2023-05-10 19:14
  • 李先春
  • 李先春 - 教授-华东师范大学-心理与认知科学学院-个人资料




2005年毕业于华东师范大学,获理学博士学位,2005到2009年在美国约翰霍普金斯大学完成博士后研究,2009年9月起任华东师范大学。现任心理学系系主任,2011年入选上海市浦江人才计划。主持或参与3项国家级和省部级课题,在Proc Natl Acad Sci USA、Human Brain Mapping、Frontiers in Psychology、Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience、Journal of Gambling Studies、PloS ONE、心理学报以及心理科学等国内外学术杂志上发表20余篇文章。
跨通道工作记忆启动的脑机制研究以及在教育中应用探讨(11PJC044, 2011.10-2013.9)
l 超扫描与社会认知. 华东师范大学出版社, 2018




1. Chen M., Zhang T., Zhang R., Wang N., Yin Q., Li Y., Liu J., Liu T. and Li X. (2020) Neural alignment during face‐to‐face spontaneous deception: Does gender make a difference? Hum Brain Mapp. (Online)
2. Li L., Wang H., Luo H., Zhang X., Zhang R., and Li X. (2020) Interpersonal Neural Synchronization During Cooperative Behavior of Basketball Players: A fNIRS-Based Hyperscanning Study. Front Hum Neurosci. 14: 169.
3. Liu J., Cai S., Chen D., Wu K., Liu Y., Zhang R., Li X.* (2019). Behavioral and neural changes induced by a blended essential oil on human selective attention. Behavioural Neurology. 2019: 5842132
4. Wang C., Zhang T., Shan Z., Liu J., Yuan D., Li X. * (2019) Dynamic interpersonal neural synchronization underlying pain‐induced cooperation in females. Hum Brain Mapp. 40:3222-3232 (corresponding author)
5. Liu J., Zhang R., Geng B., Zhang T., Yuan D., Otani S., Li X. * (2019) Interplay between prior knowledge and communication mode on teaching effectiveness: Interpersonal neural synchronization as a neural marker. NeuroImage. 193:93-102 (corresponding author)
6. Li X. *, Yuan D., Fan Y., Gao L. and Yan C. (2019) Effect of Motion Perception on Intertemporal Choice Is Associated With the Altered Time Perception. Psychological Reports 122(1): 117-134 (corresponding author)
7. Pan Y., Novembre G., Song B., Li X. and Hu Y. (2018) Interpersonal synchronization of inferior frontal cortices tracks social interactive learning of a song. NeuroImage. 183: 280-90
8. Hu Y., Pan Y., Shi X., Cai Q., Li X. and Cheng X. (2018). Inter-brain synchrony and cooperation context in interactive decision making. Biological Psychology 133: 54-62
9. Pan Y., Li X., Chen X., Ku Y., Dong Y., Dou Z., He L., Hu Y., Li W. and Zhou X. (2017) ERPs and oscillations during encoding predict retrieval of digit memory in superior mnemonists. Brain and Cognition. 117:17-25 ( Co-first author)
10. Hu Y., Hu Y., Li X., Pan Y. and Cheng X. (2017) Brain-to-Brain Synchronization across Two Persons Predicts Mutual Prosociality. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 12(12):1835-1844
11. Pan Y., Cheng X., Zhang Z., Li X.* and Hu Y.* (2017) Cooperation in lovers: An fNIRS-based hyperscanning study. Hum Brain Mapp.38(2):831-41 (co-corresponding author)
12. Xiao R., Li X., Li L. & Wang Y. (2016) Can We Distinguish Emotions from Faces? Investigation of Implicit and Explicit Processes of Peak Facial Expressions? Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1330
13. Wang L., Li X., Hsiao SS., Lenz FA., Bodner M., Zhou YD. and Fuster JM. (2015) Differential roles of delay-period neural activity in the monkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in visual-haptic crossmodal working memory. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 112(2): E214–E219
14. Cheng X., Li X. * and Hu Y. * (2015) Synchronous brain activity during cooperative exchange depends on gender of partner: A fNIRS-based hyperscanning study. Hum Brain Mapp. 36(6), 2039-2048 (co-corresponding author)
15. Li X., Cheng X., Li J., Pan Y., Hu Y. and Ku Y. (2015) Examination of mechanisms underlying enhanced memory performance in action video game players: a pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:843
16. Guan S., Cheng L., Fan Y. and Li X. * (2015) Myopic decisions under negative emotions correlate with altered time perception. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:468 (corresponding author)
17. Hong X., Zheng L. and Li X. * (2014) Impaired decision making is associated with poor inhibition control in nonpathological lottery gamblers. J Gambl Stud 31(4):1617-32 (corresponding author)
18. Zhang Y., Hu Y., Guan S., Hong X., Wang Z. and Li X.* (2014) Neural substrate of initiation of cross-modal working memory retrieval. PLoS ONE 9(8):e103991. (corresponding author)
19. Wang L., Li X., Hsiao SS., Bodner M., Lenz FA. and Zhou YD. (2012) Behavioral choice-related neuronal activity in monkey primary somatosensory cortex in a haptic delay task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 24(7): 1634-44.
