2023-05-10 19:50
  • 常军涛
  • 常军涛 - 教授 博导-哈尔滨工业大学-能源科学与工程学院-个人资料




1998年09月-2002年07月,哈尔滨工业大学 热能与动力工程专业本科, 获本科学位
2002年09月-2007年11月,哈尔滨工业大学 动力机械与工程专业硕博, 获博士学位
2008年03月-2010年12月,哈尔滨工业大学 基础与交叉科学研究院,讲师
2010年12月-2015年12月,哈尔滨工业大学 基础与交叉科学研究院,副教授
2013年04月-至今,哈尔滨工业大学 能源科学与工程学院,博士生导师
2015年12月-至今,哈尔滨工业大学 基础与交叉科学研究院,入选“青年拔尖教授”计划
2017年08月,哈尔滨工业大学 基础与交叉科学研究院, 获得“国家自然科学优秀青年基金”





159. Ziao Wang, Juntao Chang*, Guang Wu and Daren Yu. Experimental investigation of shock train behavior in a supersonic isolator. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33, 046103
159. Chen Kong, Juntao Chang*, Yunfei Li and Ziao Wang. A deep learning approach for the velocity field prediction in a scramjet isolator. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33, 026103
158. Chen Kong, Juntao Chang*, Ziao Wang, Yunfei Li. Prediction model of flow field in an isolator over various operating conditions. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021,111:106576.
157. Ziao Wang, Juntao Chang*, Guangwei Wu, Wenxin Hou. Mechanism and detection of oscillatory flow in a supersonic cascade, Acta Astronautica, 2021, 182:77-99
156. Li Nan, Chang Juntao*. Hysteretic Behaviors of Separation-Shock Driven by Backpressure in Isolator with Incident Shocks. AIAA Journal, 2021, 59(3): 960-971.
155. Li Nan, Chang Juntao*, Xu Kejing, Yu Daren, Bao Wen, Instability of shock train behaviour with incident shocks. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 907, A40 (2021)
154. Jialin Zheng, Juntao Chang*, Jicheng Ma, Daren Yu. Modeling and analysis of windmilling operation during mode transition of a turbine-based-combined cycle engine. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 109:106423
153. Ziao Wang, Juntao Chang*, Yunfei Li, and Chen Kong. Investigation of shock wave control by suction in a supersonic cascade. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2021, 108:106382
152. Chen Kong, Juntao Chang*, Yunfei Li, Ruoyu Chen. Deep learning methods for super-resolution reconstruction of temperature fields in a supersonic combustor, AIP Advances, 10, 115021 (2020)
151. Ziao Wang, Juntao Chang*, Wenxin Hou and Daren Yu. Propagation of shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction unsteadiness in attached and separated flows. AIP Advances, 10, 105011 (2020)
150. Junlong Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Huimin Tian, Ji Li, Wen Bao. Flame Interaction Characteristics in Scramjet Combustor Equipped with Strut/Wall Combined Fuel Injectors, Combustion Science and Technology, 2020, 192(10), 1863-1886
149. 张军龙,常军涛*,王 瑄,鲍 文,基于支板稳燃的超声速火焰特性研究进展,空气动力学报,2020, 38(3):577-592
148. Wenxin Hou, Juntao Chang*, Chen Kong, Wen Bao, Laurent Dala, Experimental study and analysis of shock train self-excited oscillation in an isolator with background waves, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2020, 21(8):614-635
147. Wenxin Hou, Juntao Chang*, Ziao Wang, Youyin Wang, Wen Bao, Shock train behavior affected by continuous Mach number variation of incoming flow, Acta Astronautica, 2020, 177:652-665
146. Wenxin Hou, Juntao Chang*, Youyin Wang, Chen Kong, Wen Bao, Experimental study on the forced oscillation of shock train in an isolator with background waves, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 106:106129
145. Chengkun Lv, Juntao Chang*, Daren Yu, Hao Liu, Cheng Xu, Multivariable control of regeneratively-cooled scramjet engine with two-stage kerosene injection based on H∞ method, Results in Engineering, 2020, 7:100161
144. Chen Kong, Juntao Chang*, Nan Li, Yunfei Li, Flowfield reconstruction and shock train leading edge detection in scramjet isolators, AIAA Journal, Vol. 58, No. 9 (2020), pp. 4068-4080
143. Yunfei Li, Juntao Chang*, Chen Kong, Ziao Wang, Flow field reconstruction and prediction of the supersonic cascade channel based on a symmetry neural network under complex and variable conditions, AIP Advances, 10, 065116 (2020)
142. Ziao Wang, Juntao Chang*, Wenxin Hou and Daren Yu. Low-frequency unsteadiness of shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction in an isolator with background waves. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 056105 (封面文章)
141. Xinyu Zhao, Na Jiang, Jinfu Liu* , Daren Yu, Juntao Chang. Short-term average wind speed and turbulent standard deviation forecastsbased on one-dimensional convolutional neural network and the integratemethod for probabilistic framework. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 203: 112239.
