2023-05-10 19:57
  • 秦江
  • 秦江 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-能源科学与工程学院-个人资料




航空宇航推进专业方向重要期刊Journal of Propulsion and Power论文4篇




Zuo Jingying,Zhang Silong*,Qin Jiang ,Bao Wen,Cui Naigang,Liu Xiaoyong. Effects of cracking reaction on supersonic film cooling using gaseous hydrocarbon fuel as coolant. Applied Thermal Engineering.2020, 234(3): 908-923.
Xiong Yuefei, Qin Jiang*,Cheng Kunlin,Wang Youyin. Influence of water injection on performance of scramjet engine. Energy. 2020,201.
Feng Yu,Lv Qinhang,Deng Shiyu,Liu Shuyuan,Cao Yong,Qin Jiang. A coke deposition self-removal TBCC thermal management with multi-catalyst coating. International Journal of Energy Research.2020; 1– 10.
Ji Zhixing, Qin Jiang*,Cheng Kunlin,Liu He,Zhang Silong,Dong Peng. Advanced exergy and graphical exergy analyses for solid oxide fuel cell turbine-less jet engines. Journal of Power Sources.2020,456.
Wei JianFei,Ye Mai,Zhang Silong,Qin Jiang,Haidn Oskar J. Modeling of a 7-elements GOX/GCH4 combustion chamber using RANS with Eddy-Dissipation Concept model. Aerospace Science And Technology.2020,99.
Feng Yu, Liu Yuna, Cao Yong, Gong Keyu, Liu Shuyuan, Qin Jiang. Thermal management evaluation for advanced aero-engines using catalytic steam reforming of hydrocarbon fuels.Energy.2020,193:668-676.
Zuo Jingying,Zhang Silong*,Qin Jiang ,Bao Wen,Cui Naigang,Liu Xiaoyong. Interaction mechanism between shock waves and supersonic film cooling with cracking reaction. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part G-JOURNAL of aerospace engineering.2020,234:908-923.
Xie Yin,Rao Yu,Li Wencan, Qin Jiang .Experiments and Stress-Blended Eddy Simulations of turbulent flow over edge-rounded dimples. International journal of thermal sciences.2020,154.
Ji Zhixing, Qin Jiang*,Cheng Kunlin,Liu He,Zhang Silong,Dong Peng.Determination of the safe operation zone for a turbine-less and solid oxide fuel cell hybrid electric jet engine on unmanned aerial vehicles. Energy.2020,202.
Xin Li,Zhang Silong*,Qin Jiang ,Bao Wen.Parametric analysis on the thermal behavior of cracking hydrocarbon fuel flow inside asymmetry heated cooling channels with micro-ribs. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2020,160.
Cheng Kunlin, Qin Jiang *,Sun Hongchuang, Dang Chaolei, Zhang Silong, Liu Xiaoyong, Bao Wen. Performance assessment of a closed-recuperative-Brayton-cycle based integrated system for power generation and engine cooling of hypersonic vehicle. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 87: 278-288.
Li Haowei, Qin Jiang *, Bao Wen , Huang, Hongyan. Performance improvement of gaseous hydrocarbon fuel driven thermal power generation systems for hypersonic vehicles. Energy Conversion and Management,2019,199.
Sun Hongchuang , Qin Jiang * , Li Haowei, Huang Hongyan, Yan Peigang. Research of a combined power and cooling system based on fuel rotating cooling air turbine and organic Rankine cycle on hypersonic aircraft. Energy,2019,189.
Feng Yu, Cao Yong, Liu Shuyuan, Qin Jiang, Hemeda Ahmed A., Ma, Yanbao. The influence of coking on heat transfer in turbulent reacting flow of supercritical hydrocarbon fuels. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,144.
Li, Yong; Sun, Feng; Xie, Gongnan; Sunden, Bengt; Qin Jiang. Numerical investigation on flow and thermal performance of supercritical CO2 in horizontal cylindrically concaved tubes. Applied thermal engineering, 2019, 153: 655-668.
Zhixing Ji; Jiang Qin *; Kunlin Cheng; He Liu; Silong Zhang; Peng Dong. Thermodynamic analysis of a solid oxide fuel cell jet hybrid engine for long-endurance unmanned air vehicles. Energy conversion and management, 2019, 183:50-64.
Cheng, Kunlin; Qin Jiang*; Sun, Hongchuang; Dang, Chaolei; Zhang, Silong; Liu, Xiaoyong; Bao, Wen. Performance assessment of an integrated power generation and refrigeration system on hypersonic vehicles. Aerospace science and technology, 2019, 89:192-203.
