2023-05-10 19:21
  • 汤银才
  • 汤银才 - 博士 教授-华东师范大学-经济与管理学部-个人资料




1. 2006年1月- 现在, 教授, 博士生导师,华东师范大学统计学院
2. 2014年6月- 2014年7月,高级访问学者,台湾清华大学统计研究所与台湾中央大学统计研究所
3. 2010年9月- 2011年2月,高级访问学者,美国密苏里大学哥伦比亚分析统计系
4. 2004年9月- 2006年12月,副教授, 硕士生导师,华东师范大学金融与统计学院
5. 2003年8月,访问学者,德国柏林Steinbeis大学资产管理学院
6. 2003年9月- 2004年7月,系主任,上海师范大学数理信息学院应用数学系
7. 1997年6月- 2004年8月,副教授, 硕士生导师,上海师范大学数理信息学院
8. 1993年9月- 1997年8月,讲师,上海师范大学数理信息学院
9. 1985年9月- 1993年8月,助教,上海师范大学数理信息学院
1. 1996年9月-1999年7月,博士,华东师范大学统计系,方向:概率论与数理统计
2. 1989年9月-1992年7月,硕士,上海师范大学数学系,方向:应用统计
3. 1981年9月-1985年7月,学生,上海师范大学数学系,方向:数学
2. 2004年9月- 现在,华东师范大学开设课程
现代贝叶斯分析(研究生, 全英语)

2、华东师范大学研究型课程建设项目 (521J1293)《现代质量管理与统计分析》 (2007.1—2008.12)
3、华东师范大学第二期双语课程建设项目 (521J0158)《贝叶斯统计分析》(2006.1—2008.12)
4、华东师范大学精品教材建设专项基金资助项目 (521J0939)《贝叶斯统计分析》(2008.1—2009.12)
5、上海精密计量测试研究所,《典型塑封器件长期贮存寿命预测方法研究》(主持, 20万), (2016.9-2017.12)
8、国家自然科学基金资助项目(11271136) ‚《可靠性与生存分析中的客观贝叶斯方法研究》(主持, 60万),(2013.1—2016.12)
9、化学品安全控制国家重点实验室开放课题项目, 《石化装置泄漏频率的贝叶斯分析》(主持,6万)(2012.5—2012.12)
10、核工业理化工程研究院项目‚ 《铝筒步进应力加速寿命试验的优化设计及数据评估》(主持,10万)(2009.5—2010.5)
11、国家自然科学基金资助项目(10571057) ‚《加速寿命试验中的最优设计》(主持,25万)(2006.1—2008)
12、国家自然科学基金资助项目 (10270179)‚ 《步进应力加速寿命试验统计分析与最优设计》(主持,9万(2003.1—2004.12)
1、国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(81530086) ‚《基于大规模前瞻性队列复杂纵向数据的哮喘风险评估与预测模型的建立》(主要参与者,总经费273万,到位经费73万),(2016.1—2019.12)
5、上海市教育发展基金会(晨光计划)资助项目《加速寿命试验设计中若干问题的研究》(6万)‚(2007CG58) ‚(2007.11-2009.12)
统计手册(第四章), 科学出版社,2003
1. 上海市教育发展基金会申银万国奖教金(2009)
2. 华东师范大学金融与统计学院2008年度优秀教学奖
3. 华东师范大学2007年度优秀任课教师
4. 高等教育上海市级教学成果三等奖(2002)

1. 上海市科学技术三等奖(2017),《几个非参数和半参数统计方法的提出与研究》,排名第三
2. 华东师范大学研究生特等奖学金(1998)
3. 上海市科学技术进步三等奖(1997)
4. 全国统计科学技术进步二等奖(1996)
5. 上海市统计科学研究成果课题类一等奖(1995)
1. Best paper award to Yudong Wang (Co-authored with Yincai Tang), for the paper entitled Statistical Analysis of Accelerated Tempratture Cycling Test Based on Coffin-Manson Model, at the 8th Asia-Pacific International Symposium Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling, Qingdao, 2018 (APARM2018) and 2018 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering, Qingdao, 2018
2. Best paper award to Yincai Tang (Co-authored with Pingping Wang), for a very significant contribution in the field of reliability and maintenance modeling entitled Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Detecting Change Point in Coumpound Poisson Process for Degradation Data, at the 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling, Korea, 2016 (APARM2016)
3. Best paper award (Academia) to Pingping Wang (co-authored with Yincai Tang,Suk Joo Bae, Yong He) in recognition of the outstanding paper entitled Bayesian Analysis of Two-phase Degradation Data based on Change Point Wiener Process, at Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Korea, 2017 (APPHM2017)
1. 软件著作权登记证书“交联电缆绝缘层厚度计算程序V1.0”, 编号: 软著登字第040273号




[1] Tang Yincai‚ Fei Heliang‚ Maximum Likelihood Estimation in the Life Testing for the Two-Parameter Exponential Distribution with Replacement‚ Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics‚ Vol10 (1994)‚ 399-404.
