教育经历: 2007.09-2011.07 兰州大学 理学学士 放射化学2011.09-2016.12 华东师范大学 理学博士 河口海岸学工作经历: 2017.01-2019.10 华东师范大学河口海岸科学研究院 博士后2019.11-华东师范大学河口海岸科学研究院 青年研究员海外工作和访学经历: 2014.03-2014.09 丹麦技术大学 访问学生2015.02-2016.02 韦恩州立大学 联合培养博士个人简介: 主要从事放射性核素的分析及其海洋过程示踪研究,关注核素涉及到7Be、234Th、210Pb、137Cs和Pu同位素等,主要关注核素在泥沙来源、沉积和输运等方面的应用。论文评审Environmental Science & Technology,Journal of Hazardous Materials, Science of The Total Environment, Marine Chemistry, Geomorphology,Marine Pollution Bulletin, Aerosol and Air Quality Research,Journal of Environmental Radioactivity,Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Ocean & Coastal Management, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 地球科学进展,海洋学报,中国环境科学, 核化学与放射化学等期刊审稿人。科研项目: 国家自然科学基金委青年基金:不同水环境中铅-210、铯-137和钚同位素定年的对比研究(41706089),2018-2020第61批中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助:Cs-137的迁移行为及其在河口海岸区域的年代学应用(2017M610238),2017-2019河口海岸学国家重点实验室的自主课题:钚和镭同位素的质谱分析及其钚的海洋环境过程示踪(SKLEC-2017CDW01),2017-2020第11批中国博士后科学基金特别资助:海水中Bi-210的地球化学行为及其颗粒物输运示踪研究(2018T110373),2018-2020国家自然科学基金委重点基金(骨干):河口泥沙运动关键过程与滩槽格局转化研究(51739005),2018-2022学术专著: 王锦龙. 基于多参数示踪的东海泥沙输运研究[博士学位论文]. 上海: 华东师范大学, 2016, 1-164.获奖情况: 2013年 博士国家奖学金 华东师范大学2017年 优秀博士学位论文 华东师范大学地球科学学部2017年 第四届全国核化学与放射化学研讨会青年论坛优秀报告 中国核学会核化学与放射化学分会学术会议: 海洋放射性监测与生态风险评估研讨会,2017,厦门(Oral)第4次环境放射化学战略研讨会暨环境放射化学高峰论坛 ,2017,嘉峪关(Oral)ECSA 2017 Where Land Meets Ocean: The Vulnerable Interface,2017,Shanghai(Oral)第四届全国核化学与放射化学研讨会青年论坛,2017,南京(Oral)华东师范大学2017年海外青年科学家论坛海洋科学分论坛,2017,上海(Oral)沉积物“从源到汇”过程研究国际短训班 暨长江-东海源汇过程与环境响应研究研讨会,2016,上海(Poster)中国化学会第30届学术年会,2016,大连(Oral)AGU fall meeting,2013,San Francisco, USA(Oral)第二届全国核化学与放射化学青年学术研讨会,2013,杭州(Oral)第十一届全国核化学与放射化学学术研讨会,2012,成都(Oral)International Symposium on Climate Change and Human Activities: Coastal Consequences and Responses,2012,Shanghai(Poster)The 5th China-Japan-Korea IMBER Symposium and Training,2011,Shanghai(Poster)研究领域
第一作者或通讯作者:17. Wang, J., Baskaran, M., Kumar, A., Bilhan, O., Miller, C. J. Reconstruction of temporal variations of metal concentrations using radiochronology (239+240Pu and 137Cs) in sediments from Kizilirmak River, Turkey. Journal of Paleolimnology, 2020,1-13.16. Wang, J., Jinzhou, D., Jianguo, Q., Qianqian, B. Distribution of Pu isotopes and 210Pb in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: Implications for provenance and transportation [J]. Chemosphere, 2021, 263, 127896.15. Wang, J., Du, J., Zheng, J., Bi, Q., Ke, Y., Qu, J. Plutonium in Southern Yellow Sea sediments and its implications for the quantification of oceanic-derived mercury and zinc [J]. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 266, 115262.14. Wang, J., Du, J., Zheng, J. Plutonium Isotopes Research in the Marine Environment: A synthesis [J]. Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, 2020, 20, 1-11.13. Wang, J., Zhong, Q., Baskaran, M., Du, J. Investigations on the time-series partitioning of 210Pb, 207Bi and 210Po between marine particles and solution under different salinity and pH conditions [J]. Chemical Geology, 2019,528,119275.12. Zhong, Q., Du, J., Puigcorbé, V., *Wang, J., Wang, Q., Deng, B., Zhang, F. Accumulation of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in body profiles of Bryidae, a subgroup of mosses [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 1-16.11. Zhong, Q., *Wang, J., Du, J., Bi, Q., Zhao, F. The 210Po/210Pb disequilibrium in a spring-blooming marginal sea, the Southern Yellow Sea [J]. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2019, 207, 15-26.10. Zhang, F., *Wang, J., Liu, D., Bi, Q., Du, J.Distribution of 137Cs in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea: Sources, budgets and environmental implications [J]. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 672, 1004-1016.9. 吴梅桂,赵峰,*王锦龙,杜金洲,谷和泉. 崇明东滩表层沉积物中7Be活度的粒度效应 [J].