2023-05-10 19:29
  • 闫中正
  • 闫中正 - 副研究员-华东师范大学-河口海岸科学研究院-个人资料




2014年12月至今, 华东师范大学河口海岸科学研究院,副研究员
河口海岸学国家重点实验室青年教师自主课题基金,SKLEC2012RCDW02,重金属胁迫下红树幼苗内外源胁迫激素的相互作 用及其对幼苗抗逆性意义的研究,2012/06-2014/05,15万,已结题,主持
国家自然科学基金面上项目,44106180,长江口潮滩湿地 C、N 汇聚能力时空分异及影响因素,2013/01-2016/12,已结题,参与




Q. Zhang, Z., Yan*, X. Li, 2020. Ferrous iron facilitates the formation of iron plaque and enhances the tolerance of Spartina alterniflora to artificial sewage stress. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 157 (2020) 111379.
Y., Yin, Z., Yan*, 2020, Variation of soil bacterial diversity and metabolic function with tidal flat elevation gradient in an artificial mangrove wetland. Sciecne of the Total Environment. 718, 137385.
Q., Liang, Z., Yan*, X., Li., 2020, Influence of the herbicide haloxyfop-R-methyl on bacterial diversity in rhizosphere soil of Spartina alterniflora. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 194, 110366.
L., Xue, J., Jiang, X., Li*, Z., Yan, Q., Zhang, Z., Ge, et al., 2020. Salinity affects topsoil organic carbon concentrations through regulating vegetation structure and productivity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005217.
X., Huang, X., Wang, X., Li*, Z., Yan, Y., Sun. 2020. Occurrence and transfer of heavy metals in sediments and plants of Aegiceras corniculatum community in the Qinzhou Bay, southwestern China. Acta Oceanol. Sin., 39(2): 79-88.
Z., Yan*, Y. Xu, Q Zhang, J. Qu, X. Li, 2019. Decomposition of Spartina alterniflora at different tidal levels and the changes of heavy metals in litters and adjacent sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 663: 867–877.
Q. Zhang, Z., Yan*, X. Li, Y. Xu, X. Sun, Q. Liang, 2019. Formation of iron plaque in the roots of Spartina alterniflora and its effect on the immobilization of wastewater-borne pollutants, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 168: 212–220.
X., Sun, Y., Xu, Q. Zhang, X., Li, Z., Yan*, 2018. Combined effect of water inundation and heavy metals on photosynthesis and physiology of Spartina alterniflora. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 153: 248-258.
Y., Xu, X.,Sun, Q.Zhang, X., Li, Z., Yan*, 2018. Iron plaque formation and heavy metal uptake in Spartina alterniflora at different tidal levels and waterlogging conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 153: 91–100.
Z., Yan*, X., Sun, Y., Xu, Q., Zhang, X., Li, 2017. Accumulation and Tolerance of Mangroves to Heavy Metals: a Review. Current Pollution Reports, 3(4): 302-317
Z., Yan, Y.Sui, J.Sheng, D.Tang*, 2015. Changes in local atmospheric and oceanographic conditions shortly after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Ocean Dynamics, 65: 905-918
Z., Yan*, X.Li, J.Chen, N.F.Y.Tam, 2015. Combined toxicity of cadmium and copper in Avicennia marina seedlings and the regulation of exogenous jasmonic acid, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 113: 124-132.
Z., Yan*, W.Zhang, J.Chen, X.Li. 2015. Methyl jasmonate alleviates the cadmium toxicity in Solanum nigrum by regulating metal uptake and antioxidative capacity. Biologia Plantarum. 59 (2): 373-381.
J.Chen, Z., Yan*, X.Li, 2014. Effect of methyl jasmonate on cadmium uptake and antioxidative capacity in Kandelia obovata seedlings under cadmium stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 104: 349–356.
Z., Yan*, J.Chen, X.Li, 2013. Methyl jasmonate as modulator of Cd toxicity in Capsicum frutescens var. fasciculatum seedlings. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 98: 203-209.
Z., Yan, N.F.Y.Tam*, 2013. Effect of lead stress on anti-oxidative enzymes and stress-related hormones in seedlings of Excoecaria agallocha Linn. Plant and Soil, 367:327-38.
Z., Yan, N.F.Y.Tam*, 2013. Differences in lead tolerance between seedlings of Kandelia obovata and Acanthus ilicifolius under varying treatment times. Aquatic Toxicology, 126:154-62.
