2023-05-10 19:25
  • 徐建华
  • 徐建华 - 教授 博导-华东师范大学-地理科学学院-个人资料




1986年7月兰州大学数学专业毕业, 获理学学士学位;
1988年12月兰州大学自然地理学专业毕业, 获理学硕士学位。
2000年4月至今,华东师范大学, 教授、博导(地图学与地理信息系统)。
徐建华, 1986年7月毕业于兰州大学数学专业, 获理学学士学位; 1988年12月毕业于兰州大学自然地理学专业, 获理学硕士学位; 1989年1月被分配到兰州大学地理科学系工作。1990年6月晋升讲师; 1992年7月晋升副教授; 1996年12月晋升教授; 1998年11月获得博士生导师任职资格(区域经济学); 2000年2月作为学术带头人被引进到华东师范大学工作, 聘为教授, 博士生导师(地图学与地理信息系统)。本人主要从事地理建模、地理计算与GIS应用等方面的教学与科研工作;先后主持完成国家自然科学基金项目、国家社会科学基金项目及省(部)级课题30余项;出版专著 (教材)16部,其中,《计量地理学》现后入选“十一五”和“十二五”国家级规划教材、获上海市优秀教材奖,《现代地理学中的数学方法(第2版)》是教育部研究生工作办公室推荐的研究生教学用书;作为第一作者或通讯作者,发表论文100多篇,其中,SCI收录70多篇;各成果被国内外论著引用16000次以上,其中,SCI引用近1500次。本人负责并主讲的《计量地理学》课程,2007年入选华东师范大学精品课程; 2008年入选上海市精品课程; 2009年入选国家级精品课程; 2014年入选国家级精品资源共享课程;2017年入选国家级精品在线开放课程。1993年以来, 先后招收培养研究生80多名 (博士近30名),其中许多人已成为其所在单位的学术带头人或专业技术骨干。
先后主讲《计量地理学》、《地理建模方法》、《空间统计与运筹》,《空间决策支持系统》,《社会经济学统计原理》,《技术经济与投资分析》,《区域规划系统工程》,《多元统计分析》等多门本科生与研究生课程; 是国家级精品课程、国家级精品资源共享课和国家级精品在线开放课程《计量地理学》的主讲和负责人
徐建华,陈睿山等.地理建模教程.北京:科学出版社, 2017.
徐建华.现代地理学中的数学方法(第3版).北京:高等教育出版社, 2016.
徐建华.计量地理学(第2版).北京:高等教育出版社, 2014.
王开运,徐建华,俞立中,等.基于生态承载力的空间决策支持系统开发与应用.北京:科学出版社, 2011.
徐建华.地理建模方法.北京:科学出版社, 2010.
徐建华.计量地理学.北京:高等教育出版社, 2006.
徐建华,岳文泽.中国西部地区迟发展效应与后发优势及创新对策研究.北京:海洋出版社, 2002.
徐建华.现代地理学中的数学方法(第二版).北京:高等教育出版社, 2002.
徐建华,王兴中.中国大都市空间扩展 (执笔其中一章).北京:中国科技大学出版, 1997.
徐建华.现代地理学中的数学方法 (第一版).北京:高等教育出版社, 1996.
徐建华,方创林,白新萍.遥感分析方法与GIS技术.兰州:甘肃科技出版社, 1995.
徐建华,李自珍.科技与经济结合的内在机制研究 (执笔其中一章).兰州:甘肃文化出版社, 1995
方创林,徐建华.甘肃乡土地理.兰州:甘肃教育出版社, 1994.
徐建华,余庆余.人类生态系统.兰州:兰州大学出版社, 1993.
徐建华.区域资源开发模型系统 (执笔其中一章).北京:中国科学技术出版社, 1992.
徐建华.地理系统分析.兰州:兰州大学出版社, 1991.
徐建华.农业生态经济系统分析.兰州:兰州大学出版社, 1991.
徐建华.兰州市城关区社会经济发展战略规划 (执笔其中一节).兰州:兰州大学出版社, 1989.
