以第一作者发表相关SCI论文多篇。结题国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,现执行黑龙江省自然科学基金1项。 教育经历1. 2000/09 –2004/07,长春大学,电气工程及自动化系,学士2. 2004/09 –2006/07,哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院固体力学系,硕士3. 2006/09 –2009/06,哈尔滨工业大学,航天学院固体力学系,博士 工作经历1. 2011/10 –至今,哈尔滨工程大学,航天与建筑工程学院,2. 2009/06-2011/10,哈尔滨工程大学,航天与建筑工程学院,讲师3.2009/06-2011/10,哈尔滨工程大学,航天与建筑工程学院,博士后4. 2014/10-2015/10,美国佐治亚理工学院,机械工程学院,访问学者 承担项目1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,11102046,半导体材料中位错缺陷的多尺度耦合分子模拟研究,2012/01-2014/12,26万元,已结题,主持2. 黑龙江省自然科学基金面上项目,A201403,硅中位错及相关微纳米力学性能的计算机模拟,项目负责人, 批准经费:6.0万元, 2014-07-01 至 2017-07-013. 舱室噪声及控制,708所,2016年7月至2017年3月 招生信息招收固体力学方向硕士研究生。 本科生授课课程工程力学材料力学 研究生授课课程微纳米力学与分子模拟研究领域
1. Chaoying Wang*, Xiaoqing Sun, Chenliang Li, Guoxun Wu, Baolai Wang, Zhenqing Wang, Qingyuan Meng, Lijun Yang. Effects of defect on the storage and diffusion of Na and Mg interstitials in Si anode, J. Alloys Comp, 2016, 654:157-162,JCR:1区2. Wang, Chaoying, Li, Hecheng, Li, Chenliang, Wu, Guoxun, Sang, Tianyi, Yang, Lijun, Wang, Zhenqing. Effects of 30 degrees partial dislocation and stacking fault on Na and Mg storage and diffusion in Si anode. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE,2016,118: 16-21, JCR:2区3. Chaoying Wang*, Lijun Yang, Wei Zhao, Qingyuan Meng, Guoxun Wu, Baolai Wang and Chenliang Li. Multi-scale simulation of the stability and diffusion of lithium in the presence of a 90°partial dislocation in silicon J. App. Phys. 2014, 116:213504, JCR:2区4. Chaoying Wang*, LiJun Yang, Wei Zhao, QingYuan Meng, Chenliang Li, and GuoXun Wu, Multi-scale simulation of lithium diffusion in the presence of a 30° partial dislocation and stacking fault in Si. J. Appl. Phys. 2014, 115:043532, JCR:2区5. Chaoying Wang*, Zhenqing Wang, Qingyuan Meng and Zhaoying Wang. Dynamic properties of reconstruction defect on 90- partial dislocation in Si, Phys. Status Solidi B, 2012, 249:531-534. JCR:3区6. Chaoying Wang*, Zhenqing Wang,Guojun Li and Qingyuan Meng, INTERACTION BETWEEN THE 30? PARTIAL DISLOCATION AND HEX-VACANCY IN SILICON. Modern Physics Letters B. 2012, 26:1250154. JCR:4区7. Chaoying Wang*, Zhenqing Wang and Qingyuan Meng. Comparative study of the empirical interatomic potentials and density-functional simulations of divacancy and hexavacancy in silicon, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2011,406(3): 467-470.JCR:3区8. Chaoying Wang*, Zhenqing Wang, Qingyuan Meng, Chenliang Li, Hongwei Atomic simulation of the dynamic properties for a double period structure with 90° partial dislocation in Si. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2011,5(2):157-163. JCR:4区9. Chaoying Wang*, Zhenqing Wang, Qingyuan Meng. Comparative study of the first-principle and empirical potentials simulations of vacancies in silicon. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 2010, 59(5): 3370-3376. JCR:3区10.Chaoying wang*, Qingyuan Meng, Kangyou Zhong, and Zhifu Ying. Atomic simulations of the dynamic properties of the 30° partial dislocation in Si crystal. Phy. Rev. B. 2008, 77: 205209. JCR:2区11.Chaoying wang* and Qingyuan Meng. Atomic simulation of the 30 degree partial dislocation interaction with divacancy in Silicon. Phys. Status Solidi RRL. 2009, 3(2-3): 73-75. JCR:3区 相关热点