W., Wang*, Z., Yan, S.,You, Y., Zhang. 2011. Mangroves: obligate or facultative halophytes? A review. Trees - Structure and Function, doi:10.1007/s00468-011-0570-x.
Z., Yan, N.F.Y., Tam*. 2011. Temporal changes of phenolic compounds in seedlings of Kandelia obovota under lead and manganese stresses. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (CESD), Singarpore, World Academic Press, pp 384-388.
Z., Yan, N.F.Y., Tam*. 2011. Temporal changes of polyphenols and enzyme activities in seedlings of Kandelia obovata under lead and manganese stresses. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 438-444.
Z., Yan, L., Ke, N.F.Y., Tam*. 2010. Lead stress in seedlings of Avicennia marina, a common mangrove species in South China, with and without cotyledons. Aquatic Botany, 92: 112-118.
Z., Yan, D., Tang*. 2009. Changes in Suspended sediments Associated with 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Advances in Space Research, 43: 89-95. (Highlighted by 《Nature》 China)
D., Tang*, Z., Yan, H., Zhao. 2008. Remote sensing of ocean hazard influences on marine ecosystem. Journal of Biotechnology. 136, Supplement 1, doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2008.07.1227
Z., Yan, W., Wang*, D., Tang. 2007. Effect of different time salt stress on growth and some physiology processes of seedlings of Avicennia marina. Marine Biology, 152: 581-587.
Z., Yan, W., Wang*, W., Huang. 2004. Development of the vivipary hypocotyl of mangrove and its adaptation to inter-tidal habitats: A review. Acta Ecologica Sinica (In Chinese), 24(10):2317-2323.
X., Lin, Z., Yan, W., Wang*. 2004. Ecological distribution and salt tolerance of Terminalia catappa. Subtropical Plant Science (In Chinese), 33(4):22-25.
Xin, Z., Li, X*., Nielsen, S., Yan, Z., Zhou, Y., Jia, Y., ... & Sun, Y. (2012). Effect of Stubble Heights and Treatment Duration Time on the Performance of Water Dropwort Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTWS). Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 19(3), 315-330.
X., Huang, X., Wang, X., Li*, K., Xin, Z., Yan, Y., Sun, R., Bellerby (2017) Distribution Pattern and Influencing Factors for Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Mangrove Communities at Dongzhaigang, China. Journal of Coastal Research, Journal of Coastal Research, 2018, 342:434-442
L., Xue, X., Li*, Z., Yan, Q., Zhang, W., Ding, X., Huang, B., Tian, Z., Ge, Q., Yin, 2017. Native and non-native halophytes resiliency against sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion. Hydrobiologia, Hydrobiologia, 806(1), 47-65.
Xue, L., Li, X.*, Zhang, Q., Yan, Z., Ding, W., Huang, X., ... & Yin, Q. (2018). Elevated salinity and inundation will facilitate the spread of invasive Spartina alterniflora in the Yangtze River Estuary, China. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 506: 144-154.
李希之, 李秀珍, 任璘婧, 沈芳, 黄星, 闫中正, 2015. 不同情景下长江口滩涂湿地2020年景观演变预测. 生态与农村环境学报, 31(2), 188-196.
辛在军, 李秀珍, 闫中正, 周元清, 贾悦, 唐莹莹等, 2011. 冬季不同刈割水芹浮床连续净化过程及效果. 生态学杂志, 30(12), 2745-2752.
任磷婧, 李秀珍, 李希之, 闫中正, 孙永光, 2014. 长江口滩涂湿地景观变化对典型水鸟生境适宜性的影响. 长江流域资源与环境, 23(10), 1367-1374.
任璘婧, 李秀珍, 杨世伦, 闫中正, 黄星, 2014. 崇明东滩盐沼植被变化对滩涂湿地促淤消浪功能的影响. 生态学报, 34(12), 3350-3358.
任璘婧, 郭文永, 李秀珍, 闫中正, 2014. 长江口滩涂湿地景观变化对N、P营养物质净化潜力的影响. 生态与农村环境学报, 30(2), 220-227.
刘钰, 李秀珍, 闫中正, 陈秀芝, 何彦龙, 郭文永. 2013. 长江口九段沙盐沼湿地芦苇和互花米草生物量及碳储量. 应用生态学报, 24(8), 2129-2134.