140. Ruifeng Cao, Yue Lu, Daren Yu, Juntao Chang. Study on influencing factors of combustion mode transition boundary for a scramjet engine based on one-dimensional model. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 96:105590
139. Jialin Zheng, Juntao Chang*, Jicheng Ma, Daren Yu. Analysis of aerodynamic/ propulsive couplings during mode transition of over-under turbine-based-combined-cycle engines. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 99:105773
138. Hongchao Qiu, Junlong Zhang*, Xiaoxue Sun, Juntao Chang, Wen Bao, Silong Zhang. Flowing residence characteristics in a dual-mode scramjet combustorequipped with strut flame holder. , Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 99:105718
137. Wenxin Hou, Juntao Chang*, Zongqi Xie, Youyin Wang, Linke Wu, Wen Bao, Behavior and flow mechanism of shock train self-excited oscillation influenced by background waves, Acta Astronautica, 2020, 166:29-40
136. 徐珂靖,常军涛*,李 楠,鲍 文,于达仁,背景波系下的隔离段激波串运动特性及其流动机理研究进展,实验流体力学,2019,33(3):31-42
135. Junlong Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Ziao Wang, Lin Gao, Wen Bao. Flame propagation and flashback characteristics in a kerosene fueled supersonic combustor equipped with strut/wall combined fuel injectors. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 93:105303

134. Yunfei Li, Juntao Chang*, Ziao Wang, Chen Kong, Inversion and reconstruction of supersonic cascade passage flow field based on a model comprising transposed network and residual network, Physics of Fluids, 31, 126102 (2019)
133. Ziao Wang, Juntao Chang*, Junlong Zhang, Daren Yu, Evolution of subsonic and supersonic corner vortices in a supersonic cascade, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 95:105509
132. Jialin Zheng, Juntao Chang*, Jicheng Ma, Daren Yu, Modeling and analysis for integrated airframe/propulsion control of vehicles during mode transition of over-under Turbine-Based-Combined-Cycle engines, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 95:105462
131. Junlong Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Chen Kong, Hongchao Qiu, Wen Bao, Flame oscillation characteristics in a kerosene fueled dual mode combustor equipped with thin strut flameholder, Acta Astronautica, 2019, 161:222-233
130. Junlong Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Fuxu Quan, Liqian Bian, Wen Bao, Ignition characteristics in a thin strut-equipped dual mode combustor fueled with liquid kerosene, Acta Astronautica, 2019, 161:125-138
129. Ziao Wang, Juntao Chang*, Nan Li, Kejing Xu, Experimental investigation of the throttling process and oscillation mechanism in a supersonic cascade, AIP Advances, 2019,9:055103
128. Jicheng Ma, Juntao Chang*, QingPing Huang, Wen Bao, Daren Yu, Multi-objective coordinated control of regeneratively-cooled scramjet engine with two-stage kerosene injection, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 90:59-69
127. Wen Shi, Juntao Chang*, Junlong Zhang, Jicheng Ma, Ziao Wang, Wen Bao. Numerical investigation on the forced oscillation of shock train in hypersonic inlet with translating cowl, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 87:311-322
126. Wen Shi, Juntao Chang*, Jicheng Ma, Youyin Wang, Lin Gao, Wen Bao. Path dependence characteristic of shock train in a 2D hypersonic inlet with variable background waves, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 86:650-658
125. Nan Li, Juntao Chang*, Kejing Xu, Daren Yu, Yanping Song. Closed-loop control of shock train in inlet-isolator with incident shocks, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 103:355-363
124. Junlong Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Jicheng Ma, Youyin Wang, Wen Bao. Investigations on flame liftoff characteristics in liquid-kerosene fueled supersonic combustor equipped with thin strut, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 84:686-697
123. Wen Shi, Juntao Chang*, Youyin Wang, Wen Bao, Xiaoyong Liu. Buzz evolution process investigation of a two-ramp inlet with translating cowl, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 84:712-723