Hongchuang Sun; Jiang Qin*; Tzu-Chen Hung; Hongyan Huang; Peigang Yan; Chih-Hung Lin. Effect of flow losses in heat exchangers on the performance of organic Rankine cycle. Energy, 2019, 172:391-400.
KunlinCheng; Jiang Qin *; HongchuangSun; ChaoleiDang; SilongZhang; WenBao. Performance comparison on wall cooling and heat supply for power generation between fuel- and liquid metal-cooled scramjet. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019,93.
Keyu Gong, Yong Cao, Yu Feng, Shuyuan Li, Jiang Qin. Influence of secondary reactions on heat transfer process during pyrolysis of hydrocarbon fuel under supercritical conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,159.
ZhixingJi; Jiang Qin*; KunlinCheng; ChaoleiDang; SilongZhang; PengDong. Thermodynamic performance evaluation of a turbine-less jet engine integrated with solid oxide fuel cells for unmanned aerial vehicles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019,160.
ZhixingJi; Jiang Qin*; KunlinCheng; FafuGuo; SilongZhang; PengDong. Thermodynamics analysis of a turbojet engine integrated with a fuel cell and steam injection for high-speed flight. Energy, 2019,185:190-201.
ZhixingJi; Jiang Qin*; KunlinCheng; FafuGuo; SilongZhang; PengDong. Comparative performance analysis of solid oxide fuel cell turbine-less jet engines for electric propulsion airplanes: Application of alternative fuel. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019,93.
KunlinCheng; Jiang Qin*; HongchuangSun; HengLi; ShuaiHe; SilongZhang; WenBao. Power Optimization and Comparison between Simple Recuperated and Recompressing Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Closed-Brayton-Cycle with Finite Cold Source on Hypersonic Vehicles. Energy, 2019,181: 1189-1201.
Jiang Yuguang, Qin Jiang*, Xu Yaxing, Yu Wenli, Zhang Silong, Chetehouna Khaled, Gascoin Nicolas, Bao Wen. The influences of variable sectional area design on improving the hydrocarbon fuel flow distribution in parallel channels under supercritical pressure. Fuel, 2018.12, 233:442-453.
Jiang Yuguang, Qin Jiang*, Chetehouna Khaled, Gascoin Nicolas, Bao Wen. Parametric study on the hydrocarbon fuel flow rate distribution and cooling effect in non-uniformly heated parallel cooling channels. International Journal of Heat And Mass Transfer, 2018.11, 126:267-276.
Jiang Yuguang, Qin Jiang*, Xu Yaxing, Zhang Silong, Chetehouna Khaled, Gascoin Nicolas, Bao Wen. The influences of the header geometry on hydrocarbon fuel flow distribution in compact parallel channels. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018.08, 79:318-327.
Haowei Li; Qin Jiang*; Yuguang Jiang; Duo Zhang; Kunlin Cheng; Wen Bao; Hongyan Haung, Experimental and theoretical investigation of power generation scheme driven by thermal cracked gaseous hydrocarbon fuel for hypersonic vehicle, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018.6, 165:334-343.
Sun, Hongchuang; Qin Jiang*; Hung Tzu-Chen; Lin Chih-Hung; Lin Yi-Fan, Performance comparison of organic Rankine cycle with expansion from superheated zone or two-phase zone based on temperature utilization rate of heat source, Energy, 2018, 149.
Kunlin Cheng, Jiang Qin*, Yuguang Jiang, Silong Zhang, Wen Bao. Performance comparison of single- and multi-stage onboard thermoelectric generators and stage number optimization at a large temperature difference. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018.5, 141:456-466.
Kunlin Cheng, Jiang Qin*, Chaolei Dang, Chuanwen Lv, Silong Zhang, Wen Bao. Thermodynamic analysis for high-power electricity generation systems based on closed-Brayton-cycle with finite cold source on hypersonic vehicles. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018.5, 43:14762-14774.
Cheng Kunlin; Qin Jiang*, Jiang Yuguang; Lv, Chuanwen; Zhang, Silong; Bao Wen, Performance aseessment of multi-stage thermoelectric generators on hypersonic vehicles at a large temperature difference, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018.2, 130(5): 1598-1609.
Yuguang, Jiang; Yaxing Xu; Jiang Qin*; Silong Zhang; Khaled Chetehouna; Nicolas Gascoin; Wen Bao, The flow rate distribution of hydrocarbon fuel in parallel channels with different cross section shapes, Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018.3, 137:173-183.
