature oxidation: Enhanced ·OH radical generation. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 208, 27-36.
3. Zhibin Qu, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Xinxin Pi, Zhipeng Qie, Guangbo Zhao. A new insight into SO2 low-temperature catalytic oxidation in porous carbon materials: Non-dissociated O2 molecule as oxidant. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2019, DOI: 10.1039/C9CY01019J.
4. Xinxin Pi, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Zhibin Qu, Ani Wang, Zhipeng Qie, Lijie Wang, Hui Liu. A new insight into the SO2 adsorption behavior of oxidized carbon materials using model adsorbents and DFT calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 9181-9188. Selected as 2019 journal hot paper.
5. Zhipeng Qie, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Xinxin Pi, Lijie Wang, Mingjun Liu, Zhibin Qu, Guangbo Zhao. Enhanced SO2 fluidized adsorption dynamic by hierarchically porous activated coke. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2019.05.002.
6. Zhipeng Qie, Zekun Zhang#, Fei Sun*, Lijie Wang, Xinxin Pi, Jihui Gao, Guangbo Zhao. Effect of pore hierarchy and pore size on the synergistic adsorption of SO2 and toluene in activated coke. Fuel, 2019,DOI:10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116090
7. Lijie Wang, Fei Sun*, Fei Hao, Zhibin Qu, Jihui Gao*, Mingjun Liu, Kunfang Wang, Guangbo Zhao, Yukun Qin. A green trace K2CO3 induced catalytic activation strategy for developing coal-converted activated carbon as advanced candidate for CO2 adsorption and supercapacitors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, ,DOI:10.1016/j.cej.2019.123205.
8. Hua Wang, Fei Sun*, Zhibin Qu, Kunfang Wang, Lijie Wang, Xinxin Pi, Jihui Gao and Guangbo Zhao. Oxygen Functional Group Modification of Cellulose-Derived Hard Carbon for Enhanced Sodium ion Storage, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019,DOI:10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b04676.
9. Zhibin Qu, Fei Sun*, Zhipeng Qie, Jihui Gao*, Guangbo Zhao. The evolution of hydrogen bonding network during multiwater adsorption in lignite: Quantitative analysis based on AIM. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 247: 122863.
10. Zhipeng Qie, Fei Sun*, Zekun Zhang, Xinxin Pi, Zhibin Qu, Jihui Gao, Guangbo Zhao. A facile trace potassium assisted catalytic activation strategy regulating pore topology of activated coke for combined removal of toluene/SO2/NO. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020,10.1016/j.cej.2020.124262.
11. Kunfang Wang, Juan Qian, Fei Sun*, Zhiqi Tian, Jihui Gao, Guangbo Zhao*. In-situ catalytic conversion of coal pyrolysis gas to nanoporous carbon rods and superior sodium ion storage performance. Fuel, 2020, 281, 118782.
12. 孙 飞*, 高继慧, 曲智斌, 刘欣, 皮信信, 郄志鹏. 碳基材料纳孔空间内SO2吸附转化机理. 中国电机工程学报, 2019,已录用.
13. 郄志鹏, 孙 飞*, 高继慧, 皮信信, 赵广播. 碳热还原SO2反应选择性的热力学分析及实验探究. 热科学与技术, 2019, 18, 7-15.
14. 曲智斌, 孙 飞*, 皮信信, 高继慧, 赵广播. 碳结构锯齿形边缘对SO2的催化氧化机制研究. 工程热物理学报, 2019, 已录用.
15. 郄志鹏, 孙 飞*, 刘明君, 皮信信, 王丽杰, 曲智斌, 高继慧. 不定型活性焦对SO2吸附特性影响的探究. 工程热物理学报, 2019, 已录用.
16. 曲智斌,孙 飞*,皮信信,郄志鹏,高继慧. 碳基材料燃煤烟气硫脱除及资源化的研究进展. 洁净煤技术(邀请综述),2019
1. Lijie Wang, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Yuwen Zhu, Tong Pei, Longxin Li, Guangbo Zhao, Yukun Qin. Pore reorganization of porous carbon during trace calcium catalyzed coal activation for adsorption applications. Energy & Fuels. 2018, 32(9), 9091-9201.
2. Tong Pei, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Lijie Wang, Xinxin Pi, Zhipeng Qie, and Guangbo Zhao. Introducing catalytic gasification into chemical activation for the conversion of natural coal into hierarchically porous carbons with broadened pore size for enhanced supercapacitive utilization. RSC Advances. 2018, In Press.
3. Rui Han, Jihui Gao*, Siyu Wei, Yanlin Su, Fei Sun, Guangbo Zhao, Yukun Qin. Strongly coupled calcium carbonate/antioxidative graphite nanosheets composites with high cycling stability for thermochemical energy storage. Applied Energy. 2018, 231, 412-422.