122. Jialin Zheng, Juntao Chang*, Shengbo Yang, Xinyue Hao, Daren Yu. Trajectory optimization for a TBCC-powered supersonic vehicle with transition thrust pinch, Aerospace Science and Technology , 2019, 84:214-222
121. Jicheng Ma, Juntao Chang*, Junlong Zhang, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Control-oriented unsteady one-dimensional model for a hydrocarbon regeneratively-cooled scramjet engine, Aerospace Science and Technology , 2019, 85:158-170
120. Juntao Chang*, Junlong Zhang, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Research progress on strut-equipped supersonic combustors for scramjet application, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2018, 103:1-30
119. Jicheng Ma, Juntao Chang*, Junlong Zhang, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Control-oriented modeling and real-time simulation method for a dual-mode scramjet combustor , Acta Astronautica, 2018, 153:82-94
118. Jialin Zheng, Juntao Chang*, Jicheng Ma, Daren Yu. Performance uncertainty propagation analysis for control-oriented model of a turbine-based combined cycle engine, Acta Astronautica, 2018, 153:39-49
117. Nan Li, Juntao Chang*, Kejing Xu, Daren Yu, Wen Bao, Yanping Song. Oscillation of the shock train in an isolator with incident shocks, Physics of Fluids, 30, 116102 (2018) (封面文章)
116. Ziao Wang, Juntao Chang*, Junlong Zhang, Jicheng Ma. Investigations on flowfield behavior and resistance backpressure characteristics of supersonic cascade with boundary layer suction, Acta Astronautica, 2018, 152:588-601
115. Wen Shi, Juntao Chang*, Junlong Zhang, Youyin Wang, Wenxin Hou, Wen Bao. Numerical investigation on behaviors of shock train in a hypersonic inlet with translating cowl, Acta Astronautica, 2018, 152:682-691
114. Kejing Xu, Juntao Chang*, Nan Li, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Preliminary investigation of limits of shock train jumps in a hypersonic inlet-isolator, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, 2018, 72:664-675
113. Chenlin Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Shuo Feng, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Investigation of performance and mode transition in a variable divergence ratio dual-mode combustor, Aerospace Science and Technology , 2018, 80:496–507
112. Nan Li, Juntao Chang*, Jingfeng Tang, Daren Yu, Wen Bao, Yanping Song. Effect of control route on the unstart/restart characteristics of an over-under TBCC inlet, Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science, 2018, 5:431-444
111. Kejing Xu, Juntao Chang*, Nan Li, Weixing Zhou, Daren Yu. Experimental investigation of mechanism and limits for shock train rapid forward movement, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 98:336-345
110. Xinyu Zhao, Jinfu Liu*, Daren Yu*, Juntao Chang. One-day-ahead probabilistic wind speed forecast based on optimized numerical weather prediction data, Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 164:560-569
109. Jingxue Ma, Juntao Chang*, Jicheng Ma, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Mathematical modeling and characteristic analysis for over-under turbine based combined cycle engine, Acta Astronautica, 2018, 148:141-152.
108. Chenlin Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Junlong Zhang, Wen Bao, Daren Yu. Effect of continuous Mach number variation of incoming flow on ram-scram transition in a dual-mode combustor, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 76:433-441.
107. Junlong Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Wen Shi, Wenxin Hou, Wen Bao. Combustion stabilizations in a liquid kerosene fueled supersonic combustor equipped with an integrated pilot strut, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 77:83-91.
106. Junlong Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Jicheng Ma, Yuanshi Zhang, Wen Bao. Local and global flame characteristics in a liquid kerosene fueled supersonic combustor equipped with a thin strut, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 76:49-57.
