2023-05-10 19:39
  • 李晨亮
  • 李晨亮 - 副教授 硕导-哈尔滨工程大学-航天与建筑工程学院-个人资料




2009年获得哈尔滨工业大学博士学位,读博期间作为博士生联合培养分别在中山大学、新加坡南洋理工大学进行学习。2011年聘为哈尔滨工程大学航建学院副教授,并于2013年在美国斯坦福大学作为访问学者进行为期一年的学习。主要从事微观层次上新材料的结构以及物理力学性能的研究,尤其对Mn+1AXn型纳米层状陶瓷基复合材料的结构特点、电子性能、光学性能、力学性能、超导性能、理论硬度等作了细致而深入的研究。目前发表SCI论文26篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者在Applied Physics Letters、Journal of Applied Physics、Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics和Intermetallics等国际重要学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文19篇。
2011.11 - 今 哈尔滨工程大学 工程力学系 副教授
2009.7 - 2011.10 哈尔滨工程大学 工程力学系 讲师、博士后
参加 理论力学网络搜索教学平台建设与研究、本科生品牌课程建设等教学研究课题
《Advances in Science and Technology of Mn+1AXn Phases》 I.M.Low, Chenliang Li,Zhenqing Wang 2012.10 Woodhead Publishing Limited
硅中部分位错演化的分子模拟 王超营,武国勋,李晨亮,周跃发 2014.11 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
入选2014年度 哈尔滨工程大学 “青年学术骨干”




[1] Chenliang Li, Zhenqing Wang, Decai Ma, Chaoying Wang, Baolai Wang. Phase stability, electronic structure and optical properties of BiInO3 under strain. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2014,47(5):055302 -055308
[2] Chenliang Li, Chaoying Wang, Fengkui Zhang, Decai Ma, Baolai Wang, Guoxun Wu. External strain effect on the electronic and mechanical properties of the superconductor Nb2InC. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2015,78:28-34
[3] Chenliang Li, Chaoying Wang, Fengkui Zhang, Decai Ma, Baolai Wang, Guoxun Wu.
Strong increase in superconducting T-c for Nb2InC under compressive strain. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015,117(9):093908-093915
[4] Chenliang Li, Chaoying Wang, Decai Ma, and Baolai Wang. Strain-induced improvements on piezoelectric and nonlinear optical properties of BiAlO3. Materials Research Express. 2014,1:036301-036308.
[5] Chenliang Li, Zhenqing Wang, Chaoying Wang. Phase stability, mechanical properties and electronic structure of hexagonal and trigonal Ti5Al2C3: An ab initio study. Intermetallics. 2013,33:105-112
[6] Chenliang Li, Zhenqing Wang, Decai Ma, Chaoying Wang, Baolai Wang. First-principles study of the structural, mechanical, magnetic, and electronic properties of Cr4AlN3 under pressure. Intermetallics. 2013,43:71-78
[7] Chenliang Li, Zhenqing Wang. First principles prediction of structural and mechanical properties of the nanolaminate compound M4AlN3 (M=V, Nb, and Ta). Physica Status Solidi B. 2011, 248(7):1639-1644
[8] Chenliang Li, Zhenqing Wang, Chaoying Wang. First-principles study of the structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of the monoclinic BiScO3. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 2011,406(10):2028-2032
[9] Chenliang Li, Zhenqing Wang, Chaoying Wang. Effects of aluminum vacancies on electronic structure and optical properties of Ta4AlC3: A first principles study. Physica B: Condensed Matter. 2011,406(20):3906-3910
[10] Chenliang Li, Jer-Lai Kuo, Biao Wang, Rui Wang. Effects of X (V, W, Mo, Hf, Ta, Zr) Additions on the Ideal Cleavage Fracture of Cr2Nb: First-principles Determination. Intermetallics. 2010,18(1):65-69
[11] Chenliang Li, Zhenqing Wang. First-principles study of structural, electronic, and mechanical properties of the nanolaminate compound Ti4GeC3 under pressure. Journal of Applied Physics. 2010,107(12):123511-123517