徐建华,李自珍.西北地区2000年科技发展战略与对策 (执笔其中一章).甘肃科学技术出版社, 1988.
沈名善,徐建华.西北地区经济发展探索 (执笔其中一章).兰州:兰州大学出版社, 1988.


The Spatial Relationship of Tourist Distribution in Chinese Cities (中国城市旅游者分布的空间关系研究).完成人:张燕,徐建华,等. 2012年获广西第十二次社会科学优秀成果二等奖。
《中国西部地区的迟发展效应、后发优势及创新对策研究》.完成人:徐建华,吴俏燕,岳文泽等. 2004年获甘肃省第九届优秀社会科学成果三等奖。
《关于地理系统分析的理论与方法研究》.完成人:徐建华,段顺山,余庆余. 1994年获甘肃省教委科技进步二等奖。
《关于土壤侵蚀过程的营力机制研究》.完成者:艾南山,徐建华,岳天祥. 1990年获甘肃省教委科技进步二等奖。
徐建华.《现代地理学中的数学方法》(第二版).高等教育出版社, 2002.获国务院学位办、教育部研究生工作办公室“研究生教学用书”称号。
徐建华负责并主讲的《计量地理学》课程,2007年入选华东师范大学精品课程; 2008年入选上海市精品课程; 2009年入选国家级精品课程; 2014年入选国家级精品资源共享课程;2017年入选国家级精品在线开放课程。




Cheng Zhou, Nina Zhu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Dongyang Yang. The Contribution Rate of Driving Factors and Their Interactions to Temperature in the Yangtze River Delta Region. Atmosphere, 2020, 11, 32; doi:10.3390/atmos11010032. (SCI)
Debin Lu, Jianhua Xu, Wenze Yue, Wanliu Mao, Dongyang Yang, Jinzhu Wang. Response of PM2.5 pollution to land use in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 224: 118741. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118741. (SCI)
Jingping Zuo, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Yaning Chen, Chong Wang. Downscaling Precipitation in the Data-Scarce Inland River Basin of Northwest China Based on Earth System Data Products. Atmosphere 2019, 10, 613; doi:10.3390/atmos10100613. (SCI)
Jingping Zuo, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Weihong Li. Understanding shallow soil moisture variation in the data-scarce area and its relationship with climate change by GLDAS data. PLOS ONE, 2019, 14(5): e0217020. DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.0217020. (SCI)
Xu Yang, Guangxing Ji, Chong Wang, Jingping Zuo, Haiqing Yang, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Ruishan Chen. Modeling nitrogen and phosphorus export with InVEST model in Bosten Lake basin of Northwest China. PLOS ONE, 2019, 14(7): e0220299. DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.e0220299. (SCI)
Nina Zhu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Kaiming Li, Yang Luo, Dongyang Yang, Cheng Zhou. Spatiotemporal Change of Plum Rains in the Yangtze River Delta and Its Relation with EASM, ENSO, and PDO During the Period of 1960–2012. Atmosphere, 2019, 10(5), 258. DOI: 10.3390/atmos10050258. (SCI)
Chong Wang, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Yaning Chen, Weihong Li. An approach to simulate the climate-driven streamflow in the data-scarce mountain basins of Northwest China. Journal of Earth System Science, 2019, 128(4): 95. DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s12040-019-1117-6. (SCI)
Nina Zhu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Chong Wang, Zhongsheng Chen, Yang Luo. Modeling the multiple time scale response of hydrological drought to climate change in the data-scarce inland river basin of Northwest China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2019, 12: 225. DOI: 10.1007/s12517-019-4404-2. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Chong Wang, Weihong Li, Jingping Zuo. Multi-temporal scale modeling on climatic-hydrological processes in data-scarce mountain basins of Northwest China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2018, 11: 423. DOI: 10.1007/s12517-018-3784-z. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu. Wavelet regression: an approach for undertaking multi-time scale analyses of hydro-climate relationships. MethodsX, 2018, 5: 561-568. DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2018.05.005.
