Anne Neville
2023-05-10 19:33
  • Anne Neville
  • Anne Neville - 博士 教授 博导-哈尔滨工程大学-动力与能源工程学院-个人资料




Anne Neville,女,英国皇家工程院和科学院两院院士,哈尔滨工程大学柔性引进人才,轮机工程专业博士生导师,与振动噪声控制研究所、船舶设备摩擦学研究中心卢熙群教授联合指导硕博研究生。长期在腐蚀与摩擦腐蚀、润滑、磨损、密封等摩擦学领域从事教学和科研工作,与捷豹、路虎、标致、罗-罗等国际顶尖的企业有着密切合作,并在人才培养、科学研究方面都有丰硕的成果。发表期刊学术论文200余篇,会议论文百余篇、著作5部、专利2项。
1995.9- 1999.10, 赫瑞瓦特大学机械与化学工程学院讲师.
2002.8- 2003.10, 赫瑞瓦特大学工程与物理科学学院教授
2003.11-今, 利兹大学机械工程学院摩擦学和表面工程系主任
Neville A. 2005. Electrochemical Scale Sensor. 01 Jan 2005
Neville A. 2005. Novel DLC coating/lubricant combination for low friction. 01 Jan 2005
Dowson D; Neville A (2014) Tribology and corrosion in hip joint replacements: Materials and engineering. Joint Replacement Technology, pp. 401-442.
Montellano López A; Richardson R; Dehghani A; Roshan R; Jayne D; Neville A (2012) Bio-inspiration for a miniature robot inside the abdomen. 7375 LNAI, pp. 380-381.
Montellano López A; Khazravi M; Richardson R; Dehghani A; Roshan R; Liskiewicz T; Morina A; Jayne DG; Neville A (2011) Locomotion selection and mechanical design for a mobile intra-abdominal adhesion-reliant robot for minimally invasive surgery. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, TAROS'11 Proceedings of the 12th Annual conference on Towards autonomous robotic systems, Springer-Verlag, pp. 173-182.
Mather RR; Neville A; Wilson JIB (2006) Characterisation of plasma treated textiles. In: Shishoo R ed. Plasma Technologies for Textiles, CRC Press, .
Neville A; Morina A (2004) Wear and chemistry of lubricants. In: Stachowiak GW ed. Wear, Materials, Mechanisms and Practice,, Tribology in Practice, Wiley, pp. 71-94.
1992 机械工程一级荣誉学位。获得了Goudie热力学奖.
1995.11 格拉斯哥大学博士
1994.6 获部门颁发的研究成果奖
1995.10 荣获英国天然气和比尔爱德华兹纪念奖。
1999.10 爱丁堡皇家学会颁发第84届布里斯班奖,表彰其“对工程科学的杰出贡献”
1999.10 荣获EPSRC高级研究奖学金(5年)
2001.3 2000年盖伊·本格获得英国腐蚀杂志最佳论文奖
2001.9 在英国腐蚀2001年会议上授予Ken Griffiths纪念盾,以表彰他所做的纪念演讲
2005.3 爱丁堡皇家学会会员
2005.11 英国皇家艺术、制造业和商业学会会员
2008.11,为期10年 获首届RAEng新兴技术讲座(英国仅有一位)
2010.7, 英国皇家工程院院士
2011.7, 机械工程学会,唐纳德·朱利叶斯·格伦摩擦学成就奖
2013.4, 英国皇家学会沃尔夫森研究优秀奖
2014.5,,2013年,STLE Wilbur Deutsch Hunt获得摩擦学学报最佳论文奖
2016.7 皇家学会利华休姆奖章
2017.1 大英帝国勋章军官
2017.5 英国皇家学会奖学金




Zhang H, Dickson AN, Sheng Y, McGrail T, Dowling DP, Wang C, Neville A, Yang D. 2020. Failure analysis of 3D printed woven composite plates with holes under tensile and shear loading.Composites Part B: Engineering. 186, pp. 107835-107835
Hua Y, Mohammed S, Barker R, Neville A. 2020. Comparisons of corrosion behaviour for X65 and low Cr steels in high pressure CO2-saturated brine. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 41, pp. 21-32
Yue X, Zhang L, Wang Y, Xu S, Wang C, Lu M, Neville A, Hua Y. 2020. Evolution and characterization of the film formed on super 13Cr stainless steel in CO2-saturated formation water at high temperature. Corrosion Science. 163
Agbeleye AA, Esezobor DE, Balogun SA, Agunsoye JO, Solis J, Neville A. 2020. Tribological properties of aluminium-clay composites for brake disc rotor applications. Journal of King Saud University - Science. 32(1), pp. 21-28
Xu S, Xu J, Liu Y-Z, Hua Y, Duan Z, Wang Y, Neville A, Gao X. 2019. Constructing Mono-/Di-/Tri-Types of Active Sites in MoS2 Film toward Understanding Their Electrocatalytic Activity for the Hydrogen Evolution. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2(12), pp. 8974-8984
Oladokun A, Hall RM, Neville A, Bryant MG. 2019. The evolution of subsurface micro-structure and tribo-chemical processes in cocrmo-ti6al4v fretting-corrosion contacts: What lies at and below the surface?. Wear. 440-441
Li P, Wang Y, Jeong JY, Gao X, Zhang K, Neville A, Xu S, Park JH. 2019. Vertically constructed monolithic electrodes for sodium ion batteries: toward low tortuosity and high energy density.Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 7(45), pp. 25985-25992