[12] Chenliang Li, Biao Wang, Rui Wang, Hai Wang. First-principles Study of Structure, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Orthorhombic BiInO3. Applied Physics Letters. 2007,91(7):071902-071904
[13] Chenliang Li, Jer-Lai Kuo, Biao Wang, Yuanshi Li, Rui Wang. A New Layer Compound Nb4SiC3 Predicted from First-principles Theory. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2009,42(7):075404-075408
[14] Chenliang Li, Biao Wang, Yuanshi Li, Rui Wang. First-principles Study of Electronic Structure, Mechanical and Optical Properties of V4AlC3. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2009,42(6):065407-065411
[15] Chenliang Li, Biao Wang, Yuanshi Li, Rui Wang, Hai Wang. First-principles Study of the Ideal Cleavage Fracture of Cr2Nb Microalloyed by X (Al, Ni, Co, Ti). Intermetallics. 2009,17(6):394-399
[16] Chenliang Li, Biao Wang, Rui Wang, Hai Wang, Xiaoyan Lu. First-principles Study of Structural, Elastic, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Orthorhombic BiGaO3. Computational Materials Science. 2008,42(4):614-618
[17] Chenliang Li, Biao Wang, Rui Wang, Hai Wang. First-principles Studies on the Electronic and Optical Properties of CeCl3 and CeBr3. Solid State Communications. 2007,144(5-6):220-224
[18] Chenliang Li, Biao Wang, Rui Wang, Hai Wang, Xiaoyan Lu. First-principles Study of Structural, Elastic, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Hexagonal BiAlO3. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter. 2008,403(4):539-543
[19] Chenliang Li, Biao Wang, Rui Wang, Hai Wang, Zhenye Zhu. First-principles Study of the Electronic and Optical Properties of Lanthanide Bromide. Thin Solid Films. 2008,516(21):7894-7898
[20] Guoxun Wu, Chenliang Li*, Yuhang Jing, Chaoying Wang, Yong Yang, Zhenqing Wang, Electronic transport properties of graphene nanoribbon heterojunctions with 5-7-5 ring defect, Computational Materials Science, 2014, 95:84-88.
[21] Chaoying Wang, Xiaoqing Sun, Chenliang Li, Guoxun Wu, Baolai Wang, Zhenqing Wang, Qingyuan Meng, Lijun Yang. Effects of defect on the storage and diffusion of Na and Mg interstitials in Si anode, J. Alloys Comp, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.09.014.
[22] Chaoying Wang, Lijun Yang, Wei Zhao, Qingyuan Meng, Chenliang Li*, Guoxun Wu. Multi-scale simulation of lithium diffusion in the presence of a 30° partial dislocation and stacking fault in Si, J. App. Phys. 2014, 115(4):043532
[23] Fengkui Zhang, Lingyi Kong, Chenliang Li, Haiwei Yang, Wei Li, Sheath oscillation characteristics and effect on near-wall conduction in a krypton Hall thruster, Physics of Plasmas, 2014,21(11):113501.
[24] Chaoying Wang, Zhenqing Wang, Qingyuan Meng, Chenliang Li, Atomic simulation of the dynamic properties for a double period structure with 90° partial dislocation in Si. Superlattices and Microstructures, 2011,5(2):157-163.
[25] Xiaoyan Lu, Biao Wang, Yue Zheng, Yulan Liu, Chenliang Li, Magnetic control of dielectric properties of Ba(0.6)Sr(0.4)TiO(3) in a trilayer system, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2008,41(9):095004
[26] Xiaoyan Lu, Biao Wang, Yue Zheng, Chenliang Li, Adjustable ferroelectric properties in paraelectric/ferroelectric/paraelectric trilayers, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2008, 41(3):035303

