2023-05-10 19:45
  • 许国冬
  • 许国冬 - 教授 博导 硕导-哈尔滨工程大学-船舶工程学院-个人资料




许国冬,湖南衡阳人,获得哈尔滨工程大学流体力学博士学位、英国伦敦大学院(University College London)机械工程博士学位。目前从事船舶与海洋结构物流体力学性能研究工作,承担国家自然科学基金3项。在入水砰击耦合水动力学、仿生流体动力学、流场感知与流动控制等研究方向展开研究工作。相关研究成果发表在Physics of Fluids(流体物理)、Proceeding of Royal Society A(英国皇家学会会刊A 辑)、Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements(工程分析中的边界元)、Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics(力学与应用数学季刊)、Applied Ocean Research(应用海洋研究)、Coastal Engineering(海岸工程)、Ocean Engineering(海洋工程)等国际期刊上。多次参加国际浮体与水波会议及国际水动力学会议,担任分会场主席。
2020.06-今 哈尔滨工程大学 船舶工程学院 教授
2013.09-2020.06 哈尔滨工程大学 船舶工程学院 副研究员
2013.03-2013.08 哈尔滨工程大学 船舶工程学院 讲师
[5] 深海大幅表面波和内波流场理论, 国家自然科学基金重大项目
[12] 第三十届全国水动力学研讨会, 合肥 2019
[11] 中国力学大会,杭州 2019
[10] 13th international conference on Hydrodynamics,Songdo, Incheon, Korea 2018
[9] 第二十九届全国水动力学研讨会,镇江 2018
[8] 第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会,长春 2017
[7] 12th international conference on Hydrodynamics,Egmond ann Zee, The Netherland 2016
[6] 第二十七届全国水动力学研讨会,南京 2015
[5] 30th International workshop on water waves and floating bodies, Bristol UK, 2015
[4] 第十三届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十六届全国水动力学研讨会,青岛,2014
[3] 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai,China
[2] 24th International workshop on water waves and floating bodies, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2009
[1] 23th International workshop on water waves and floating bodies, Jeju island, Korea, 2008
[1] 轨道控制式垂直轴轮机,ZL201410136099.8
[2] 轨道控制攻角的振动翼风能、潮流能转换装置,ZL201410177628.9
[3] 一种装有转角放大器的振动翼发电装置,ZL201520433658.X
[4] 一种利用波浪能推进的水面航行器,ZL 201710201906.3
[5] 一种双翼式发电装置, ZL201610357323.5
[6] 一种长航程振动翼飞行器 ZL201710599218.7
拍动翼动力学分析与应用 科学出版社,2019
流体与结构砰击水动力学 哈尔滨工程大学出版社,2014
2019 黑龙江省科学技术进步奖, 二等奖
2019 海洋工程学会科学技术奖,二等奖


[1] 流体与结构砰击水动力学
[2] 仿生流体动力学及其应用
[3] 流场感知与流动控制""