20. Wang L., Li X., Hsiao SS., Bodner M., Lenz FA. and Zhou YD. (2012) Persistent neuronal firing in SI cortex during instructed delays between haptic stimuli in the absence of working-memory requirement. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(3): 664-676. ( Co-first author)
21. Li X. , Yang Q. and Hu Y. (2006). Regulation of the expression of GABAA receptor subunits by an antiepileptic drug QYS. Neuroscience Letters. 392(1-2):145-9
22. Li X., Kuang H., Jiang N. and Hu Y. (2005). Involvement of Scn1b and Kcna1 ion channels in audiogenic seizure and PTZ-induced epilepsy. Epilepsy Research. 66:155-163
23. Li X. and Hu Y. (2005). Gene Expression Profiling Reveals the Mechanism of Action of Anticonvulsant drug QYS. Brain Research Bulletin. 66(2): 99-105.
n 国内学术期刊
1. 张如倩,刘洁琼,李先春* (2019)社会互动视角下人际公平形成的脑机制。心理学报 ,51(9):1007-1017
2. 卑力添,蒋柯,李先春,熊哲宏 (2019)博弈论视角下的超扫描多人互动任务新模型。心理科学进展,27(7):1284-1296
3. 李先春*,卑力添,袁涤,丁雅娜,冯丹阳 (2018)超扫描视角下的社会互动脑机制。心理科学, 41(6): 1484-91
4. 郑丽莉,成晓君,胡谊,李先春* (2015)超扫描的发展及其在教育领域的应用潜力。教育生物学杂志,3(1): 35-42
5. 陈雪吟,官漱尘,栾静滢, 李先春* (2014). 记者痛感共情能力初步研究。心理科学,37(2): 283-8(*通讯作者)
6. 徐丹妮,张佳悦,李先春*(2013)面孔性别辨认中返回抑制效应的性别差异。心理学报,45(2):161-8(*通讯作者)
7. 李先春*,张阳阳,洪小龙(2012)多感觉学习及其在阅读障碍和自闭症干预中的应用。全球教育展望, 41(9):47-52(*通讯作者)
8. 邵志芳 杜逸旻 王岩 李先春(2011)无决策成分的靶记忆与源记忆的加工深度比较。心理科学,34(2):337-42
9. 董莉,李先春,高鸿翔,郭宜平,孙心德(2004)生后早期听觉经验对小鼠声调分辨行为的影响。中国临床康复, 8(28):6079-81
10. 高鸿翔,董莉,李先春,郭宜平,孙心德(2003)单耳堵塞沙土鼠下丘听反应域面积与谷氨酸、γ-氨基丁酸受体的关系。中国临床康复, 7(19):2641-3
11. 李先春, 李新建 (2003)中枢神经系统视-听整合现象。生物学教学,28(8):10-12
12. 高鸿翔,李先春,郭宜平,董莉,孙心德(2002) 单耳堵塞对沙土鼠中脑下丘神经元Glu受体密度的影响。中国神经科学杂志,18(4):704-706