[2] Fei Heliang‚ Kong Fanhui‚ Tang Yincai‚ Estimation for Two-parameter Weibull Distribution and Extreme value Distribution under Multiple Type II Censoring‚ Comunications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Vol24(1995)‚2087-2104.
[3] Tang Yincai‚Constrained Improvement to the Parameter Estimation of Progressive Stress Accelerated Life Testing‚ Journal of Shanghai Normal University‚ 25(1996)‚12-18.
[4] Tang Yincai‚ Fei Heliang‚ A New Way to Estimate the Parameters in the Progressive Stress Accelerated Life Testing‚ Applied Mathematics-JCU‚11B(1996) ‚445-458.
[5] Tang Yincai‚ Approximated Parameter Estimation of Three-parameter Log-normal distributions Based on Generalized Least Squares Method‚ Journal of Shanghai Normal University‚ 4(2001).
[6] Xu Haiyan‚ Tang Yincai‚ Commentary: The Khamis-Higgins Model‚ IEEE Transactions on Reliability‚ Vol.52 (1)(2003)‚ 1-6.
[7] Yin-cai Tang‚ He-liang Fei‚ Detecting Change Points in Polynomial Regression Models with an Application to Cable Data Sets‚ Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica‚ English Series‚ Vol. 20(4)(2004)‚ 541-546.
[8] Yong-Bin Shi‚ Yin-Cai Tang‚ et.al. Two Classes of Simple MCD Graphs‚ 177-188‚ Lecture Notes 4381‚ Discrete Geometry‚ Combinatorics and Graph Theory‚ 2007. Springer-Verlag. pp177-188.
[9] Ancha Xu‚ Yincai Tang‚ Bayesian Analysis of Pareto Reliability With Dependent Masked Data‚ IEEE on Reliability‚ Vol. 58( 4)‚ 2009 : 583-588. DOI: 10.1109/TR.2009.2026811
[10] Ancha Xu‚ Yincai Tang‚ Reference analysis for Birnbaum–Saunders distribution‚ Computational Statistics and Data Analysis‚ Vol54(1)‚ 2010:185-192. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2009.08.004
[11] Xiaodi Wang‚ Yincai Tang‚ et al., Design of Experiment in Global Sensitivity Analysis Based on ANOVA High-Dimensional Model Representation‚ Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods‚ Vol 39(6)‚ 2010: 1183-1195. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2010.484122
[12] Ancha Xu‚ Yincai Tang‚ EM algorithm for degradation data analysis‚ Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Science)‚ 2010(5): 38-48.
[13] Linyi Qian‚ Wei Wang‚ Rongming Wang and Yincai Tang‚ Valuation of equity-indexed annuity under stochastic mortality and interest rate‚ Insurance: Mathematics and Economics‚ 47:123-129‚ 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.insmatheco.2010.06.005
[14] Ancha Xu‚ Yincai Tang‚ Nonparametric bayesian analysis of competing risks model with masked data‚ Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods‚ Vol40(13)‚ 2011: 2326-2336. DOI: 10.1080/03610921003786830
[15] Ancha Xu‚ Yincai Tang‚ Bayesian analysis of Birnbaum–Saunders distribution with partial information‚ Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol55(7)‚ 2011: 2324-2333. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2011.01.021
[16] Ancha Xu‚ Yincai Tang‚ Objective Bayesian analysis of accelerated competing failure models under Type-I censoring. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis‚ Vol55(10)‚ 2011 OCT: 2830-2839. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2011.04.009
[17] Xiaodi Wang‚ Yincai Tang‚ Yingshan Zhang‚ Orthogonal Arrays for the Estimation of Global Sensititity Indeces Based on ANOVA High-Dimensional Model Representation‚ Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation‚ Vol40(9)‚ 2011 June: 1324–1341. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2011.575500
[18] Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang, Statistical Analysis of Competing Failure Modes in Accelerated Life Testing Based on Assumed Copulas(基于Copulas加速寿命试验中竞争失效模型的统计分析), Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, Vol 28, 2012(1), pp51-62.
