2023-05-10 19:55
  • 李争起
  • 李争起 - 博士 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-能源科学与工程学院-个人资料




English Book
1. Zhengqi Li. Radial-Bias-Combustion andCentral-Fuel Rich Swirl Pulverized Coal Burners for Wall-Fired Boilers. NovaScience Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2009
2. Zhengqi Li. Corn Straw and Biomass Blends:Combustion Characteristics and NO Formation. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., NewYork, USA, 2009
1、 李争起,孙锐,陈智超,孙绍增,吴少华,秦裕琨. 一种中心给粉旋流煤粉燃烧器,专利号:ZL 03 111101.7
2、 李争起,陈智超,孙锐. 防止水冷壁高温腐蚀和结渣的燃烧器墙式布置的锅炉装置,专利号:ZL 20051 0009772.2
3、 李争起,朱群益,赛俊聪,孙绍增,吴少华. 一种生物质与煤粉复合燃烧及生物质再燃脱硝的燃烧装置,专利号:ZL 20051 0009881.4
4、 李争起,任枫,高继慧,邱朋华,秦裕琨. 一种带浓淡煤粉燃烧装置的W形火焰炉,专利号:ZL 20051 0010015.7(W)
5、 李争起,任枫,秦裕琨,夏广龙. 一种具有二次风分风室倾斜装置的W形火焰炉,专利号:ZL 20071 0071703.3(W)
6、 李争起,靖剑平,陈智超,秦裕琨. 一种防止高温腐蚀的低NOx旋流燃烧装置,专利号:ZL 20071 0071815.9
7、 李争起,任枫,秦裕琨. 一种拱下二次风向下偏置的W型火焰炉,专利号:ZL 20061 0010089.5(W)
8、 李争起,陈智超,果志明,秦裕琨. 一种小油量气化燃烧、侧向点燃中心给粉的旋流燃烧器,专利号:ZL 20071 0072577.3
9、 李争起,任枫,陈智超,王静杰,徐振兴. 一种W型火焰炉局部通风防侧墙及翼墙水冷壁结渣装置,专利号:ZL 20081 0137054.7(W)
10、李争起,靖剑平,陈智超,刘光奎,刘春龙,秦裕琨,赵洋. 一种大速比中心给粉旋流煤粉燃烧器,专利号:ZL 20081 0137200.6
11、李争起,任枫,况敏,陈智超,阮成武,苏伟. 具有布置于上下炉膛交汇处的W型火焰锅炉燃尽风装置的锅炉,专利号:ZL 20081 0137177.0(W)
12、李争起,任枫,陈智超,陈曌,刘辉,秦明,陈力哲,邱朋华,高继慧,孙绍增,吴少华. 一种全混合W型火焰锅炉燃尽风装置,专利号:ZL 20081 0064934.6
13、李争起,陈智超,刘春龙,果志明,孙绍增. 小油量气化燃烧侧向多级开放式点燃中心给粉旋流燃烧器,专利号:ZL200810064783.4
14、李争起,任枫,陈智超,孙亮,刘辉. 防止侧墙水冷壁结渣的W型火焰锅炉,专利号:ZL ZL2007 10072221.X(W)
15、李争起,陈智超,赵洋,刘春龙. 一种防止一级燃烧室结渣的微油点火旋流煤粉燃烧装置,专利号:ZL 20081 0137506.1
16、秦裕琨,吴少华,高继慧,高建民,李争起. 内循环多级喷动流态化烟气脱硫塔,专利号:ZL 20051 0010119.8
17、高继慧,吴少华,秦裕琨,高建民,李争起,陈力哲. 中心钝体式流态化烟气净化装置,专利号:ZL 20061 0010580.8
18、刘 辉,吴少华,孙绍增,邱朋华,孙 锐,秦 明,李争起,秦裕琨. 用于垂直浓淡燃烧锅炉防结渣防高温腐蚀的煤粉燃烧装置,专利号:ZL 20071 0071803.6
19、刘 辉,吴少华,杜 谦,李争起,秦裕琨. 一种降低煤粉锅炉氮氧化物排放的方法及其使用的锅炉,专利号:ZL 20071 0071814.4
20、吴少华,刘 辉,孙绍增,邱朋华,孙 锐,秦 明,李争起,秦裕琨. 一种用于燃煤锅炉中低氮氧化物燃烧的方法,专利号:ZL 20071 0071816.3
21、吴少华,刘 辉,孙绍增,邱朋华,孙 锐,秦 明,李争起,秦裕琨. 利用生物质直燃再燃与烟气再循环工艺脱硝的方法及装置,专利号:ZL 20071 0071882.0
22、陈力哲,孙 锐,孙绍增,李争起,李瑞扬,吴少华,鞠胤宏,秦裕琨. 节能微量油、天然气点燃煤粉燃烧装置,专利号:ZL 20071 0072223.9
23、李争起,况敏,陈智超,阮成武,张福成. 一种稳燃防结渣采用直流缝隙式燃烧器的W型火焰锅炉装置,专利号:ZL 20081 0137213.3(W)
24、陈智超,李争起,范夙博,任枫,杨学海. 带有两级燃尽风的W型火焰锅炉,专利号:ZL 20091 0071322.4(W)
25、李争起,任枫,王静杰,陈智超,苏伟. 带用于W型火焰炉上的浓淡煤粉气流错列布置的燃烧装置,专利号:ZL 20091 0071320.5(W)
26、李争起,刘春龙,陈智超,赵洋, 胡志勇. 一种多油枪微油量点燃煤粉燃烧装置,专利号:ZL 20091 0304771.9(W)
27、李争起,刘春龙,陈智超,赵洋, 韩云峰. 二次浓缩双喷口微油量点燃煤粉装置,专利号:ZL 20091 0072137.7(W)
28、李争起,任枫,王琳,陈智超,张福成. 通过改变油二次风量来调节W火焰炉燃烧的方法,ZL 20091 0071981.8(W)
29、李争起,陈智超,况敏,朱群益,徐善田,张佳,杨连杰,吴远刚,邢超. 一种带有增程二次风喷口的W型火焰锅炉,ZL 20091 0309100.1(W)
30、陈智超,李争起,赵洋,刘春龙. 一种带有渐扩段的低阻力、低NOx的旋流煤粉燃烧器,ZL 20091 0071436.9(W)
31、李争起,陈智超,况敏,朱群益,张佳,申珊平,孔维光. 在炉拱上布置有缝隙式燃尽风喷口的W型火焰锅炉,ZL 20091 0309113.9(W)
32、李争起,陈智超,孙 锐,孙绍增,吴绍华,秦 明,刘 辉,秦裕琨. 一种低氮氧化物旋流煤粉燃烧器,ZL 20078 0017391.6
33、李争起,刘春龙,陈智超,孔维光,曾令艳,赵洋,杨连杰. 一种可提高初始点火热量的微油量点燃煤粉燃烧装置,ZL 201010 136703.9
34、陈智超,李争起,曾令艳,朱群益,邢超,胡志勇,徐振兴,申珊平,孔维光. 一种适用于不同负荷煤粉型锅炉的燃尽风装置,ZL 201010 150814.5
35、李争起,任枫,王静杰,陈智超,王琳. 一种提高W型火焰锅炉一次风煤粉气流温度的方法及装置,ZL 200810 209692.5(W)
36、陈智超,李争起,任枫,阮成武,刘春龙,孙绍增,孙锐. 用于W形火焰锅炉上的低阻煤粉浓淡分离装置,ZL 20091 0071683.9(W)
37、李争起,刘光奎,朱群益等. 四角通风防止翼墙及侧墙水冷壁结渣的W火焰锅炉,ZL 20101 0512616.9(W)
38、李争起,陈智超,况敏,朱群益,曾令艳,刘春龙,杨连杰,吴远刚,胡志勇,张佳,徐善田,申珊平,杨志强. 拱上单级引射分级燃烧的方法及实现该方法的W火焰锅炉,ZL 20101 0149622.2(W)
39、陈智超,李争起,曾令艳,朱群益,邢超,胡志勇,徐振兴. 一种布置于W火焰锅炉中的浓淡分离装置,ZL 20101 0145504.4(W)
40、陈智超,李争起,申珊平,朱群益,杨连杰. 一种用于工业窑炉的采用烟气再循环的旋流煤粉燃烧器,ZL 20101 0213627.7
41、李争起,陈智超,况敏,孙锐,朱群益,曾令艳,刘春龙,孙绍增,吴少华. 多次引射分级燃烧的方法,ZL 20101 0149634.5(W)
42、李争起,况敏,张岩,陈智超. 浓、淡煤粉喷口交错布置的多次引射分级燃烧W火焰锅炉,ZL 20111 0231069.1(W)
43、李争起,陈智超,况敏,吴远刚,张佳,杨连杰,徐善田,曾令艳,申珊平,杨志强. 一种带有边界二次风喷口的W火焰锅炉,ZL 20101 0156745.9(W)
44、李争起,刘光奎,陈智超,朱群益,杨志强. 用于液态排渣W火焰锅炉的低氮氧化物燃烧装置,ZL 20111 0111706.1(W)
45、李争起,陈智超,孙锐、孙绍增、吴少华、秦明、刘辉. LowNOx Swirl Coal Combustion Burner. US8479668B2. 美国专利
46、李争起,况敏,张翔,刘春龙,陈夏超. 一种W火焰锅炉燃烧装置,ZL 20121 0215499.9(W)
47、陈智超,李争起,王阳,张岩,赖金平,周航,朱群益,张宏宇,曾令艳. 一种旋流煤粉燃烧器非等间距布置的锅炉装置,ZL 20121 0103218.0
48、陈智超,李争起,李渊,朱群益,遆曙光,王振旺. 一种带有中心风管道的中心给粉旋流煤粉燃烧器,ZL 20111 0302031.9
