2023-05-10 19:40
  • 吕博
  • 吕博 - 副教授 硕导-哈尔滨工程大学-物理与光电工程学院-个人资料




2003年-2007年 南昌航空大学 通信工程专业 本科\r
2007年-2010年 西安电子科技大学 电路与系统专业 硕士\r
2014年-2018年 哈尔滨工业大学 通信与信息系统专业 博士\r
2010.4-2011.9 华为技术有限公司 海思半导体 工程师\r
2011.9-2014.1 西安微电子技术研究所 IC设计部 工程师\r
2018.9-2022.7 哈尔滨工程大学 理学院 讲师\r
2022.7-至今 哈尔滨工程大学 物理与光电工程学院 副教授


""1. 射频电路与天线\r
2. 人工电磁超材料\r
3. 光子晶体\r
4. 拓扑光学""""


R. Li, B. Lv (共同第一作者), H. Tao, J. Shi, Y. Chong*, B. Zhang*, H. Chen*, Ideal type-II Weyl points in topological circuits, National Science Review, 10. 1093, nwaa192. SCI检索,影响因子:17.2,分区:中科院一区.综合类顶级期刊top journal.(该成果被校新闻、工信部新闻、两江科技评论,中国科学评论等报道)\r
B. Lv, R. Chen, R. Li*, C. Guan, B. Zhou, G. Dong, C. Zhao, Y. Li, Y. Wang, H. Tao*, J. Shi*, D. Xu*, Realization of quasicrystalline quadrupole topological insulators in electrical circuit. Communication Physics, 4, 1-6. SCI检索,影响因子:6.3,分区:中科院一区.物理综合类顶级期刊top journal. (该成果被两江科技评论报道)\r
B. Lv, J. Fu*, Q. Wu, K. Zhang, W. Chen, Z. Wang, R. Ma, R. Li*, Anlysis and modeling of Fano resonances using equivalent circuit elements, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 31884. SCI检索,影响因子:4,分区:中科院三区.\r
B. Lv, J. Fu*, Q. Wu, W. Chen, Z. Wang, Z. Liang, A. Li, R. Ma, B. Wu, R. Li*, Q. Zeng, L. Gao, X. Yin, Unidirectional invisibility induced by parity-time symmetric circuit, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 40575. SCI检索,影响因子:4,分区:中科院三区.\r
J. Fu, B. Lv*, R. Ma, W. Chen, Z. Wang, R. Li*, Excitation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons in an Inhomogeneous Graphene-Covered Grating, Plasmonics, 2017, 12(1): 209-213. SCI检索,影响因子:2.3,分区:中科院三区.\r
J. Fu, B. Lv*, R. Ma, W. Chen, F. Meng, R. Li*, Excitation of graphene plasmons as an analogy with the two-level system, Physics Letters A, 2016, 380, 803-808. SCI检索,影响因子:2.3,分区:中科院三区.\r
W. Chen, J. Fu, Q. Wu, B. Lv. Desgin principle of cylindrical super directive antenna, Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, 2019, 52(49). 495102. SCI检索,影响因子:3.169,分区:中科院二区.\r
W. Chen, J. Fu, B. Lv, Q. Wu, Novel Optimizing Algorithm of Superdirective Multi-layered Cylindric Antenna. 2020. 53(40), 405105. 影响因子:3.169,分区:中科院二区.\r
W. Chen, J. Fu, B. Lv, Q. Wu. Design of Easy Manufacturing Superdirctive Antenna: a Theoretical Study. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 59(27), 83028309, 影响因子:1.961,分区:中科院三区.\r
W. Chen, J. Fu, Q. Wu. Enhanced Superdirectivity of a multi-layered cylinder using a Huygens excitation. Journal of Applied Physics, Accepted,影响因子:3.169,分区:中科院二区.\r
J. Fu, W. Chen, K. Zhang, B. Lv, L. Zhu, Q. Wu, Electromagnetic force based on trapped mode of asymmetrical split ring. Applied Physics A. 2016, 117, 1571. SCI检索,影响因子:1.9,分区:中科院四区.\r
J. Fu, W. Chen, B. Lv, L. Zhu, Q. Wu, The Electromagnetic Force in the Terahertz Band Generated by a Cross-shped Absorber. Solid State Commuications, 2015, 204, 5, 影响因子:1.897,分区:中科院三区.\r
J. Fu. W. Chen, C. Zhou, L. Zhu, Q. Wu, Circular Polarized Electronically Controlled Antenna Array Based on CRLH-TL,, Applied Physics A, 2014, 116, 327, 影响因子:1.704,分区:中科院三区.\r
J. Fu, W. Chen, B. Lv, Tunable Defect mode Realized by Graphene-based Photonic Crystal, Physics Letters A, 2016, 380, 1793, 影响因子:1.683,分区:中科院三区.\r
J. Fu, W. Chen, B. Lv, Novel Metamaterial Based on the Coupling Effect of a Dielectric Trimer, Physics Letters A, 2017, 381, 153. 影响因子:1.683,分区:中科院三区.\r
J. Fu, A. Li, W. Chen, B. Lv, Z. Wang, Q. Wu, An Electrically Controlled CRLH-Inspired Circularly Polarized Leaky-Wave Antenna, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2017, 16, 760. 影响因子:2.533,中科院分区:二区.\r
Guohua Dong, Zhongjiao Jiang, Yicheng Li, Zheng Zhu*, Tingting Lv, Mengke Sun, Bo Lv, Yuxiang Li, Chunying Guan, Zhihai Liu, and Jinhui Shi*, \

