2023-05-10 19:14
  • 李庆利
  • 李庆利 - 博士 教授-华东师范大学-通信与电子工程学院-个人资料




上海交通大学 电信学院 自动化系 博士
山东大学信息科学与工程学院 电子工程系 硕士
山东大学电子工程系 学士
华东师范大学 通信与电子工程学院
华东师范大学 信息科学技术学院
1. 微机原理及应用,本科专业必修课
2. 图像分析与理解,研究生选修课




[1] Xueqi Hu, Jiahua Ou, Mei Zhou, Menghan Hu, Li Sun, Song Qiu, Qingli Li*, Junhao Chu, Spatial-spectral identification of abnormal leukocytes based on microscopic hyperspectral imaging technology, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, DOI: 10.1142/S1793545820500054, 2050005 (1-13): 2020.
[2] Qing Zhang, Qingli Li*, Guanzhen Yu, Li Sun, Mei Zhou, Junhao Chu, A Multidimensional Choledoch Database and Benchmarks for Cholangiocarcinoma Diagnosis, IEEE Access, 7: 149414-149421, 2019.
[3] Jing Song, Menghan Hu, Jiansheng Wang, Mei Zhou,Li Sun, Song Qiu, Qingli Li*, Zhen Sun, Yiting Wang, ALK positive lung cancer identification and targeted drugs evaluation using microscopic hyperspectral imaging technique, Infrared Physics & Technology, 96 (2019) 267–275.
[4] Yifan Duan, Jiansheng Wang, Menghan Hu, Mei Zhou, Qingli Li*, Li Sun, Song Qiu, Yiting Wang, Leukocyte classification based on spatial and spectral features of microscopic hyperspectral images, Optics & Laser Technology, 112 (2019) 530–538.
[5] Jiansheng Wang, Qingli Li*, “Quantitative analysis of liver tumors at different stages using microscopic hyperspectral imaging technology,” J. Biomed. Opt. 23(10), 106002 (2018), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.23.10.106002.
[6] Q. Wang, Q. Li*, M. Zhou, L. Sun, S. Qiu, Y. Wang, Melanoma and Melanocyte Identification from Hyperspectral Pathology Images Using Object-Based Multiscale Analysis, Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 72, No. 10, 1538-1547, 2018..
[7] Lan Chang, Wei Li, Qingli Li*, Guided Filter-Based Medical Hyperspectral Image Restoration and Cell Classification, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Vol. 8, 1–10, 2018.
[8] Xi Liu, Mei Zhou, Song Qiu, Li Sun, Hongying Liu, Qingli Li*, Yiting Wang. Adaptive and automatic red blood cell counting method based on microscopic hyperspectral imaging technology, Journal of Optics, 19 (2017): 124014 (10pp).
[9] Qian Wang, Jianbiao Wang, Mei Zhou, Qingli Li*, Yiting Wang. Spectral-spatial feature-based neural network method for acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell identification via microscopic hyperspectral imaging technology, Biomedical Optics Express, 2017, 8(6): 3017-3027.
[10] Qian Wang, Qingli Li*, Mei Zhou, Zhen Sun, Hongying Liu, Yiting Wang, A hyperspectral vessel image registration method for blood oxygenation mapping. Plos One, 2017, 12(6): e0178499. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0178499
[11] Qian Wang, Li Chang, Mei Zhou, Qingli Li*, Hongying Liu, Fangmin Guo, A spectral and morphologic method for white blood cell classification. Optics & Laser Technology, 84: 144-148, 2016.
[12] Qingli Li*, Mei zhou, Hongying Liu, Yiting Wang, Fangmin Guo, Red Blood Cell Count Automation Using Microscopic Hyperspectral Imaging Technology. Applied Spectroscopy, 69(12): 1372-1380, 2015.
[13] Qingli Li*, Hui Peng, Jing Wang, Yiting Wang, Fangmin Guo, Co-expression of CdSe and CdSe/CdS quantum dots in live cells using molecular hyperspectral imaging technology, J. Biomed. Opt. 20(11), 110504 (2015). doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.20.11.110504.
[14] Qingli Li*, Li Chang, Hongying Liu, Mei Zhou, Yiting Wang, Fangmin Guo, Skin cells segmentation algorithm based on spectral angle and distance score. Optics & Laser Technology, 74: 79-86, 2015.
[15] Mei Zhou, Qingli Li*, Xian Liu, Ling Lin, Coding method for study of intrinsic mechanism of spectral analysis. Analytical Methods, 7(9): 3988-3992, 2015.
[16] Qingli Li*, Zhen Sun, Yiting Wang, Hongying Liu, Fangmin Guo and Jianzhong Zhu. Histological skin morphology enhancement base on molecular hyperspectral imaging technology, Skin Research and Technology, 20(3):332-340, 2014.
[17] Qingli Li*, Hongying Liu, Yiting Wang, Zhen Sun, Fangmin Guo, Jianzhong Zhu, Methyl green and nitrotetrazolium blue chloride co-expression in colon tissue: A hyperspectral microscopic imaging analysis, Optics and Laser Technology, 64:337-342, 2014.
[18] Q. Xu, Z. Chen, Q. Li, H. Liu, J. Zhang, W. Yao, R. Zhang, Q. Li, H. Liu, F. Zhang, and W. C. Lineaweaver, Differentiation of peripheral nerve functions and properties with spectral analysis and Karnovsky-Roots staining: a preliminary study, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, vol. 7, pp. 3253-3257, 2014..
