2023-05-10 19:54
  • 刘占生
  • 刘占生 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-能源科学与工程学院-个人资料




1980年09月-1984年06月 武汉理工大学 船舶内燃机专业 学士
1985年09月-1988年07月 哈尔滨工业大学 热力发动机专业 硕士
1992年03月-1995年06月 哈尔滨工业大学 动力机械及工程 博士
哈尔滨工业大学 热力发动机专业 讲 师
哈尔滨工业大学 热力发动机专业 副教授
哈尔滨工业大学 热力发动机专业 教 授
哈尔滨工业大学 动力机械及工程 硕士生导师
哈尔滨工业大学 动力机械及工程 博士生导师


1.旋转机械故障诊断2.发动机结构、强度与振动 3.流固耦合振动 4.转子动力学"转子动力学


[1] Y.L.Wang, Z.S.Liu, W.J.Kang and J.J.Yan, Approximate analytical model for fluid film force of finite length plain journal bearing. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2012.7,226(5), 1345-1355.
[2] Z S Liu, D S Qian, L Q Sun and Y L Wang. Stability Analyses of Inclined Rotor bearing System based on Nonlinear Oil Film Force Models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2012, 226(2): 511-525. (SCI,影响因子0.451,检索号: 000299484400013).
[3] 许怀锦, 刘占生, 吕伟剑, 李华峰. 气体润滑弹性波箔片轴承动态特性分析. 航空动力学报. 2011,26(5):1185-1193.
[4] 窦唯, 刘占生. 液体火箭发动机涡轮泵故障诊断的新方法. 推进技术. 2011,32(2):266-270.
[5] Zhang Guang-hui , Sun Yi, Liu Zhan-sheng, Xu Fang-cheng. Application of a Forecasting Coupling Method to the Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of a Flexible Rotor Supported by Externally Pressurized Orifices Hybrid Gas Bearings. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,2011.225(8):704-717.(SCI).
[6] 王永亮,刘占生,圆瓦滑动轴承油膜力近似解析模型,中国电机工程学报,2011.10,31(29),pp110-117.
[7] G-H Zhang, Z-S Liu, X-W Wang, and H-J Xu, Performance analysis of rotating externally pressurized air bearings, J. Engineering Tribology, IMechE 2010.01, Vol.224, p115-122.(SCI: EI)
[8] H.-J. Xu,Z.-S. Liu,G.-H. Zhang,Y.-L. Wang,Design and Experiment of Oil Lubricated Five-Leaf Foil Bearing. Test-Bed,Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,Transactions of the ASME,131(9),2009.9,pp054505-1—054505-4.
[9] 崔亚辉,刘占生,叶建槐,齿轮-转子耦合系统的动态响应及齿侧间隙对振动跳跃特性的影响,机械工程学报,2009.7,45(7),pp7-15.(EI收录号20093412260621),(国家自然科学基金,10632040).
[10] Z-S Liu, G-H Zhang, and H-J Xu, Performance analysis of rotating externally pressurized air bearings, J. Engineering Tribology, IMechE 2009.06, Vol.223, p653-663.(SCI: 000267717100005)
[11] 刘占生,许怀锦,张广辉,王永亮,箔片预变形对箔片气体径向轴承经特性影响分析,航空动力学报,2009.1,24(1),p181-188.
[12] 刘占生,许怀锦,张广辉,王永亮,多叶油润滑箔片轴承试验研究,宇航学报,2009.3,30(2),p699-704.
[13] 王晓伟,刘占生,张广辉、窦唯,基于声发射的可倾瓦径向滑动轴承碰摩故障诊断,中国电机工程学报,2009年3月,29(8).(50875056).
[14] 刘占生,许怀锦,张广辉,王永亮,箔片预变形对箔片气体径向轴承静特性影响分析,航空动力学报,2009年1月,24(1),p181~188.
[15] Dou Wei, Liu Zhansheng, Genetic integration of different diagnosis methods and/or fault features for improvement of diagnosis accuracy. Journal of vibration and acoustics, transations of the ASME, 131(1), 2009.2(SCI:50875056,EI).
[16] 王东华,刘占生,窦唯,一种改进的转子系统临界转速调整方法,航空动力学报,2008,23(8):1449-1454(EI:083711540869).
[17] 刘占生,窦唯,旋转机械振动参数图形边缘纹理提取的数学形态学方法,振动工程学报,2008,21(3),p268-273(EI:083011402206).
[18] 张云峰,刘占生,基于子循环-样条插值预测较正方法的流固耦合分析,机械工程学报,2008.2,44(2),p62-67.(EI检索号:2008-EI-0660).
[19] 刘占生,窦唯,基于旋转机械振动参数图形融合灰度共生矩阵的故障诊断方法,中国电机工程学报,2008.1,28(2),p88-95.(EI:080811110813).
[20] Guang Hui Zhang,Zhan Sheng Liu and Hong Hee Yoo,In-plane vibration analysis of cantilevered circular arc beams undergoing rotational moyion,Journal of Mechanical and Technology 22(2008),p113-119.
[21]Cui, Yahui (1); Liu, Zhansheng (1); Wang, Yongliang (1); Ye, Jianhuai (1)Nonlinear dynamic of a geared rotor system with nonlinear oil film force and nonlinear mesh force,2012-134-4.
[22]Liu, Zhan-Sheng (1); Xu, Fang-Cheng (1); Zhang, Guang-Hui (1); Cao, Zhi-Xuan (1),Static characterization of bump-type gas foil bearing,2012- -6
