2015.12-至今, 哈尔滨工业大学,理学院数学系,副教授
2010.06-2015.12, 哈尔滨工业大学,理学院数学系,讲师
主持,哈工大理学创新发展培育计划-探索项目,T201401,波源反演问题快速算法研究, 2014.07-2015.07
参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目,41474102,复杂介质频率域弹性波方程全波形反演研究, 2015.01-2018.12
参与,国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目,91230119,复杂介质四维地震有限元-对比源反演方法研究, 2013.01-2015.12
参与,国家自然科学基金面上项目,10971083, 使用近场数据的电磁学与光学反散射问题数值方法,2010.01-2012.12
第二届应用反问题的理论与数值方法网络研讨会. 上海财经大学. 1.16-1.17, 2021.
2020年反问题与成像科学学术研讨会. 山东师范大学. 11.28-11.29, 2020.
复杂介质的波场反演专题讨论班. 中国天元数学西北中心, 西安交通大学. 11.21-11.24, 2020.
反问题分析与计算网上系列研讨会. 黑龙江大学. 11.7, 2020.
计算与应用数学网络研讨会. 南方科技大学. 6.13-14, 2020.
反问题与图像处理网络研讨会. 河南大学. 6.6, 2020.
反问题线上研讨会. 东北师范大学. 6.5-6.6, 2020.
应用反问题的理论与数值方法网络研讨会. 上海财经大学. 5.10,5.16, 2020.
2019年反问题与超材料最新进展研讨会. 中南大学, 长沙. 11.6-11.8, 2019.
偏微分方程分析、科学计算与应用研讨会. 南方科技大学. 深圳. 10.17-10.20, 2019.
国际工业与应用数学大会. 瓦伦西亚大学,瓦伦西亚,西班牙. 7.15-7.19, 2019.
第10届应用反问题国际会议. 格勒诺布尔-阿尔卑斯大学, 格勒诺布尔, 法国. 7.8-7.12, 2019.
第十一届反问题、成像及其应用会议. 兰州大学. 兰州. 6.22-6.24, 2019.
首届偏微分方程分析、科学计算与应用研讨会. 齐鲁工业大学. 济南. 5.17-5.20, 2019.
反问题与偏微分方程计算研讨会. 西安交通大学. 西安. 4.12-4.15, 2019.
2018年反问题及偏微分方程数值方法研讨会. 中南大学, 长沙. 11.10-11.12, 2018.
中国工业与应用数学学会第16届年会. 四川大学, 电子科技大学. 成都. 9.13-9.16, 2018.
2018年反问题及其相关主题研讨会. 电子科技大学. 成都. 9.13, 2018.
第十届全国反问题年会. 吉林大学. 长春. 5.28-6.01, 2018.
反问题理论与计算研讨会. 武汉大学. 武汉. 3.31-4.01, 2018.
IEEE计算电磁学国际会议. 电子科技大学. 成都. 3.26-3.28, 2018.
第三届国际反问题协会东亚分会青年学者论坛. 香港浸会大学. 香港. 3.17-3.18, 2018.
反问题与大数据研讨会. 中国科学院. 北京. 12.09, 2017.
第十一届全国计算数学年会. 西北工业大学. 西安. 7.21-7.23, 2017.
反问题和地震成像研讨会. 西安交通大学. 西安. 7.1-7.3, 2017.
第9届应用反问题国际会议. 浙江大学. 杭州. 5.28-6.2,2017.
反问题,成像与偏微分方程青年学者研讨会. 南方科技大学. 深圳. 3.25–3.27,2017.
计算数学和反问题国际会议. 密歇根理工大学. 霍顿(美国). 8.15–8.19, 2016.
第8届反问题及其相关主题国际会议. 梨花女子大学. 首尔(韩国). 6.27–7.1, 2016.
第8届反问题理论和计算分析国际会议. 中国科学院. 中国北京. 6.18–6.19, 2016.
反问题新进展研讨会. 威尔斯特拉斯应用分析与统计研究所. 柏林(德国). 9.17–9.18, 2015.
