2023-05-10 19:20
  • 唐炎林
  • 唐炎林 - 博士 研究员-华东师范大学-经济与管理学部-个人资料




2015.9-2017.8,公派博士后,美国乔治华盛顿大学统计系(合作导师:王会霞(Huixia Judy Wang)教授)
2011.5-8,2012.1-2,7-8,2015.7-8,2018.7-8, 2019.7-8 , 2020.1-2访问香港中文大学统计系 (研究助理、副研究员),宋心远教授
2010.1-2,访问美国北卡州立大学统计系,王会霞(Huixia Judy Wang)教授
2009.10-2010.9,联合培养,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,何旭铭(Xuming He)教授
2006.9-2012.1 硕博连读,复旦大学统计学系(导师:朱仲义教授)
2002.9-2006.7 本科,同济大学数学系
1999.9-2002.7 高中,浙江省春晖中学
唐炎林,华东师范大学统计学院研究员。2012年1月于复旦大学统计系获得博士学位,师从朱仲义教授。2012年5月起在同济大学数学系工作,历任讲师、副教授,2019年1月加入华东师范大学统计学院。读博期间曾于UIUC何旭铭教授处联合培养一年,2015-2017在GWU进行为期两年的公派博士后研究(合作导师:王会霞教授),2011-2020期间曾多次访问香港中文大学宋心远教授。主要研究方向为分位数回归、高维数据统计推断、删失数据,在Biometrika、PNAS、Statistica Sinica、Biometrics等SCI期刊发表论文二十余篇,目前担任Journal of Korean Statistical Society的AE。
Under review:
5 Fangzheng Lin, Yanlin Tang, Huichen Zhu, Zhongyi Zhu. Spatially clustered varying coefficient model.
4 Yanlin Tang, Xinyuan Song, Grace Yun Yi. Bayesian analysis under accelerated failure time models with error-prone time-to-event outcomes.
3 Lijuan Shen, Yanlin Tang*(co-corresponding), Loon Ching Tang*. Understanding key factors affecting power systems resilience.
2 Xiaorui Wang (Ph.D. student), Guoyou Qin, Xinyuan Song, Yanlin Tang*(corresponding). Censored quantile regression based on multiply robust propensity scores.
1 Yudong Wang, Zhisheng Ye, Yanlin Tang. Paired two-sample tests with unordered samples.





26 Yanlin Tang, Yinfeng Wang, Huixia Judy Wang, Qing Pan. Conditional marginal test for high dimensional quantile regression. Statistica Sinica, accepted.
25 Hefei Liu#, Xinyuan Song, Yanlin Tang#(co-first author), Baoxue Zhang. (2020). Bayesian quantile non-homogeneous hidden Markov models. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, to appear, https://doi.org/10.1177/0962280220942802.
24 Yinfeng Wang, Yanlin Tang*, Xinsheng Zhang. (2020). A two-step test for the two-sample problem of processes of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, accepted.
23 Zhikun Gao, Yanlin Tang, Huixia Judy Wang, Guangying Wu, Jeff Lin. (2020). Automatic identification of curve shapes with application to ultrasonic vocalization. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 148, 106956.
22 Fangzheng Lin, Yanlin Tang, Zhongyi Zhu.(2020). Weighted quantile regression in varying-coefficient model with longitudinal data.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 145, 106915.
21 Hailin Huang#, Yuanzhang Li, Hua Liang, Yanlin Tang#(co-first author). (2020). Estimation of single-index models with fixed censored responses. Statistica Sinica, 30, 829-843.
20 Yanlin Tang, Huixia Judy Wang, Ying Sun, Amanda Hering. (2019). Copula-based semiparametric models for spatio-temporal data. Biometrics, 75,1156-1167.
19 Fuyuan Li, Yanlin Tang, Huixia Judy Wang. (2019). Copula-based semiparametric analysis for time series data with detection limits. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 47, 438-454.
18 Hailin Huang, Yanlin Tang, Yuanzhang Li, Hua Liang. (2019). Estimation in additive models with fixed censored responses. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 31, 131-143.
17 Yanlin Tang, Huixia Judy Wang, Emre Barut (2018). Testing the presence of significant covariates through conditional marginal regression. Biometrika, 105(1), 57-71.
16 Yali Fan, Yanlin Tang and Zhongyi Zhu. (2018). Variable selection in censored quantile regression with high dimensional data. Science China-Mathematics, 61(4):641-658.
15 Yanlin Tang, Huixia Judy Wang, Hua Liang (2018). Composite estimation for single-index models with responses subject to detection limits. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 45(3), 444-464.
14 Zhongfang Liu, Yanlin Tang, Zhimin Jian, Christopher Poulsen, Jeffrey Welker and Gabriel Bowen. (2017). Pacific North American circulation pattern links external forcing and North American hydroclimatic change over the past millennium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(13), 3340-3345.
13 Nan Chen, Yanlin Tang, Zhisheng Ye. (2016). Robust quantile analysis for accelerated life test data. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 65(2), 901-913.
12 Yinfeng Wang, Yanlin Tang and Xinsheng Zhang. (2016). CGMM LASSO-type estimator for the process of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 45, 114-122.
11 Yanlin Tang and Huixia Judy Wang. (2015). Penalized regression across multiple quantiles under random censoring. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 141, 132-146.
10 Yanlin Tang, Yinfeng Wang, Jingru Li, Weimin Qian. (2015). Improve estimation efficiency in quantile regression with longitudinal data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 165, 38-55.
9 Yanlin Tang, Xinyuan Song and Zhongyi Zhu. (2015). Threshold effect test in censored quantile regression. Statistics & Probability Letters, 105, 149-156.
8 Mi Zhou, Huixia Judy Wang, and Yanlin Tang. (2015). Sequential change point detection in linear quantile regression models. Statistics & Probability Letters, 100, 98-103.
7 Yanlin Tang, Xinyuan Song and Zhongyi Zhu. (2015). Variable selection via composite quantile regression with dependent errors. Statistica Neerlandica, 69, 1-20.
6 Yinfeng Wang, Yanlin Tang, Xinsheng Zhang. (2015). Estimation of parameters of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processes with continuum of moment conditions. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 44, 5189–5203.
5 Yanlin Tang, Liya Xiang, Zhongyi Zhu. (2014). Risk factor selection in rate-making: EM-adaptive LASSO for zero-inflated Poisson regression models. Risk Analysis, 34, 1112-1127.
4 Yanlin Tang, Xinyuan Song, Huixia Judy Wang, Zhongyi Zhu. (2013). Variable selection in high-dimensional quantile varying coefficient models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 122, 115-132.
3 Yanlin Tang, Huixia Judy Wang, Zhongyi Zhu. (2013). Variable selection in quantile varying coefficient models with longitudinal data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 57, 435-449.
2 Yanlin Tang, Huixia Judy Wang, Xuming He, Zhongyi Zhu. (2012). An informative subset-based estimator for censored quantile regression. Test, 21, 635-655.
1 Yanlin Tang, Huixia Judy Wang, Zhongyi Zhu, Xinyuan Song. (2012). A unified variable selection approach for varying coefficient models. Statistica Sinica, 22, 601-628.
Associate Editor:Journal of Korean Statistical Society (2020.1-2022.12)
The Annals of Statistics, Journal of American Statistical Association, Technometrics, Statistica Sinica, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Canadian Journal of Statistics, Statistics & Probability Letters, Communications in Statistics–Theory and Methods, Statistical Computing, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Science China Mathematics, Journal of Korean Statistical Society, Statistics and Its Inference, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Econometrics and Statistics, Environmetrics, 中国科学(中文)、应用概率统计