Nina Zhu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Weihong Li, et al. A Comprehensive Approach to Assess the Hydrological Drought of Inland River Basin in Northwest China. Atmosphere, 2018, 9(10): 370. DOI: 10.3390/atmos9100370. (SCI)
Yan Lu, Jianhua Xu, Fen Qin, Jiayao Wang. Payments for Watershed Services and Practices in China: Achievements and Challenges. Chinese Geographical Science, 2018, 28(5): 873–893. DOI: 10.1007/s11769-018-0981-3. (SCI)
Dongyang Yang, Xiaomin Wang, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), et al. Quantifying the influence of natural and socioeconomic factors and their interactive impact on PM2.5 pollution in China. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 241:475-483. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.05.043. (SCI)
Dongyang Yang, Chao Ye, Xiaomin Wang, Debin Lu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author). Global distribution and evolvement of urbanization and PM2.5 (1998–2015). Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 182: 171-178.DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.03.053. (SCI)
Debin Lu, Wanliu Mao, Dongyang Yang, JiananZhao, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author). Effects of land use and landscape pattern on PM2.5 in Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2018, 9(4): 705-713. DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2018.01.012. (SCI)
Chong Wang, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Yaning Chen, Ling Bai, Zhongsheng Chen. A hybrid model to assess the impact of climate variability on streamflow for an ungauged mountainous basin. Climate Dynamics, 2018, 50:2829–2844. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-017-3775-x. (SCI)
Dongyang Yang, Debin Lu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Chao Ye, Jianan Zhao, Guanghui Tian, Xinge Wang, Nina Zhu. 2018. Predicting spatio-temporal concentrations of PM2.5 using land use and meteorological data in Yangtze River Delta, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 32(8): 2445–2456. DOI: 10.1007/s00477-017-1497-6. (SCI)
赵佳楠,徐建华(通讯作者),卢德彬,杨东阳,毛婉柳. 2018.基于 RF2LUR模型的 PM2. 5空间分布模拟—— 以长江三角洲地区为例.地理与地理信息科学,34(1): 18-23.
尹梁明,殷清眉,徐建华,叶 超. 2018.在一般性与特殊性之间的地理学 ——以《地理学思想:批判性导论》为范本的考察.地理研究,37(10): 2087-2095.
Debin Lu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Dongyang Yang, Jianan Zhao. Spatio-temporal variation and influence factors of PM2.5 concentrations in China from 1998 to 2014. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2017, 8(6): 1151-1159. DOI: 10.1016/j.apr.2017.05.005. (SCI)
Zhongsheng Chen, Yaning Chen, Ling Bai, Jianhua Xu. Multiscale evolution of surface air temperature in the arid region of Northwest China and its linkages to ocean oscillations. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2017, 128(3-4): 945-958. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-016-1752-7. (SCI)
Zuhan Liu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Weihong Li. Complex network analysis of climate change in the Tarim River Basin, Northwest China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2017, 9(5): 476-487. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1226.2017.00476
Zuhan Liu, Lili Wang, Xiang Yu, Shengqian Wang, Chengzhi Deng, Jianhua Xu, Zhongsheng Chen, Ling Bai. Multi-scale response of runoff to climate fluctuation in the headwater region of the Kaidu River in Xinjiang of China. Atmospheric Science Letters, 2017, 18(5): 230–236. DOI: 10.1002/asl.747. (SCI)
郝玉,徐建华(通讯作者),周坚华.一种模糊C均值聚类的影像分类方法.遥感信息, 2017, 32 (3): 86-92.
胡亚丹,徐建华(通讯作者),李治洪.上海市休闲农业布局及影响因素分析.长江流域资源与环境, 2017, 26(12): 2023-2031.
毛婉柳,徐建华(通讯作者),卢德彬,杨东阳,赵佳楠. 2015年长三角地区城市PM2.5时空格局及影响因素分析.长江流域资源与环境, 2017, 26(2): 264-272.
