2023-05-10 19:19
  • 斯幸峰
  • 斯幸峰 - 研究员 博导-华东师范大学-生态与环境科学学院-个人资料




2008–2014 浙江大学、生态学、理学博士
2012–2013 杜克大学、生态学、联合培养博士
2004–2008 浙江师范大学、生物科学、理学学士
2018–至今 华东师范大学、研究员
2016–2018 多伦多大学、博士后
2016–2016 哈佛大学、访问学者
2014–2018 浙江大学、博士后
课题组主要依托浙江千岛湖陆桥岛屿系统和华东地区亚热带森林生态系统等平台,开展动物生态学、生物多样性、群落生态学、生物地理学、城市生态学和鸟类学等领域的研究工作。至今主持国家自然科学基金、上海市科委、华东师范大学双百人才计划科研启动经费等科研项目。在 Ecology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Ecology 等国内外生态学主流期刊发表有关动物生态学、生物地理学等领域的学术论文。入选上海市青年科技启明星计划,获郑作新鸟类科学青年奖、优秀青年生态学工作者等荣誉称号。
赵郁豪 (2020.08– )
李万德 (2019级)
刘巷序 (2019级)
韩鹏 (2019级)
王铎润 (2019级)
康熠 (2020级)
魏广鹏 (2020级)
2018级: 刘心怡、沈瑶、李佳昕; 刘征逸、江陆航、依达娜
专任助理研究员 (科研助理): 唐书培
2019–2022 上海市科委青年科技启明星计划 (19QA1403300,主持):城市化对崇明动物多样性和生态系统功能的影响
2019–2022 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (31872210,主持):千岛湖片段化生境中动植物互惠网络的研究
2018–2025 华东师范大学双百人才计划 (紫江青年学者科研启动经费,主持)
2016–2018 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 (31500453,主持):千岛湖片段化栖息地中鸟类和兽类群落的物种和功能beta多样性研究
2020 浙江省科技兴林奖一等奖 (排名第九),浙江省林业局
2019 新入职教师教学比赛三等奖,华东师范大学
2019 上海市青年科技启明星,上海市科委
2018 优秀青年生态学工作者,中国生态学会
2017 郑作新鸟类科学青年奖,郑作新鸟类科学基金会
2015 中国鸟类学研究生学术新人奖,中国动物学会鸟类学分会
2013 中国青年鸟类学家研讨会金翠鸟奖,中国动物学会鸟类学分会


1) 动植物关系与群落构建:以食果鸟类和传粉昆虫为研究对象,结合物种的功能和谱系信息,从种子传播网络和传粉网络的角度探讨动物群落的构建机制;
2) 生物多样性维持机制与保护:利用红外触发相机、环境DNA和鸣声调查等方法长期监测野生动物资源状况,分析生境片段化和城市化等人类活动对动物多样性和生态系统功能的影响;
3) 岛屿生物地理学:围绕岛屿和片段化生境,从局域、区域和全球尺度开展岛屿生物地理学、功能和谱系生物地理学和海拔梯度等方面的研究工作。""


32. Zhao Y, Dunn R, Zhou H, Si X*, Ding P*. (2020) Island area, not isolation, drives taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of ants on land-bridge islands. Journal of Biogeography, 47, 1627–1637. [Editors' Choice]
31. Wang N, Mao L, Yang X, Si X, Wang Y, Eiserhardt WL, Feng G*. (2020) High plant species richness and stable climate lead to richer but phylogenetically and functionally clustered avifaunas. Journal of Biogeography, 47, 1945–1954.
30. Yang C*, Si X, Liang W, Møller AP. (2020) Spatial variation in egg polymorphism among cuckoo hosts across four continents. Current Zoology, in press.
