2023-05-10 19:51
  • 葛勇
  • 葛勇 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-交通科学与工程学院-个人资料




先后主持承担国家自然科学基金委项目、住建部项目、黑龙江省交通厅重点项目,交通部西部交通建设科技项目专题、子项等30余项。 获省级科技进步二等奖1项、三等奖2项、中国市政协会一等奖1项、中国公路学会科技二等奖1项;发表论文90余篇,其中SCI、EI检索50余篇;获黑龙江省教学成果二等奖2项、获宝钢优秀教师奖和哈尔滨工业大学教学名师奖;为哈尔滨工业大学基础教学带头人、黑龙江省精品课土木工程材料课程负责人。
1991年1月, 评为哈尔滨建筑工程学院首届“十优”青年教师
1997年3月, 获黑龙江省教学成果二等奖1项(个人奖)
2011年3月, 获哈尔滨工业大学交通科学与工程学院优秀导师称号
2011年7月, 获哈尔滨工业大学教学名师奖
2011年9月, 评为哈尔滨工业大学三育人先进工作者标兵
1978.10-1982.7, 哈尔滨建筑工程学院建筑材料系建筑材料专业, 获工学学士学位
1983.9-1986.12, 哈尔滨建筑工程学院建筑材料系建筑材料专业, 获工学硕士学位
2004.9-2009.1, 哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院材料学学科, 获工学博士学位
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 盐类外加剂对混凝土早期收缩与开裂影响机理的研究(51278157),2013.01-2016.12,主持,80万元.
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 盐类外加剂对混凝土孔结构与抗冻性影响的研究(50778055),2008.01-2010.12,主持,32万元.
[3] 辽宁省交通厅纵向项目. 季冻区桥梁盐冻腐蚀防治技术研究——负责子题,2009.06-2011.11,主持,80万元/20万元.
[4] 交通部西部交通建设科技项目管理中心纵向项目. 光催化降解材料在公路工程中的应用研究——负责子题:复合型光催化材料固化技术,2006.10-2010.10,主持,120万元/10万元.
[5] 交通部西部交通建设科技项目管理中心纵向项目. 水泥混凝土抗冻融耐久性能研究——负责专题一、二、五,2003.12-2008.10,主持,706万(部拨300万元,地方配套406万元).
[6] 科技部国际合作司纵向项目. 寒区大温差交通基础设施混凝土抗裂性与安全性研究,2014.04-2017.11,参与,27.5万元.
[7] 国家自然科学基金横向项目. 预处理SP在水泥基材料中的成孔机理及其对性能影响的研究,2013.01-2015.12,参与,25万元.
于纪寿:男,副教授。 研究方向:高性能混凝土混凝土耐久性、混凝土外加剂、混凝土检测技术
简介:绪论、混凝土原材料、新拌混凝土的工作性(新拌混凝土的流变性能、离析和泌水、含气量和凝结时间)、混凝土的结构(水泥石结构、界面结构、混凝土孔结构)、混凝土物理性能(渗透性、塑性收缩、干缩与自收缩)、 混凝土的力学性能(强度与影响因素、强度理论与断裂 、弹性模量、纤维增强与增韧、徐变机理)、混凝土的耐久性(抗冻性、抗化学侵蚀、碱集料反应、耐磨性、耐火性等)、混凝土的配合比设计(配合比设计原则、原材料定量计算)、实验(高性能混凝土设计)。
1991年9月, 评为哈尔滨建筑工程学院首届“十优”青年教师
1997年3月, 获黑龙江省教学成果二等奖(个人奖)
1998年4月, 负责的“建筑材料”课程评为建设部一类优秀课程
2004年9月, 负责的“土木工程材料”课程评为哈尔滨工业大学优秀课程
2005年1月, 获黑龙江省教学成果二等奖(第1)
2010年4月, 负责的“土木工程材料”课程评为黑龙江省精品课程
2011年6月, 获黑龙江省高等教育学会优秀高等教育科研成果二等奖(教材类)(第1)
2011年7月, 获哈尔滨工业大学教学名师奖
2011年7月, 获哈尔滨工业大学教学成果二等奖(第1)
Undergraduate Courses
Civil Engineering Materials
Materials Science of Concrete
This course is a specialized core course for the students of road and bridge engineering major. It is mainly to introduce raw materials of ordinary cement concrete and their functions to students, as well as the requirements, theories, influence factors, models and assessment of fresh concrete workability, micro and macro structures, concrete deformation (chemical shrinkage,self-shrinkage, plastic shrinkage,drying shrinkage), durability (frost resistance, carbonization,resistance to chemical attack, alkali-aggregate reaction), and mechanic performance (strength, fracture,mechanical properties of composite materials and creep). Mix design theory of ordinary concrete and several special concretes are also introduced in this course.