Cheng Kunlin; Duo Zhang; Jiang Qin*; Silong Zhang; Wen Bao.Performance evaluation and comparison of electricity generation systems based on single- and two-stage thermoelectric generator for hypersonic vehicles, Acta Astronautica.2018,151:15-21.
Jiang, Yuguang; Chetehouna, Khaled; Zhang, Silong; Qin, Jiang*; Bao,Wen; Gascoin, Nicolas, Sensitivity analysis of fluid properties and operating conditions on flow distribution in non-uniformly heated parallel pipes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018.2, 130(5): 458-465.
Feng Yu; Liu, Shuyuan; Qin, Jiang*; Cao, Yong; Jiang, Yuguang; Zhang, Silong, Numerical study on the influence of turbulence on the pyrolysis of hydrocarbon fuel in mini-channel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018.3.1, 119: 768-776.
Li Xin, Qin Jiang, Zhang Silong*, Cui Naigang, Bao Wen. Effects of Microribs on the Thermal Behavior of Transcritical n-Decane in Asymmetric Heated Rectangular Mini-Channels Under Near Critical Pressure. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transations of The ASME, 2018.12, 140(12).
Jingying Zuo; Silong Zhang*; Jiang Qin; Wen Bao; Naigang Cui; Performance evaluation of regenerative cooling/film cooling for hydrocarbon fueled scramjet engine, Acta Astronautica, 2018.7, 148:57-68.
Yong Li; Gongnan Xie*; Bengt Sunden; Yuanwei Lu*; Yuting Wu; Jiang Qin*; Performance study on a single-screw compressor for a portable natural gas liquefaction process, Energy. 2018.4 148:1032-1045.
Qin Jiang, Ning Dongpo, Feng Yu, Zhang Junlong, Feng Shuo, Bao Wen*. A new method of thermal protection by opposing jet for a hypersonic aeroheating strut. Journal of Thermal Science, 2017.06, 26(3):282-288
Cheng Kunlin , Qin Jiang*, Jiang Yuguang, Lv Chuanwen, Zhang Silong, Bao Wen.Performance assessment of multi-stage thermoelectric generators on hypersonic vehicles at a large temperature difference. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017,130:1598-1609.
Yu Feng, Jie Cao, Xin Li, Silong Zhang, Jiang Qin*. Flow and heat transfer characteristics of supercritical hydrocarbon fuel in mini-channels with dimples. ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2017.
Yuguang Jiang, Yaxing Xu, Silong Zhang, Khaled Chetehouna, Nicolas Gascoin, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao. Parametric study on the distribution of flow rate andheat sink utilization in cooling channels of advanced aero-engines. Energy, 2017, 138:1056-1068.
Xin Pan, Silong Zhang, Yuguang Jiang, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao. Key parameters effects and desigh on performances of hydrogen/helium heat exchaner for SABRE. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2107,42(34):21976-21989.
Yu Feng, Silong Zhang, Xin Li, Yuguang Jiang, Jiang Qin*, Yong Cao, Hongyan Huang. Numerical study on the influence of heat and mass transfer on the pyrolysis of hydrocarbon fuel in mini-channel. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017, (119): 650-658.
Yu Feng,Silong Zhang, Kun Wu, Jiang Qin*, Yong Cao, Hongyan Huang. Numerical investigation of distribution of reaction rate during convective heat transfer with endothermic chemical reaction. International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 83: 1-7.
Cheng Kunlin, Feng Yu, Jiang Yuguang, Zhang, Silong, Qin, Jiang*, Zhang Duo, Bao Wen. Thermodynamic analysis for recuperation in a scramjet nozzle with wall cooling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 121, 153–162.
Zhang Silong, Cui Naigang, Xiong Yuefei, Feng Yu, Qin Jiang*,Bao, Wen. Effect of channel aspect ratio on chemical recuperation process in advanced aeroengines. Energy, 2017, 123, 9-19.
Kunlin Cheng,Yu Feng,Chuanwen Lv,Silong Zhang, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao.Performance Evaluation of Waste Heat Recovery Systems Based on Semiconductor Thermoelectric Generators for Hypersonic Vehicles.Energies ,2017, 10(4), 570.
Jiang Qin, Kunlin Cheng, Silong Zhang, Duo Zhang, Wen Bao. Jiecai Han. Analysis of Energy Cascade Utilization in a Chemically Recuperated Scramjet with Indirect Combustion. Energy, 2016,114(1):1100-1106.