29. Kays R*, Arbogast BS, Baker-Whatton M, Beirne C, Boone HM, Bowler M, Burneo SF, Cove MV, Ding P, Espinosa S, Gonçalves ALS, Hansen CP, Jansen PA, Kolowski JM, Knowles TW, Lima MGM, Millspaugh J, McShea WJ, Pacifici K, Parsons AW, Pease BS, Rovero F, Santos F, Schuttler SG, Sheil D, Si X, Snider M, Spironello WR. (2020) An empirical evaluation of camera trap study design: how many, how long, and when? Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11, 700–713.
28. Yang X, Wang Y, Si X, Feng G*. (2020) Species traits linked with range shifts of Chinese birds. Global Ecology and Conservation, 21, e00874.
27. Cadotte MW*, Carboni M, Si X, Tatsumi S. (2019) Do traits and phylogeny support congruent community diversity patterns and assembly inferences? Journal of Ecology, 107, 2065–2077.
26. Chen C, Holyoak M, Wang Y, Si X, Ding P*. (2019) Spatiotemporal distribution of seasonal bird assemblages on land-bridge islands: linking dynamic and static views of metacommunities. Avian Research, 10, 25.
25. Ding Z, Liang J, Hu Y, Sun H, Liu L, Liu H*, Hu H*, Si X*. (2019) Different responses of avian feeding guilds to spatial and environmental factors across an elevation gradient in the central Himalaya. Ecology and Evolution, 9, 4116–4128.
24. Zeng D, Swihart RK, Zhao Y, Si X, Ding P*. (2019) Cascading effects of forested area and isolation on seed dispersal effectiveness of rodents on subtropical islands. Journal of Ecology, 107, 1506–1517.
23. Si X, Cadotte MW, Zhao Y, Zhou H, Zeng D, Li J, Jin T, Ren P, Wang Y, Ding P*, Tingley MW. (2018) The importance of accounting for imperfect detection when estimating functional and phylogenetic community structure. Ecology, 99, 2103–2112.
22. Ehlers Smith DA, Si X, Ehlers Smith YC, Downs CT*. (2018) Seasonal variation in avian diversity and tolerance by migratory forest specialists of the patch-isolation gradient across a fragmented forest system. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27, 3707–3727.
21. Zhang W, Liang C, Liu J, Si X, Feng G*. (2018) Species richness, phylogenetic and functional structure of bird communities in Chinese university campuses are associated with divergent variables. Urban Ecosystems, 21, 1213–1225.
20. Ehlers Smith DA, Si X, Ehlers Smith YC, Kalle R, Ramesh T, Downs CT*. (2018) Patterns of avian diversity across a decreasing patch-size gradient in a critically endangered sub-tropical forest system. Journal of Biogeography, 45, 2118–2132.
19. Wang Y#*, Si X#, Bennett PM, Chen C, Zeng D, Zhao Y, Wu Y, Ding P. (2018) Ecological correlates of extinction risk in Chinese birds. Ecography, 41, 782–794.
18. Song X, Holt RD, Si X, Christman MC, Ding P*. (2018) When the species-time-area relationship meets island biogeography: diversity patterns of avian communities over time and space in a subtropical archipelago. Journal of Biogeography, 45, 664–675.
17. Chen C, Holyoak M, Si X, Wang Y, Ding P*. (2018) Do seasonal species assemblages differ in their biogeography? Evidence from the spatial structure of bird communities on land-bridge islands. Journal of Biogeography, 45, 473–483.
16. Liang C, Feng G*, Si X, Mao L, Yang G, Svenning J-C, Yang J*. (2018) Bird species richness is associated with phylogenetic relatedness, plant species richness and altitudinal range in Inner Mongolia. Ecology and Evolution, 8, 53–58.
15. Si X, Cadotte MW, Zeng D, Baselga A, Zhao Y, Li J, Wu Y, Wang S, Ding P*. (2017) Functional and phylogenetic structure of island bird communities. Journal of Animal Ecology, 86, 532-542.
14. 斯幸峰, 赵郁豪, 陈传武, 任鹏, 曾頔, 吴玲兵, 丁平*. (2017) Beta多样性分解: 方法、应用与展望. 生物多样性, 25, 464–480.
