开授课程 本科生课程:劳动经济学、公共政策分析、妙趣经济学研究生课程:劳动经济学专著Li Li, 2019, Health and Education Reforms in Rural China, Routledge.研究领域
经济学类1. Li Li, 2018, “Private sector participation and performance of county water utilities in China.” China Economic Review, 52, 30–53. 2. Xiao Yun, Li Li, and Zhao Liqiu, 2017, “Education on the cheap: The long-run effects of a free compulsory education reform in rural China.” Journal of Comparative Economics, 45(3):544–562. 3. Li Li, 2019, “New Cooperative Medical Scheme (NCMS) and medical expenditure in rural China.” Pacific Economic Review, 24(1):46–68. 4. Li Li and Liu Haoming, 2014, “Primary school availability and middle school education in rural China.” Labour Economics, 28:24–40. 公共政策类1. Li Li, Eduardo Araral, and Marc Jeuland, 2019, “The drivers of household drinking water choices in Singapore: Evidence from multivariable regression analysis of perceptions and household characteristics.” Science of the Total Environment, 671:1116–1124.2. Li Li, Wu Xun, and Tang Yaojia, 2017, “Adoption of Increasing Block Tariffs (IBTs) among urban water utilities in China.” Urban Water Journal, 14(7):661–668. 工作论文1.“Early life exposure to tap water and the development of cognitive skills” (with Chen Jie Yvonne and Xiao Yun), Journal of Human Resources, revise & resubmit. 2.“Cable/satellite TV exposure and adolescent non-cognitive development” (with Chen Jie Yvonne and Xiao Yun), working paper. 3.“Access to treated water in utero and childhood well-being: Evidence from rural China” (with Xiao Yun), working paper.4.“Do Increasing Block Tariffs promote water conservation?” (with Marc Jeuland), working paper.5.“Traditional Chinese Medicine and children's health in rural China”, working paper. 相关热点