2023-05-10 19:16
  • 黎芳
  • 黎芳 - 教授 博导-华东师范大学-数学科学学院-个人资料




Academic Appointments
Professor (2018 - Present) : School of Mathematical Sciences, East China Normal University
Associate Professor (2011 – 2018) : Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University
Instructor(2007 – 2011) : Department of Mathematics, East China Normal University
Visiting Experience
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University
(2008.09-2009.02, 2011.07-08, 2012.07-09, 2013.07-09, 2016.07-09, 2017.07-09)
Professional Education
Ph.D. : East China Normal University, Department of Mathematics (2007)
Dissertation: Some Applications of Geometric Analysis Methods in Image Processing
Supervisor: Prof. Chun-Li Shen
M.Sc. : South West Normal University, Department of Mathematics (2004)
Thesis: On Projective Properties of Finsler Metric and Some Special Examples
Supervisor: Prof. Xin-Yue Chen
B.Sc. : South West Normal University, Department of Mathematics (2001)

2018-2022: National Natural Science Foundation of China, NO.61731009.
Big Data Oriented Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
2017-2020: National Natural Science Foundation of China, NO.11671002.
The Study of Variational Image Processing Models and Algorithms Based on Patch Group Low Rank and Sparse Structures.
2011-2015: 973 program, No. 2011CB707104.
Information Extraction and Fast Change Detection of Multi Source Heterogeneous Data.
2011-2013: National Natural Science Foundation of China, NO.11001082.
Variational and PDE Methods in Medical Image Processing
2010-2012: National Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai, NO.10ZR1410200.
The Study of Image Segmentation Combining Variational Methods and Clustering.
2008-2010:The New Teacher Doctoral Fund Project, No. 200802691037.
Variational Methods and PDEs in Digital Image Processing.