Graduate Courses
Additive and Application Technology of Concrete
The course of Chemical Admixtures for Concrete and Applications mainly introduces the foundational physical-chemical concepts and theories and the functional mechanisms of common chemical admixtures for concrete, and their effects on properties of fresh concrete or hardened concrete as well as the application technology in cement concrete. These chemical admixtures include water-reducer agent, air entraining agent, accelerator and retarder, early strength agent, anti-freeze agent, corrosion inhibitor, expanding agent and water-proof agent. In addition, take pumping agent and composite anti-freeze agent as examples, the recombination mechanism of different chemical admixtures are also introduced. Furthermore, the adaptability problems of admixtures with cement and how to choose the type, dosage and using method of chemical admixtures are discussed in this course.
Functional Civil Engineering Materials
The course of Functional Civil Engineering Materials is mainly to introduce basic theories and design principles of common functional civil engineering materials. The students could learn acoustic theory and sound absorbing materials design, sound insulation theory and sound insulation materials design, thermal insulation theory and thermal insulating materials design, waterproof theory and waterproof materials design, toughening theory and materials with high tenacity, abrasion theory and wear resistant building materials design in this course. Moreover, the students could get familiar with the relationship between materials properties and their compositions or microstructures as well. This course is the foundation of research and application of building materials for the students.
Ph.D. Students Courses
Advanced cement-based composite materials theory and design
Including: the required technical performance, component character, development, design features, current research and prospects, performance evaluation methods et al. of high-performance cement-based composite materials.
Building Materials Chemistry
Including: introduction to inorganic materials chemistry, cement chemistry, concrete chemistry, chemical chemical admixtures of concrete, steel and corrosion protection, polymer materials chemistry.


高性能轻骨料混凝土:高性能轻骨料混凝土、混合骨料混凝土、轻骨料对普通水泥混凝土早期收缩与抗裂性的作用、轻骨料对普通水泥混凝土的自养护作用。"High performance concrete
The frost resistance of concrete under a variety of salts


1. Yuanbo Du, Wencui Yang, Yong Ge*, Sha Wang, Penghuan Liu. Thermal conductivity of cement paste containing waste glass powder, metakaolin and limestone filler as supplementary cementitious material. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 287:125018
2. Ai Zhang*, Wencui Yang, Yong Ge*, Yuanbo Du, Penghuan Liu. Effect of nano-SiO2 and nano Al2O3 on mechanical and durability properties of cement-based materials: A comparative study. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021, 34:101936
3. Yaozeng Wang*,Yong Ge*, Paulo J.M.Monteirob.Trans-scale multi-physics coupling finite element model of concrete during freezing and thawing. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 2021,188: 103535
4. Ai Zhang*, Wencui Yang, Yong Ge*, Yaozeng Wang, Penghuan Liu. Study on the hydration and moisture transport of white cement containing nanomaterials by using low field nuclear magnetic resonance, Construction and Building Materials. 2020, 249:118788.
5. Wang Xiaonan, Yang Wencui, Ge Yong*, Feng Decheng. The influence of shrinkage-reducing agent solution properties on shrinkage of cementitious composite using grey correlation analysis. Construction and Building Materials. 2020, 264:120194
6. Chen Xin, Liu Xu, Tian Bo, Ge Yong*, Li Lihui*. Effect of Low Atmospheric Pressure on Air Entrainment in Cement-Based Materials: An On-Site Experimental Study at Different Elevations. MATERIALS. 2020, 13(18): 3975
7. Ai Zhang*, Wencui Yang, Yong Ge*, Penghuan Liu. Effect of nanomaterials on the mechanical properties and microstructure of cement mortar under low air pressure curing, Construction and Building Materials. 2020, 249: 118787
8. Zhang Ai*, Ge Yong. Effect of nano-silica on the hydration and microstructure of grey and white cement.Magazine of Concrete Research. 2020,72(12): p 634-648
9. Sen Du; Yan Jiang; Jing Zhong; Yong Ge*; Xianming Shi*. Surface abrasion resistance of high-volume fly ash concrete modified by graphene oxide: Macro- and micro-perspectives. Construction and Building Materials. 2020, 237: 117686
10. 葛昕; 葛勇*; 杜渊博; 蔡小平; 杨文萃. 高原气候条件下混凝土力学性能的研究. 混凝土. 2020, (3): 1-4.
