2023-05-10 19:09
  • 胡小波
  • 胡小波 - 副教授-华东师范大学-通信与电子工程学院-个人资料




2011-2015 日本筑波大学 应用物理系 博士
2008-2011 北京师范大学 核科学与技术学院 硕士
2004-2008 北京师范大学 物理系 本科

2019至今 华东师范大学 通信与电子工程学院 电子工程系 副教授
2015-2019 华东师范大学 信息科学技术学院 晨晖学者


2.上海市浦江人才计划,2016.7.31-2018.7.31, No.16PJ1402600,20万,在研,主持;




(12) Xiaobo Hu#, Youyang Wang#, Jianyu Hong, Yun Jia, Tengfei Chen, Juanjuan Xue, Yuanjing Chen,
Jiahua Tao, Guoen Weng and Shaoqiang Chen*,Resistive effects on the spatially resolved absolute
electroluminescence of thin-film Cu(In, Ga)Se2 solar cells studied by a distributed two-diode model,
IEEE Access, 2020 Accepted. (二区,IF: 4.098)

(11) Xiaobo Hu, Jiahua Tao, Youyang Wang, Juanjuan Xue, Guoen Weng, Chuanjun Zhang*, Shaoqiang Chen*,
Ziqiang Zhu, Junhao Chu, 5.91%-efficient Sb2Se3 solar cell with RF magnetron sputtered CdS buffer layer,
Applied Materials Today, 2019, 16:367-374. (一区,IF: 8.013)
(10) Jiahua Tao#, Xiaobo Hu# (共一), Yixin Guo, Jin Hong, Kanghua Li, Jinchun Jiang, Shaoqiang Chen,
Chengbin Jing, Fangyu Yue, Pingxiong Yang, Chuanjun Zhang*, Zhuangchun Wu*, Jiang Tang, Junhao Chu*,
Solution-processed SnO2interfacial layer for highly efficient Sb2Se3 thin film solar cells.
Nano energy, 2019, 60:802-809. (一区,IF: 15.548)
(9) Jiahua Tao#, Xiaobo Hu# (共一), Juanjuan Xue, Youyang Wang, Guoen Weng, Shaoqiang Chen*,
Ziqiang Zhu, Junhao Chu, Investigation of electronic transport mechanisms in Sb2Se3 thin-film solar cells,
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2019, 197:1-6.(二区,IF: 6.019)
(8) Xiaobo Hu, Tengfei Chen, Jianyu Hong, Shaoqiang Chen*, Guoen Weng, Ziqiang Zhu,
Diagnosis of GaAs solar-cell resistance via absolute electroluminescence imaging and distributed circuit modeling,
Energy, 2019, 174:85-90. (小类一区,IF:5.537)

