教育经历: 2014.9-2017.6,中国海洋大学,博士2015.9-2017.4,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,联合培养博士2011.9-2014.6,自然资源部第一海洋研究所,硕士2007.9-2011.6,成都理工大学,学士工作经历: 2019.10-至今,华东师范大学,河口海岸科学研究院/河口海岸学国家重点实验室,研究员2017.9-2019.9,自然资源部第一海洋研究所,海洋地质学,博士后个人简介: 主要从事海洋地质与地球物理研究,研究兴趣包括(1)沉积物“从源到汇”过程、(2)海岸-陆架浅部地层格架及其演化、(3)侵蚀地貌与海底底形(bedforms)。 预计每年招收硕士研究生1~2名,欢迎地质学、地球物理学、海洋科学、自然地理学相关专业背景的同学报考。 科研项目: 4. 上海市自然科学基金面上项目,20ZR1416800,渤海西北缘中全新世以来的沉积输运模式及其源汇效应,2020.7-2023.6,主持。3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41976068,~4.2ka.BP广西北海-英罗湾红树林“此消彼长”与相对海平面骤然下降求证,2020.1-2023.12,骨干。2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41806078,渤海湾北部6 kyr BP以来的水下三角洲进积系统结构与三维形态演化:河道变迁制约,2019.1-2021.12,主持。1. 博士后面上项目二等资助,2018M632601,全新世黄河水下三角洲结构与形态演化:指示源汇过程,2018.3-2019.9,主持研究领域
第一/通讯作者论文:[14] Liu, S.*, Feng, A., Yang, L., Du, J., Yu, Y., Feng, W., Wang, Y.P., 2020. Stratigraphic and three-dimensional morphological evolution of the late Quaternary sequences in the western Bohai Sea, China: Controls related to eustasy, high sediment supplies and neotectonics. Marine Geology, 427, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106246.[13] Liu, S.*, Goff, J. A., Feng, A.*, Xia, D., Li, P., Lyu, J., Zhang, Z., Xu, G., 2019. Episodes of tidally-forced swale erosion on the inner shelf interspersed with millennial fluviodeltaic progradational interludes: Insights from northern Bohai Bay, China. Marine Geology, 417, doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2019.106008.[12] Liu, S.*, Feng., A., Liu, C., Zheng, Y., Li., P., Zhang, Z., 2019. Seismic stratigraphy and morphology of the Holocene progradational system beneath Bohai Bay, Bohai Sea: lobate evolution of a multi-sourced subaqueous fluviodeltaic complex. Marine Geology, 409, 31-47.[11] Liu, S. *, Goff, J. A., Flood, R. D., Christensen, B., Jr, J. A. A., 2018. Sorted bedforms off western Long Island, New York, USA: asymmetrical morphology and twelve‐year migration record. Sedimentology, 65, 2202-2222.[10] Liu, S.*, Goff, J. A., 2018. Lower shoreface seismic stratigraphy and morphology off Fire Island, New York: Evidence for lobate progradation and linear erosion. Continental Shelf Research, 163, 23-34.[9] Gao, W., Liu, S.*, Liu, J., Xu, Y., Li, P.*, 2018. The sedimentary facies and dynamic environment of the Diaokou lobe in the modern Huanghe River Delta of China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 37(11), 40-52.[8] Liu, S., Goff, J. A. *, Jr, J. A. A., 2017. Seismic morphology and infilling structure of the buried channel system beneath the inner shelf off western Long Island, New York: accessing clues to palaeo-estuarine and coastal processes. Marine Geology, 387, 12-30.[7] Liu, S., Li, P., Feng, A.*, Zhang, Z., Yu, X., Zhu, Z., 2017. Morphological variation and sediment dynamic in a cape-bay beach with a tidal channel around (Sanshan Dao beach, west coast of Laizhou Bay, China). Indian Journal of Geo-marine Sciences, 46, 847-859.[6] Liu, S.*, Li, P., Feng, A., Du, J., Gao, W., Xu, Y., Yu, X., Li, P. and Nan, X., 2016. Seismic and core investigation on the modern Yellow River Delta reveals the development of the uppermost fluvial deposits and the subsequent transgression system since the postglacial period. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 128, 158-180.[5] 刘世昊*, 丰爱平, 李培英, 杜军, 李平, 高伟, 2015.现代黄河三角洲地区晚更新世以来高分辨沉积粒度特征及动力环境演化. 第四纪研究, 35(2), 292-306.[4] Liu, S.*, Feng, A., Du, J., Xia, D., Li, P., Xue, Z., Hu, W., Yu, X., 2014. Evolution of the buried channel systems under the modern Yellow River Delta since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary International, 349, 327-338.[3] 刘世昊*, 丰爱平, 夏东兴, 杜军, 胡维芬, 李平, 张志卫, 2014. 辽东湾西岸典型岬湾海滩表层沉积物粒度分布特征及水动力条件浅析. 沉积学报, 32(5), 76-85.[2] 刘世昊*, 丰爱平, 杜军, 夏东兴, 胡维芬, 李平, 2014. 莱州湾东岸三山岛段砂质海岸沉积物运移动力机制.海洋科学进展, 32(3), 343-354.[1] 刘世昊*, 丰爱平, 李平, 杜军, 胡维芬, 2013. 黄河三角洲滨浅海50m以浅埋藏古河道浅析. 海岸工程, 32(4), 22-30. 相关热点