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Ling Bai, Yiwen Xu. A hybrid model to simulate the annual runoff of the Kaidu River in northwest China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016, 20(4): 1447-1457. DOI:10.5194/hess-20-1447-2016. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Zuhan Liu, Jie Tang, Chunmeng Wei. Understanding temporal and spatial complexity of precipitation distribution in Xinjiang, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2016, 123(1-2): 321-333.DOI: 10.1007/s00704-014-1364-z. (SCI)
Ling Bai, Zhongsheng Chen, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Weihong Li. Multi-scale response of runoff to climate fluctuation in the headwater region of Kaidu River in Xinjiang of China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2016, 125(3): 703–712. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-015-1539-2. (SCI)
Wenchao Chu, Sijing Qiu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author). Temperature change of Shanghai and its response to global warming and urbanization. Atmosphere, 2016, 7(9), 114. DOI: 10.3390/atmos7090114. (SCI)
Qin Nie, Jianhua Xu, Wang Man. Long-range cross-correlation between urban impervious surfaces and land surface temperatures. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 10(1): 117-125. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-015-0512-9. (SCI)
张影,徐建华(通讯作者),陈忠升,徐艺文,柏玲.中亚地区气温变化的时空特征分析.干旱区资源与环境, 2016, 30(7): 133-137.
Qin Nie, Jianhua Xu, Wang Man, Fengqin Sun. Detrended fluctuation analysis of spatial patterns on urban impervious surface. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74(3): 2531-2538. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-015-4314-x. (SCI)
Ling Bai, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Zhongsheng Chen, Weihong Li, Zuhan Liu, Benfu Zhao, Zujing Wang. The regional features of temperature variation trends over Xinjiang in China by the ensemble empirical mode decomposition method. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 35(11): 3229-3237. DOI: 10.1002/joc.4202. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Qin Nie, Chunan Song, Chunmeng Wei. Integrating wavelet analysis and BPANN to simulate the annual runoff with regional climate change: a case study of Yarkand River, northwest China. Water Resources Management, 2014, 28(9): 2523-2537. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-014-0625-z. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li. The Nonlinear Hydro-climatic Process: A Case Study of the Tarim Headwaters, NW China. In Y. Chen (ed.), Water Resources Research in Northwest China, pp. 289-310, Springer, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-8017-9_8.
Qin Nie, Jianhua Xu. Understanding the effects of the impervious surfaces pattern on land surface temperature in an urban area. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2015, 9(2): 276-285. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-014-0459-2. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, WeiHong Li, YuLian Hong, ChunMeng Wei, Jie Tang. A quantitative assessment on groundwater salinization in the Tarim River lower reaches, Northwest China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2014, 6(1): 44-51. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1226.2014.00044.
Qin Nie, Jianhua Xu, Zuhan Liu. Fractal and multifractal characteristic of spatial pattern of urban impervious surfaces. Earth Science Informatics, 2015, 8(2):381-392. DOI: 10.1007/s12145-014-0159-1. (SCI)
Zhongsheng Chen, Yaning Chen, Jianhua Xu, Ling Bai. Upper-air temperature change trends above arid region of Northwest China during 1960–2009. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2015, 120(1-2): 239-248. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-014-1166-3. (SCI)
Wenze Yue, XinYue Ye, Jianhua Xu, Lihua Xu, Jay Lee. A brightness–darkness–greenness model for monitoring urban landscape evolution in a developing country – A case study of Shanghai. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2014, 127: 13-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.04.010. (SCI)
Jianjun Cao, Zhujun Gu, Jianhua Xu, Yushan Duan, Yongmei Liu, Yongjuan Liu, Dongliang Li. Sensitivity analysis for leaf area index (LAI) estimation from CHRIS/PROBA data. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2014, 8(3): 405-413. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-014-0432-0. (SCI)
