2023-05-10 19:51
  • 冯玉杰
  • 冯玉杰 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-环境学院-个人资料




1984-1988 天津大学化学工程系基本有机化工专业,获工学学士学位
1990-1996 哈尔滨工业大学环境工程专业,1996年3月获工学博士学位
1998-1999 香港大学土木与环境工程系 博士后
1994.07--1998.07 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学系 讲师
1998.08--2000.06 哈尔滨工业大学 应用化学系 副教授
2000.07--2002.07 哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 副教授
2002.08-- 哈尔滨工业大学 市政环境工程学院 教授
2003.04-- 哈尔滨工业大学 博士生导师
2005.05-2006.11 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院应用生物学系副主任
2006.11-2009.12 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院应用生物学系主任
2007.10-- 城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室 副主任
2009.11-- 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学,兼职教授
2010.08-- 哈尔滨工业大学宜兴环保研究院副院长
2004.01—2004.04 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学化学工程系 访问学者
2000.04-- 2000.10 Research Associate, 香港大学土木与环境工程系
2006.10—2007.10 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学 访问学者
2008.10- 2009.04 Marie Claire Research Fellow, The University of Newcastle


1.水中污染物定向转化理论与技术: 以水中污染物定向转化、高值利用为目标,开展新材料、新技术、新方法与新装备研究,揭示污染物定向转化机制,实现水处理过程资源化与能源化。
2.水中污染物强化转化理论和技术:以建立低碳、节能水处理新方法为目标,开展 “绿色”+“灰色”耦合的处理技术与耦合模式研究,揭示过程转化机制,建立强化转化工艺及系统调控方法。


1.Yujie Feng*, Xinxin Shi, Xin Wang, He Lee, Jia Liu, Youpeng Qu, Weihua He, S.M. Senthil Kumard, Byung Hong Kim, Nanqi Ren. Effects of sulfide on microbial fuel cells with platinum and nitrogen-doped carbon powder cathodes. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2012,35(1):413-415
2.Jia Liu, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, Qiao Yang, Xinxin Shi, Youpeng Qu, Nanqi Ren. The effect of water proofing on the performance of nickel foam cathode in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2012,198:100-104
3.Youpeng Qu, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, Jia Liu, Jiangwei Lv, Weihua He, Bruce E. Logan. 2012. Simultaneous water desalination and electricity generation in a microbial desalination cell with electrolyte recirculation for pH control. Bioresource Technology. 2012,106 : 89–94
4.Ce Wang, Yujie Feng*, Shanshan Zhao, Bai-Lian Li. A dynamic contaminant fate model of organic compound: A case study of Nitrobenzene pollution in Songhua River, China. Chemosphere. 2012, 88: 69-76
5.Ce Wang, Yujie Feng*, Qingfang Sun, Shanshan Zhao, Peng Gao, Bai-Lian Li. A multimedia fate model to evaluate the fate of PAHs in Songhua River, China. Environmental Pollution. 2012, 164: 81-88
6.Wang Ce, Feng Yujie*, Gao Peng. Simulation and prediction of phenolic compounds fate in Songhua River, China. The Science of the Total Environment. 2012, 431:366-374
7.Qiao Yang, Feng Yujie*, Bruce E. Logan. Using cathode spacers to minimize reactor size in air cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 2012, 110:273-277
8. Qiao Yang, Feng Yujie*, Xin Wang, He Lee, Jia Liu, Xinxin Shi, Youpeng Qu, Nanqi Ren. Electricity generation using eight amino acids by air-cathode microbial fuel cells technology. Fuel. 2012, 102: 478-482
9. Xinxin Shi, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang, He Lee, Jia Liu, Youpeng Qu, Weihua He, S.M. Senthil Kumar, Nanqi Ren. Application of nitrogen-doped carbon powders as low-cost and durable cathodic catalyst to air–cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology. 2012,108:89–93
10.Youpeng Qu, Yujie Feng*, Xin Wang and Bruce E. Logan. Using a co-culture to enable current production by Geobacter sulfurreducens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2012, 78(9):3484-3487
11. Z. Zhang, Y. Feng*,P. Gao, J. Liu, N. Ren. Comparing the adsorption and desorption characteristics of 17a-ethinylestradiol on sludge derived from different treatment units. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 2012,9(2): 247-256
12. Gao P., Feng Y. J.*, Zhang Z. H. Effect of heavy metals and surfactants on the adsorption of phenolic compounds on sediment. International Journal Of Environmental Science and Technology. 2012, 9(4): 671-678
13. Cui Yu-Hong, Feng Yu-Jie*, Liu Junfeng. Comparison of various organic compounds destruction on rare earths doped Ti/Sb-SnO2 electrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012,239: 225-232
14. Peng Gao, Yujie Feng*, Zhaohan Zhang, Junfeng Liu, Nanqi Ren. Kinetic and thermodynamic study of phenolic compounds adsorption on river sediment. Soil and Sediment Contamination. 2012, 21(5): 625-639
15. Luan, Yunbo, Jing, Liqiang, Xie, Mingzheng, Shi, Xin, Fan, Xuxin, Cao, Yue, Feng, Yujie*. Synthesis of efficient N-containing TiO2 photocatalysts with high anatase thermal stability and the effects of the nitrogen residue on the photoinduced charge separation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2012, 14(4):1352-1359
16.Luan, Yunbo, Jing, Liqiang, Meng, Qingqiang,Nan, He,Luan, Peng,Xie, Mingzheng,Feng, Yujie*. Synthesis of Efficient Nanosized Rutile TiO2 and Its Main Factors Determining Its Photodegradation Activity: Roles of Residual Chloride and Adsorbed Oxygen. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2012, 116(32): 17094-17100
17. Yujie Feng*, Qiao Yang, Xin Wang, Yankun Liu, He Li, Nanqi Ren. Treatment of biodiesel production wastes with simultaneous electricity generation using a single-chamber microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(1): 411-415
18. Yujie Feng*, Chao Li, Dawei Zhang. Lipid production of Chlorella vulgaris cultured in artificial wastewater medium. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102(1): 101-105
19. Yujie Feng*, Yanling Yu, Xin Wang, Youpeng Qu, Dongmei Li, Weihua He, Byung Hong Kim. Degradation of raw corn stover powder (RCSP) by an enriched microbial consortium and its community structure. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(2): 742-747
20. Yujie Feng*, Jiangwei Lv, Junfeng Liu, Na Gao, Hongyan Peng, Yuqiang Chen. Influence of boron concentration on growth characteristic and electro-catalytic performance of boron-doped diamond electrodes prepared by direct current plasma chemical vapor deposition. Applied Surface Science. 2011, 257(8): 3433-3439