[19] Haifen Li, Jiajia Zhang, Yincai Tang, Induced smoothing for the semiparametric accelerated hazards model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Vol56(12), Dec. 2012: 4312-4319. Doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.04.001
[20] Xiaodi Wang, Yincai Tang, Yingshan Zhang, Orthogonal Arrays for Estimating Global Sensitivity Indices of Non-parametric Models based on ANOVA High-dimensional Model Representation, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol142(7), July 2012: 1801-1812. Doi: 10.1016/j.jspi.2012.02.043
[21] Qiang Guan, Yincai Tang, Optimal Step-stress Test under Type-I Censoring For Multivariate Exponential Distribution, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol142(7), July 2012: 1908-1923. Doi: 10.1016/j.jspi.2012.02.029
[22] Jayu Fu, Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang, Objective Bayesian Analysis of Pareto Distribution under Progressive Type-II Censoring,Statistics and Probability Letters. Vol82(10), Oct. 2012: 1829-1836. DOI: 10.1016/j.spl.2012.06.007
[23] Yincai Tang, Qiang Guan, Peirong Xu,Haiyan Xu, Optimum Design for Type-I Step-stress Accelerated LifeTests of Two-parameter Weibull Distributions, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol41(21), Sept. 2012.DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2012.707456
[24] Ancha Xu,Yincai Tang, Objective Bayesian Analysis for Linear Degradation Models,Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Vol41(21), Sept. 2012. doi:10.1080/03610926.2012.705942
[25] Ancha Xu,Yincai Tang, An Overview on Statistical Analysis for Masked System Lifetime Data.Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, Vol 28(4), 2012: pp380-6388.
[26] Kamran Abbas, Tang Yincai, Kamran Abbas and Tang Yincai. Comparison of Estimation Methods for Frechet Distribution with Known Shape, Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research, Vol1(10). 2012: 58-64.
[27]Abbas, K. and Tang, Y. (2013). Estimation of Parameters for Frechet Distribution Based on Type-II Censored Samples. Caspian Journal of Applied SciencesResearch, 2(7). 36-43.
[28]Kamran Abbas, Jiayu Fu, Yincai Tang, Bayesian Estimation of Gumbel Type-II Distribution, Data Science Journal, Vol.12, August 2013, pp33-46.
[29]Ancha Xu and Yincai Tang, Posterior propriety in nonparametric mixed effects model. Applied Mathematics B---A Journal of Chinese Universities(高校应用数学学报英文版), Series B, Vol.28(3), September 2013, pp369-378.
[30]GUAN Qiang, TANG Yincai, Optimal Design of Accelerated Degradation Test based on Gamma Process Models, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics,Vol.29(2), 2013, pp213-224.
[31]Qiang Guang, Yincai Tang and Ancha Xu, Objective Bayesian Analysis For Bivariate Marshall-Olkin Exponential Distribution, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 64, August 2013, pp299–313.
[32]Abbas, K. and Tang, Y. Objective Bayesian analysis of Frechet stress strength model. Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 84, January 2014, pp169-175.
[33]Ancha Xu, Yincai Tang and Qiang Guan, Bayesian Analysis of Masked Data in Step-stress Accelerated Life Testing, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol.43(8), 2014, pp2016-2030.
[34]Jiayu Fu, Yincai Tang and Qiang Guan, Objective Bayesian Analysis for Recurrent Events in Presence of Competing Risks, Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, Vol. 11(3), 2014, pp265-279.
[35]Ancha Xu, Sanjib Basu, Yincai Tang, A full Bayesian approach for masked data in step-stress accelerated life testing. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol.63(3), September 2014, pp798-806.
[36]Haifen Li, Jiajia Zhang, Yincai Tang, Smooth Semi-nonparametric Analysis for Mixture Cure Models and Its Application to Breast Cancer, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics,Vol.56(3), September 2014, pp217-235.
[37]Xiaodi Wang, Yingshan Zhang, Yincai Tang, Feasible Criterion for Designs Based on Fixed Effect ANOVA Model, Statistics and Probability Letters, Volu. 87, April 2014, pp134–142.
[38]Ancha Xu, Yincai Tang, A Bayesian method for planning accelerated life testing, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 64(4), December 2015, pp1383-1392.
[39]Ancha Xu, Yincai Tang, Reference optimality criterion for planning accelerated life testing, Journal of Statistical Planing and Inference, 2015, 167, pp14–26.
[40]Ancha Xu, Yincai Tang and Dongchu Sun, Objective Bayesian analysis for masked data under symmetric assumption, Statistics and Its Interface, Vol. 8,2015, pp227-237.
[41]Kamran Abbas,Yincai Tang, Analysis of Frechet distribution using reference priors, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol.44(14), 2015, pp2945-2956.
[42]Pingping Wang and Yincai Tang and Hui Chen, Bayesian Analysis for Change-point Linear Regression Models. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, Vol.31(1), 2015, pp89-102.
[43]Ancha Xu, Jiayu Fu, Yincai Tang and Qiang Guan, Bayesian analysis of constant-stress accelerated life test for the Weibull distribution using noninformative priors, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 39, 2015, pp6183-6195.
[44]Kamran Abbas, Yincai Tang, Bayesian Estimation of Frechet Distribution under Asymmetric Loss Functions, The Aligarh Journal of Statistics, Vol. 35, 2015, pp91-106.