Zuhan Liu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Zhongsheng Chen, Qin Nie, Chunmeng Wei. Multifractal and long memory of humidity process in the Tarim River Basin. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2014, 28(6):1383-1400. DOI: 10.1007/s00477-013-0832-9. (SCI)
Xu Yiwen, Xu Jianhua (corresponding author). 2013. Understanding the change in streamflow of an inland river as a response to regional climate change in Northwest China. International Conference on Geoinformatics, Proceedings – 2013 21st International Conference on Geoinformatics, Geoinformatics 2013. DOI: 10.1109/Geoinformatics.2013.6626099. (EI)
Benfu Zhao, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Zhongsheng Chen, Ling Bai, Peng Li. Air Temperature Change in the Southern Tarim River Basin, China, 1964–2011. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2013, Article ID 894851, 8 pages, 2013. DOI: 10.1155/2013/894851. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Zuhan Liu, Chunmeng Wei, Jie Tang. Understanding the Complexity of Temperature Dynamics in Xinjiang, China, from Multitemporal Scale and Spatial Perspectives. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2013, Article ID 259248, 9 pages, 2013. DOI: 10.1155/2013/259248. (SCI)
Guifeng Han, Jianhua Xu. Land Surface Phenology and Land Surface Temperature Changes Along an Urban–Rural Gradient in Yangtze River Delta, China. Environmental Management, 2013, 52(1): 234-249. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-013-0097-6. (SCI)
Zuhan Liu, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Kai Shi. Self-organized criticality of climate change. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2014, 115(3-4): 685-691. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-013-0929-6. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yiwen Xu, Chunan Song. An Integrative Approach to Understand the Climatic-Hydrological Process: A Case Study of Yarkand River, Northwest China. Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2013, Article ID 272715, 9 pages, 2013. DOI:10.1155/2013/272715. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Paul Y. Peng, Yang Yang, Chunan Song, Chunmeng Wei, Yulian Hong. Combining BPANN and wavelet analysis to simulate hydro-climatic processes—a case study of the Kaidu River, North-west China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2013, 7(2): 227-237. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-013-0354-2. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Yan Zhang. The dynamic of groundwater level in the lower reaches of Tarim River affected by transported water from upper reaches. International Journal of Water, 2013, 7(1/2): 66-79. DOI: 10.1504/IJW.2013.051979. (EI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Qin Nie, Yulian Hong, Yang Yang. The nonlinear hydro-climatic process in the Yarkand River, northwestern China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2013, 27(2): 389-399. DOI: 10.1007/s00477-012-0606-9. (SCI)
Qin Nie, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Minhe Ji, Lei Cao, Yang Yang, Yulian Hong. The vegetation coverage dynamic coupling with climatic factors in Northeast China Transect. Environmental Management, 2012, 50(3): 405-417. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-012-9885-7. (SCI)
Lei Cao, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Yang Yang, Yulian Hong and Zhuo Li. Understanding the dynamic coupling between vegetation cover and climatic factors in a semiarid region—a case study of Inner Mongolia, China. Ecohydrology‚ 2013‚ 6(6): 917-926. DOI: 10.1002/eco.1245. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Lijun Zhang, Yulian Hong, Xueli Bi and Yang Yang. Statistical analysis of groundwater chemistry of the Tarim River lower reaches, Northwest China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 65(6):1807–1820. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1161-2. (SCI)
Yang Yang, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Yulian Hong, Guanghui Lv. The dynamic of vegetation coverage and its response to climate factors in Inner Mongolia, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2012, 26(3): 357-373. DOI: 10.1007/s00477-011-0481-9. (SCI)
Qin Nie, Jianhua Xu, Zhuo Li, Yulian Hong. Spatial-temporal variations of vegetation cover in Yellow River Basin of China during 1998–2008. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2012, 4(3): 0211-0221. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1226.2012.00211.
鲁凤,徐建华,胡秀芳,钱鹏. 2012.生态足迹与经济增长的定量关系及其社会经济驱动机制.地理与地理信息科学, 28(5): 70-74.
张燕,徐建华,吴玉鸣. 2011.地理空间效应视角下的后发经济区趋同研究.经济地理, 31(12): 1981-1987.
曹蕾,徐建华,李卓. 2011.上海市廉租住房家庭收入的分组预测.统计与决策, 2011(8): 92-94.
