2023-05-10 19:57
  • 马军
  • 马军 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-环境学院-个人资料




1993.12-1995.6英国帝国理工学院土木工程系(获国际“居里夫人”一等博士后科学基金) 饮用水处理 博士后\r
2004.3-至今哈尔滨工业大学市政环境 工程学院副院长/教授\r
2007.12-至今城市水资源与水环境国家 重点实验室饮用水安全学术带头人/教授\r
1996.1-1998.12英国帝国理工学院土木工程系 (英国皇家学会资助)/研究员\r
2008.5-2013.5Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management美国土木工程学会(ASCE)期刊副主编\r
2015.8-至今英国皇家化学会会士2015.10-至今Advanced Oxidation Technology副主编\r
2017.2-至今Applied Water Science副主编\r
2017.2-至今Water Research 期刊(国际水协IWA会刊)副主编\r




Xiaodan Zhao, Jun Ma*, and Urs von Gunten, @#%Reactions of Hypoiodous Acid with Model Compounds and the Formation of Iodoform in Absence/Presence of Permanganate@#%, Water research, 119 (2017), 126-35.\r
Yi Yang, Xinglin Lu, Jin Jiang, Jun Ma*, Guanqi Liu, Ying Cao, Weili Liu, Juan Li, Suyan Pang, Xiujuan Kong, and Congwei Luo, @#%Degradation of Sulfamethoxazole by Uv, Uv/H2o2 and Uv/Persulfate (Pds): Formation of Oxidation Products and Effect of Bicarbonate@#%, Water research, 118 (2017), 196-207.\r
Jingxin Yang, Ji Li, Wenyi Dong, Jun Ma*, Yi Yang, Jiayin Li, Zhichao Yang, Xiaolei Zhang, Jia Gu, Wanying Xie, and Yan Cang, @#%Enhancement of Bromate Formation by Ph Depression During Ozonation of Bromide-Containing Water in the Presence of Hydroxylamine@#%, Water research, 109 (2017), 135-43.\r
Pengchao Xie, Yizhou Guo, Yiqun Chen, Zongping Wang, Ran Shang, Songlin Wang, Jiaqi Ding, Ying Wan, Wei Jiang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Application of a Novel Advanced Oxidation Process Using Sulfite and Zero-Valent Iron in Treatment of Organic Pollutants@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 314 (2017), 240-48.\r
Gang Wen, Hong Zhu, Youda Wei, Tinglin Huang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Formation of Assimilable Organic Carbon During the Oxidation of Water Containing Microcystis Aeruginosa by Ozone and an Advanced Oxidation Process Using Ozone/Hydrogen Peroxide@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 307 (2017), 364-71.\r
Yang Song, Florian Breider, Jun Ma*, and Urs von Gunten, @#%Nitrate Formation During Ozonation as a Surrogate Parameter for Abatement of Micropollutants and the N-Nitrosodimethylamine (Ndma) Formation Potential@#%, Water research, 122 (2017), 246-57.\r
Haoran Song, Linxia Yan, Jun Ma*, Jin Jiang, Guangqiang Cai, Wenjuan Zhang, Zhongxiang Zhang, Jiaming Zhang, and Tao Yang, @#%Nonradical Oxidation from Electrochemical Activation of Peroxydisulfate at Ti/Pt Anode: Efficiency, Mechanism and Influencing Factors@#%, Water research, 116 (2017), 182-93.\r
Caihong Liu, Jongho Lee, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%Antifouling Thin-Film Composite Membranes by Controlled Architecture of Zwitterionic Polymer Brush Layer@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (2017), 2161-69.\r
Caihong Liu, Andreia F. Faria, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%Mitigation of Biofilm Development on Thin-Film Composite Membranes Functionalized with Zwitterionic Polymers and Silver Nanoparticles@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (2017), 182-91.\r
Chaoting Guan, Jin Jiang, Congwei Luo, Suyan Pang, Chengchun Jiang, Jun Ma*, Yixin Jin, and Juan Li, @#%Transformation of Iodide by Carbon Nanotube Activated Peroxydisulfate and Formation of Iodoorganic Compounds in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (2017), 479-87.\r
Jia Gu, Ling Yang, Jun Ma*, Jin Jiang, Jingxin Yang, Jianqiao Zhang, Huizhong Chi, Yang Song, Shaofang Sun, and Wei Quan Tian, @#%Hydrated Electron (E(Aq)(-)) Generation from P-Benzoquinone/Uv: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 212 (2017), 150-58.\r
Jia Gu, Jun Ma*, Jin Jiang, Ling Yang, Jingxin Yang, Jianqiao Zhang, Huizhong Chi, Yang Song, Shaofang Sun, and Wei Quan Tian, @#%Hydrated Electron (E(Aq)(-)) Generation from Phenol/Uv: Efficiency, Influencing Factors, and Mechanism@#%, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 200 (2017), 585-93.\r
Andreia F. Faria, Caihong Liu, Ming Xie, Francois Perreault, Long D. Nghiem, Jun Ma*, and Menachem Elimelech, @#%Thin-Film Composite Forward Osmosis Membranes Functionalized with Graphene Oxide-Silver Nanocomposites for Biofouling Control@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 525 (2017), 146-56.\r
Xiaodan Zhao, Elisabeth Salhi, Huiling Liu, Jun Ma*, and Urs von Gunten, @#%Kinetic and Mechanistic Aspects of the Reactions of Iodide and Hypoiodous Acid with Permanganate: Oxidation and Disproportionation@#%, Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (2016), 4358-65.\r
Wenjuan Zhang, Jun Ma*, Panpan Wang, Zhenghui Wang, Fengmei Shi, and Huiling Liu, @#%Investigations on the Interfacial Capacitance and the Diffusion Boundary Layer Thickness of Ion Exchange Membrane Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy@#%, Journal of Membrane Science, 502 (2016), 37-47.\r
Yi Yang, Joseph J. Pignatello, Jun Ma*, and William A. Mitch, @#%Effect of Matrix Components on Uv/H2o2 and Uv/S2o82- Advanced Oxidation Processes for Trace Organic Degradation in Reverse Osmosis Brines from Municipal Wastewater Reuse Facilities@#%, Water research, 89 (2016), 192-200.\r
Jingxin Yang, Ji Li, Wenyi Dong, Jun Ma*, Tingting Li, Yi Yang, Jiayin Li, and Jia Gu, @#%Deethylatrazine as a More Appropriate Hydroxyl Radical Probe Compound During Ozonation: Comparison with the Widely Used P-Chlorobenzoic Acid@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 295 (2016), 443-50.\r
Jingxin Yang, Ji Li, Wenyi Dong, Jun Ma*, Jie Cao, Tingting Li, Jiayin Li, Jia Gu, and Pingxin Liu, @#%Study on Enhanced Degradation of Atrazine by Ozonation in the Presence of Hydroxylamine@#%, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 316 (2016), 110-21.\r
Pengchao Xie, Charles-Francois de Lannoy, Jun Ma*, Zongping Wang, Songlin Wang, Jingjing Li, and Mark R. Wiesner, @#%Improved Chlorine Tolerance of a Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone-Polysulfone Membrane Enabled by Carboxylated Carbon Nanotubes@#%, Water research, 104 (2016), 497-506.\r
Zongping Wang, Yiqun Chen, Pengchao Xie, Ran Shang, and Jun Ma*, @#%Removal of Microcystis Aeruginosa by Uv-Activated Persulfate: Performance and Characteristics@#%, Chemical Engineering Journal, 300 (2016), 245-53.