13. Wu L#, Si X#, Didham RK, Ge D, Ding P*. (2017) Dispersal modality determines the relative partitioning of beta diversity in spider assemblages on subtropical land-bridge islands. Journal of Biogeography, 44, 2121–2131.
12. Si X, Baselga A, Leprieur F, Song X, Ding P*. (2016) Selective extinction drives taxonomic and functional alpha and beta diversities in island bird assemblages. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85, 409–418.
11. Wilson MC, Chen X, Corlett RT, Didham RK, Ding P*, Holt RD, Holyoak M, Hu G, Hughes AC, Jiang L, Laurance WF, Liu J, Pimm SL, Robinson SK, Russo SE, Si X, Wilcove DS, Wu J, Yu M*. (2016) Habitat fragmentation and biodiversity conservation: key findings and future challenges. Landscape Ecology, 31, 219–227.
10. 吴奕如, 斯幸峰, 陈传武, 曾頔, 赵郁豪, 李家琦, 丁平*. (2016) 千岛湖陆桥岛屿繁殖鸟类的扩散能力差异对群落动态的影响. 生物多样性, 24, 1143–1153. [封面论文]
9. Pan X, Ding Z, Hu Y, Liang J, Wu Y, Si X, Guo M, Hu H*, Jin K*. (2016) Elevational pattern of bird species richness and its causes along a central Himalaya gradient, China. PeerJ, 4, e2636.
8. Si X, Baselga A, Ding P*. (2015) Revealing beta-diversity patterns of breeding bird and lizard communities on inundated land-bridge islands by separating the turnover and nestedness components. PLoS ONE, 10, e0127692.
7. Shen G, Pimm SL, Feng C, Ren G, Liu Y, Xu W, Li J, Si X, Xie Z*. (2015) Climate change challenges the current conservation strategy for the giant panda. Biological Conservation, 190, 43–50.
6. Goodale E, Ding P, Liu X, Martínez A, Si X, Walters M, Robinson SK*. (2015) The structure of mixed-species bird flocks, and their response to anthropogenic disturbance, with special reference to East Asia. Avian Research, 6, 14.
5. Si X, Pimm SL, Russell GJ, Ding P*. (2014) Turnover of breeding bird communities on islands in an inundated lake. Journal of Biogeography, 41, 2283–2292.
4. Si X, Kays R, Ding P*. (2014) How long is enough to detect terrestrial animals? Estimating the minimum trapping effort on camera traps. PeerJ, 2, e374.
3. 斯幸峰, 丁平*. (2014) 古田山森林动态监测样地内鸟兽种群动态的红外相机监测. 生物多样性, 22, 819–822
2. 徐爱春, 斯幸峰, 王彦平, 丁平*. (2014) 千岛湖片段化栖息地地栖哺乳动物的红外相机监测及最小监测时长. 生物多样性, 22, 764–772.
1. 斯幸峰, 丁平*. (2011) 欧美陆地鸟类监测的历史、现状与我国的对策. 生物多样性, 19, 303–310
Journal of Animal Ecology 副主编 (Associate Editor; 2017–至今)
Avian Research 编委 (2018–至今)
审稿人: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment; AoB Plants; Ardeola; Austral Ecology; Avian Research; Biodiversity and Conservation; Biological Conservation; Biometrics; Ecography; Ecological Processes; Ecological Research; Ecology; Ecology and Evolution; Ecology Letters; Forest Ecology and Management; Functional Ecology; Global Ecology and Biogeography; Global Ecology and Conservation; Integrative Zoology; Journal of Animal Ecology; Journal of Applied Ecology; Journal of Biogeography; Journal of Plant Research; Landscape Ecology; Methods in Ecology and Evolution; Nature Communications; Nature Ecology and Evolution; Oikos; PeerJ; Wildlife Biology; 生物多样性; 生态学杂志; 植物生态学报 等期刊。

