2023-05-10 19:15
  • 李祥学
  • 李祥学 - -华东师范大学-软件工程学院-个人资料





2018-2019:智能网联汽车CAN 总线网络通信协议解析与安全检测工具
2013-2014: 华东师范大学科研创新基金
2007-2008: 信息安全国家重点实验室开放基金
具有门限追踪性的民主群签名方法. 发明专利‚2009年.(with 郑东‚邱卫东‚陈克非‚李建华)






Collision Resistant Hashing from Learning Parity with Noise. ASIACRYPT 2019(with Y. Yu et al.)
Internet of Things MeetsVehicles: Sheltering In-Vehicle Network through Lightweight Machine Learning. Symmetry, 2019 (with J. Xiao et al.)
Robust and Self-Evolving IDS for In-vehicle Network by Enabling Spatiotemporal Information. HPCC 2019 (with J. Xiao et al.)
Practical IDS on In-vehicle Network against Diversified Attack models. ICA3PP 2019 (with J. Xiao et al.)
Basing Diversified Services of Complex IIoT Applications on Scalable Block Graph Platform. IEEE Access, 2019 (with C. Yang et al.)
Simpler CCA Secure PKE from LPN Problem without Double-Trapdoor. ICICS 2018 (with H.Cheng)
CCA Secure Multi-Recipient KEM from LPN. ICICS 2018. (with H. Cheng)
Connected Vehicles’ Security from the Perspective of In-Vehicle Network. IEEE Network, 2018. (with Y. Yu, K. Chen, et al.)
Anonymity for bitcoin from secure escrow address. IEEE Access, 2018 (with Q.Wang, Y. Yu)
基于格的后量子密钥交换研究. 密码学报,2017. (with Yamin Liu et al.)
1-Resilient Boolean Functions on Even Variables with Almost Perfect Algebraic Immunity. Security and Communication Networks, 2017. (with Y. Yu, Q. Zhou et al.)
Characterizing Linear Structures of Boolean Functions from Arithmetic Walsh Transform. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol.E100-A,No.9,Sep. 2017. (with Q. Zhao et al.)
Characterizing the semantics of passwords: The role of Pinyin for Chinese Netizens. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 2017. (with Y. Yu et al.)
Provably Secure Dual-Mode Publicly Verifiable Computation Protocol in Marine Wireless Sensor Networks. WASA 2017. (with K. Zhang et al.)
On the Robustness of Learning Parity with Noise. ICICS2016(with Y. Yu et al.)
New application of partitioning methodology: identity-based dual receiver encryption.Security and Communication Networks, 2016. (with K. Zhang et al.)
Building a new secure variant of Rainbow signature scheme. IET Information Security,2016 (with S. Tang et al.)
基于1-1 单向函数、规则单向函数以及弱规则单向函数的(几乎)最优通用单向哈希函数构造. 中国密码学发展报告2015, 中国标准出版社,2016.(with Yu Yu)
弱规则单向函数及其应用。密码学报,2016(with Yu Yu)
Batch Verifiable Computation with Public Verifiability for Outsourcing Polynomials and Matrix Computations. ACISP 2016. (with Y. Sun, Y. Yu et al.)
Practical and Efficient Attribute-Based Encryption with Constant-Size Ciphertexts in Outsourced Verifiable Computation. AsiaCCS 2016. (with K. Zhang, et al.)
CLKS: Certificateless Keyword Search on Encrypted Data. NSS 2015. (with Qingji Zheng et al.)
规则单向函数、弱规则单向函数与伪随机产生器。中国密码学发展报告2014,中国标准出版社,2016.(with Yu Yu)
(Almost) Optimal Constructions of UOWHFs from 1-to-1, Regular One-way Functions and Beyond. IACR Crypto 2015. (with Yu Yu et al.)
Signcryption KEM/tag-KEM, revisited. Security and Communication Networks, 2015.(with H.Qian, Y.Yu et al.)
The Randomized Iterate Revisited - Almost Linear Seed Length PRGs from A Broader Class of One-way Functions. IACR TCC 2015. (with Yu Yu et al.)
Pseudorandom Generators from Regular One-Way Functions: New Constructions with Improved Parameters. Theoretical Computer Science, 2015(with Yu Yu, Jian Weng)
Poster:Using Chinese Characters for authentication-algorithmic framework and empirical results. ACM CCS 2014. (with Y.Yu, Q. Li, et al.)