第5届科学计算与偏微分方程国际会议. 香港浸会大学. 香港. 12.8–12.12, 2014.
反问题理论和计算分析国际研讨会. 中山大学. 广州. 3.15–3.16, 2014.
数值分析与反问题研讨会. 密歇根理工大学. 霍顿(美国). 8.12–8.14, 2013.
美国韦恩州立大学数学系-张智民 (2019.1)
香港浸会大学数学系-刘宏宇(2018.11, 2019.10)
吉林大学数学学院-张德悦(2018.11, 2019.6, 2019.10)
东北师范大学数学与统计学院-刁怀安(2018.11, 2019.10)
美国密歇根理工大学数学系-孙继广(2020.7, 2019.7, 2018.7, 2017.8, 2016.7)
长春理工大学数学系-尹伟石(2018.7, 2020.11)
黑龙江大学数学学院-张磊(2017.12, 2019.7)
中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院-刘晓东(2017.7, 2016.7, 2014.7)
中国科学院自动化研究所-张海文 (2014.7)
Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, Applicable Analysis, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, Electronic Research Archive, IEEE Access, Inverse Problems, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications, Wave Motion
Yunyun Ma, Fuming Ma, Yukun Guo and Jingzhi Li. Computation of transmission eigenvalues by the regularized Schur complement for the boundary integral operators. arXiv: 2103.00726
Xianchao Wang, Yukun Guo and Sara Bousba. Direct imaging for the moment tensor point sources of elastic waves. arXiv: 2101.10557
Yanfang Liu, Yukun Guo and Jiguang Sun, A deterministic-statistical approach to reconstruct moving sources using sparse partial data. Inverse Problems, Accepted
Deyue Zhang, Yukun Guo, Fenglin Sun and Xianchao Wang. Reconstruction of acoustic sources from multi-frequency phaseless far-field data. arXiv:2002.03279
Deyue Zhang and Yukun Guo, Some recent developments in the unique determinations in phaseless inverse acoustic scattering theory, Electronic Research Archive, 29(2), 2149–2165, 2021.
Bo Chen, Yukun Guo, Fuming Ma and Yao Sun, Numerical schemes to reconstruct three dimensional time-dependent point sources of acoustic waves. Inverse Problems, 36(7), 075009, 2020.
Deyue Zhang, Yukun Guo, Fenglin Sun and Hongyu Liu. Unique determinations in inverse scattering problems with phaseless near-field measurements. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 14(3), 569–582, 2020.
Sara Bousba, Yukun Guo, Xianchao Wang and Longsuo Li. Identifying multipolar acoustic sources by the direct sampling method. Applicable Analysis, 99(5), 856–879, 2020.
Deyue Zhang, Yinglin Wang, Yukun Guo and Jingzhi Li. Uniqueness in inverse cavity scattering problem with phaseless near-field data. Inverse Problems, 36, 025004, 2020.
Deyue Zhang, Fenglin Sun, Yan Ma and Yukun Guo. A Fourier-Bessel method with a regularization strategy for the boundary value problems of the Helmholtz equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 368, 112562, 2020.
Bo Chen, Fuming Ma and Yukun Guo. Acoustic scattering from open cavities in the time domain. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2019(131), 1–14, 2019.
Fenglin Sun, Deyue Zhang and Yukun Guo. Uniqueness in phaseless inverse scattering problems with known superposition of incident point sources. Inverse Problems, 35, 105007, 2019.
Xianchao Wang, Yukun Guo, Jingzhi Li, Hongyu Liu. Two gesture-computing approaches by using electromagnetic waves. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 13(4), 879–901, 2019.
Sara Bousba, Yukun Guo, Yipeng Zhang and Longsuo Li. A direct sampling method for recovering electromagnetic dipolar sources with a fixed frequency. East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 9(2), 252–269, 2019.
Xianchao Wang, Minghui Song, Yukun Guo, Hongjie Li and Hongyu Liu. Fourier method for identifying electromagnetic sources with multi-frequency far-field data. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 358, 279–292, 2019.