Tingting Wang, Faming Fang , Fang Li and Guixu Zhang. High-Quality Bayesian Pansharpening. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 28(1):227-239,2019.
Fang Li, Xiaoguang Lv and Ziwei Deng. Regularized iterative Weiner filter method for blind image deconvolution. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 336:425-438, 2018.
Xiaoguang Lv, Fang Li and Tieyong Zeng. Convex blind image deconvolution with inverse filtering. Inverse Problems, 34, 035003, 2018.
Haibing Hu and Fang Li. Image colourisation by non-local total variation method in the CB and YIQ colour spaces. IET Image Processing, 12(5):620-628, 2018.
Xiaoguang Lv and Fang Li. Binary image deblurring with automatic binary value estimation. Journal of Electronic Imaging ,27(3), 033043, 2018.
Fang Li and Xiaoguang Lv. A Decoupled method for image inpainting with patch-based low rank regularization. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 314:334-348, 2017.
Congkun Chen, Yun Sheng, Fang Li, Guixu Zhang and Hassan Ugail. A PDE-based head visualization method with CT data. Computer Animation and Worlds, 28, e1683, 2017.
Faming Fang, Fang Li, Tieyong Zeng. Reducing spatially varying out-of-focus blur from natural image. Inverse Problem and Imaging, 11(1):65-85, 2017.
Fang Li, Jing Qin. Robust fuzzy local information and Lp-norm distance-based image segmentation method. IET Image and Processing,11(4):217-226, 2017.
Fang Li, Fang Faming, and Zhang Guixu. Unsupervised change detection in SAR images using curvelet and l1-norm based soft segmentation . International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(4):3232-3254, 2016.
Fang Li, Stanley Osher, Jing Qin, and Ming Yan. A multiphase image segmentation based on fuzzy membership functions and l1-norm fidelity. Journal of Scientific Computing, 82-106, 2016.
Fang Li and Tieyong Zeng. A new algorithm framework for image inpainting in transform domain. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 9(1):24–51,2016.
Fang Li and Tieyong Zeng. Variational image fusion with first and second-order gradient information. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 34(2):200–223, 2016.
Xiao-Guang Lv, Yong-Zhong Song, and Fang Li. An efficient nonconvex regularization for wavelet frame and total variation based image restoration. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 290:553–566,2015.
Xiaomei Yang, Chaomin Shen, Fang Li, and Chunli Shen. A combination of the total variation filter and a fourth-order filter for image registration. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015:1-16, 2015.
Fang Li and Tieyong Zeng. A universal variational framework for sparsity-based image inpainting. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23(10), pp. 4242-4254, 2014.
Fang Faming, Fang Li, and Tieyong Zeng. Single image dehazing and denoising: a fast variational approach. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 7(2):969-996, 2014.
Zhengmeng Jin, Fang Li, and Michael K Ng. A variatonal approach for image decolorization by variance maximization. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 7(2):944-968, 2014.
Fang Faming, Guixu Zhang, Fang Li, and Chaomin Shen. Framelet based pan-sharpening via a variational method. Neurocomputing, 129:362-377, 2014.
Peixuan Zhang and Fang Li. A new adaptive weighted mean filter for removing salt-and-pepper noise. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 21(10):1280-1283, 2014.
Faming Fang, Fang Li, Chaomin Shen, and Guixu Zhang. A variational approach for pan-sharpening. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 22(7), pp. 2822-2834, 2013.
Faming Fang, Fang Li, Guixu Zhang, and Chaomin Shen. A variational method for multisource remote-sensing image fusion. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(7):2470-2486, 2013.
Fang Li and Tieyong Zeng. Image restoration via tight frame regularization and local constraints. Journal of Scientific Computing, 57(2):349–371, 2013.
Fang Li and Ruihua Liu. Poisson noise removal with total variation regularization and local fidelity. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 21(2):304–8, 2012.
Fang Li, Michael K Ng, and Robert J Plemmons. Coupled segmentation and denoising/deblurring models for hyperspectral material identification. Numerical Linear Algebra with Application, 19(1):153-173, 2012.
Fang Li, Ling Pi, and Tieyong Zeng. Explicit coherence enhancing filter with spatial adaptive elliptical kernel. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 19(9):555–558, 2012.
Fang Li, Tieyong Zeng, and Guixu Zhang. Lagrangian multipliers and split Bregman methods for minimization problems constrained on Sn-1. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 23(7):1041–1050, 2012.
Fang Li, Zheng Bao, Ruihua Liu, and Guixu Zhang. Fast image inpainting and colorization by Chambolle’s dual method. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 22(6):529–542, 2011.
Fang Li, Chaomin Shen, Ruihua Liu, and Jinsong Fan. A fast implementation algorithm of TV inpainting model based on operator splitting method. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 37(5):782–788, 2011.
Fang Li, Michael K Ng, Tieyong Zeng, and Chunli Shen. A multiphase image segmentation method based on fuzzy region competition. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 3(3):277-299, 2010.
Fang Li, Zhibin Li, and Ling Pi. Variable exponent functionals in image restoration. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216(3):870–882,2010.
Fang Li and Michael K Ng. Kernel density estimation based multiphase fuzzy region competition method for texture image segmentation. Communications in Computational Physics, 8(3):623-641, 2010.
Fang Li, Michael K Ng, and Chunming Li. Variational fuzzy mumfordshah model for image segmentation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 70(7):2750–2770, 2010.
Fang Li, Michael K Ng, and Chaomin Shen. Multiplicative noise removal with spatially varying regularization parameters. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 3(1):1–20, 2010.
Fang Li and Chaomin Shen. A two-stage method for oil slick segmentation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(15):4217–4226, 2010.
Fang Li, Chaomin Shen, and Chunming Li. Multiphase soft segmentation with total variation and H1 regularization. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 37(2):98–111, 2010.
Fang Li, Chaomin Shen, Chunli Shen, and Guixu Zhang. Variational denoising of partly textured images. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 20(4):293-300, 2009.
Ling Pi, Yaxin Peng, Chunli Shen, and Fang Li. A modified Chan-Vese model and its theoretical proof. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 351(2):627-634, 2009.
Xiaoxia Guo, Fang Li, and Michael K Ng. A fast l1-TV algorithm for image restoration. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 31(3):2322-2341, 2009.
Haiyong Liao, Fang Li, and Michael K Ng. Selection of regularization parameter in total variation image restoration. Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision, 26(11):2311-2320, 2009.
2008 and Before
Ruihua Liu and Fang Li. Robust remove noise using multiple degraded images. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 17(2):305-308, 2008. (LOST: send me a copy if you happen to have one)
Fang Li, Chaomin Shen, JInsong Fan, and Chunli Shen. Image restoration combining a total variational filter and a fourth-order filter. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 18(4):322-330, 2007.
Ling Pi, Chaomin Shen, Fang Li, and Jinsong Fan. A variational formulation for segmenting desired objects in color images. Image and Vision Computing, 25(9):1414-1421, 2007.
Fang Li,, Chaomin Shen, and Ling Pi. A new diffusion-based variational model for image denoising and segmentation. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 26(1-2):115-125, 2006.
Chaomin Shen, Jinsong Fan, Ling Pi, and Fang Li. Delineating lakes and enclosed islands in satellite imagery by geodesic active contour model. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(23-24):5253-5268, 2006.