海洋环境科学,2019, 38(4): 608-614.8. Wang, J., Fan, Y., liu, D., Lu, T., Hou, X., Du, J. Spatial and vertical distribution of 129I and 127I in the East China Sea: Inventory, source and transportation [J].Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 652, 177-188.7. Wang, J., Zhang, W., Baskaran, M., Du, J., Zhou, F., Wu, H. Fingerprinting sediment transport in river-dominated margins using combined mineral magnetic and radionuclide methods [J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2018, 123, 5360–5374.6. Zhao, L., Liu, D., *Wang, J., Du, J., Hou, X., Jiang, Y. Spatial and vertical distribution of radiocesium in seawater of the East China Sea [J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018,128:361-368.5. Wang, J., Baskaran, M., Niedermiller, J. Mobility of 137Cs in freshwater lakes: A mass balance and diffusion study of Lake St. Clair, Southeast Michigan, USA [J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 2017, 218, 323-342.4. Wang, J., Baskaran, M., Hou, X., Du, J., Zhang, J. Historical changes in 239Pu and 240Pu sources in sedimentary records in the East China Sea: Implications for provenance and transportation [J]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2017, 466: 32-42.3. Wang, J., Du, J., Bi, Q. Natural radioactivity assessment of surface sediments in the Yangtze Estuary [J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 114(1): 602-608.2. Wang, J., Du, J., Baskaran, M., Zhang, J. Mobile mud dynamics in the East China Sea elucidated using 210Pb, 137Cs, 7Be, and 234Th as tracers [J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2016, 121(1): 224-239.1. Wang, J., Jiang, Y., Huang, D., Wen, T., Du, J., Zhang, J. Promotion of the lower limit of detection of gamma emitting nuclides in radioaerosol samples after Fukushima accident [J]. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2012, 292:1297–1301.合作作者:16. Yang, G., J., Zheng , K., Tagami, S., Uchida, J., Zhang, J., Wang, J., Du. Simple and sensitive determination of radium-226 in river water by single column-chromatographic separation coupled to SF-ICP-MS analysis in medium resolution mode [J]. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2020, 220–221: 106305.15. Hu, J., Sha, Z., Wang, J., Du, J., Ma, Y. Atmospheric deposition of 7Be, 210Pb in Xining, a typical city on the Qinghai‑Tibet Plateau, China [J]. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2020,DOI:10.1007/s10967-020-07127-3.14. Wang, Q., Sha, Z., Wang, J., Du, J., Hu, J., Ma, Y. Historical changes in the major and trace elements in the sedimentary records of Lake Qinghai, Qinghai–Tibet Plateau: implications for anthropogenic activities [J]. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2019,1-19.13. Chen, X., Wang, J., Cukrov, N., Du, J. Porewater-derived nutrient fluxes in a coastal aquifer (Shengsi Island, China) and its implication [J]. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2019, 218: 204-211.12. Chen, X. G., Lao, Y. L., Wang, J., Du, J. Z. Liang, M. 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Distribution and preservation of black carbon in the East China Sea sediments: Perspectives on carbon cycling at continental margins [J]. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2016, 124: 43-52.7. 俞怡,王锦龙,黄德坤,于涛,毕倩倩,赵丽君.杜金洲海水中131I快速检测技术研究 [J].核化学与放射化学,2018, 40(5): 317-323.6. 罗浩,李林蔚,王锦龙,钟强强,杜金洲.钦州湾河流沉积物中镭的解吸行为 [J]. 海洋学报,2019, 41(4): 27-41.5. 唐峰华, 张胜茂, 崔雪森, 王锦龙, 杜金洲. 2013年北太平洋公海渔场柔鱼体内典型放射性核素分析及风险评估[J]. 应用生态学报,2017, 28 (9): 3071-3077 .4. 刘丹彤, 王锦龙, 杜金洲. 福岛核事故后上海气溶胶中131I、134Cs和137Cs的来源途径分析 [J]. 核化学与放射化学, 2017, 39(1): 103-112.3. 周婧, 杜金洲, 毕倩倩, 王锦龙, 刘丹彤. 悬浮泥沙在长江口铀非保守行为中的重要作用 [J]. 海洋学报, 2016, 38(12): 46-54.2. 唐峰华, 张胜茂, 吴祖立, 王锦龙, 杜金洲. 核素137Cs在北太平洋典型生物体内的分布与富集 [J]. 生态环境学报, 2016, 25(10): 1684-1692.1. 唐峰华, 王锦龙, 刘丹彤, 何利军, 杜金洲. 日本福岛核泄漏人工放射性核素在北太平洋柔鱼渔场的分布 [J]. 农业环境科学学报, 2013, 32 (10): 2066-2071. 相关热点