4. Fei Sun, Zhibin Qu, Jihui Gao*, Hao Bin Wu*, Fang Liu, Rui Han, Lijie Wang, Tong Pei, Guangbo Zhao and Yunfeng Lu*. In-Situ Doping Boron Atoms Into Porous Carbon Nanoparticles with Increased Oxygen Graft Enhancing Both Affinity and Durability towards Electrolyte for Greatly Upgraded Supercapacitive Performance. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2018, 1804190. Highlighted by 能源学人、高分子科学前沿。
5. Fei Sun, Hao Bin Wu, Xin Liu, Fang Liu, Rui Han, Zhibin Qu, Xinxin Pi, Lijie Wang, Jihui Gao*, and Yunfeng Lu*. A High-Rate and Ultrastable Anode Enabled by Boron-Doped Nanoporous Carbon Spheres for High-Power and Long Life Lithium Ion Capacitors. Materials Today Energy, 2018, 9,428-439.
6. Fei Sun, Xiaoyan Liu, Hao Bin Wu, Lijie Wang, Jihui Gao*, Hexing Li, Yunfeng Lu*. In Situ High-Level Nitrogen Doping into Carbon Nanospheres and Boosting of Capacitive Charge Storage in Both Anode and Cathode for a High-Energy 4.5 V Full-Carbon Lithium-Ion Capacitor. Nano Letters, 2018, 6, 3368-3376.Highlighted by 哈工大新闻网,HIT TIMES, 工信部网站,纳米牛、新能源前线。
7. Wang Lijie, Sun Fei*, Gao Jihui*, Pi Xinxin, Pei Tong, Qie Zhipeng, Zhao Guangbo, Qin Yukun. A novel melt infiltration method promoting porosity development of low-rank coal derived activated carbon as supercapacitor electrode materials. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2018, 91,588-596.
8. Fei Sun,Lijie Wang, Yiting Peng*, Jihui Gao*, Xinxin Pi, Zhibin Qu, Guangbo Zhao and Yukun Qin. Converting biomass waste into microporous carbon with simultaneously high surface area and carbon purity as advanced electrochemical energy storage materials. Applied Surface Science. 2018, 436, 486-496.
9. Lijie Wang, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Xinxin Pi, Zhibin Qu, and Guangbo Zhao. Adjusting the Porosity of Coal-Based Activated Carbons Based on a Catalytic Physical Activation Process for Gas and Liquid Adsorption. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32,1255–1264.
10. Longxin Li, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Lijie Wang, Xinxin Pi and Guangbo Zhao. Broadening the pore size of coal-based activated carbon via a washing-free chem-physical activation method for high-capacity dye adsorption. RSC Advances, 2018,8, 14488.
11. Zhibin Qu, Fei Sun*, Xin Liu, Jihui Gao*, Zhipeng Qie, Guangbo Zhao. The effect of nitrogen-containing functional groups on SO2 adsorption on carbon surface: enhanced physical adsorption interactions. Surface Science. 2018, 667, 78-82.
12. Yanlin Su, Rui Han, Jihui Gao*, Siyu Wei, Fei Sun, Guangbo Zhao. Novel method for regeneration/reactivation of spent dolomite-based sorbents from calcium looping cycles. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2018.11.095.
1. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Yuwen Zhu,Xinxin Pi,Lijie Wang,Xin Liu,Yukun Qin. A high performance lithium ion capacitor achieved by the integration of a Sn-C anode and a biomass-derived microporous activated carbon cathode. Scientific Reports, 2017. 7.
2. Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Xinxin Pi, Lijie Wang, Yuqi Yang, Zhibin Qu, Shaohua Wu. High performance aqueous supercapacitor based on highly nitrogen-doped carbon nanospheres with unimodal mesoporosity. Journal of Power Sources, 2017. 337: 189-196.
3. Zhuang Liu, Fei Sun, Lin Gu, Gen Chen, Tongtong Shang, Jing Liu, Zaiyuan Le, Xianyang Li, Hao Bin Wu, and Yunfeng Lu*. Post Iron Decoration of Mesoporous Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Spheres for Efficient Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction. Adv. Energy Mater., 2017, 1701154.
4. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Haobin Wu, Xin Liu, Lijie Wang, Xinxin Pi, Yunfeng Lu. Confined growth of small ZnO nanoparticles in a nitrogen-rich carbon framework: advanced anodes for long-life Li-ion batteries. Carbon, 2017, 113: 46-54.
5. Xinxin Pi, Fei Sun*, Jihui Gao*, Yuwen Zhu, Lijie Wang, Zhibin Qu, Hui Liu, and Guangbo Zhao. Microwave Irradiation Induced High-Efficiency Regeneration for Desulfurized Activated Coke: A Comparative Study with Conventional Thermal Regeneration. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31, 9693-9702.
6. Rui Han, Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Siyu Wei, Yanlin Su. Effect of the presence of NaCl vapour on indirect sulphation of limestone. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 199:39-46.