[45]Qiang Guang, Yincai Tang, Bayesian Planning of Optimal Step-Stress Accelerated Life Test for Log-Location-Scale Distributions, submitted to Applicae Mathematics Modeling, Vol. 44(4), 2016, pp2743-2755.
[46] Kamran Abbas, Yincai Tang, Objective Bayesian Analysis for Log-logistic Distribution, Communications in Statistics –Simulation and Computation. 2016, 45(8), pp2782-2791 DOI:10.1080/03610918.2014.925925
[47] Ancha Xu, Yincai Tang, Qiang Guan and Xinze Lian, Planning simple step-stress accelerated life tests using reference optimality criterion, Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2016, Vol. 230(1), pp85-92. doi: 10.1177/1748006X15580469
[48] Qiang Guan,Yincai Tang Ancha Xu, Objective Bayesian Analysis For Accelerated Degradation Tests Based on Wiener Process Models, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(4), pp2743-2755. DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2015.09.076
[49] Yongqiang Lian and Yincai Tang, Yijun Wang, Objective Bayesian analysis of JM model in software reliability. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 109, 2017, pp199-214.
Yincai Tang, Wenchen Liu & Ancha Xu,Statistical inference for zero-and-one-inflated poisson models,Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 2017: VOL.1(2), pp216-226.
[50] Yincai Tang, Jiayu Fu, Wenchen Liu and Ancha Xu, Bayesian analysis of repairable systems with modulated power law process,Applied Mathematical Modelling,2017. Vol.44, pp357-373.
[51] Pingping Wang, Yincai Tang and Ancha Xu,Bayesian Analysis of Compound Poisson Process with Change-point. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management,2017: 1-21. doi.org/10.1080/16843703.2017.1399511
[52] Ancha Xu, Shirong Zhou, Bayesian analysis of series system with dependent causes of failure, Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 1(1). 2017. 128-140.
[53] Pingping Wang, Yincai Tang, Suk Joo Bae and Yong He. Bayesian Analysis of Two-
Phase Degradation Data Based on Change-Point Wiener Process, Reliability Engineering
and System Safety,2018. Vol.170, pp244-256.
[54] Wenchen Liu, Yincai Tang and Ancha Xu, A Zero-and-one inflated Poisson Model and its Application, Statistics and Its Interface. Volumn 11, Issue 2, pp 339-351. 2018.
[55] Qiang Guan and Yincai Tang, Bayesian Planning of Optimal Step-Stress Accelerated Life Test for Log-Location-Scale Distributions, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 34 (1) ,pp51-64, 2018.
[56] Pingping Wang and Yincai Tang, Suk Joo Bae and Ancha Xu, Bayesian Approach for Two-Phase Degradation Data Based on Change-Point Wiener Process with Measurement Errors. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67(2), 2018: pp688-700.
[57] Ancha Xu, Lijuan Shen, Bingxing Wang, and Yincai Tang, On Modeling Bivariate Wiener Degradation Process, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67(3), 2018: pp897-906.
[58] Yijun Wang, Jiajia Zhang, Yincai Tang, Semiparametric estimation for accelerated failure time mixture cure model allowing non-curable competing risk, Statistical Theory and Related Fields, Accepted, 2019.4
[59] Lijuan Shen, Yudong Wang, Qingqing Zhai , and Yincai Tang, Degradation Modeling Using Stochastic Processes With Random Initial Degradation, IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Online,2018.12: pp1-10.
[60] Shirong Zhou, Ancha Xu, Exponential Dispersion Process for Degradation Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 68(2): pp398-409, 2019.
[61] Yijun Wang, Jiajia Zhang and Yincai Tang, Bayesian Approach for Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Model Allowing Non-curable Competing Risk, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,In press. 2019.
[62] Ancha Xu, Shirong Zhou, Yincai Tang, A unified model for system reliability evaluation under dynamic operating conditions, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, In press. 2019.
[63] Wenchen Liu, Yincai Tang, Ancha Xu, Zero-and-one-inflated Poisson Regression Model, Statistical Papers, Accepted, 2019.
[64] Xiang Xiao, Yincai Tang, Bayesian Inference for Zero-and-one-inflated Geometric Distribution Regression Model. Submitted to Communications in Statistics. In press. 2019.
[65]Yudong Wang, Yincai Tang, Statistical Analysis of Accelerated Temperature Cycling Test based on Coffin-Manson Model. Submitted to Communications in Statistics. In press. 2019.
[66] Wenchen Liu, Yincai Tang, Xianyi Wu, Seperating Variables to Accelerated Non-convex Regularized Optimization, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. In press, 2019.
[67] Wenchen Liu, Yiyuan She, Yincai Tang, Robust Sparse Reduced-rank Regression with Response Dependency, Journal of Computation and Simulation, Under Review, 2019.