49、李争起,况敏,刘春龙,井新经,曾令艳,陈智超,朱群益. 布置于拱上翼墙上方的W型火焰锅炉缝隙式燃尽风装置,ZL 20131 0224328.7(W)
50、李争起,况敏,井新经,等. 一种用于W型火焰锅炉的拱上燃烧器,ZL 20131 0224238.4(W)
51、曾令艳,陈智超,张锡乾,李争起,朱群益,王海明. 一种带有蒸汽升压装置的恩德粉煤气化炉,ZL 20141 0219094.1
52、李争起,陈智超,曾令艳,李争起,王浩鹏,蒋炳坤,秦明,秦裕琨.气化炉水循环与余热锅炉一体化形成自然水循环的装置,ZL 2015 1 0076596.8
53、陈智超,王浩鹏,蒋炳坤,李争起,曾令艳,秦明. 一种带有氮气、水蒸气、合成气驱动回料机构的恩德粉煤气化炉,ZL 20151 0054205.2
54、陈智超,刘晓英,曾令艳,李争起,王浩鹏,蒋炳坤,朱群益. 一种底部带有喷氧助熔的气流床气化炉,ZL 20151 0578776.6
55、陈智超,刘晓英,曾令艳,李争起,王浩鹏,蒋炳坤,朱群益. 一种用于熔渣气化炉底部的破渣装置,ZL 20151 0578777.0
56、陈智超,曾令艳,李争起,王浩鹏,蒋炳坤,刘晓英,朱群益. 一种空气送粉气化剂强旋转煤粉气化方法,ZL 20151 0578779.X
57、陈智超,王青祥,曾令艳,李争起,车苗苗,李晓光,宋民航,乔成成. 旋流煤粉燃烧器一、二次风偏心布置的W火焰锅炉,ZL 20151 1007686.8 (W)
58、王浩鹏,蒋炳坤,刘晓英,陈智超,曾令艳,李争起,朱群益. 一种气化炉停电自保护装置及方法,ZL 20151 0578778.5
59、陈智超,王青祥,曾令艳,李争起,李晓光,车苗苗,何额尔敦木图,张佳,刘一波. 一种用于W火焰锅炉的二次风偏置的旋流煤粉燃烧器,ZL 20151 1005439.4 (W)
60、宋民航,曾令艳,刘一波,李晓光,陈智超,李争起. 一种安装在超临界W火焰锅炉减少水冷壁温度偏差的装置,ZL 20161 0339798.1 (W)
61、陈智超,王青祥,车苗苗,曾令艳,李争起. 一种乏气风偏置的W火焰锅炉,ZL 20161 0605676.2 (W)
62、李争起,陈智超,况敏,孙锐,朱群益,曾令艳,刘春龙,孙绍增,吴少华.Method for multi-stage combustion with multi-ejection by a boiler(锅炉多次引射分级燃烧的方法),英国发明专利,GB2486630 (W)
63、李争起, 陈智超, 曾令艳, 王浩鹏, 刘晓英, 蒋炳坤,朱群益, 秦裕琨. Pulverized coal gasification furnace with multi-level feeding of high speed circulating gasification agent and gasification method. 美国专利,US10005973B2
64、曾令艳, 陈智超, 李争起, 王浩鹏, 刘晓英, 蒋炳坤, 朱群益. 一种煤粉气化炉烧嘴,ZL201510579027.5
65、陈智超,曾令艳,李争起,王浩鹏,蒋炳坤,刘晓英,朱群益. 一种气化剂强旋转煤粉气化方法,ZL201510579028.X
66、曾令艳,陈智超,李争起,王浩鹏,刘晓英,蒋炳坤,朱群益. 顶部及炉体同时供入气化剂强旋转煤粉气化方法,ZL2015 1 0578724.9
67、陈智超,方能、李晓光、刘一波、王浩鹏,曾令艳,李争起. 一种气化剂强旋转煤粉气化炉及气化方法,ZL 2016 1 0555061.3
68、陈智超,王浩鹏,乔大成,何额尔敦木图,曾令艳,李争起. 一种防止炉壁烧损的“水包氧”强旋转煤粉气化炉,ZL201610554990.2
70、陈智超,王浩鹏,何额尔敦木图,乔大成,曾令艳,李争起. 一种带有排渣装置的熔渣气化炉,ZL201610388719.6
71、陈智超,王浩鹏,乔大成,何额尔敦木图,曾令艳,李争起. 一种水冷壁与耐火砖壁面组合布置的气化炉装置,ZL201610388806.1
72、陈智超,王青祥,王炳南,曾令艳,李争起,张鑫. 用于W火焰锅炉高温还原区的多孔喷氨装置,ZL201710818917.6
73、陈智超,王青祥,王炳南,曾令艳,李争起,杨秀超. 带有内直外旋喷氨装置的旋流燃烧器W火焰锅炉,ZL201710818425.7
74、陈智超,王青祥,李鑫,张鑫,张晓研,曾令艳,李争起. 一种采用旋流煤粉燃烧器的多次引射分级W火焰锅炉,ZL201610949784.1
1、 李争起,任枫,秦裕琨. 一种低NOx煤粉燃烧的W形火焰炉,ZL 20062 0020919.8
2、 曾令艳,陈智超,张锡乾,李争起,朱群益,王海明. 一种带有蒸汽升压装置的粉煤气化炉,ZL 20142 0264984.X


"1. 煤的低NOx燃烧
2. W型火焰锅炉多次引射分级原理及技术的研究
3. 气固两相流动
4. 煤气化原理及技术"


Part Ⅰ: biomass combustion
1. Wei Zhao, Zhengqi Li, Dawei Wang, Qunyi Zhu,Rui Sun, Baihong Meng and Guangbo Zhao. Combustion characteristics of differentparts of corn straw and NO formation in a fixed bed. Bioresource Technology,2008, 99(8): 2956-2963
2. Zhengqi Li, Wei Zhao, Baihong Meng, ChunlongLiu, Qunyi Zhu, Guangbo Zhao. Kinetic study of corn straw pyrolysis: comparisonof two different three-pseudocomponent models. Bioresource Technology, 2008,99(16): 7616-7622
3. Zhengqi Li, Wei Zhao, Guangbo Zhao, FangshiZhang, Qunyi Zhu. Effect of corn stalk length on combustion characteristics ina fixed bed. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22: 2009-2014
4. Wei Zhao, Zhengqi Li, Guangbo Zhao, FangshiZhang, Qunyi Zhu. Effect of air preheating and fuel moisture on combustioncharacteristics of corn straw in a fixed bed. Energy Conversion and Management,2008, 49: 3560-3565
5. Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Zhichao Chen, JuanQian, Wei Zhao, Qunyi Zhu. Analysis of coals and biomass pyrolysis using thedistributed activation energy model. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100: 948-952
6. Zhengqi Li, Wei Zhao, Ruiyang Li, ZhenwangWang, Yuan Li, Guangbo Zhao. Combustion characteristics and NO formation forbiomass blends in a 35-ton-per-hour travelling grate utility boiler.Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(7). 2278-2283
7. Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Chunlong Liu, ZhiyongHu,Wei Zhao, Guangbo Zhao. Study on pyrolysis characteristics of corn straw.International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2011, Vol. 19, ArticleA46: http://www.bepress.com/ijcre/vol9/A46
Part Ⅱ: tangential fired boiler
8. Zhengqi Li, Longbin Yang, Penghua Qiu, Rui Sun,Lizhe Chen and Shaozeng Sun. Experimental study of the combustion efficiencyand formation of NOx in an industrial pulverized coal combustion. Int. J.Energy Res. 2004, 28(5): 511 – 520