Heping Dong, Deyue Zhang and Yukun Guo. A reference ball based iterative algorithm for imaging acoustic obstacle from phaseless far-field data. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 13(1), 177–195, 2019.
Deyue Zhang, Yukun Guo, Jingzhi Li and Hongyu Liu. Locating multiple multipolar acoustic sources using the direct sampling method. Communications in Computational Physics, 25(5), 1328–1356, 2019.
Deyue Zhang, Yukun Guo, Jingzhi Li and Hongyu Liu, Retrieval of acoustic sources from multi-frequency phaseless data. Inverse Problems, 34, 094001, 2018.
Deyue Zhang and Yukun Guo, Uniqueness results on phaseless inverse acoustic scattering with a reference ball. Inverse Problems, 34, 085002, 2018. (Selected into Editor-in-Chief's top article selection of 2018)
Guan Wang, Fuming Ma, Yukun Guo and Jingzhi Li. Solving the multi-frequency electromagnetic inverse source problem by the Fourier method. Journal of Differential Equations , 265(1), 417–443, 2018.
Deyue Zhang, Fenglin Sun, Linyan Lu and Yukun Guo. A harmonic polynomial method with a regularization strategy for the boundary value problems of Laplace's equation. Applied Mathematics Letters. 79, 100–104, 2018.
Xianchao Wang, Yukun Guo, Jingzhi Li and Hongyu Liu. Mathematical design of a novel input/instruction device using a moving acoustic emitter. Inverse Problems, 33(10), 105009, 2017.
Xianchao Wang, Yukun Guo, Deyue Zhang and Hongyu Liu. Fourier method for recovering acoustic sources from multi-frequency far-field data. Inverse Problems, 33(3), 035001, 2017. (Selected into Editorial Highlights of 2017 by the journal)
Bo Chen, Fuming Ma and Yukun Guo. Time domain scattering and inverse scattering problems in a locally perturbed half-plane. Applicable Analysis, 96(8), 1303–1325, 2017.
Yukun Guo, Dietmar Hoemberg, Guanghui Hu, Jingzhi Li and Hongyu Liu. A time domain sampling method for inverse acoustic scattering problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 314, 647–660, 2016.
Yukun Guo, Peter Monk and David Colton. The linear sampling method for sparse small aperture data. Applicable Analysis, 95(8), 1599–1615, 2016.
Heping Dong, Fuming Ma, Xiaokai Yuan and Yukun Guo. Inverse electromagnetic scattering for a locally perturbed perfectly conducting plate. Wave Motion, 60, 95–107, 2016.
Yao Sun, Yukun Guo and Fuming Ma. The reciprocity gap functional method for the inverse scattering problem for cavities. Applicable Analysis, 95(6), 1327–1346, 2016.
Deyue Zhang and Yukun Guo. Fourier method for solving the multi-frequency inverse source problem for the Helmholtz equation. Inverse Problems, 31(3), 035007, 2015.
Weishi Yin, Yukun Guo, Guofang Chen and Zhe Li. Numerical calculation of the inverse diffraction problem for grating by optimization method, Journal of Jilin University (Science Edition) , 52(2), 169–172, 2014. (In Chinese)
Yukun Guo, Peter Monk and David Colton. Toward a time domain approach to the linear sampling method. Inverse Problems, 29(9): 095016, 2013.
Deyue Zhang, Yukun Guo, Chengchun Gong and Guan Wang. Numerical analysis for the scattering by obstacles in a homogeneous chiral environment. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 36(1), 3–20, 2012.
Yukun Guo, Fuming Ma and Deyue Zhang. An optimization method for acoustic inverse obstacle scattering problems with multiple incident waves. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering. 19(4), 461–484, 2011.
Yukun Guo and Fuming Ma, Some domain decomposition methods employing the PML technique for the Helmholtz equation, Numerical Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities, 31(4), 369-384, 2009. (In Chinese)