Yazdi R, Ghasemi HM, Abedini M, Wang C, Neville A. 2019. Oxygen Diffusion Layer on Ti–6Al–4V Alloy: Scratch and Dry Wear Resistance. Tribology Letters. 67(4)
Owen J, Godfrey J, Ma W, de Boer G, Al-Khateeb M, Thompson H, Neville A, Ramsey C, Barker R. 2019. An experimental and numerical investigation of CO2 corrosion in a rapid expansion pipe geometry. Corrosion Science.
Xu S, Gao X, Hua Y, Neville A, Wang Y, Zhang K. 2019. Rapid deposition of WS2 platelet thin films as additive-free anode for sodium ion batteries with superior volumetric capacity. Energy Storage Materials.
Soltanahmadi S, Charpentier TVJ, Nedelcu I, Khetan V, Morina A, Freeman H, Brown A, Brydson R, Van Eijk M, Neville A. 2019. Surface Fatigue Behaviour of a WC/aC:H Thin-film and the Tribochemical Impact of Zinc Dialkyldithiophosphate. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.11(44), pp. 41676-41687
Sanni OS, Bukuaghangin O, Charpentier TVJ, Neville A. 2019. Evaluation of laboratory techniques for assessing scale inhibition efficiency. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 182
Esfahani EA, Soltanahmadi S, Morina A, Han B, Nedelcu I, van Eijk MCP, Neville A. 2019. The multiple roles of a chemical tribofilm in hydrogen uptake from lubricated rubbing contacts.Tribology International.
Nadimi S, Ghanbarzadeh A, Neville A, Ghadiri M. 2019. Effect of particle roughness on the bulk deformation using coupled boundary element and discrete element methods. Computational Particle Mechanics.
Nadimi S, Ghanbarzadeh A, Neville A, Ghadiri M. 2019. Efect of particle roughness on the bulk deformation using coupled boundary element and discrete element methods. Computational Particle Mechanics.
de Carvalho SS, Hua Y, Barker R, Huggan M, Gomes JACP, Neville A. 2019. Development and evaluation of miniature electrodes for electrochemical measurements in a CO? top of line corrosion environment. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology. 54(7), pp. 547-555
Al-Sallami W, Parsaeian P, Neville A. 2019. An appraisal of the thermal decomposition mechanisms of ILs as potential lubricants. Lubrication Science. 31(6), pp. 229-238
Ghanbarzadeh A, Piras E, Wilson MCT, Morina A, Neville A. 2019. Numerical Study of the Effect of Tribofilm Kinetics and its Hardness on the Roughness Evolution of the Substrate in Boundary Lubrication Regime. Tribology Transactions. 62(5), pp. 747-759
Taufiqurrakhman M, Bryant MG, Neville A. 2019. Tribofilms on CoCrMo alloys: Understanding the role of the lubricant. Biotribology. 19
Soltanahmadi S, Esfahani EA, Nedelcu I, Morina A, van Eijk MCP, Neville A. 2019. Surface Reaction Films from Amine-Based Organic Friction Modifiers and Their Influence on Surface Fatigue and Friction. Tribology Letters. 67
Hua Y, Xu S, Wang Y, Taleb W, Sun J, Zhang L, Barker R, Neville A. 2019. The formation of FeCO3 and Fe3O4 on carbon steel and their protective capabilities against CO2 corrosion at elevated temperature and pressure. Corrosion Science. 157, pp. 392-405
Khan T, Tamura Y, Yamamoto H, Neville A, Morina A. 2019. Tribological response of MoS? coated and oxy-nitrided samples with alternative extreme pressure and anti-wear additives.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology.233(8), pp. 1256-1273
Shamsa A, Barker R, Hua Y, Barmatov E, Hughes TL, Neville A. 2019. The role of Ca2+ ions on Ca/Fe carbonate products on X65 carbon steel in CO2 corrosion environments at 80 and 150 °C. Corrosion Science. 156, pp. 58-70
Azam A, Dorgham A, Parsaeian P, Morina A, Neville A, Wilson MCT. 2019. The mutual interaction between tribochemistry and lubrication: Interfacial mechanics of tribofilm. Tribology International. 135, pp. 161-169