9. R Sun, Y Wu, J Swithenbank and Zhengqi Li.Horizontal split combustion burner in a 200-MW tangential fired boiler. Journalof the Energy Institute, 2004, 77:97-107
Part Ⅲ: swirl burner
10. Zhengqi Li, Rui Sun, Lizhe Chen, Zhixin Wan,Shaohua Wu, Yukun Qin. Effect of primary air flow types on particledistributions in the near swirl burner region. Fuel, 2002, 81(6): 829-835
11. Zhengqi Li, Zhixin Wan, Shaozeng Sun, LizheChen, Shaohua Wu, Yukun Qin. Influence of division cone angles between thefuel-rich and the fuel-lean ducts on gas-particle flow and combustion nearswirl burners. Energy, 2002, 27: 1119-1130
12. Zhengqi Li, Rui Sun, Zhixin Wan, Shaozeng Sun,Shaohua Wu, Lizhe Chen. Gas-particle flow and combustionin the near-burner zoneof the swirl-stabilized pulverized coal burner. Combustion Science andTechnology, 2003, 175(11): 1979 – 2014
13. Likun Huang, Zhengqi Li, Rui Sun and Jue Zhou.Numerical study on the effect of the Over-Fire-Air to the air flow and coalcombustion in a 670 t/h wall-fired boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 2006,87(4): 363-371
14. Z. Q. Li, Z. C. Chen, R. Sun and S. H. Wu. Newlow NOx, low grade coal fired swirl stabilised technology. Journal of theEnergy Institute, 2007, 80(3): 123-130
15. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Fuqiang Wang,Jianping Jing, Lizhe Chen and Shaohua Wu. Gas/particle flow characteristics ofa centrally fuel rich swirl coal combustion burner. Fuel, 2008, 87: 2102-2110
16. Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Zhichao Chen, FengRen, Bin Xu, Hongda Wei, and Zhihong Ge. Combustion characteristics and NOxemissions of two kinds of swirl burners in a 300-MWe wall-fired pulverized-coalutility boiler. Combustion Science and Technology, 2008, 180: 1370-1394
17. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing,Hongda Wei, Lizhe Chen, Shaohua Wu, Yang Yao. Experiment Investigations on thePerformance of Centrally Fuel Rich Swirl Coal Combustion Burner: Influence ofPrimary Air Ratio. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2008,Vol. 6, Article A39: http://www.bepress.com/ijcre/vol6/A39
18. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing,Fuqiang Wang, Lizhe Chen and Shaohua Wu. The influence of fuel bias in theprimary air duct on the gas/particle flow characteristics near the swirl burnerregion. Fuel Processing Technology, 2008, 89: 958-965
19. Zhichao Chena, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing,Lizhe Chen , Shaohua Wu, Yang Yao. Gas/particle flow characteristics of twoswirl burners. Energy Conversion and Management, 2009, 50: 1180-1191
20. Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Zhihong Ge,Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, Feng Ren. Numerical simulation of low NOxcombustion technology in a 100 MWe bituminous coal-fired wall boiler. NumericalHeat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2009, 55(6): 574-593
21. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, LizheChen , Shaohua Wu, Yang Yao. Study on flow fields of centrally fuel rich swirlburner and its applications. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009,26(5): 1186-1193
22. Lingyan Zeng, Zhengqi Li, Hong Cui, FuchengZhang, Zhichao Chen and Guangbo Zhao. Effect of the fuel bias distribution inthe primary air nozzle on the slagging near a swirl coal burner throat. Energy& Fuels, 2009, 23(10): 4893-4899
23. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu,Zhichao Chen, Chunlong Liu. Measurement of Gas Species, Temperatures, CoalBurnout, and Wall Heat Fluxes in a 200 MWe Lignite-fired Boiler with DifferentOver-fire Air Damper Openings. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23: 3573-3585
24. Chunlong Liu, Zhengqi Li, Yang Zhao, ZhichaoChen. Influence of Coal-feed Rates on Bituminous Coal Ignition in a Full-scaleTiny-oil Ignition Burner. Fuel, 2010, 89: 1690-1694
25. Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Guangkui Liu,Zhichao Chen, Chunlong Liu. Measurement of gas species, temperatures, charburnout, and wall heat fluxes in a 200-MWe lignite-fired boiler at different loads.Applied Energy, 2010, 87: 1217-1230
26. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu,Zhichao Chen, and Feng Ren. Influence of different outer secondary air vaneangles on flow and combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of a new swirlcoal burner. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(1): 346–354
27. Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Guangkui Liu andZhichao Chen. Fractal and turbulence characteristics of aerodynamic fields ofswirl burners. Chemical Engineering Science, 2010, 65(3): 1253-1260
28. Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Yang Zhao, ZhichaoChen. Influence of the Coal-feed Rate on Lean Coal Ignition in a Full-scaleTiny-oil Ignition Burner. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(1): 375–378
29. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen,Guangkui Liu and Chunlong Liu. Study of the influence of vane angle on flow,gas species, temperature, and char burnout in a 200 MWe lignite-fired boiler.Fuel, 2010, 89: 1973–1984
30. Lingyan Zeng, Zhengqi Li, Guangbo Zhao,Shanping Shen and Fucheng Zhang. Effect of the vane angle for outer secondaryair on flow and combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of the low-NOxaxial-swirl coal burner. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2011,59: 43–57
31. Zhengqi Li, Lingyan Zeng, Guangbo Zhao,Shanping Shen, Fucheng Zhang. Particle sticking behavior near the throat of alow- NOx axial-swirl coal burner. Applied Energy, 2011, 88: 650-658
32. Lingyan Zeng, Zhengqi Li, Guangbo Zhao,Shanping Shen, Fucheng Zhang. Numerical Simulation of Combustion Characteristicsand NOx Emissions in a 300 MWe Utility Boiler with Different OuterSecondary-Air Vane Angles. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24: 5349–5358
33. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, ZhichaoChen, Lin Wang, Lizhe Chen. Influence of the outer secondary air vane angle onthe gas/particle flow characteristics near the double swirl flow burner region.Energy, 2011, 36: 258–267
34. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, ZhichaoChen, and Feng Ren. Influence of primary air ratio on flow and combustioncharacteristics and NOx emissions of a new swirl coal burner. Energy, 2011,36(2): 1206–1213
35. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, JianpingJing. Gas/particle flow and combustion characteristics and NOx emissions of anew swirl coal burner. Energy, 2011, 36(2): 709–723
36. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Zhenwang Wang,Chunlong Liu, Lizhe Chen, Qunyi Zhu, Yuan Li. The Influence of Distance betweenAdjacent Rings on the Gas/particle Flow Characteristics of Conical RingsConcentrator. Energy, 2011, 36(5): 2557-2564
37. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Lin Wang, ZhichaoChen, Lizhe Chen, Fucheng Zhang. Influence of the mass flow rate of secondaryair on the gas/particle flow characteristics in the near-burner region of adouble swirl flow burner. Chemical Engineering Science, 2011, 66: 2864–2871
38. Jianping Jing, Zhengqi Li, Lin Wang, LizheChen, Guohua Yang. Influence of secondary-air mass flow rates on gas/particleflow characteristics near the swirl burner region. Energy, 2011, 36(5):3599-3605
39. Zhichao Chen, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, LianjieYang, Lizhe Chen. Concentrator Performance within a Centrally Fuel-Rich PrimaryAir Burner: Influence of Multiple Levels. Energy, 2011, 36(7): 4041-4047
40. Zhengqi Li, Lingyan Zeng, Guangbo Zhao,Shanping Shen, and Fucheng Zhang. Numerical simulations of combustioncharacteristics and NOx emissions for two configurations of swirl coal burnersin a 300 MWe wall-fired boiler. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications,2011, 60: 441-460