Yan Zhang, Jianhua Xu, Peijun Zhang. The Spatial Relationship of Tourist Distribution in Chinese Cities: A GIS-based Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis. Tourism Geographies, 2011, 13(1): 75-90. DOI: 10.1080/14616688.2010.529931. (SSCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Yang Yang, Yulian Hong. An integrated statistical approach to identify the nonlinear trend of runoff in the Hotan River and its relation with climatic factors. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2011, 25(2): 223-233. DOI: 10.1007/s00477-010-0433-9. (SCI)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Feng Lu, Weihong Li, et al. The Nonlinear trend of runoff and its response to climate change in the Aksu River, western China. International Journal of Climatology, 2011, 31(5): 687-695. DOI: 10.1002/joc.2110. (SCI)
Lei Cao, Jianhua Xu, Yang Yang. 2011. Vegetation Coverage Change Trend in Inner Mongolia of China during 1998-2008. Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Volume 106, pp. 159-163. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23753-9_26. (EI,ISTP)
Chunan Song, Jianhua Xu. 2011. The nonlinear variation of annual average temperature in the Yangtze Delta and its correlation with global oscillations. Water Resource and Environmental Protection (ISWREP), 2011 International Symposium on, Vol.3: 2292-2295. DOI: 10.1109/ISWREP.2011.5893724. (EI)
Yulian Hong, Jianhua Xu, Zhanyong Wang. 2011. Study on the driving forces and prediction of built-up area for urban expansion in Kunming. Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE), 2011 International Conference on. Page(s): 3569 - 3572. DOI: 10.1109/RSETE.2011.5965098. (EI)
Qin Nie, Jianhua Xu. 2011. Scaling and Simulation on Measuring Regional Economic Disparities based on Grid. Multimedia Technology (ICMT), 2011 International Conference on. 2011, Page(s): 3651 - 3654. DOI: 10.1109/ICMT.2011.6002710. (EI)
Xueli Bi, Jianhua Xu. 2011. Analysis of urban and rural residents' consumption in Shanghai based on grey system theory. Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2011 Eighth International Conference on. DOI: 10.1109/FSKD.2011.6019820. (EI)
Qihu Li, Yaning Chen, Yanjun Shen, Xingong Li, Jianhua Xu. 2011. Spatial and temporal trends of climate change in Xinjiang, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 21(6): 1007-1018. DOI: 10.1007/s11442-011-0896-8. (SCI)
Zhuo Li, Jianhua Xu, Qing Wei. 2010. Investigation and comparison between GM(1,1) and BPANN forecast models in Shanghai low-rent housing families. Information Engineering and Computer Science (ICIECS), 2010 2nd International Conference on, DOI: 10.1109/ICIECS.2010.5678188. (EI)
Lijun Zhang, Jianhua Xu. 2010. Combining AHP with GIS for evaluating environmental carrying capacity in Shaanxi Province, China. 2010 International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/CESCE.2010.25. (EI)
Shouyi Lin, Jianhua Xu, Zhihong Li, Yang Yang. 2010. Design and Implementation of Lujiazui Land Management Information System Based on WebGIS. 2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, DOI: 10.1109/ICEE.2010.174. (EI)
Shouyi Lin, Jianhua Xu, Qi Shen, Yang Yang. 2010. A Research on Urban Spatial Morphology and Land Use Type Based on Space Syntax: A Case Study on Lujiazui Functional Area of Shanghai. 2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, DOI: 10.1109/ICCET.2010.5486300. (EI)
鲁凤,徐建华,陈亚宁,李卫红,张利君. 2010.叶尔羌河源流区近50年来年径流变化及其对气候变化的响应.第四纪研究, 30(1): 152-158. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2010.01.15.
岳文泽,徐丽华,徐建华. 2010. 20世纪90年代上海市热环境变化及其社会经济驱动力.生态学报, 30(1): 155-164.
沈琪,徐建华,王占永,王飞腾.天山一号冰川地区气候要素的变化及其对冰川物质平衡的影响.华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 4: 7-15.