[68] Yijun Wang, Chao Cai, Wenbin Lu and Jiajia Zhang, Yincai Tang, Semiparametric Estimation for Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Model Allowing Non-curable Competing Risk, submitted to Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2019.

[1] 费鹤良‚汤银才等‚固体钽电解电容器序进应力加速寿命试验及数据处理‚ 应用概率统计‚13(3) (1997.8)‚ 330—332.
[2] 第三届全国统计科学技术进步奖获奖文集‚序进应力加速寿命试验的统计分析及其在电子元件上的应用‚ 1997年10月.
[3] 汤银才‚费鹤良‚基于Gibbs抽样的Weibull分布序进应力加速寿命试验的Bayes分析‚数理统计与应用概率‚13(1998)‚ 81-88.
[4] 汤银才‚费鹤良‚Weibull分布场合序进应力加速寿命试验的统计分析及其软件包‚高校应用数学学报‚4(1998)‚408-413.
[5] 汤银才‚加速寿命试验Bayes估计算法的改进‚ 应用数学与计算数学学报‚11(1997.12)‚37—45.
[6] 汤银才‚三参数Weibull分布的渐近广义最小二乘估计‚ 应用概率统计,15(1999)‚ 187-192.
[7] 汤银才‚关于资本市场的新思考‚《改革开放与市场经济文选》‚刘茂才主编‚中国书藉出版社‚北京‚1998‚648-650 .
[8] 汤银才‚TFR模型下Weibull分布步加试验极大似然估计的保序改进‚数理统计与管理,20(2001)‚214-217.
[9] 汤银才‚沪深股市股价收益的分布与时序分析‚上海师范大学学报‚32(2003).
[10] 汤银才‚刘方方‚TFR模型与逆幂律下Weibull分布序加试验的Bayes分析‚上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)‚33(1) (2004)‚ 26-31.
[11] 武东‚汤银才‚寿命分布的PP图‚数理统计与管理‚2004年.
[12] 武东‚费鹤良‚汤银才‚PP图及其在可靠性中的应用‚上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)33(2) (2004)‚ 13-17.
[13] 周晓东‚顾龙全‚汤银才‚多重缺失场合恒加试验近似Bayes分析‚可靠性工程‚4(1)(2005)‚15-17.
[14] 金莹‚汤银才‚Weibull分布下异常数据的线性检验方法‚数理统计与管理 ‚24(2005)‚207-210.
[15] 陈惠 ‚汤银才‚已知变点数下二次回归模型方差变点分析‚数理统计与管理 ‚24(2005)‚147-150.
[16] 刘琴‚汤银才‚分层抽样中R的分别比估计量的可用性及其均方误差的估计量‚ 数理统计与管理‚ 24(2005)‚85-88.
[17] 金莹‚牛美玲‚汤银才‚整群抽样总体均值的回归估计‚统计与决策‚2005(11): 4-5.
[18] 汤银才‚刘方方‚基于Laplace公式Weibull分布序加试验的Bayes分析‚中国现场统计研究会2005年学术年会‚数理统计与管理 ‚24(2005) ‚215-218.
[19] 顾龙全‚周晓东‚汤银才‚指数分布场合恒加试验缺失数据的Bayes统计分析‚高校应用数学学报‚21(2)(2006)‚183-190.
[20] 汤银才‚刘方方‚CE模型下Weibull分布序加试验的Bayes分析‚系统科学与数学‚Vol.26‚ 2006(3):342-351.
[21] 汤银才‚多探头交联电缆绝缘层同轴度显示仪数据的统计分析与在线质量控制系统‚应用概率统计‚Vol.22‚ 2006(2):214-219.
[22] 张青‚武东‚汤银才‚多目标N人非合作对策安全点的刻画与比较‚燕山大学学报‚30(2)‚ 2006‚105-108.
[23] 武东‚张青‚汤银才‚基于稳定分布的股票收益率的特征分析‚统计与决策‚2006(10):92-93.
[24] 武东‚汤银才‚稳定分布及其在金融中的应用‚ 应用概率统计‚Vol.23‚ 2007(4):434-445.
[25] 武东‚张青‚汤银才‚指数分布步加试验的贝叶斯估计‚电子产品可靠性与环境试验‚Vol25(6)‚ 2007‚ 48-50.
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[28] 武东‚汤银才‚CE模型下指数分布步加试验的贝叶斯估计‚ 数理统计与管理‚Vol27(3)‚ 2008‚ 423-427.
[29] 武东‚汤银才‚基于稳定分布的EPGARCH模型‚工程数学学报‚Vol25(1)‚ 2008‚29-34.
[30] 周晓东‚汤银才‚费鹤良‚删失数据威布尔分布参数的贝叶斯统计分析‚上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)‚Vol37(1)‚ 2008‚ 28-34.