41. Lingyan Zeng, Zhengqi Li, Guangbo Zhao, JingLi, Fucheng Zhang, Shanping Shen and Lizhe Chen. The Influence of Swirl BurnerStructure on the Gas/particle Flow Characteristics. Energy, 2011, 36(10):6184-6194
Part Ⅳ:down-fired pulverized-coal boiler
1.Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Yubin Zhang, Shaozeng Sun, Xiaohui Zhang, and Zhichao Chen. Influence of the Secondary Air-Box Damper Opening on Airflow and Combustion Characteristics of a Down-Fired 300-MWe Utility Boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(2): 668-676.IF:3.024
2. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Jie Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang, Zhichao Chen and Lizhe Chen. Influence of vent air valve opening on combustion characteristics of a down-fired pulverized-coal 300 MWe utility boiler. Fuel, 2007, 86(15): 2457-2462. IF: 4.908
3. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Jianping Jing, Xiaohui Zhang, Zhichao Chen and Juwei Zhang. Influence of the adjustable vane position on the flow and combustion characteristics of a down-fired pulverized-coal 300 MWe utility boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 2008, 89(12): 1297-1305. IF: 3.956,
4. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Jingjie Wang and Zhao Chen. Influence of the down-draft secondary air on the furnace aerodynamic characteristics of a down-fired boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(5):2437-2443. IF: 3.024
5. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Zhichao Chen, Guangkui Liu and Zhenxing Xu. Experimental investigations into gas/particle flows in a down-fired boiler: influence of down-draft secondary air. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(12): 5846–5854. IF: 3.024
6. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Zhichao Chen, Zhao Chen and Jingjie Wang. Influence of declivitous secondary air on combustion characteristics of a down-fired 300-MWe utility boiler. Fuel, 2010, 89: 410-416. IF: 4.908
7. Subo Fan, Zhengqi Li, Xuehai Yang, Guangkui Liu and Zhichao Chen. Influence of Outer Secondary Air Vane Angle on Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a Down-Fired Pulverized-coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler. Fuel, 2010, 89: 1525-1533. IF: 4.908
8. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Zhichao Chen, Jingjie Wang, Zhao Chen, Juwei Zhang. Influence of oil atomized air on flow and combustion characteristics in a 300 MWe down-fired boiler. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010, 5: 488-496. IF: 1.238
9. Zhengqi Li, Subo Fan, Guangkui Liu, Xuehai Yang, Zhichao Chen, Wei Su, Lin Wang. Influence of Staged-Air on Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a 300 MWe Down-Fired Boiler with Swirl Burners. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(1): 38–45. IF: 3.024
10. Zhengqi Li, Min Kuang, Jia Zhang, Yunfeng Han, Qunyi Zhu, Lianjie Yang and Weiguang Kong. Influence of Staged-air on Airflow, Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a Down-fired Pulverized-coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler with Direct Flow Split Burners. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44(3): 1130-1136. IF: 6.653
11. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Zhenxing Xu and Guohua Yang. Experimental investigations into gas/particle flows in a down-fired boiler: influence of the vent air ratio. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(3): 1592–1602. IF: 3.024
12. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Yunfeng Han, Lianjie Yang, Qunyi Zhu, Jia Zhang and Shanping Shen. Influence of Staged-air Declination Angle on Flow Field Deflection in a Down-fired Pulverized-coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler with Direct Flow Split Burners. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(3): 1603–1610. IF: 3.024
13. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Zhichao Chen, Guangkui Liu, Zhenxing Xu. Improved NOx emissions and combustion characteristics for a retrofitted down-fired 300-MWe utility boiler. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44(10): 3926–3931. IF: 6.653
14. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Zhenxing Xu, Qunyi Zhu and Guahua Yang. Experimental Investigations into Gas/Particle Flows in a Down-Fired Boiler: Influence of Secondary Air Momentum. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24: 3498–3509. IF: 3.024
15. Zhengqi Li, Subo Fan, Wei Su, Zhichao Chen. Influence of Outer Secondary Air Vane Angle on Flow Field of a Down-Fired Pulverized-coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler with Swirl Burners. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(7): 3884–3889. IF: 3.024
16. Chunlong Liu, Zhengqi Li, Weiguang Kong, Yang Zhao, Zhichao Chen. Bituminous Coal Combustion in a Full-scale Start-up Ignition Burner: Influence of the Excess Air Ratio. Energy, 2010, 35: 4102–4106. IF: 4.968
17. Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Weiguang Kong, Yang Zhao, Zhichao Chen. Experimental Studies on the Effect of the Pulverized Coal Concentration on Lean-Coal Combustion in a Lateral-Ignition Tiny-oil Burner. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24: 4161–4165. IF: 3.024
18. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Subo Fan, Guangkui Liu. Influence of the overfire air ratio on the NOx emission and combustion characteristics of a down-fired 300-MWe utility boiler. Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, 44: 6510–6516. IF: 6.653
19. Zhengqi Li, Feng Ren, Guangkui Liu, Shanping Shen and Zhichao Chen. Influence of angled secondary air on combustion characteristics of a 660 MWe down-fired utility boiler. Combustion Science and Technology, 2011, 183(3): 238–251. IF: 1.132
20. Zhengqi Li, Min Kuang, Qunyi Zhu, Pengfei Yang, Yuangang Wu, and Shantian Xu. Staged-Air Ratio Optimization within a Cold Small-Scale Model for a MBEL Down-Fired Pulverized-Coal 300 MWe Utility Boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24: 4883–4892. IF: 3.024
21. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Zhenxing Xu and Guohua Yang. Influence of the over-fire air angle on the flow field in a down-fired furnace determined by a cold-flow experiment. Fuel, 2011, 90: 997–1003. IF: 4.908
22. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, and Qunyi Zhu. Combustion and NOx Emissions Characteristics of a Down-Fired 660-MWe Utility Boiler Retro-fitted with Air-surrounding-fuel Concept. Energy, 2011, 36: 70–77. IF: 4.968
23. Zhengqi Li, Min Kuang, Qunyi Zhu, Pengfei Yang. Flow-Field Deflection within a Cold Small-Scale Model for a Down-Fired 300 MWe Utility Boiler at Asymmetric Staged-Air Distribution. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(1): 86–96. IF: 3.024
24. Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Zhichao Chen, Feng Ren. Combustion and NOx emission characteristics of a retrofitted down-fired 660 MWe utility boiler at different loads. Applied Energy, 2011, 88: 2400–2406. IF: 7.9
25. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Pengfei Yang, Jinzhao Jia and Qunyi Zhu. Flow-field deflection characteristics within a cold small-scale model for a down-fired 300 MWe utility boiler at different secondary-air angles. Fuel Processing Technology, 2011, 92: 1261–1271. IF: 3.956
26. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Pengfei Yang, Jinzhao Jia and Qunyi Zhu. Staged-Air Ratio Optimization for a New Down-Fired Technology within a Cold Small-Scale Model of a 350 MWe Utility Boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25: 1485–1496. IF: 3.024
27. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Shantian Xu, and Qunyi Zhu. Improving Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a Down-Fired 350 MWe Utility Boiler with Multiple Injection and Multiple Staging. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45: 3803–3811. IF: 6.653
28. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Guangkui Liu, Zhichao Chen, and Qunyi Zhu. Numerical Simulation of Flow and Combustion Characteristics in a 300 MWe Down-Fired Boiler with Different OFA angles. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25: 1457–1464. IF: 3.024
29. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Shantian Xu, Xingying Zhu, Yan Zhang, Qunyi Zhu. Impact of overfire location on combustion improvement and NOx abatement of a down-fired 350 MWe utility boiler with multiple injection and multiple staging. Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(10): 4322-4332. IF: 3.024
30. Zhengqi Li, Subo Fan, Qunyi Zhu, Wei Su, Zhichao Chen, Yukun Qin. Influence of Staged-air Flow on Flow Characteristics in a Scale Model of a Down-fired Utility Boiler with Swirl Burners: An Experimental Study. Fuel, 2012, 93: 160–166. IF: 4.908
31. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Yan Zhang, Jinzhao Jia, Qunyi Zhu. Asymmetric Combustion Characteristics and NOx emissions of a Down-Fired 300 MWe Utility Boiler at Different Boiler Loads. Energy, 2012, 37: 580–590. IF: 4.968
32. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Hongyu Zhang, Xingying Zhu, Yan Zhang. Inner- and Outer-Secondary Air Distance-Effect Study within a Cold Small-Scale Model of a New Down-Fired 600 MWe Supercritical Utility Boiler. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26: 417–424. IF: 3.024
33. Zhengqi Li, Min Kuang, Qunyi Zhu, Jinping Lai, Yan Zhang. Aerodynamic characteristics within a cold small-scale model for a down-fired 350 MWe utility boiler applying a multiple-injection and multiple-staging technology: Effect of the staged-air declination angle. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2012, 38: 184–194. IF: 3.204
34. Guangkui Liu, Zhengqi Li, Zhichao Chen, Xingying Zhu, Qunyi Zhu. Effect of the anthracite ratio of blended coals on the combustion and NOx emission characteristics of a retrofitted down-fired 660-MWe utility boiler. Applied Energy, 2012, 95: 196–201. IF: 7.9
35. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Yang Wang, Lizhe Chen, Yan Zhang. Experimental gas/particle flow characteristics of a down-fired 600 MWe supercritical utility boiler at different staged-air ratios. Energy, 2012, 42: 411–423. IF: 4.968
36. Feng Ren, Zhengqi Li, Lingyan Zeng, Zhichao Chen and Qunyi Zhu. Numerical Simulation of Flow, Combustion, and NOx Emission Characteristics in a 300 MWe Down-Fired Boiler with Different OFA ratios. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2012, 62: 231–249. IF: 2.409
37. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Chunlong Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Yan Zhang, Yang Wang. Evaluation of overfire air behavior for a down-fired 350 MWe utility boiler with multiple injection and multiple staging. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 48: 164–175. IF: 3.771
38. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Lizhe Chen, Yan Zhang, Jinping Lai. Gas/particle flow characteristics, combustion and NOx emissions of down-fired 600 MWe supercritical utility boilers with respect to two configurations of combustion systems. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26: 3316–3328. IF: 3.024
39. Guangkui Liu, Qunyi Zhu, Zhengqi Li, Xingying Zhu, Zhichao Chen. New over-fire air arrangement and its air ratio optimization determined by aerodynamic characteristics in a cold small-scale model for a down-fired 660-MWe utility boiler. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 44: 475–482. IF: 3.204
