2023-05-10 19:23
  • 王惠敏
  • 王惠敏 - 博士 教授-华东师范大学-心理与认知科学学院-个人资料




王惠敏博士: 毕业于浙江大学医学院和美国新泽西州州立大学及新泽西医学和牙医学院, 获博士学位. 曾分别在浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院、美国普林斯顿大学和美国波士顿大学工作. 现任华东师范大学认知神经研究所研究员.
1. 国家自然科学基金:神经细胞发育过程中钙调蛋白激酶I表达的调控机制(31271134),2013-2016
2. 国家自然科学基金管:钙调蛋白激酶II参与长期记忆再巩固的分子和细胞机制(30970968),2010-2012
3. 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目:钙调蛋白激酶II参与长期记忆再巩固的研究(44440180),2010-2011




1. Li C, Zhang N, Hu Y and Wang H*. “NR2B onverexpression leads to the enhancement of specific protein phosphorylation in the brain”. Brain Res. Vol 1588:127-34, 2014
2. Jacobs S, Cui Z, Feng R, Wang H, Wang D and Tsien JZ. “Molecular and genetic determinants of the NMDA receptor for superior learning and memory functions”. Plos One 9(10): e111865, 2014
3. Cui Z, Feng R, Jacobs S, Duan Y, Wang H, Cao X and Tsien JZ. “Increased NR2A:NR2B ratio compresses long-term depression range and constrains long-term memory”. Sci. Rep Vol 3:1036, 2013
4. Li C, Su M, Wang H* and Hu Y*. “Global view of transcriptome in the brains of aged NR2B transgenic mice”. Neural Regen Res. Vol 8:2734-43, 2013 (co-correspondence author)
5. C. Li, S. Dong , H. Wang* and Y. Hu*. “Microarray analysis of gene Expression Changes in the Brains of NR2B-indiced Memory-enhanced Mice”. Neuroscience Vol197:121, 2011 (co-correspondence author)
6. X. Cao*, H. Wang*, B. Mei*, S. An, L. Yin, L. P. Wang and J. Z. Tsien. “Inducible and Selective Erasure of Memories in the Mouse Brain via Chemical-Genetic Manipulation”. Neuron Vol 60 : 353-366, 2008 (co-author)
7. H. Wang*, R. Feng*, L. P. Wang, F. Li, X. Cao and J. Z. Tsien. “CaMKII Activation State Underlies Synaptic Labile Phase of LTP and Short-Term Memory Formation”. Curr. Biol. Vol 18 : 1540-154, 2008 (co-author)
8. H. Wang, Y. Hu and J. Z. Tsien. “Molecular and Systems Mechanisms of Memory Consolidation and Storage”. Prog. Neurobio. Vol 79:123-135, 2006
9. F. Wei, G. D. Wang, C. Chang, K. M. Shokat, H. Wang, J. Z. Tsien, J. Liauw and M. Zhuo. “Forbrain Overexpression of CaMKII Abolishes Cingulate Long Term Depression and Reduces Mechanical Allodynia and Thermal Hyperalgesia”. Mol. Pain Vol 15: 21, 2006
10. R. Feng, H. Wang, J. Wang and J. Z. Tsien. “Loss of Presenilin Function Induces Apoptosis followed by Age-dependent Neurodegeneration”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. Vol 101:8162-8167, 2004
11. Z. Cui , H. Wang , Y. Tan , S. Zhang , J. Z. Tsien. “Inducible and reversible NR1 knockout reveals crucial role of the NMDA receptor in preserving remote memories in the brain.” Neuron. Vol 41:781-793, 2004
12. H. Wang*, E. Shimizu*, Y.-P. Tang*, M. Cho, M. Kyin, W. Zuo, D. A. Robinson, P. J. Alaimo, C. Zhang, H. Morimoto, M. Zhuo, R. Feng, K. M. Shokat and J. Z. Tsien. “Conditional Protein Knockout Reveals Temporal Requirement of CaMKII Reactivation for Memory Consolidation in the Brain”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. Vol 100:4287-4292, 2003 (co-author)