张燕,徐建华,王占永.基于ESDA - GIS的城市旅游者空间分异.地域研究与开发, 2010, 29(4): 99-103.
鲁凤,徐建华,王占永,胡秀芳.生态足迹影响因子定量分析及其动态预测比较研究——以新疆为例.地理与地理信息科学, 2010, 26(6):70-74.
Jianhua Xu, Weihong Li, Minhe Ji, Feng Lu, Shan Dong. A comprehensive approach to characterization of the nonlinearity of runoff in the headwaters of the Tarim River, western China. Hydrological Processes, 2010, 24(2): 136-146. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7484. (SCI)
Xu Jianhua, Chen Yaning, Li Weihong, Ji Minhe, et al. Wavelet Analysis and Nonparametric Test for Climate Change in Tarim River Basin of Xinjiang during 1959-2006. Chinese Geographical Science, 2009, 19(4): 306-313. DOI: 10.1007/s11769-009-0306-7. (SCI)
Yang Yang, Jianhua Xu, Jianghua Zheng, Shouyi Lin. Design and Implementation of Campus Spatial Information Service Based on Google Maps. Management and Service Science, 2009. MASS'09. International Conference on. DOI: 10.1109/ICMSS.2009.5301393. (EI)
Zhanyong Wang, Jianhua Xu, Feng Lu, Yan Zhang. Using the Method Combining PCA with BP Neural Network to Predict Water Demand for Urban Development. 2009 Fifth International Conference on Natural Computation. ICNC 2009. Volume 2: 621-625. DOI: 10.1109/ICNC.2009.212. (EI)
Lu Feng, Xu Jianhua, Wang Zhanyong. Application of GA Optimized Wavelet Neural Networks for Carrying Capacity of Water Resources Prediction. Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, 2009. ESIAT 2009. Volume 1: 308-311. DOI: 10.1109/ESIAT.2009.59. (EI, ISTP)
Xu Jianhua, Chen Yaning, Li Weihong, et al. The complex nonlinear systems with fractal as well as chaotic dynamics of annual runoff processes in the three headwaters of the Tarim River. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19(1): 25-35. DOI: 10.1007/s11442-009-0025-0. (SCI)
韩贵锋,徐建华(通讯作者).上海城市植被变化轨迹及其成因分析.生态学报, 2009, 29(4): 1793-1803.
韩贵锋,赵珂,徐建华.基于时间序列遥感的长三角地区植被时空格局演变.中国园林, 2009, 2: 60-65.
张燕,徐建华(通讯作者),曾刚,胡青.中国区域发展潜力与资源环境承载力的空间关系分析.资源科学, 2009, 31(8): 1328-1334.
董山,徐建华(通讯作者),陈亚宁,李卫红. 2009.塔里木盆地年平均气温的分形特征研究.干旱区地理, 2009, 32(1): 17-22.
Xu Jianhua, Chen Yaning, Li Weihong, et al. Long-term Trend and Fractal of Annual Runoff Process in Mainstream of Tarim River. Chinese Geographical Science, 2008, 18(1): 77-84. DOI: 10.1007/s11769-008-0077-6.
Xu Jianhua, Chen Yaning, Ji Minhe, et al. Climate change and its effects on runoff of Kaidu River, Xinjiang, China: A multiple time-scale analysis. Chinese Geographical Science, 2008, 18(4): 331-339. DOI: 10.1007/s11769-008-0331-y.
徐建华,陈亚宁,李卫红,董 山.西北干旱区内陆河年径流过程的非线性特征——塔里木盆地三源河的实证分析.干旱区地理, 2008, 31(3):324-332.