11. Yu Yening*, Ge Yong*, Liu Penghuan. Recycling of expired cement and aged supplementary cementitious materials based on close packing theory and space filling effect. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 239:118064
12. Sen Du, Yong Ge, Xianming Shi. A targeted approach of employing nano-materials in high-volume fly ash concrete.Cement and Concrete Composites.2019,104:103390
13. Ai Zhang; Yong Ge*; Wencui Yang; Xiaoping Cai; Yuanbo Du. Comparative study on the effects of nano-SiO2, nano-Fe2O3 and nano-NiO on hydration and microscopic properties of white cement. Construction and Building Materials. 2019, 228:116767
14. Ge Xin*; Ge Yong; Du Yuanbuo; Cai Xiaoping. Effect of low air pressure on mechanical properties and shrinkage of concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research. 2018, 70(18): 919-927
15. Xin Ge; Yong Ge*; Qinfei Li; Xiaoping Cai; Wencui Yang; Yuanbo Dua. Effect of low air pressure on the durability of concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 2018, 187: 830-838
16. DU Sen; Shi Xianming*; Ge Yong. Electron Probe Microanalysis Investigation into High-Volume Fly Ash Mortars. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2017, 29(7):04017043
17. ZANG Yongquan; Ge Yong*; Du Yuanbuo; YANG Lili*. Monitoring of Compression and Bending Process of Reactive Powder Concrete Using MWCNTs/PDMS Composite Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2017, 17(19): 6153-6159.
18. ZHANG YONGQUAN; YANG LILI; GE YONG*. Transparent Strain Sensors Through Randomly Self-Assembly of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes at the Air/Water Interface. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY. 2017, 17(7): 4931-4935
19. Ge Yong, Qinfei Li, Yunsheng Zhang, Deqin Xie, Paulo J. M. Monteiro. The effect of calcium salts on air-void structure in air-entrained concrete – a statistical and simulated study. Science & Engineering of Composite Materials, 2017. 24(4):591-598
20. Du Sen; Zhao Hui; Ge Yong; Yang Zhengxian; Shi Xianming*. Laboratory Investigation into the Modification of Transport Properties of High-Volume Fly Ash Mortar by Chemical Admixtures. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2017, 29(10):04017187
21. Wencui Yang*, Xiaoping Cai, Yong Ge and Jie Yuan. Application of air entrained concrete in tollways constructions in Liaoning Province of China Proceedings of the International RILEM Conference. Lyngby, Denmark, 2016, 8. 22: 211-220
22. Qinfei Li, Yong Ge, Wencui Yang. Effect of Na2SO4 and NaNO2 on air-void structure in air-entrained concrete. Magazine of Concrete Research.2016,69(23):1200~1209.
23. Dong, Shuhui; Yang, Wencui; Ge, Yong; Jiang, Shouheng; Sun, Tuo; Deng, Jiaping. Mechanical Properties of Concrete Containing Ceramsite Sand. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Transportation Engineering. Dalian, China, 2015, 9: 1259-1265
24. Li Qinfei*, Ge Yong, Geng Guoqing, Bae Sungchul, Monteiro, Paulo J. M. CaCl2-accelerated hydration of tricalcium silicate: A STXM study combined with 29Si MAS NMR. Journal of Nanomaterials. 2015, 1(10):215371
25. Kong Lijuan, Ge Yong. Mechanism Study of Effect of Coarse Aggregate Size on Permeability of Concrete. ACI Materials Journal. 2015,112(6):767-774
26. Yang Lili,Ge Yong, Zhu Qinghua, Zhang Ce, Wang Zongpeng, Liu Penghuan. Experimental and numerical studies on the sensitivity of carbon fibre/silicone rubber composite sensors. Smart Materials & Structures. 2012, 21(3):035011.