7. Rui Han, Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Siyu Wei, Yanlin Su, and Yukun Qin. Trace Na2CO3 addition to limestone inducing high-capacity SO2 capture. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2017, 51 (21),12692
8. Fang Liu, Qiangfeng Xiao, Hao Bin Wu, Fei Sun, Xiaoyan Liu, Fan Li, Zaiyuan Le, Li Shen, Ge Wang, Mei Cai and Yunfeng Lu*. Regenerative Polysulfide-Scavenging Layers Enabling Lithium-Sulfur Batteries with High Energy Density and Prolonged Cycling Life. ACS Nano, 2017, 11(3): 2697-2705.
1. Fei Sun, Haobin Wu, Xin Liu, Fang Liu, Huihui Zhou, Jihui Gao*, Yunfeng Lu*. Nitrogen-rich carbon spheres made by a continuous spraying process for high-performance supercapacitors. Nano Research, 2016, 9(11): 3209-3221.
2. Fei Sun, Xin Liu#, Jihui Gao*, Xinxin Pi, Lijie Wang, Zhibin Qu, Yukun Qin. Highlighting the role of nitrogen doping in enhancing CO2 uptake onto carbon surface: A combined experimental and computational analysis. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016. 4, 18248-18252.
3. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Yuqi Yang, Yuwen Zhu, Lijie Wang, Xinxin Pi, Xin Liu, Zhibin Qu, Shaohua Wu, Yukun Qin. One-step ammonia activation of Zhundong coal generating nitrogen-doped microporous carbon for gas adsorption and energy storage. Carbon, 2016, 109: 747-754.
4. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Xin Liu, Yuqi Yang, Shaohua Wu. Controllable nitrogen introduction into porous carbon with porosity retaining for investigating nitrogen doping effect on SO2 adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 290:116-124.
5. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Xin Liu, Lijie Wang, Yuqi Yang, Xinxin Pi, Shaohua Wu, Yukun Qin. High-energy Li-ion hybrid supercapacitor enabled by a long life N-rich carbon based anode. Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 213: 626-632.
6. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Xin Liu, Xinxin Pi, Yuqi Yang, Shaohua Wu. Porous carbon with a large surface area and an ultrahigh carbon purity via templating carbonization coupling with KOH activation as excellent supercapacitor electrode materials. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 387: 857-863.
7. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Xin Liu, Yuqi Yang, Shaohua Wu. Size-controllable templates for the synthesis of porous carbon with tunable pore configurations. Materials Letters, 2016, 175: 56-59.
8. Xin Liu, Fei Sun, Zhibin Qu, Jihui Gao*, Shaohua Wu. The effect of functional groups on the SO2 adsorption on carbon surface I: A new insight into noncovalent interaction between SO2 molecule and acidic oxygen-containing groups. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 369: 552-557.
9. Huihui Zhou, Yiting Peng*, Hao Bin Wu, Fei Sun, Hang Yu, Fang Liu, Qunjie Xua, Yunfeng Lu*. Fluorine-rich nanoporous carbon with enhanced surface affinity in organic electrolyte for high-performance supercapacitors. Nano Energy, 2016, 21:80-89.
10. Xu Wu, Hao Bin Wu*, Wei Xiong, Zaiyuan Le, Fei Sun, Fang Liu, Jisheng Chen, Zhihong Zhu*, Yunfeng Lu*. Robust iron nanoparticles with graphitic shells for high-performance Ni-Fe battery. Nano Energy, 2016, 30:217-224.
2015 and before:
1. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Xin Liu, Xiaofan Tang, Shaohua Wu. A systematic investigation of SO2 removal dynamics by coal-based activated cokes: The synergic enhancement effect of hierarchical pore configuration and gas components. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 357: 1895-1901.
2. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Yuwen Zhu, Guoqing Chen, Shaohua Wu, Yukun Qin. Adsorption of SO2 by typical carbonaceous material: a comparative study of carbon nanotubes and activated carbons. Adsorption, 2013, 19(5): 959-966.
3. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Yuwen Zhu, Yukun Qin. Mechanism of SO2 Adsorption and Desorption on Commercial Activated Coke. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, 28(11): 2218-2225.
4. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao, Shaozeng Sun, Zhengqi Li, Yukun Qin. Environmental Pollutants Removal and Recycling in Clean Coal Technology. G20 Youth Forum Conference Journal, 2013(1): 423-428.
5. 孙 飞,高继慧*,朱玉雯,秦裕琨. 典型炭材料微观结构表征及SO2吸附机理研究. 工程热物理学报, 2012, 33(6):1083-1087.
6. Fei Sun, Jihui Gao*, Yuwen Zhu, Yukun Qin. Mechanism of SO2 Adsorption and Desorption on Commercial Activated Coke. The 8th Korea-China Clean Energy Workshop Proceedings, 2010. Daejeon, Korea.