密码学-密码算法与协议(第二版),电子工业出版社,2014.(with Dong Zheng,Zheng Huang, Yu Yu)
Notes on a group-setting's multisigncryption scheme with threshold designcryption. Information Sciences, 2014.(with Haifeng Qian, Yuan Zhou)
IPv6接入地址编址编码技术要求,中华人民共和国通信行业标准,标准号YD/T 2682-2014,发布日期2014-05-06,实施日期2014-05-06.
PWG: Progressive Weight-Growth Algorithm for LDPC Codes.IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2014. (with Qingji Zheng, et al.)
Robust password changing and DoS resilience for human-centric password authentication. Security and Communication Networks, 2014, Wiley. (withHaifeng Qian, Yu Yu, Jian Weng)
密码协议基础. 高等教育出版社‚2009年.(with Weidong Qiu‚ Zheng Huang‚ Jie Guo)
多重签名,数字签密与抗泄露密码,中国密码学发展报告,电子工业出版社,2012.(with Yu YU)
Pseudorandom Generators from Regular One-Way Functions: New Constructions with Improved Parameters.ASIACRYPT2013: 261-279. (with Yu Yu, Jian Weng)
Direct Construction of Signcryption Tag-KEM from Standard Assumptions in the Standard Model. ICICS2013. (with H. Qian, Y. Yu, J. Weng, Y. Zhou)
Constructing practicalsigncryption KEM from standard assumptions without random oracles. ACNS 2013. (with H. Qian, Yu Yu, Jian Weng)
Balanced 2p-variable rotation symmetric boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity, good nonlinearity, and good algebraic degree. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.jmaa. 2013.02.009. (with Qifeng Zhou,Haifeng Qian, Yu Yu, Shaohua Tang)
Fully secure identity-based signcryption scheme with shorter signcryptext in the standard model. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013, 57: 503-511.(withHaifeng Qian, Yu Yu, Jian Weng)
Optimal assignment schemes for general access structures based on linear programming. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2013.(withQiang Li,Xuejia Lai, Kefei Chen)
Two-source extractors for leaky sources. ITW2012. (with Y. Yu, H. Qian)
Attack Based on Direct Sum Decomposition against the Nonlinear Filter Generator. AFRICACRYPT 2012: 53-66. (with J. Wang, K. Chen, W. Zhang)
Pitfalls in identity based encryption using an elliptic curve combined public key. Applied Mathematics Letters 25(8): 1111-1113 (2012) (with H. Qian, Y. Zhou)
Identity-Based Key-Insulated Signcryption. Informatica 23(1): 27-45 (2012) (with J. Chen, K. Chen et al.)
Regular Quas-iCyclic Low Density Parity Check Codeswith Girth 8 from Elementary Number Theory,China Communications 2012 Vol. 9 (4): 80-88. (withG. He, D. Zheng et al.)
Pitfalls in Identity Based Encryption Using Extended Chebyshev Polynomial,China Communications 2012 Vol. 9 (1): 58-63 (with H. Qian, Y. Yu)
Confidential ProcedureModel:a Method for Quantifying Confidentiality Leakage.China Communications, 2012(9):117-126.(with Y. Zhang, H. Qian)
Tightly Secure Non-interactive Multisignatures in the Plain Public Key Model, Informatica, 2012.(with H. Qian, X. Huang)
Non-interactive CDH-Based Multisignature Scheme in the Plain Public Key Model with Tighter Security. ISC 2011: 341-354. (with Y. Zhou, H. Qian)
Efficient democratic group signatures with threshold traceability. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science), 2011, 16(5): 530-532. Springer.(with G. He)
YI Cloud: Improving user privacy with secret key recovery in cloud storage. SOSE 2011: 268-272. (with Z. Huang, Q. Li et al.)