27. Wencui Yang*, Yong Ge, Xiaoping Cai, et al. Scaling Resistance and Application of Cementitious Repair Mortars for Concrete Barriers. Proceedings of Concrete Solutions, 4th International Conference on Concrete Repair. Dresden, Germany. 2011, 9, 26-28:479~484
28. Kong, Li Juan, Ge, Yong; Gao, Li Xiong. Effect of curing condition on structure and scaling resistance of specified density concrete, International Symposium on Ecological Environment and Technology of Concrete. Key Engineering Materials. 2011, 477:348-353
29. 孔丽娟, 高礼雄, 葛勇. 轻骨料预湿程度对混合骨料混凝土抗冻性能影响. 硅酸盐学报. 2011, 39(01):35-40
30. Li, Qin Fei, Ge, Yong; Yang, Wen Cui; Yuan, Jie; Yu, Ji Shou. Effect of salt admixtures on air content in fresh air-entrained concretes. Key Engineering Materials. 2011, 477 : 211-215
31. Ge, Yong, Li, Qinfei; Yang, Wencui; Yuan, Jie; Yu, Jishou. The Effect of Salt Admixtures on Foam Stability of Different AEAs. Advanced Materials Research, 2010, 168-170:44-49
32. 葛勇, 袁杰, 杨文萃, 张宝生, 于继寿,郑秀华. 冻融作用对引气混凝土钢筋握裹力、碳化与氯离子扩散系数的影响. 公路交通科技. 2010, 27(9):103-105
33. Ge Yong, Kong Lijuan, Zhang Baosheng, Yuan Jie. Effect of Lightweight Aggregate Pre-wetting on Microstructure and Permeability of Mixed Aggregate Concrete. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology- Materials Science Edition. 2009, 24(5):838-842
34. Ge Yong, Yang Wen-Cui, Zhang Bao-Sheng. Deterioration of Concrete Freezing-Thawing in Different Salts Solution, Key Engineering Materials. 2009,405-406:315-321.
35. Kong Lijuan, Zhang Baosheng, Ge Yong. Effect of Ceramsite Structure on Microstructure of Interfacial Zone and Durability of Combined Aggregate Concrete, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology- Materials Science Edition. 2009, 24(1):145-149
36. Yang Wencui,Ge Yong,Yuan Jie,Zhang Baosheng. Effect of Inorganic Salts on Degree of Hydration and Pore Structure of Cement Pastes, Ku Suan Jen Hsueh Pao/ Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society. 2009, 37(4):622-626.
37. Yang Wencui,Ge Yong,Yuan Jie,Zhang Baosheng. Pore structure of cement pastes mixed with inorganic salts, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology- Materials Science Education. 2009, 24(suppl):210-213
38. Ge Yong, Fan Jie, Yuan Jie, Yang Wen-Cui, Zhang Bao-Sheng, Yu Ji-Shou. Relation of Permeability by High Hydraulic Method and Chloride Ion Diffusion Coefficient of Concrete. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, 405-406:303-308
39. Ge Yong, Yang Wencui, Yuan Jie, Zhang Baosheng. Effect of inorganic salts on frost resistance of concrete. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, ICCTP 2009: Critical Issues in Transportation System Planning, Development, and Management. Harbin, china, 2009.8
40. Ge Yong, Yang Wencui, Yuan Jie, Zhang Baosheng. Pore Structure of Cement Pastes Mixed with Inorganic Salts. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Material Science). 2009, 24 Suppl: 210~213
41. Ge Yong,Kong Lijuan,Zhang Baosheng,Yuan Jie. Effects of aglite on structure and capillary water absorption property of concrete. Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society. 2008, 36(7), 934-938+945
42. 葛勇, 袁杰, 杨文萃, 张国平, 张宝生. 粉煤灰混凝土抗硫酸钠溶液冻融-干湿循环性能. 武汉理工大学学报. 2008, 30(6):33-36
43. Shuhui Dong, Yong Ge, Jie Yuan, Baosheng Zhang. Autogenous shrinkage of lightweight aggregate concrete at early age. Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites. 2008, 1-2:61
44. 孔丽娟, 葛勇, 袁杰, 张宝生. 混合骨料混凝土应力-应变全曲线的研究. 武汉理工大学学报. 2007, 29(7): 18-21
45. Ge Yong,Yuan Jie,Yang Wencui, Zhang Baosheng. Study of Frost Resistance on Air-Entrained Concrete in Sulfated Medium. Key Engineering Materials, 2006, 302-303:125-130.