[31] 汤银才‚侯道燕‚ 三参数Weibull分布参数的Bayes估计‚ 系统科学与数学‚ Vol.29(1)‚ 2009‚ 109-115.
[32] 刘媚‚汤银才‚ 混合双参数广义Pareto 分布的参数估计‚数学的实践与认识‚Vol.39(20)‚ 2009‚ 106-110.
[33] 将卉‚汤银才‚ 混合Weibull分布参数估计的ECM算法‚系统科学与数学‚Vol. 20(4)‚2010‚541-546.
[34] 周晓东‚汤银才‚ 加速方程有偏场合下加速寿命试验的稳健设计‚数理统计与管理‚29(3)‚ 2010: 441-449.
[35] 孙丽玢‚汤银才‚ 在定时截尾样本下三参数威布尔分布的矩估计‚数学的实践与认识‚2010‚40(22)‚ 2010: 156-161.
[36]张青, 武东, 汤银才, 逐步Ⅱ型截尾下指数分布恒加试验的贝叶斯分析,山东理工大学学报, Vol.24(6), 2010, pp11-14.
[37]武东, 汤银才, 指数分布逐次定数截尾试验的多层贝叶斯估计, 上海理工大学学报, Vol.28, 2011, pp113-116.
[38] 李海芬‚ 汤银才‚ 对数稳定分布加速寿命试验的贝叶斯分析‚ 系统科学与数学‚Vol. 31(4)‚2011‚448-457.
[39]武东, 毕然, 汤银才, 逐步增加II型截尾下指数分布恒加试验的统计分析, 数理统计与管理, Vol.31(6), 2012, pp1022-1027.
[40]武东, 汤银才, Weibull分布步进应力加速寿命试验的Bayes估计, 应用数学学报, Vol.36(3), 2013, pp495-501.
[41]黄月兰, 汤银才, 变点模型下Weibull分布恒加试验的Bayes分析, 系统科学与数学, Vol. 33(9), 2013, pp1105-1112.
[42]孙丽玢, 汤银才, 定时截尾样本下三参数Weibull分布修正矩估计的强相合性, 应用概率统计,Vol. 29(1), 2013, pp31-41.
[43]管强, 汤银才, 邱锦明, 广义指数分布下恒定应力加速寿命试验的贝叶斯分析, 数学的实践与认识, Vol.44(4), 2014, pp188-196.
[44]王红军, 汤银才, 具有稳定噪声的ARMA模型的贝叶斯分析与应用, 应用数学学报, Vol.38(3), 2015, pp466-476.
[45]王全国,管强,汤银才,贝叶斯更新技术在石化装置气体泄漏频率分析中的应用研究,中国科技论文在线(http://www.paper.edu.cn), 2014.8.
[46]王全国, 汤银才, 管强, 石化装置氢气泄漏频率的贝叶斯分析, 数理统计与管理. 2016(4). pp594-602.
[47] 王红军,汤银才,具有稳定分布噪声的多重季节模型的贝叶斯分析,应用数学学报, 40(4), 2017, pp519-529.
[48] 曾林蕊, 汤银才, 窦雯,定数截尾数据缺失场合Frechet分布参数的近似极大似然估计,应用概率统计,33(3),2017, pp310-316.
[49] 管强, 汤银才, 基于线性退化轨道的区间型建模分析及应用, 应用概率统计,34(4), 2018, pp427-440.
[50] 管强, 汤银才, 基于维纳过程步进应力加速退化试验的客观贝叶斯分析,应用概率统计,34(6), 2018, pp613-629.
[1] Tang Yincai‚ Fei Heliang‚ Bayesian Analysis for the Progressive Stress Accelerated Life Testing under Weibull Distributions‚ The third International Conference of Reliability‚ Maintenance and Safety (ICRMS)‚ Guangzhou‚ (1996)‚ 360-364.
[2] Tang yincai‚ The Estimation for the Ordered Location Parameters of Multiple Exponential Distributions‚ The Fourth International Conference of Reliability‚ Maintenance and Safety (ICRMS)‚ Shanghai‚ (1999)‚ 99-104.
[3] Tang Yincai‚ Bayesian Statistical Analysis of Progressive Stress Accelerated Life Testing of Log-Normal Distributions under CE model‚ The Fifth International Conference of Reliability‚ Maintenance and Safety (ICRMS)‚ Dalia‚ (2001)‚ 109-114.
[4] Tang Yincai‚ Bayesian Statistical Analysis of Progressive Stress Accelerated Life Testing of Log-Normal Distributions under CE model‚ The Fifth International ChineseStatistical Association(ICSA) International Conference‚ 17-18 August‚ 2001. The University of Hong Kong.
