2023-05-10 19:27
  • 俞黎平
  • 俞黎平 - 副教授-华东师范大学-生命科学学院-个人资料




研究经历 2013.03 - 至今: 华东师范大学 生命科学学院 2009,12 - 2012.10 Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 博士后 (导师: Dr. Barry E Stein) 2006,09 - 2009,11 华东师范大学 生命科学学院 博士 (导师: 孙心德 教授) 2007,09 - 2009,10 Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 联合培养博士生 (导师: Dr. Barry E Stein) 2003,09 - 2006,07 华东师范大学 生命科学学院 硕士 (导师: 孙心德 教授)




Xu J., Bi T., Wu J., Meng F., Wang K., Hu J., Han X., Zhang J., Zhou X., Keniston L., Yu L.# Spatial receptive field shift by preceding cross-modal stimulation in cat superior colliculus. The Journal of Physiology. DIO:10.1113/JP275427. 2018 Liping Yu, Cristiano Cuppini, Jinghong Xu, Benjamin A. Rowland and Barry E. Stein. Cross-modal competition: The default computation for multisensory processing.DOI: https://doi.org/10. Journal of Neuroscience. 2018 (Epub) Xu,J., Bi,T., Keniston,L.,Zhang,J., Zhou,X., Yu,L.# Deactivation of Association CorticesDisrupted the Congruence of Visual and Auditory Receptive Fields in SuperiorColliculus Neurons. Cerebral Cortex DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhw324; 2017 Zhou X., Lu J., Darling R., Simpson K., Zhu X., Wang F., Yu L., Sun X.,Merzenich M.M., & Lin R.Behavioral training reverses global cortical network dysfunction induced by perinatal antidepressant exposure. PNAS 2015;published ahead of printFebruary 2, 2015,doi:10.1073/pnas.1416582111 Yu, L., Xu, J., Rowland, B.A., and Stein, B.E. (2014). Multisensory Plasticity in Superior Colliculus Neurons is Mediated by Association Cortex. Cerebral cortex. (Epub ahead of print) Xu, J.*, Yu, L.*, Stanford, T.R., Rowland, B.A., and Stein, B.E. (2014b). What does a neuron learn from multisensory experience? Journal of neurophysiology, jn 00284 02014. (co-first author) Xu j.,Sun X., Zhou X., Zhang J., and Yu L.# (2014) The cortical distribution of multisensory neurons was modulated by multisensory experience. Neuroscience 272,1-9. Yu, L., Xu, J. Rowland, B.A., & Stein, B.E. (2013)Development of cortical influences on superior colliculus multisensory neurons: Effects of dark-rearing. Eur. J. Neurosci. 1011:1–8. Yu, L., Rowland, B.A., Xu, J. & Stein, B.E. (2013)Multisensory plasticity in adulthood: cross-modal experience enhances neuronal excitability and exposes silent inputs. J Neurophysiol, 109, 464-474. Xu J,Yu L, Rowland BA, Stanford TR and Stein BE (2012) Incorporating cross-modal statistics in the development and maintenance of multisensory integration. J. Neurosci.32: 2287-2298. Yu L, Rowland BA, Stein BE (2010) Initiating the development of multisensory integration by manipulating sensory experience. J. Neurosci. 30:4904-4913. Xu J, Yu L, Zhang J, Cai R, Sun X (2010) Early continuous white noise exposure alters l-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptor subunit glutamate receptor 2 and gamma-aminobutyric acid type a receptor subunit beta3 protein expression in rat auditory cortex. J. Neurosci. Res. 88:614-619. Yu L, Stein BE, Rowland BA (2009) Adult plasticity in multisensory neurons: short-term experience-dependent changes in the superior colliculus. J. Neurosci. 29:15910-15922. Yu L*, Xu J*, Cai R, Zhang J, Sun X (2009) Early auditory enrichment with music enhances auditory discrimination learning and alters NR2B protein expression in rat auditory cortex. Behav. Brain Res. 196:49-54. (Co-first author). Xu J, Yu L, Cai R, Zhang J, Sun X (2009) Early continuous white noise exposure alters auditory spatial sensitivity and expression of GAD65 and GABAA receptor subunits in rat auditory cortex. Cereb. Cortex 20:804-812. Yu L, Wang X, Li X, Zhang J, Sun X (2006) The auditory-visual multisensory neurons and auditory-visual information integration in rat cortex, in Prog. Biochem. Biophys. 33(7):677-684 Stein BE, Burr D, Constantinidis C, Laurienti PJ, Meredith MA, Perrault TJ Jr, Ramachandran R, Roder B, Rowland BA, Stanford TR, Wallace MT,Yu L, Lewkowicz DJ. Semantic confusion regarding the development of multisensory integration: a practical solution. Eur. J. Neurosci. 2010; 31(10):1713-1720.