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li. Grey modelling the groundwater level dynamic in the lower reaches of Tarim River affected by water delivery from upper reaches: A demonstration from Yingsu section. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ 2008), 43-48. DOI: 10.1109/FUZZY.2008.4630341. (EI, ISTP)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li. Using GM (1,1) Models to Predict Groundwater Level in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River: A Demonstration at Yingsu Section. 2008 IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Volume 3: 668-672. DOI: 10.1109/FSKD.2008.22. (EI, ISTP)
Jianhua Xu, Yaning Chen, Weihong Li, Shan Dong. Signal Processing for the annual runoff process by wavelet and R/S analysis: A case study of the Tarim headwater basin. 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, ICSP 2008, Volume 3: 2746-2749. DOI: 10.1109/ICOSP.2008.4697716. (EI, ISTP)
Qi Shen, Jianhua Xu, Yuping Lei. Evaluation of impacts of ecological water conveyances on hydrological processes and land cover in Tarim River basin, China, using groundwater levels and MODIS vegetation indices. Proceedings of SPIE, 2008, Volume 7110 -- Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology VIII, DOI:10.1117/12.800444.
Yan Zhang, Jianhua Xu (corresponding author), Gang Zeng, et al. The spatial relationship analysis of regional development potential and resource and environment carrying capacity in China. Proceedings of SPIE, 2008, Volume 7144 -- Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: The Built Environment and Its Dynamics, DOI:10.1117/12.812734.
Qi Shen, Yaning Chen, Jianhua Xu, et al. Retrieving groundwater depth in the lower reaches of Tarim River by NDVI. Proceedings of SPIE, 2008, Volume 7145 -- Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: Monitoring and Assessment of Natural Resources and Environments, DOI:10.1117/12.813055
岳文泽,徐建华(通讯作者).上海市人类活动对热环境的影响.地理学报, 2008, 63(3): 247-256.
Han Guifeng, Xu Jianhua. Influence of population and economic development on vegetation -- A case study in Chongqing city. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2008, 17(5): 785-792.
张燕,徐建华(通讯作者),吕光辉.西北干旱区新疆水资源足迹及利用效率动态评估.中国沙漠, 2008, 28(4): 775-780.
王占永,徐建华(通讯作者),吕光辉,等.运用线性光谱混合模型解析城市绿色空间格局:乌鲁木齐市的实证研究.华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 6: 40-50.
陈公德,徐建华,戴晓燕,董山.运用遥感数据挖掘解析城市地表温度的空间变异规律.遥感技术与应用, 2008, 23(4): 405-409.
艾彬,徐建华,黎夏,卓莉. 2008.社区居住环境的空间数据探索性分析.地理科学, 28(1): 51-58.
韩贵锋,徐建华,袁兴中.城市化对长三角地区主要城市植被物候的影响.应用生态学报, 2008, 19(8): 1803-1809.
韩贵锋,徐建华.长江三角洲地区城市化与植被活动之间的时空相关性.生态科学, 2008, 27(1): 1-5.
燕 群,徐建华,陈公德.中国农用地集约度与农业气候适宜度的空间关系研究.生态科学, 2008, 27(2): 107-113.
张燕,徐建华,曾刚,吴玉鸣.旅游-经济-生态系统可持续协调发展评价模型构建与实证研究——以广西桂林为例.旅游科学, 2008, 22(3): 31-35.
胡青,徐建华,王志海. GIS数据库中地址自动匹配方法研究.测绘与空间地理信息, 2008, 31(6): 50-52.
于彪,徐建华,杨旭春.对上海市西郊新市镇功能定位的思考.城市, 2008, 7: 31-34.
王志海,徐建华,董山.楼宇经济空间集聚效应——上海陆家嘴功能区域的实证. 2008,经济师, 4:225-226.
王志海,高阳,徐建华,董山.生态环境友好型城市土地利用模式探讨——以上海市为例.城市, 2008, 2: 62-67.
先后担任全国经济地理研究会理事,中国区域科学协会理事,中国地理学会数量地理专业委员会副主任委员,中国地理学会人文地理专业委员会委员,中国地理学会城市地理专业委员会委员;先后担任《中国沙漠》,《地域研究与开发》,《人文地理》,《生态科学》,《干旱区地理》,《Chinese Geographical Science》,《Journal of Signal and Information Processing 》,《PeerJ》,《Signal Processing Research》等学术期刊编委。