40. Min Kuang, Qunyi Zhu, Zhengqi Li, Xiang Zhang. Numerical investigation on combustion and NOx emissions of a down-fired 350 MWe utility boiler with multiple injection and multiple staging: Effect of the air stoichiometric ratio in the primary combustion zone. Fuel Processing Technology, 2013, 109: 32-42. IF: 3.204, Q2, Accession number: 000316515400047. IF: 3.956
41. Chunlong Liu, Zhengqi Li, Xiang Zhang, Xinjing Jing, Wenzhen Zhang, Zhichao Chen, Qunyi Zhu. Aerodynamic Characteristics within a Cold Small-scale Model for a Down-fired 350 MWe Supercritical Utility Boiler at Various Primary Air to Vent Air Ratios. Energy, 2012, 47: 294–301.IF: 4.968
42. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu. Evaluation on cold modeling flow field for a down-fired 600 MWe supercritical boiler with multi-injection and multi-staging: A burner location experimental optimization and its validation by real-furnace measurements. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 45: 213–220.IF: 3.204
43. Min Kuang, Zhengqi Li, Qunyi Zhu, Yan Zhang. Performance assessment of staged-air declination in improving asymmetric gas/particle flow characteristics within a down-fired 600 MWe supercritical utility boiler. Energy, 2013, 49: 423–433. IF: 4.968
44. Kuang Min,Li Zheng-Qi,Zhu Qun-Yi,Zhang Hong-Yu. Cold-modeling flow characteristics for a 300-MWe down-fired furnace at different secondary-air distributions. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 68: 148–157. IF: 3.361
45. Li Zheng-Qi,Liu Chun-Long,Yang Peng-Fei,Jing XinJing,Zhang Hong-Yu,Wang Yang,Zhang Xiang,Chen Xia-Chao,Zhu Qun-Yi.Effect of declination angle of vent air on flow characteristics of a scale model of a down-fired utility boiler with swirl burners. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2013, 139(4): 322-328.IF:1.346
46. Liu Chun-Long,Li Zheng-Qi,Jing XinJing,Zong Qiu-Dong,Zhang Xiang,Chen Xia-Chao,Zhu Qun-Yi. Investigations on Lean Coal Combustion for Different Primary Air Velocities in a Lateral-Ignition Tiny-Oil Burner. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2013, 139(4): 316-321.IF: 1.346
Part Ⅴ: coal gasification
1. Haopeng Wang, Zhichao Chen, Xiaoyan Zhang,Zhengqi Li, Neng Fang, Xiaoying Liu. Influence of reference temperature on thethermal stress of slag-layer cooling in an atmospheric entrained-flow gasifierwith high-speed circulating gasification agent. Applied Thermal Engineering,2018, 131: 446-454.
2. Haopeng Wang, Zhichao Chen, Xiaoyan Zhang,Zhengqi Li, Neng Fang, Xiaoying Liu. Thermal decomposition mechanisms of coaland coal chars under CO2 atmosphere using a distributed activation energymodel. Thermochimica Acta, 2018, 662: 41-46.
3. Zhengqi Li, Neng Fang, Lushan Gao, LingyanZeng, Zhichao Chen, Haopeng Wang, Xibin Dong. PDA research on the air/particleflow characteristics in a 2000t/d GSP pulverized coal gasifier at differentswirl vane angles. Fuel Processing Technology. 2018, 173: 216-228.
4. Neng Fang, Zhengqi Li, Jiaquan Wang, Bin Zhang, Lingyan Zeng, Zhichao Chen, Haopeng Wang, Xiaoying Liu, Xiaoyan Zhang. Experimental investigations on air/particle flow characteristics in a 2000 t/d GSP pulverized coal gasifier with an improved burner. Energy. 2018, 165, 432-441.
5. Neng Fang, Lingyan Zeng, Bin Zhang, Zhengqi Li, Haopeng Wang, Xiaoying Liu. Numerical simulation of flow and gasification characteristics with different swirl vane angles in a 2000t/d GSP gasifier. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019, 153, 791-799.
6. Xiaoying Liu, Zhichao Chen, Lushan Gao, Jia Zhang, Haopeng Wang, Neng Fang, Zhengqi Li, Lingyan Zeng, Minhang Song. Reducing the unburned combustible in the fly ash from a 45,000 Nm3/h Ende Pulverized-Coal Gasifier by applying steam-solid ejector. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019,149, 34-40.
1. Energy and Power Engineering、Advances in Energy、Frontiers in Energy(中国工程院院刊,SCI源刊)、 Energy Science and Technology以及《热能动力工程》期刊的编委。
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