[24] Song Z.J., Duan W.Y., Xu G.D.*, Zhao B.B. 2020 Experimental and numerical study of the water entry of projectiles at high oblique entry speed, Ocean Engineering, 211, 107574.
[23] 杨晓彬,许国冬* 基于重叠网格法的飞机水上降落水动力砰击载荷研究[J].振动与冲击,2020,39(02):57-63.
[22] Xu G.D.*, Xu W.H., Duan W.Y. et al 2020 The free surface effects on the hydrodynamics of two-dimensional hydrofoils in tandem Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 115 133-141.
[21] Ma C.P., Xu G.D.*, Duan W.Y. 2020 Study on the head-on collisions of two-dimensional trains of solitons Wave Motion 93, 102450.
[20] Xu Wenhua, Xu Guodong*, Duan Wenyang, Song Zhijie, Lei Jie 2019 Experimental and numerical study of a hydrokinetic turbine based on tandem flapping hydrofoils, Energy 174 2019, 375-385.
[19] Xu G.D., Ma C.P., Li X.F.* 2019 Simulation of the interactions between two-dimensional solitons and structures, Ocean Engineering 174, 51-60.
[18] Yang, X.B. Xu G.D.* 2018 Numerical simulation of the oblique water entry of wedges with vortex shedding, Brodogradnja V69(4), 69-83.
[17] 唐波 徐文华 许国冬* 2018 被动式拍动翼轮机的能量采集性能实验研究 哈尔滨工程大学学报 39(2): 344-349.
[16] Xu G.D*., Duan W.Y., Xu W.H. 2017 The propulsion of two flapping foils with tandem configuration and vortex interactions, Physics of Fluids, 29, 097102.
[15] Xu G.D.; Duan W.Y.; Zhou B.Z*. 2017 Propulsion of an active flapping foil in heading waves of deep water, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 84, 63–76
[14] Xu G.D.*, Xu W.H., 2017 Energy extraction of two flapping foils with tandem configurations and vortex interactions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements ; 82: 202-209
[13] Zhou B.Z., Wu L., Xu G.D*., Zhang L. 2017 Resonance of the roll motion of a two dimensional barge induced by triple frequency wave force. Ocean Engineering 134, 13-23.
[12] Xu G.D*., Xu W.H., Dai J. 2017 Numerical and experimental study of a flapping foil generator. Applied Ocean Research 63 242–250.
[11] C.M. Bao, G.X.Wu*, G.D. Xu 2016 Simulation of water entry of a two-dimension finite wedge with flow detachment. Journal of Fluids and Structures 65, 44–59.
[10] Xu G.D*., Meng Q. 2016 Waves induced by a two-dimensional foil advancing in shallow water Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 64 150-157.
[9] 徐文华 许国冬* 张庆力 2015 基于椭圆正弦攻角运动振动翼的能量采集性能分析 水动力学研究与进展A辑,第30卷第4期,460-465.
[8] Xu,G.D., Wu,G.X.* 2013 Boundary element simulation of inviscid flow around an oscillatory foil with vortex sheet, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 37, 825–835.
[7] Xu,G.D., Wu,G.X* 2013 Hydrodynamics of a submerged hydrofoil advancing in waves, Applied Ocean Research 42, 70–78.
[6] Xu,G.D., Wu,G.X.*, Duan,W.Y., 2011 Axisymmetric liquid block impact on a solid surface, Applied Ocean Research 33, 366- 374.
[5] Xu,G.D., Duan,W.Y., Wu,G.X* 2011 Numerical simulation of water entry of a cone in free-fall motion, Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 64, 265-285.
[4] Xu,G.D., Duan,W.Y., Wu,G.X.* 2010 Simulation of water entry of a wedge through free fall in three degrees of freedom, Proceeding of Royal Society A 466, 2219-2239.
[3] Wu G.X.*, Xu G.D., Duan,W.Y., 2010 A summary of water entry problem of a wedge based on the fully nonlinear velocity potential theory. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B 22, 5, Supplement 1, 859-864.
[2] Duan, W.Y., Xu, G.D., Wu, G.X.*, 2009, Similarity solution of oblique impact of wedge-shaped water column on wedged coastal structures, Coastal Engineering, 56, 400-407.
[1] Xu, G.D., Duan, W.Y., Wu, G.X.*, 2008, Numerical simulation of oblique water entry of an asymmetrical wedge, Ocean Engineering. 35, 1597-1603.
[15] 宋志杰,杨晓彬,许国冬* 飞机在波浪中着水砰击的数值模拟研究 第三十届全国水动力学研讨会, 合肥,2019.
[14] 宋志杰,赵彬彬,许国冬*,段文洋 2019 抛射物斜向入水的弹道稳定性和超空泡演化试验 中国力学大会(CCTAM 2019)杭州 2019.
[13] X.B. Yang, G.D. Xu* Numerical simulation of airplane ditching on the initial quiescent water surface 13th International conference on Hydrodynamics, Songdo, Incheon, Korea 2018.
[12] 麻彩朋 许国冬* 连续孤立波的形成与对向碰撞特性研究第二十九届全国水动力学研讨会, 镇江,2018
[11] 许国冬*, 徐文华 串列翼的涡运动与水动力干扰研究 第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会, 长春,2017
[10] 许国冬* 徐文华 段文洋 苏玉民 串列拍动翼的推进性能与涡干扰研究,中国力学大会,仿生推进技术专题研讨会 北京,2017
[9] Xu G.D.*, Meng Q Solitons caused by a two-dimensional foil at super-critical and hyper-critical speeds in shallow water, 12th international conference on Hydrodynamics,Egmond ann Zee, The Netherland, 2016.
[8] 徐文华, 许国冬*,唐伟鹏,振动双翼的推进性能研究,第二十七届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2015,p211-216.
[7] Xu,G.D., Wu,G.X, 2015 Oblique water entry of a wedge with vortex shedding, Proceeding of 30th International workshop on water waves and floating bodies, Bristol UK.
[6] 许国冬*,徐文华,段文洋,马山 振动水翼在波浪中的推进性能分析 第八届全国流体力学学术会议,兰州 2014.
[5] 鲍超明 许国冬* 伴随流体分离的自由入水砰击耦合分析,第十三届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十六届全国水动力学研讨会文集,青岛,2014
[4] 徐文华 许国冬* 张庆力 非正弦运动振动翼的能量采集性能研究第十三届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十六届全国水动力学研讨会,青岛,2014
[3] Wu,G.X.*, Xu,G.D., Duan,W.Y., 2010 A summary of water entry problem of a wedge based on the fully nonlinear velocity potential theory, Proceeding of 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, Shanghai, China
[2] Xu,G.D., Duan,W.Y., Wu,G.X.*, 2009 Time domain simulation of water entry of twin wedges through free fall motion, Proceeding of 24th International workshop on water waves and floating bodies, St. Petersburg, Russia
[1] Xu,G.D., Duan,W.Y., Wu,G.X.*, 2008 Similarity solution for wedge-shaped fluid/structure impact, Proceeding of 23th International workshop on water waves and floating bodies, Jeju island, Korea