(7) Xiaobo Hu, Jiahua Tao, Shiming Chen, Juanjuan Xue, GuoenWeng, Kaijiang, Zhigao Hu, Jinchun Jiang,
Shaoqiang Chen*, Ziqiang Zhu, Junhao Chu, Improving the efficiency of Sb2Se3 thin-film solar cells
by post annealing treatment in vacuum condition,
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018, 187:170–175. (一区,IF:5.018)
(6) Xiaobo Hu, Jiahua Tao, GuoenWeng, Jinchun Jiang, Shaoqiang Chen*, Ziqiang Zhu, Junhao Chu,
Investigation of electrically-active defects in Sb2Se3 thin-film solar cells with up to 5.91%
efficiency via admittance spectroscopy,
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018,186:324–329.(一区,IF:5.018)
(5) XiaoboHu, LiangqingZhu, GuoenWeng, and Shaoqiang Chen*, Accessing externally induced
spatially-resolved strain in GaAs thin-film solar cells by electroluminescence imaging,
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018,179:283–288.
(4) XiaoBo Hu, Tengfei Chen, Juanjuan Xue, Guoen Weng, and Shaoqiang Chen*, Hidefumi Akiyama,
Ziqiang Zhu, Absolute Electroluminescence Imaging Diagnosis of GaAs Thin-film Solar Cells,
IEEE Photonics Journal, 2017, 9(5):8405009.(三区,IF:2.627)
(3) Xiaobo Hu, Juanjuan Xue, Jiao Tian, Guoen Weng, and Shaoqiang Chen*, Influence of Se
beam pressure on deep-level defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films studied by photocapacitance
and time-resolved photoluminescence measurements,
Applied Optics, 2017, 56(5):1291-1295. (三区,IF:1.791)
(2) Xiaobo Hu, Juanjuan Xue, Jiao Tian, Guoen Weng, and Shaoqiang Chen*,
Investigation of deep-level defects in CuGaSe2 thin-film solar cells using
photocapacitance methods,
Applied Optics, 2017, 56(8):2330-2335.(三区,IF:1.791)
(1) Xiaobo Hu, Juanjuan Xue, Jiao Tian, Guoen Weng, and Shaoqiang Chen*, Effect of Cu/Ga ratio
on deep-level defects in CuGaSe2 thin films studied by photocapacitance measurements with
two-wavelength excitation,
Applied Optics, 2017, 56(14):4090-4094.(三区,IF:1.791)
(http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=CitingArticles&qid=8&SID=3EvMxCox9R1F3HfiU2U&page=1&doc=1 )

1.Xiaobo Hu, Amit Gupta, Takeaki Sakurai, Akimasa Yamada, Shogo Ishizuka, Shigeru Niki, and Katsuhiro Akimoto*. Investigation of deep-level defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films by two-wavelength excitation photo-capacitance spectroscopy.
Applied Physics Letters 103, 163905 (2013).
2.Xiaobo Hu, Takeaki Sakurai, Akimasa Yamada, Shogo Ishizuka, Shigeru Niki, and Katsuhiro Akimoto*, Investigation of deep-level defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films by a steady-state photocapacitance method.
Journal of Applied Physics 116, 163703 (2014).
3.Xiaobo Hu, Takeaki Sakurai, Akimasa Yamada, Shogo Ishizuka, Shigeru Niki, and Katsuhiro Akimoto*, Investigation of the relative density of deep defects in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin films dependent on Ga content by transient photocapacitance method.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 53,068008 (2014).
4.Xiaobo Hu, Takeaki Sakurai, Akimasa Yamada, Shogo Ishizuka, Shigeru Niki, and Katsuhiro Akimoto*, Investigation of the Properties of Deep-level Defect in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Films by Steady-State Photo-Capacitance and Time-Resolved Photoluminescence Methods.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 54, 04DR02 (2015).
5.X.B. Hu, C.Z. Hu, D.P. Yin, L.Y. Zhang, C.N. Zhang, Y. Chen, G.Q. Zhang, R. Yang, K. Liang, Yu. Musienko, and D.J. Han*. The SiPM with bulk quenching resistor: progress at NDL and applications in Raman spectroscopy.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 695, 29(2012).
6.G.Q. Zhang, X.B. Hu, C.Z. Hu, D.P. Yin, K. Liang, R. Yang and D.J. Han*. Demonstration of a silicon photomultiplier with bulk integrated quenching resistors on epitaxial silicon.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 621, 116 (2010).
7.G.Q. Zhang, X.B. Hu, Y. Cheng, C. Zhang, L. Liu, R. Yang, K. Liang, and D.J. Han*, Fast identification of substance by measuring two Raman peaks with dual strip silicon photomultipliers and gated photon counting technique.
Applied Optics50, 4733 (2010).
8.G.Q. Zhang, X.B. Hu, R. Yang, C. Zhang, K. Liang, and D.J. Han*, Fast identification of trace substance by single-photon detection of characteristic Raman scatterings with gated coincidence technique and multipixel photon counters.
Applied Optics49, 2601 (2010).