[19] Xiaofu He, Wei Liu, Xuzhou Li, Qingli Li, Feng Liu, Virginia A. Rauh, Dazhi Yin, Ravi Bansal, Yunsuo Duan, Alayar Kangarlu, Bradley S. Peterson, Dongrong Xu. Automated assessment of the quality of diffusion tensor imaging data using color cast of color-encoded fractional anisotropy images, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Published online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mri.2014.01.013.
[20] Qingli Li*, Yiting Wang, Hongying Liu, Xiaofu He, Dongrong Xu, Jianbiao Wang, Fangmin Guo. Leukocyte cells identification and quantitative morphometry based on molecular hyperspectral imaging technology, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 38(3):171-178, 2014.
[21] Qingli Li*, Xiaofu He, Yiting Wang, Honging Liu, Dongrong Xu, Fangmin Guo. Review of Spectral Imaging Technology in Biomedical Engineering: Achievements and Challenges, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 18(10): 100901-1, 2013.
[22] Qingli Li*, Y. Wang, H. Liu, J. Wang, and F. Guo. A combined spatial-spectral method for automated white blood cells segmentation, Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 54, pp. 225-231, 2013.
[23] Qingli Li*, Dongrong Xu, Xiaofu He, Yiting Wang, Zenggan Chen, Hongying Liu, Qintong Xu, Fangmin Guo. AOTF based Molecular Hyperspectral Imaging System and Its Applications on Nerve Morphometry. Applied Optics, 52(17): 3891-3901, 2013.
[24] Qingli Li*, Zenggan Chen, Xiaofu He, Yiting Wang, Hongying Liu. Qintong Xu, Automatic identification and quantitative morphometry of unstained spinal nerve using molecular hyperspectral imaging technology, Neurochemistry International, 61(11): 1375-1384, 2012.
[25] Yana Guan, Qingli Li*, Yiting Wang, Hongying Liu, Ziqiang Zhu. Pathological leucocyte segmentation algorithm based on hyperspectral imaging technique, Optical Engineering, 51(5): 053202, 2012.
[26] Zhi Liu, Hongjun Wang, Qingli Li. Tongue Tumor Detection in Medical Hyperspectral Images, Sensors, 12(1): 162-174, 2012.
[27] Qingli Li*, Yiting Wang, Hongying Liu, Yana Guan, Liang Xu. Sublingual vein extraction algorithm based on hyperspectral tongue imaging technology. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2011, 35(3): 179-185.
[28] Qingli Li, Yiting Wang, Jingfa Zhang, Yongqi Xue, Huotong Xu. Quantitative analysis of protective effect of erythropoietin on diabetic retinal cells using molecular imaging technology. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2010, 57(7): 1699-1706.
[29] Qingli Li, Yiting Wang, Hongying Liu, Zhen Sun, Zhi Liu. Tongue fissures extraction and classification using hyperspectral imaging technology. Applied Optics, 2010, 49(11): 2006-2013.
[30] Qingli Li, Jingfa Zhang, Yiting Wang, Guoteng Xu. Molecular Spectral Imaging System for Quantitative Immunohistochemical Analysis of Early Diabetic Retinopathy. Applied Spectroscopy, 2009, 63(12): 1336-1342.
[31] Qingli Li, Weisheng Wang, Chao Ma. Detection of physical defects in solar cells by hyperspectral imaging technology. Optics & Laser Technology, 2010, 42(6): 1010-1013.
[32] Qingli Li, Zhi Liu. Tongue color analysis and discrimination based on hyperspectral images, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2009, 33(3): 217-221.
[33] Qingli Li, Yongqi Xue, Jingfa Zhang, Gonghai Xiao. Microscopic hyperspectral imaging studies of normal and diabetic retina of rats. Science in China (Series C), 2008, 51(9): 789-794.
[34] Qingli Li, Yongqi Xue, Gonghai Xiao, Jingfa Zhang. Study on microscope hyperspectral medical imaging method for biomedical quantitative analysis. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(9): 1431-1434.
[35] Qingli Li, Yongqi Xue, Gonghai Xiao, Jingfa Zhang. New microscopic pushbroom hyperspectral imaging system for application in diabetic retinopathy research. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2007, 12(6): 1-4.
[36] Zhi Liu, Qingli Li, Jingqi Yan. A novel hyperspectral medical sensor for tongue diagnosis. Sensor Review, 2007, 27(1): 57-60.
[37] Zhi Liu, Jingqi Yan, David Zhang, Qingli Li. Automated tongue segmentation in hyperspectral images for medicine. Applied Optics, 46(34): 1431-1434, 2007.
[38] Zhi Liu, David Zhang, Jingqi Yan, Qingli Li, Qunlin Tang. Classification of hyperspectral medical tongue images for tongue diagnosis. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 31(8): 672-678, 2007.
[39] Chunni Dai, Qingli Li, Jingao Liu. Blood Cells Classification Using Hyperspectral Imaging Technique, Journal of Bioinformatics and Biological Engineering, 1(1): 27-33, 2013.
Senior member of IEEE, Member of SPIE, Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Recent Patents on Medical Imaging. General Chair of the 9th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI 2016) and CISP-BMEI 2018, Program Chair of CISP-BMEI 2017, CISP-BMEI 2019, and ICDIP 2018, the Technical Program Committee members of the International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS 2011), CSSS 2012, 2014 International Conference on Control Engineering and Automation (ICCEA 2014), and Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Applied Optics, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Optics Express, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Optics & Laser Technology, Infrared Physics & Technology, Sensors, Eye and Brain, Clinical Ophthalmology, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Archives of Dermatological Research, Open Access Bioinformatics, Reports in Medical Imaging, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Expert Systems with Applications.

