现任心理与认知科学学院研究员,脑功能基因组学重点实验室研究员,纽约大学-华东师范大学脑与认知科学联合研究中心(上海纽约大学)客座研究员,上海市浦江人才计划学者,紫江青年学者。博士毕业于复旦大学,曾在加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学、卡尔加里大学Hotchkiss脑研究院担任博士后研究员。一系列重要的成果发表于Nature Neuroscience,PNAS,Cerebral Cortex,Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neurophysiology,Experimental Neurology等有影响力的SCI期刊。主持多项国家及省部级科研项目。主讲课程:神经科学II(本科),认知神经科学前沿(硕士),科学论文写作(博士)。招生方向:神经科学,神经心理药理学,行为科学。研究生招募:专业不限。理工医科背景,有实验室经历者优先。另招博士后(博士毕业3年内)/研究助理一名(本科及以上),精通电生理、光纤记录、行为操作箱等技术者优先。提供国际一流的科研环境和有竞争力的待遇。图书章节:Liu S, Labouebe G and Borgland S. (2014) Insulin induces long-term depression in VTA DA neurons via an endocannabinoid -mediated mechanism In: Catecholamine Research in the 21st Century. Editor: Lee E. Eiden; p253国家专利:1. 国家实用新型专利:一种独立式节律监控装置;申请号/专利号:201922129810.8(专利授权)2. 国家发明专利:一种独立式节律监控装置;申请号/专利号:201911217674.6 (发明公布) 在读研究生:博士生:辛宇时 | 彭贝贝 | 刘婧硕士生:张雨潇 | 徐启宽 | 王盼金 | 杨德华 | 严鸿飞已毕业研究生:2020年:杨德麒(硕士,共同指导)| 王小雯(硕士,共同指导)研究领域
Dr. Liu’s research goal is to address one of the most fundamental questions in neuroscience: how does the brain work for hedonic feeding. Using a combination of in vitro/ in vivo electrophysiology, fiber photometry, optogenetics, pharmacological manipulation and behavioral tests, the research is conducted in the following three directions:1. Feeding peptide effects on neuroplasticity in the reward system and hedonic feeding2. Dissection of neural circuits for motivation and decision-making in hedonic feeding3. Neural mechanisms underlying metabolic syndrome induced reward circuitry dysfunction""近期论文
1. Liu S, Borgland SL. (2019) Insulin actions in the mesolimbic dopamine system. Experimental Neurology, 113006. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2019.1130062. Mills F*, Globa AK*, Liu S, Cowan CM, Mobasser M, Phillips AG, Borgland SL & Bamji SX. (2017) Cadherins mediate cocaine-induced synaptic plasticity and behavioral conditioning. Nature Neuroscience. DIO:10.1038/nn.45033. Ferrario CR*, Labouèbe G*, Liu S*, Nieh EH*, Routh VH*, Xu S*, O’Connor EC. (2016) Homeostasis Meets Motivation in the Battle to Control Food Intake. Journal of Neuroscience 36 (45) 11469-11481. (* co-first author)4. Liu S, Globa AK, Mills F, Naef L, Qiao M, Bamji SX, Borgland SL. (2016) Consumption of palatable food primes food approach behaviour by rapidly increasing synaptic density in the VTA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113(9): 2520-2525. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.15157241135. Thompson JL, Yang J, Lau B, Liu S, Baimel C, Kerr LE, Liu F, Borgland SL. (2015) Age-Dependent D1-D2 Receptor Coactivation in the Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex Potentiates NMDA Receptors and Facilitates Cognitive Flexibility. Cereb. Cortex. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhv2226. Liu S, Borgland SL. (2015) Regulation of the mesolimbic dopamine circuit by feeding peptides. Neuroscience. 10: 289C:19-427. Ferris MJ, Milenkovic M, Liu S, Mielnik CA, Beerepoot P, John CE, España RA, Sotnikova TD, Gainetdinov RR, Borgland SL, Jones SR, Ramsey AJ. (2014) Sustained NMDA receptor hypofunction remodels the dopamine system and impairs phasic signaling. Eur J Neurosci. 40(1):2255-63.8. Labouèbe G*, Liu S*, Dias C, Zou H, Wong JC, Karunakaran S, Clee SM, Phillips AG, Boutrel B, Borgland SL. (2013) Insulin induces long-term depression of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons via endocannabinoids. Nature Neuroscience. 16(3):300-8. (* co-first author)9. Liu S*, Labouèbe G*, Karunakaran S, Clee SM, Borgland SL. (2013) Effect of insulin on excitatory synaptic transmission onto dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area in a mouse model of hyperinsulinemia. Nutrition & Diabetes. 16;3:e97. (* co-first author)10. Liu S, Zheng P. (2013) Altered PKA modulation in the Nav1.1 epilepsy variant I1656M J Neurophysiol. 110(9):2090-8.11. Liu GX, Liu S, Cai GQ, Sheng ZJ, Cai YQ, Jiang J, Sun X, Ma SK, Wang L, Wang ZG, Fei J. (2007) Reduced aggression in mice lacking GABA transporter subtype 1 J Neurosci Res. 15: 85(3):649-55.担任Nature Communications, Neuroscience,Brain Research,FEBS Letters,Psychoneuroendocrinology, Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry及心理科学等杂志的特约评审。担任上海市科学技术委员会项目(启明星计划,扬帆计划,面上项目)评审专家。 相关热点