2023-05-10 19:53
  • 何伟东
  • 何伟东 - 教授-哈尔滨工业大学-材料科学与工程学院-个人资料




2018.11——至今 职位,职称 教授\r
工作地点,工作单位 哈尔滨工业大学航天学院复合材料与结构研究所\r
2013.04——2018.10 职位,职称 研究员、教授\r
工作地点,工作单位 电子科技大学能源学院、物理学院\r
2012.01——2013.01 职位,职称 物理科学部博士后\r
工作地点,工作单位 美国西北太平洋国家实验室\r
2009.06——2012.05 所学专业 材料学\r
学习机构 美国范德堡大学 学历 博士研究生\r
2003.09——2007.07 所学专业 应用化学\r
学习机构 哈尔滨工业大学 学历 本科




An upgraded lithium ion battery based on a polymeric separator incorporated with anode active materials 2019 Advanced Energy Materials in press\r
A sandwich-structured double-battery device for direct evaluation of ionic diffusion coefficients and phase transition in electrodes of lithium ion batteries 2019 Chemical Engineering Science in press\r
Inhibiting Polysulfide Shuttling with a Graphene Composite Separator for Highly Robust Lithium-Sulfur Batteries 2018 Joule 2: 2091–2104\r
Atomic Interlamellar Ion Path in High Sulfur Content Lithium-Montmorillonite Host Enables High-Rate and Stable Lithium–Sulfur Battery 2018 Advanced Materials 40: 1804084\r
A Nonflammable and Thermotolerant Separator Suppresses Polysulfide Dissolution for Safe and Long‐Cycle Lithium‐Sulfur Batteries 2018 Advanced Energy Materials 32: 1802441\r
A New Hydrophilic Binder Enabling Strongly Anchoring Polysulfides for High‐Performance Sulfur Electrodes in Lithium‐Sulfur Battery 2018 Advanced Energy Materials 12: 1702889\r
Designing Safe Electrolyte Systems for a High‐Stability Lithium–Sulfur Battery 2018 Advanced Energy Materials 10: 1702348\r
Synergistic effects of sulfur poisoning and gas diffusion on polarization loss in anodes of solid oxide fuel cells 2018 AIChE Journal 3: 1127-1134\r
Tellurium-Impregnated Porous Cobalt-Doped Carbon Polyhedra as Superior Cathode for Lithium-Tellurium Batteries 2017 ACS Nano 11 (8): 8144–8152\r
Distinctive supercapacitive properties of copper and copper oxide nanocrystals sharing a similar colloidal synthetic route 2017 Advanced Energy Materials 7: 1700105\r
A critical look into effects of electrode pore morphology in solid oxide fuel cells 2017 AIChE Journal 63: 2312-2317\r
From Metal-Organic Framework to Li2S@ C-Co-N Nanoporous Architecture: A High-Capacity Cathode for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries 2016 ACS Nano 10 (12): 10981–10987\r
Three-dimensional Hierarchical Reduced Graphene Oxide/Tellurium Nanowires: A Superior Freestanding Cathode for Li-Te Batteries 2016 ACS Nano 10(9): 8837-8842\r
Highly Efficient Materials Assembly Via Electrophoretic Deposition for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices 2016 Advanced Energy Materials 7: 1502018 \r
Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Graphene-CNT@Se: A Highly Efficient Freestanding Cathode for Li−Se Batteries 2016 ACS Energy Letters 1: 16-20\r
Three-dimensional CNT/Graphene-Li2S Aerogel: A Freestanding Cathode with Ultrahigh Li2S Loading for High-performance Li-S Batteries 2016 ACS Energy Letters 1 (4): 820–826