[5] Tang Yincai‚ Bayesian Inference for the Weibull Step-Stress Accelerated Life Tests under TFR Model‚ Bernoulli Society East Asian and Pacific Regional Conference‚ 18-20 December‚ 2003. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
[6] Tang Yincai‚ Life Time and Statistical Analysis of SSALT for Weibull Distributions under TFR Model‚ The Proceedings ofthe 6th International Conference on Reliability‚ Maintainability and Safety‚ XiAn‚ Hua Xia Publishing House‚ 2004‚ 224-228.
[7] Tang Yincai‚ Statistical analysis of step-stress TFR model for Weilbull distributions under inverse power law‚ The Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Maintainability‚ 2006.10.15-18‚ Chendu‚ China.
[8] 汤银才‚ 基于Gibbs抽样带约束参数指数分布的Bayes统计推断‚全国第五届可靠性学术会议论文集‚ 机械工业出版社‚ 湖北‚ 1995年5月‚ 58-60.
[9] 汤银才‚ 指数分布场合多总体带约束参数的估计与比较‚中国现场统计学会第八届年会论文集‚贵州‚ 1997‚ 101—104.
[10] 汤银才‚Weibull分布恒加—序加试验参数的二步广义最小二乘估计‚全国六届可靠性学术会议论文集‚机械工业出版社‚ 山东‚ 1998年10月‚ 1-6.
[11] 刘义兴‚ 汤银才‚ 证券收益的随机游动检验‚中欧国际工商学院“中国金融市场研究”研讨会‚1998.
[12] 汤银才‚刘方方‚基于Laplace公式Weibull分布序加试验的Bayes分析‚中国现场统计研究会2005年学术年会‚数理统计与管理 ‚24(2005) ‚215-218.
[13] 汤银才‚TFR模型下Weibull加速寿命试验的统计分析‚ 第八届全国概率统计会议‚ 2006. 10.28-31‚ 徐州.
[14] 汤银才‚加速寿命试验与退化试验(45钟)‚可靠性学术研讨会‚2006‚ 12.2‚ 北京.
[15] 汤银才‚稳定分布与风险管理‚2007年统计与金融国际学术会议‚ 上海金融学院‚上海‚ 2007.6.
[16] 周晓东, 汤银才, 费鹤良, 定数转换步加试验缺失数据场合下的参数估计, 中国现场统计研究会第十三届学术年会论文集, 2007, pp67-70.
[17] Xu Haiyan‚ Tang Yancai, Fei Heliang‚ Bayesian Design Comparison for Accelerated Life Tests‚ The 14th ISSAT(International Society of Science and Applied Technologies) International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design‚ August 7-9‚ 2008‚ Florida‚ USA.
[18] Xu‚Haiyan‚ Tang Yincai‚ Fei‚Heliang‚ Optimal Design of Accelerated Life Testing with Multiple Estimation Objectives Using Log-normal Distributions‚ The 15th ISSAT International Conference on Reliability and Quality in Design‚ California‚ USA ‚ pp.6-9‚ 2009.
[19] Tang Yincai‚ Wei Xiaoling‚ Existence of Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Three-parameter Log-normal Distribution‚The 8th International Conference on Reliability‚ Maintainability and Safety‚ 2009.7.20-24‚ pp305-307‚ Chendu (IEEE).DOI: 10.1109/ICRMS.2009.5270184
[20] Xu Peirong‚ Tang Yincai‚ Optimum Design for Type-I Step-stress Accelerated Life Tests of Two-parameter Weibull Distributions under TFR Model‚ The 8th International Conference on Reliability‚ Maintainability and Safety‚ 2009.7.20-24‚ pp1273-1275‚ Chendu (IEEE). DOI: 10.1109/ICRMS.2009.5270050
[21] Tang Yincai‚ Xu Ancha‚ Bayesian analysis of Masked System Lifetime Data‚ The8th International Conference on Reliability‚ Maintainability and Safety‚ 2009.7.20-24‚ pp399-402. Chendu(IEEE). DOI: 10.1109/ICRMS.2009.5270162
[22] Tang Yincai‚ An Overview on Statistical Analysis for Masked System Lifetime Data‚ 中国运筹学会可靠性分会第八届可靠性学术会议‚ 2009.11.6-8‚ 南京.
[23] Tang Yincai‚ Statistical Analysis and Optimum Design for Accelerated Life Tests with Competing Causes of Failure‚ The 1st International Conference on the Interface between Statistics and Engineering‚ 2009.7.13-15‚ Beijing.
[24] 汤银才,R 与WinBUGS, 第二届中国R 语言会议, 2009.12.12-13, 华东师范大学
[25] Tang Yincai‚ Bayesian Factor Analysis for the Overparameterized Models‚ The 2011 International Workshop on Objective Bayes Methodology(O-Bayes2011)‚ 2011.6.11-15. Shanghai.