Cryptanalysis of a certificateless signcryption scheme in the standard model. Information Science‚ 181(3): 661-667‚ 2011. (with J. Weng‚ G. Yao‚ R. Deng‚ M. Chen)
Anonymity enhancement on robust and efficient password-authenticated key agreement using smart cards. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics‚ 57(2):793-800‚ 2010. (with W. Qiu‚ D. Zheng‚ K. Chen)
Regular quasi-cyclic LDPC codes with girth 6 from prime fields. International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Darmstadt, German: 470-473, IEEE.(with Qingji Zheng)
Provably secure signatures from linear feedback shift register. International Journal of Computer and Electronics‚ 169-176‚ 2010.(with D. Zheng‚ K. Chen)
Democratic group signatures with collective traceability. Elsevier Computers and Electrical Engineering‚ 2009(9):664-672. (with D. Zheng‚ K. Chen)
Toward optimizing cauchy matrix for Cauchy Reed-Solomon codes. IEEE Communications Letters‚ 2009(8):603-605. (with Q. Zheng‚ H. Qian‚ D. Zheng)
AE-BP: Adaptive Erasure Belief Propagation Decoding Algorithm of LDPC Codes‚ NCM 2009‚ IEEE Press.(with C. Guo‚ D. Zheng.)
A fully collusion resistant public key trace and revoke scheme with dynamic registration and revocation. Chinese Journal of Electronics‚ 4:347-354‚ 2009.(with LIU S.‚ WENG J.‚ CHEN K.)
A universal composability framework for analysis of proxy threshold signature. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University‚ 14(1):107-111‚ Springer‚ 2009.(with X. Hong‚ K. Chen‚ Z. Gong)
Democratic group signatures with threshold traceability. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University‚ 14(1):98-101‚ Springer‚ 2009. (with H. Qian)
Extended PEG Algorithm for high rate LDPC codes‚ ISPA 2009‚ IEEE Press.(with Z. Zhou‚ D. Zheng)
DFSB: A Prototype of Distributed Storage System Based On LDPC‚ IEEE Press‚ 2010. (with T. Wu‚ D. Zheng)
Regular QC-LDPC Codes with Girth 6 from Prime Field‚ IEEE Press‚ 2010. (with Q. Zheng‚ D. Zheng‚ K. Chen)
Distributed certificateless key encapsulation mechanism secure against the adaptive adversary‚ Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)‚2009.02.(with Y. Long)
A generic construction for intrusion-resilient signatures from linear feedback shift register. Journal of Information Science and Engineering 24:1347-1360 ‚ 2008. (with Z. Gong‚ D. Zheng‚ K. Chen. )
Identity-based parallel key-insulated signature: Framework and construction. Journal of Research and Practice in Information‚ 01:55-68‚ 2008.(with J. Weng‚ S. Liu‚ K. Chen)
Democratic group signatures with linkability from gap Diffie-Hellman group. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Sci.)‚ 2008‚ 13(6): 1-4‚Springer.(with Y. Liu‚ H. Qian‚ W. Zhang)
Identity based strong key-insulated signature scheme without random oracles. Journal of Software‚ 19(6): 1555-1564‚ 2008.(with J. Weng‚ K. Chen‚ S. Liu)
Identity based parallel key-insulated signatures without random oracles. Journal of Information Science and Engineering‚ 24: 1143-1157‚ 2008. (with J. Wen‚ K. Chen‚ S. Liu)
LFSR-based signatures with message recovery. International Journal ofNetwork Security‚ 4(1):266-270‚ 2007.(with D. Zheng‚ K. Chen)
Efficient linkable ring signatures and threshold signatures from linear feedback shift register. LNCS 4494:95-106‚ 2007‚ Springer.(with D. Zheng‚ K. Chen)
LFSR-based ring signature scheme. The Chinese Journal of Electronics‚ 16 (3): 397-400‚ 2007.(with D. Zheng‚ K. Chen)
Code-based ring signaturescheme. International Journal of NetworkSecurity‚ 4(2):154-157‚2007.(with D. Zheng‚ K. Chen)
Simulatability and security of certificateless threshold signatures. Information Sciences‚03:1382-1394‚ 2007.(with L. Wang‚ Z. Cao)
One-more matching conjugate problem and security of braid-based signatures. AsiaCCS2007:295-301‚ 2007.(with L. Wang‚ Z. Cao‚ P. Zeng)
Efficient partially blind signature scheme with provable security. COCOON06: 378-386‚ 2006. (withZ. Gong‚ K. Chen)
Identity-based key-insulated signature with secure key-updates. Inscrypt2006:13-26.(with J. Weng‚ S. Liu‚ K. Chen)
Verifiably encrypted signatures without random oracles. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(science):230-235‚ 2006.(with K. Chen‚ S. Liu‚ S. Li)
ID-based multi-proxy signature‚ proxy multisignature and multi-proxy multi-signature schemes. Applied Mathematics and Computation:245-260‚ 2005. (with K. Chen)