105. Chenlin Zhang, Juntao Chang*, Jingxue Ma, Wen Bao, Daren Yu, Jingfeng Tang. Effect of Mach number and equivalence ratio on the pressure rising variation during combustion mode transition in a dual-mode combustor, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 72:516-524.
104. Jiao Xiaoliang*, Chang Juntao**, Wang Zhongqi, Yu Daren. Periodic forcing of a shock train in a scramjet inlet-isolator at overspeed condition, Acta Astronautica, 2018, 143:244-254.
103. Li Nan, Chang Juntao, Jiang Chenzhong, Yu Daren, Bao Wen, Song Yanping, Jian Xiaoliang*. Unstart/restart hysteresis characteristics analysis of an over–under TBCC inlet caused by backpressure and splitter. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 72: 418-425.
102. Li Nan, Chang Juntao*, Xu Kejing, Yu Daren, Bao Wen, Song Yanping. Prediction dynamic model of shock train with complex background waves. Physics of Fluids 29, 116103 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5000876.
101. Zhang Junlong, Chang Juntao*, Ma Jicheng, Zhang Chenlin, Bao Wen . Investigation of flame establishment and stabilization mechanism in a kerosene fueled supersonic combustor equipped with a thin strut. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 70: 152-160.
100. Xu Kejing, Chang Juntao*, Zhou Weixing, Yu Daren . Mechanism of shock train rapid motion induced by variation of attack angle. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 140: 18-26.
99. Feng Shuo, Chang Juntao*, Zhang Yuanshi, Zhang Chenlin, Wang Youyin, Bao Wen. Numerical studies for performance improvement of a variable geometry dual mode combustor by optimizing deflection angle. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 68: 320-330.
98. Zhang Chenlin, Chang Juntao*, Feng Shuo, Ma Jicheng, Zhang Junlong, Bao Wen. Pressure rising slope variation accompanying with combustion mode transition in a dual-mode combustor. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 68: 370-379.
97. Feng Shuo, Chang Juntao*, Zhang Chenlin, Wang Youyin, Ma Jicheng, Bao Wen. Experimental and numerical investigation on hysteresis characteristics and formation mechanism for a variable geometry dual-mode combustor. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 67: 96-104.
96. Zhang Chenlin, Chang Juntao*, Zhang Yuanshi, Wang Youyin, Bao Wen. Flow field characteristics analysis and combustion modes classification for a strut/cavity dual-mode combustor. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 137: 44-51.
95. Feng Shuo, Chang Juntao*, Zhang Junlong, Zhang Chenlin, Bao Wen. Numerical and experimental investigation of improving combustion performance of variable geometry dual-mode combustor. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2017, 64: 213-222.
94. Zhang Chenlin, Chang Juntao*, Liu MengMeng, Feng Shuo, Shi Wen, Bao Wen. Effect of heat release on movement characteristics of shock train in an isolator. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 133: 185-194.
93. Jiao Xiaoliang, Chang Juntao*, Wang Zhongqi, Yu Daren. Numerical Study on Hypersonic Nozzle-Inlet Starting Characteristics in a Shock Tunnel. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 130: 167-179.
92. Chang Juntao*, Li Nan, Xu Kejing, Bao Wen, Yu Daren. Recent Research Progress on unstart mechanism, detection and control of hypersonic inlet. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2017, 89: 1-22.
91. Li Nan, Chang Juntao*, Yu Daren, Bao Wen, Song Yanping. Mathematical Model of Shock Train Path with Complex Background Waves. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2017: 33(2): 468-478.
90. He Yubao, Chang Juntao, Bao Wen, Huang Hongyan, Yu Daren. Numerical Investigation of Local Resistance to Backpressure in Hypersonic Inlet with Suction. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2016, 32(6): 1531-1543.
89. Cao Ruifeng, Cui Tao, Yu Daren, Chang Juntao, Bao Wen, Wang Zhongqi. New Method for Solving One-Dimensional Transonic Reacting Flows of a Scramjet Combustor. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2016, 32(6): 1403-1412.