[26] Xu Peirong‚ Tang Yincai‚ Xu Haiyan‚ Optimum Design for Type-I Step-Stress Accelerated Life Tests of Two-parameter Weibull Distributions‚ The Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability(MMR2011)-Theory‚ Methods and Applications, 2010.6. Beijing.
[27] Ancha Xu, Yincai Tang‚Objective Bayesian Analysis for Linear Degradation Models‚ The Seventh International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability(MMR2011)-Theory‚ Methods and Applications‚ 2011.6. Beijing.
[28]汤银才, R 工作环境简介, 第四届中国R 语言会议, 2011.11.12-13, 华东师范大学
[29] Xu Ancha, Yincai Tang,Bayesian Analysis of Masked Data in Step-stress Accelerated Life Testing,2012 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM),Nanjin, 2012.
[30] Tang Yincai, Objective Bayesian Analysis for Constant-stress Accelerated Life Testing,2012 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling,Nanjin, 2012.
[31] Guan Qiang, Yincai Tang, Optimal constant-stress Test For GE exponential distribution,2012 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling,Nanjin, 2012.
[32] Fu Jiayu, Yincai Tang, Objetive Bayesian analysis for recurrent events under competing risks,2012 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling,Nanjin, 2012
[33] 汪懿君, k/n 系统在部件“修旧不如新”下的定数维修模型研究, 2013 年全国机械行业可靠性技术学术交流会论文集, 杭州, 2013. pp230-234.
[34]Xu Ancha, Tang Yincai, Planning Simple Step-stress Accelerated Life Tests using Reference Optimality Criterion, APARM2014, Sapporo, Japan,2014.8.21-24.
[35]Tang Yincai, Objective Bayesian Methods in Reliability, International Workshop on Mathematical Reliability and Safty (MRS2016), XuZhou, June 23-25, 2016.
[36]Wenchen Liu, Yincai Tang, Ancha Xu, Statistical Inference for Zero-and-one-inflated Poisson Model, Procedings of 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM2016), Ki Mun Jung, Mitsuhiro Kimura, Li-Rong Cui Ed., Seul, South Korea, August 24-26, 2016. Mc Graw Hill Education, pp322-329.
[37]Pingping Wang, Yincai Tang, Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Detecting Change Point in Compound Poisson Process for Degradation Data, Procedings of APARM2016, Ki Mun Jung, Mitsuhiro Kimura, Li-Rong Cui Ed., Seul, South Korea, August 24-26, 2016. Mc Graw Hill Education, pp525-532.
[38] 汤银才, 数据科学中的贝叶斯统计, 第九届中国R 语言会议, 2016.10.28-29, 杭州.
[39] 汤银才, 数据科学中的贝叶斯统计, 第九届中国R 语言会议, 2016.11.26, 贵阳.
[40] 汤银才, 大数据、大趋势、大挑战, 第九届中国R 语言会议, 2016.12.3-4, 广州.
[41] Pingping Wang, Yincai Tang, Suk Joo Bae, and Yong He, Bayesian Analysis of Twophase Degradation Data based on Change-point Wiener Process, Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2017.pp 783.
[42] Yudong Wang, Yincai Tang, Statistical Analysis of Accelerated Temperature CyclingTest based on Coffin-Manson Model. The Proceedings of 2018 Asia-Pacific International Symposium and Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling(APARM2018) & 2018 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE2018). Qingdao, P.R. China, pp394-401.
[43] Shirong Zhou, Yincai Tang, Early Warning Strategy of Sparse Failures for High Reliable Products based on Bayesian Method. The Third International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management (SMRLO2019), May 28-31, 2019, Beijing, China.
[44] Yudong Wang, Yincai Tang, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Estimation of Coffin- Manson Model in Accelerated Temperature Cycling Test, SMRLO2019.
[45] Xiang Xiao, Yincai Tang, Bayesian Inference for Zero-and-one-inflated Geometric Distribution Regression Model, SMRLO2019.
[46] Yijun Wang, Yincai Tang, Bayesian Approach for Proportional Hazards Mixture Cure Model Allowing Non-curable Competing Risk, SMRLO2019.
[47] Xu Wang, Jun Jin, Xuan Li, Yincai Tang, Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks, SMRLO2019.
[48] Pingping Wanga, Ancha Xu, Yincai Tang, Suk Joo Bae, Degradation Data Analysis Based on Two-Phase Gamma Process: A Bayesian Perspective, SMRLO2019.
[49] Shirong Zhou, Yincai Tang Variational Bayesian Analysis for Wiener Degradation Model with Random Effects,The Eleventh International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability - Theory, Methods, and Applications(MMR2019), June 3-7, 2019, Hong Kong, China.
《Statistical Theory and Related Fields》编委