[23]He, Peng (1); Liu, Zhan-Sheng (1); Liu, Zhen-Xing (1),Finite element modelling of rotor considering the variation of Yang's modulus with axial temperature distribution,2012- -14.
[24]Liu, Zhan-Sheng (1); Zhang, Min (1); Xu, Fang-Cheng (1); Xu, Ning (2),Test for an open-ended finite length cylindrical squeeze film damper,2012-3-18.
[25]Cui, Ying (2); Liu, Zhansheng (1); Yu, Daren (1); Duan, Yanfeng (2),Establishment of nonlinear dynamic model for prediction of rotordynamic,2012-1-7.
[26]Qian, Da-Shuai (1); Liu, Zhan-Sheng (1),Non-smooth numerical algorithm for vibration system with dry friction based on linear complementarity principle,2012-25-5.
[27]Liu, Zhan-Sheng (1); Zhang, Min (1); Zhang, Guang-Hui (1); Liu, Zhen-Xing (1),Characteristics of impact-contact and friction between tips of blades based on LuGre model,2012-31-12.
[28]Cui, YH; Liu, ZS; Wang, YL; Ye, JH,Nonlinear Dynamic of a Geared Rotor System With Nonlinear Oil Film Force and Nonlinear Mesh Force,2012.
[29]Cui, Y; Liu, ZS; Yu, DR; Duan, YF,Establishment of Nonlinear Dynamic Model for Prediction of Rotordynamic Instability of Steam Turbine Rotor-Bearing System Caused by Partial Admission,2012.
[30]Liu, ZS; Qian, DS; Sun, LQ; Wang, YL,Stability analyses of inclined rotor bearing system based on non-linear oil film force models,2012.
[31]Liu, ZS; Qian, DS; Sun, LQ; Wang, YL,Stability analyses of inclined rotor bearing system based on non-linear oil film force models,2012.
[32]何鹏 (1);刘占生 (1); 李春 (1),An improved beam element for beams with variable axial parameters ,Shock and Vibration,000320935500002.
[33]何鹏 (1); 刘占生 (1); 黄飞淋 (1); 马瑞贤(1),A study of elastic-plastic contact of statistical rough surfaces ,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,000324318300002.
[34]徐方程 (1); 刘占生 (1); 张广辉 (1); 曹智选 (1),effects of shear stiffness in top foil structure on gas foil bearing performance based on thick plate theory,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,000320159900008.
[35]何鹏(1);刘占生 (1); 张广辉 (1),A study of overall contact behavior of an elastic perfectly plastic hemisphere and a rigid plane ,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology,SCI000316639700007.
[36]徐方程 (1); 刘占生 (1); 马瑞贤 (1); 闫佳佳 (1) ,Experiment of foil friction effect on static stiffness and lift off speed of bump foil journal bearing,Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power,20134817040144.
[37]徐方程(1); 刘占生 (1); 张广辉 (1); 黄飞淋(1),Effects of Coulomb friction in foil structure on foil journal bearing performance ,Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power,20133516679191.
[38]钱大帅(1); 刘占生 (1); 王乐 (1); 谢亮(1),Series solution of symmetric dry frictional stick-slip motion and stick-slip boundary characteristics,Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power,20131016077490.
[39]钱大帅 (1); 刘占生 (1); 刘镇星 (1); 叶建槐 (1),Series solution of double-stick motion response of dry friction oscillator and stick-slip boundary analysis ,Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock,20132616448952.
[40]刘占生 (1); 亢维佳(1); 张广辉 (1); 王乐 (1),Dynamic response of a rotating ramjet rotor under flow induced force ,Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock,20131416162293.
[41]亢维佳(1); 刘占生(1); 张广辉 (1);马瑞贤(1),Flow excitation characteristics of rampressor inlet under back pressure pulsation ,Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology.
中国振动工程学会 常务理事
X X X 预研专家
中国振动工程学会转子动力学专业委员会 主任委员