Silong Zhang, Jiang Qin*, Kaili Xie, YuFeng, Wen Bao. Thermal Behavior Inside Scramjet Cooling Channels at Different Channel Aspect Ratios. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2016,32(1):57-70.
Duo Zhang,Yu Feng,Silong Zhang,Jiang Qin*,Kunlin Cheng, Wen Bao,Daren Yu.Quasi-One-Dimensional Model of Scramjet Combustor Coupled with Regenerative Cooling. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2016,32(3):687-697.
Yu Feng, Silong Zhang, Jie Cao, Jiang Qin*, Yong Cao, Hongyan Huang. Coupling relationship analysis between flow and pyrolysis reaction of endothermic hydrocarbon fuel in view of characteristic time correlation in mini-channel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016,102:661-671.
Silong Zhang, Yu Feng, Yuguang Jiang, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao, Jiecai Han, Oskar J. Haidn. Thermal Behavior in the Cracking Reaction Zone of Scramjet Cooling Channels at Different Channel Aspect Ratios. Acta Astronautica, 2016, 127:41-56.
Silong Zhang, Yu Feng, Duo Zhang, Yuguang Jiang, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao. Parametric numerical analysis of regenerative cooling in hydrogen fueled scramjet engines. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016,41(25):10942-10960.
Duo Zhang, Kunlin Cheng, Silong Zhang, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao. Graphical exergy analysis for a scramjet thermodynamic performance evaluation. International Journal of Exergy, 2016,21(2):136-156.
Yuguang Jiang, Silong Zhang, Yu Feng, Jie Cao, Jiang Qin*,Wen Bao. A control method for flow rate distribution of cracked hydrocarbon fuel in parallel channels. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016,105(25):531–53.
Yu Feng, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao, Tao Li and Hongyan Huang. Modeling and analysis of heat and mass transfers of supercritical hydrocarbon fuel with cracking in mini-channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2015, 91:520-531.
Duo Zhang, Shengbo Yang, Silong Zhang, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao. Thermodynamic analysis on optimum performance of scramjet engine at high Mach numbers. Energy, 2015,90,1046-1054.
Jiang Qin, Yuguang Jiang, Yu Feng, Xiaojie Li, Haowei Li, Yaxing Xu, Wen Bao, Silong Zhang, Jiecai Han. Flow rate distribution of cracked hydrocarbon fuel in parallel pipes. Fuel. 2015,161:105-112.
Cong Zhang, Jiang Qin*, Qingchun Yang,Silong Zhang,Wen Bao. Design and Heat Transfer Characteristics Analysis of Combined Active and Passive Thermal Protection System for Hydrogen Fueled Scramjet. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2015,40(1):675-682.
Wen Bao, Silong Zhang, Jiang Qin*, Weixing Zhou, Kaili Xie. Numerical analysis of flowing cracked hydrocarbon fuel inside cooling channels in view of thermal management. Energy. 2014,67:149-161.
Silong Zhang,Jiang Qin*,Wen Bao,Yu Feng, Kaili Xie. Thermal management of fuel in advanced aeroengine in view of chemical recuperation. Energy. 2014,77: 201-211.
Weixing Zhou, Zhenjian Jia, Jiang Qin*,Wen Bao, Bin Yu. Experimental study on effect of pressure on heat sink of n-decane. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2014,243:127-136.
Yu Feng, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao, Qingchun Yang, Hongyan Huang, Zhongqi Wang. Numerical analysis of convective heat transfer characteristics of supercritical hydrocarbon fuel in cooling panel with local flow blockage structure. Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 2014,88:8-16.
Duo Zhang, Jiang Qin*, Silong Zhang, Wen Bao. Performance Evaluation of Power Generation System with Fuel Vapor Turbine Onboard Hydro- carbon Fueled Scramjets. Energy. 2014,77(1):732-741.
Silong Long, Jiang Qin*, Wen Bao,Long Zhang. Numerical analysis of supersonic film cooling in supersonic flow in hypersonic inlet with isolator. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2014, (2014): 468790.
Weixing Zhou, Bin Yu, Jiang Qin, Daren Yu. Mechanism and influencing factors analysis of flowing instability of supercritical endothermic hydrocarbon fuel within a small-scale channel. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2014,71(1):34–42.
Jiang Qin, Silong Zhang, Wen Bao, Weixing Zhou and Daren Yu. Thermal Management Method of Fuel in Advanced Aeroengines. Energy. 2013, 49(1): 459-468.