88. Jiao Xiaoliang, Chang Juntao*, Wang Zhongqi, Yu Daren. Hysteresis phenomenon of hypersonic inlet at high Mach number. Acta Astronautica, 2016, 128: 657-668.
87. Jiao Xiaoliang, Chang Juntao*, Wang Zhongqi, Yu Daren. Investigation of hypersonic inlet pulse-starting characteristics at high Mach number. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2016, 58: 427-436.
86. Xu Kejing*, Chang Juntao*, Zhou Weixing, Yu Daren. Mechanism and Prediction for Occurrence of Shock-Train Sharp Forward Movement. AIAA Journal, 2016, 54(1): 1403-1412.
85. Hao Xinyue, Chang Juntao*, Bao Wen*, Zhang Zexu. A model of mode transition logic in dual-mode scramjet engines. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2016, 49: 173-184.
84. Feng Shuo, Chang Juntao*, Yang Qingchun, Bao Wen*. Simulation study on modeling for design parameters analysis of free-piston tunnels. Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2016: 230(12): 2330-2342.
83. Zhang Chenlin*, Chang Juntao, Shi Wen, Bao Wen. Influence factor analysis of performance parameter for a strut/cavity supersonic combustor. 51st AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference. AIAA 2015-3944.
82. Qi Yiwen*, Bao Wen, Chang, Juntao. Robust asynchronous bumpless transfer for switched linear systems. International Journal of Control. 2015, 88(12): 2433-2443.
81. Zhang Cong, Qin Jiang*, Yang Qingchun, Zhang Silong, Chang Juntao, Bao Wen*. Indirect measurement method of inner wall temperature of scramjet with a state observer. Acta Astronautica. 2015, 115: 330-337.
80. Jiao Xiaoliang, Chang Juntao*, Wang Zhongqi, Yu Daren. Mechanism Study on Local Unstart of Hypersonic Inlet at High Mach Number. AIAA Journal. 2015, 53(10): 3102-3112.
79. Zhang Cong, Yang Qingchun*, Chang Juntao, Tang Jingfeng , Bao Wen. Nonlinear Characteristics and detection of combustion Modes for a Hydrocarbon fueled scramjet. Acta Astronautica. 2015, 110: 89-98.
78. Chang Juntao*, Wang Lei, Qin Bin, Bao Wen, Yu Daren. Real-time unstart prediction and detection of hypersonic inlet based on recursive Fourier transform. Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2015, 229(4): 772-778.
77. Yang Qingchun, Bao Wen*, Zong Youhai, Chang Juntao, Hu Jichao, Wu Meng. Combustion characteristics of a dual-mode scramjet injecting liquid kerosene by multiple struts. Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2015, 229(6): 983-992.
76. Qi Yiwen*, Bao Wen, Chang Juntao. State-Based Switching Control Strategy with Application to Aeroengine Safety Protection. Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2015, 28(3): 04014076.
75. Cao Ruifeng, Chang Juntao*, Tang Jingfeng, Bao Wen, Yu Daren, Wang Zhongqi. Switching control of thrust regulation and inlet unstart protection for scramjet engine based on strategy of integral initial values resetting. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2015, 45: 484-489.
74. Cao Ruifeng, Chang Juntao*, Tang Jingfeng, Bao Wen, Yu Daren, Wang Zhongqi. Switching control of thrust regulation and inlet unstart protection for scramjet engine based on Min strategy. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2015, 40:96-103.
73. Qin Bin, Chang Juntao*, Jiao Xiaoliang, Bao Wen. Unstart Margin Characterization Method of Scramjet Considering Isolator–Combustor Interactions. AIAA Journal. 2015, 53(2): 493-500.
72. Yang Qingchun, Shi Wen, Chang Juntao, Bao Wen*. Maximum thrust for the rocket-ejector mode of the hydrogen fueled rocket-based combined cycle engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2015, 40(9): 3771-3776.
71. Yang Qingchun*, Chang Juntao, Zhang Duo, Hu Jichao, Bao Wen. Comment on \
Associate editor,《Advances in Aircraft and Spacecraft Science》,ESCI期刊
Associate editor,《Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering》
Associate editor,《International Journal of Aerospace Engineering and Technology 》