Owen J, Ducker E, Huggan M, Ramsey C, Neville A, Barker R. 2019. Design of an elbow for integrated gravimetric, electrochemical and acoustic emission measurements in erosion-corrosion pipe flow environments. Wear. 428–429, pp. 76-84
Cen H, Morina A, Neville A. 2019. Effect of base oil polarity on the micropitting behaviour in rolling-sliding contacts. Lubrication Science. 31(4), pp. 113-126
Al-Sallami W, Parsaeian P, Dorgham A, Neville A. 2019. Reactivity of oil‐soluble IL with silicon surface at elevated temperature. Lubrication Science. 31(4), pp. 151-162
Al-Khafaji A, Wilson M, Neville A, Wen D. 2019. Pore-Scale Displacement Efficiency during Different Salinity Water Flooding in Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Microstructures. Energy and Fuels. 33(5), pp. 3859-3870
Silva SCD, de Souza EA, Pessu F, Hua Y, Barker R, Neville A, da Cunha Ponciano Gomes JA.2019. Cracking mechanism in API 5L X65 steel in a CO-?saturated environment. Engineering Failure Analysis. 99, pp. 273-291
Dorgham A, Parsaeian P, Azam A, Wang C, Morina A, Neville A. 2019. Single-asperity study of the reaction kinetics of P-based triboreactive films. Tribology International. 133, pp. 288-296
Azam A, Ghanbarzadeh A, Neville A, Morina A, Wilson M. 2019. Modelling tribochemistry in the mixed lubrication regime. Tribology International. 132, pp. 256-274
Barker R, Yazdi R, Hua Y, Jackson A, Ghanbarzadeh A, Huggan M, Charpentier T, Neville A. 2019.Development of an automated underwater abrasion rig to determine galvanic effects during the growth and localised breakdown of surface films in CO?-containing solutions. Review of Scientific Instruments. 90(3)
Barker R, Al Shaaili I, De Motte RA, Burkle D, Charpentier T, Vargas SM, Neville A. 2019. Iron carbonate formation kinetics onto corroding and pre-filmed carbon steel surfaces in carbon dioxide corrosion environments. Applied Surface Science. 469, pp. 135-145
Ghanbarzadeh A, Hassanpour A, Neville A. 2019. A numerical model for calculation of the restitution coefficient of elastic-perfectly plastic and adhesive bodies with rough surfaces.Powder Technology. 345, pp. 203-212
Ghanbarzadeh A, Motamen Salehi F, Bryant M, Neville A. 2019. Modelling the evolution of electrochemical current in potentiostatic condition using an asperity-scale model of tribocorrosion. Biotribology. 17, pp. 19-29
Azam A, Dorgham A, Morina A, Neville A, Wilson MCT. 2019. A simple deterministic plastoelastohydrodynamic lubrication (PEHL) model in mixed lubrication. Tribology International. 131, pp. 520-529
Vieira Casanova Monteiro M, Pessu F, Barker R, Antônio da Cunha Ponciano Gomes J, Neville A.2019. Analysis of the use of environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in a carbon dioxide saturated chloride solution via experimental design. Materials and Corrosion.70(2), pp. 377-389
Sarkar A, Andablo-Reyes E, Bryant M, Dowson D, Neville A. 2019. Lubrication of soft oral surfaces. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science. 39, pp. 61-75
Cen H, Morina A, Neville A. 2019. Effect of ageing on lubricants’ physical and chemical properties and tribological performance: Part II: effect of water contamination on lubricant.Industrial Lubrication and Tribology. 71(1), pp. 48-53
Dorgham AK, Wang C, Morina A, Neville A. 2019. 3D tribo-nanoprinting using triboreactive materials. Nanotechnology. 30(9)
Espejo C, Thiebaut B, Jarnias F, Wang C, Neville A, Morina A. 2019. MoDTC Tribochemistry in Steel/Steel and Steel/Diamond-Like-Carbon Systems Lubricated With Model Lubricants and Fully Formulated Engine Oils. Journal of Tribology. 141(1)