Jiang Qin, Silong Zhang, Wen Bao, Zhenjian Jia, Bin Yu, Weixing Zhou. Experimental study on the performance of recooling cycle of hydro-carbon fueled scramjet engine. Fuel. 2013, 108(6):334-340.
Jiang Qin, Silong Zhang, Wen Bao, Wenli Yu, Bin Yu, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Experimental study on chemical recuperation process of endothermic hydrocarbon fuel. Fuel. 2013, 108(6):445-450.
Jiang Qin, Silong Zhang, Wen Bao, Yanjuan Duan, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Off-design Condition Cooling Capacity Analysis of Recooling Cycle for a Scramjet. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 2012, 28(6): 1285-1292.
Juntao Chang, Lei Wang, Wen Bao, Jiang Qin*, Jun Niu, Wei Xue. Novel Oscillatory Patterns of Hypersonic Inlet Buzz. Journal of Propulsion and Power. 2012, 28(6): 1214-1221.
Jiang Qin, Silong Zhang, Wen Bao, L. Zhang, W.X. Zhou. Effect of recooling cycle on performance of hydrogen fueled scramjet. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012, 37(23):18528-18536.
Jiang Qin, Wen Bao, Silong Zhang, Yufei Song, Daren Yu.Thermodynamic analysis for a chemically recuperated scramjet. Science In China Series E. 2012, 55(11): 3204–3212.
Jiang Qin, Wen Bao, Silong Zhang, Weixing Zhou. Comparison During a Scramjet Regenerative Cooling and Recooling Cycle. Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer. 2012, 26(4): 612-618.
Jiang Qin, Wen Bao, Weixing Zhou. Comparison Analysis between Expander Cycle and Recooling Cycle for a Scramjet. Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2012, 25(3), 347–355.
Wen Bao, Xianling Li, Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Efficient Utilization of Heat Sink of Hydrocarbon Fuel for Regeneratively Cooled Scramjet. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 33:208-218.
Wen Bao, Jiang Qin*, Weixing Zhou, Duo Zhang, Daren Yu. Power generation and heat sink improvement characteristics of recooling cycle for thermal cracked hydrocarbon fueled scramjet. Science In China Series E. 2011, 54(3): 955-963.
Wen Bao, Jiang Qin*, Weixing Zhou. Heat transfer characteristic modeling and the effect of operating conditions on re-cooled cycle for a scramjet. Aeronautical Journal. 2011,115(1164): 83-90.
Wen Bao, Xianling Li, Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou. Modelling and Simulation Methodology of Channel Cooling Using Hydrocarbon Fuel as Coolant under Supercritical Pressures. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2011, 225(G9): 969-984.
Yanjuan Duan, Weixing Zhou, Jiang Qin, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Structural design for adaptive heat transfer enhancement. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer. 2011, 18 (1):71-80.
Wen Bao, Jiang Qin*, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Effect of cooling channel geometry on re-cooled cycle performance for hydrogen fueled scramjet. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010, 35 (13): 7002–7011.
Jiang Qin, Wen Bao, Weixing Zhou, and Daren Yu. Flow and heat transfer characteristics in fuel cooling channels of a recooling cycle. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010, 35(19): 10589-10598.
Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Thermodynamic analysis and parametric study of a closed Brayton cycle thermal management system for scramjet. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010, 35(1): 356-364.
Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Irreversible cycle analysis of Re-Cooled Cycle for a Scramjet, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2010, 224(G8): 912-926.
Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Thermodynamic optimization for a scramjet with Re-cooled Cycle. Acta Astronautica. 2010, 66(9-10): 1449-1457.
Daren Yu, Xiao Wu Lv, Jiang Qin, Wen Bao, Zhan Li Yao. A carbon dioxide thermal rocket that utilizes an indigenous resource in raw form for Mars exploration. Proc. IMechE, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2010, 224(3): 271-281.
Jiang Qin, Wen Bao, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Performance Cycle Analysis of an Open Cooling Cycle for Scramjet. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2009, 223(G6): 599-607
Wen Bao, Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Performance limit analysis of Recooled Cycle for regenerative cooling systems. Energy Conversion and Management. 2009, 50(8): 1908–1914.
Wen Bao, Jiang Qin, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Parametric Performance Analysis of Multiple Re-Cooled Cycle for Hydrogen Fueled Scramjet. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2009, 34(17): 7334–7341.
国际期刊《Energy Research Journal》、《Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering》和《World Research Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering》的编委