46. Ge Yong, Yuan Jie Wencui, Zhang Baosheng. Study of frost resistance of air-entrained concrete in sulfate solution. Proceeding of international symposium on environment ecology and technology of concrete. Urumqi, China. 2005, 6: 94-97
47. 巩春伟, 葛勇, 刘美丽, 袁文强, 曾华兵. 盐溶液中冻融循环时混凝土体积吸液率研究. 低温建筑技术. 2011, 33(01):5-7
48. 孔丽娟, 葛勇, 张宝生, 张巍. 轻骨料的返水作用对粉煤灰二次水化的影响. 硅酸盐学报. 2009,37(07):1239-1243.
49. 孔丽娟, 葛勇, 张宝生, 袁杰. 陶粒对次轻混凝土的强度和抗渗性的影响. 材料研究学报. 2008, 22(01):98-101.
50. 巩春伟,葛勇,刘美丽,袁文强,曾华兵. 盐溶液中冻融循环时混凝土体积吸液率研究. 低温建筑技术. 2011, 1: 5-7
51. 廖超, 葛勇, 袁杰, 寇建岭, 李倓, 徐萍. 无机盐对混凝土收缩影响的研究. 混凝土低碳技术国际学术研讨会暨第九届全国高性能混凝土学术研讨会. 2010, 11: 125-128
52. 葛勇,杨文萃,袁杰,于纪寿,张宝生. 无机盐对混凝土耐久性影响研究现状. 低温建筑技术. 2007 (5): 6~8
53. 葛勇,常传利,杨文萃,张宝生,袁杰,于纪寿. 常用无机盐对溶液表面张力及混凝土性能的影响. 混凝土. 2007, 6: 7~9
54. 葛勇,杨文萃,张宝生. 无机盐类外加剂对混凝土抗冻性的影响. 超高耐久性混凝土结构技术国际研讨会论文集. 武汉. 2007, 5: 138~141
55. 杨文萃,葛勇,张宝生,袁杰. 掺加早强剂和防冻剂混凝土的抗冻性. 中国硅酸盐学会混凝土与水泥制品分会七届二次理事会议暨学术交流会论文集. 2007: 61~65
56. 葛勇,葛兆明,严寒地区热电厂冷却塔混凝土破坏状况调查与原因分析. 沿海地区混凝土结构耐久性及其设计方法(全国第六届混凝土结构耐久性学术交流会,2004, 5), 人民交通出版社,2004:63- 568
57. 肖海英,唐民辉,葛勇,魏健. 超声回弹综合法检测负温混凝土强度. 混凝土. 2004, (5): 40-41
58. 袁杰,张宝生,葛勇,郑秀华. 混合骨料混凝土的力学性能. 混凝土. 2004, (11): 42-44
59. 葛勇,杨文萃,袁杰,张宝生等. 混凝土在硫酸盐溶液中抗冻性的研究. 混凝土. 2005,(8): 71-73
60. 葛勇,孙迎迎,袁杰,于继寿,张宝生. 混凝土水饱和程度影响因素的研究. 低温建筑技术. 2006, (6):1-3
61. 常传利,葛勇,于继寿,刘信昌,刘涛,郭荣泰,周嘉宁(博士生). 路桥水泥混凝土冻融破坏调查与分析. 低温建筑技术. 2006, (6):3-4
62. 杨文萃,葛勇,张宝生,袁杰,熊爱玲. 混凝土在盐溶液中的抗冻性. 低温建筑技术. 2007, (1):1-3
63. 葛勇, 杨文萃, 袁杰, 等. 硫酸盐溶液中混凝土抗冻融干湿循环性能[J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版). 2006(S2):234-237
64. 葛勇,常传利,杨文萃,于继寿,袁杰,张宝生. 常用无机盐对溶液表面张力及混凝土性能的影响. 混凝土. 2007(06):7-9
65. 葛勇, 杨文萃, 袁杰, 等. 无机盐对混凝土耐久性影响研究现状. 低温建筑技术. 2007(5):6-8

