2023-05-10 19:09
  • 胡孟晗
  • 胡孟晗 - 博士 副教授 硕导-华东师范大学-通信与电子工程学院-个人资料




(1) 2011-9至2016-6, 上海理工大学, 生物医学工程, 博士, 导师: 刘宝林
(2) 2007-9至2011-6, 上海理工大学, 食品科学与工程, 学士,导师:董庆利
(1) 2018-9至现在, 华东师范大学, 通信与电子工程学院, 副教授
(2) 2016-6至2018-9, 上海交通大学, 电子信息与电气工程学院,博士后, 导师:翟广涛
[4] 国家自然科学基金(青年项目),61901172,2020.01-2022.12,在研,主持
[3] 人工智能教育部重点实验室开放课题,AI2019002,人工智能驱动下的多源异构视频中的目标识别方法初探,2019.07-2021.06,在研,主持
[2] 数字媒体处理与传输上海市重点实验室开放课题,18DZ2270700,视障辅助信号的描述与传输理论研究,2019.07-2021.6,在研,主持
[1] 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(一等资助),2016M600315,宽光谱多模态视频分析及其在非侵入式呼吸监控中的应用,2016.08-2018.06,结题,主持
[1] 基于ArUco和树莓派的呼吸监控系统V1.0,登记号:2020R11L1013584,著作权人:华东师范大学,首次发表时间:2020-09-10.
[2] 基于深度相机的多人呼吸模式监控系统V1.0,登记号:2020SR0439759,著作权人:华东师范大学、上海疆莱数据科技有限公司,首次发表时间:2020-05-12.
[3] 掌上绘本阅读app软件V1.0, 登记号:2020SR1019688,著作权人:华东师范大学,首次发表时间:2020-09-01.
[19]吴越,卢禹日,刘杭,胡孟晗,郭文毅. 一种指套式眼压测量仪[P]. 申请号:202010111466.4 申请日:2020-02-24.
[18]卢禹日,刘杭,吴越,郭文毅,胡孟晗,姚楠.一种佩戴式眼压测量仪[P]. 申请号:202010123870.3 申请日:2020-02-27.
[17]王云路,唐靖宇,陈鑫汝,胡孟晗,翟广涛,姚楠. 一种具有呼吸疾病筛查功能的智能售货机[P]. 申请号:202010315488.2 申请日:2020-04-21.
[16]徐书凝,胡孟晗.一种全自动阵列型喷水烘干黑板擦[P]. 申请号:201910756707.8,申请日:2019-08-16.
[15]徐书凝,胡孟晗,李庆利. 一种基于分布式多源异构传感技术的智能视障辅助系统[P]. 申请号:201910613432.2,申请号:2019-07-09.
[14]徐书凝,胡孟晗,李庆利. 一种模块化智能视障辅助系统[P]. 申请号:201910613791.8,申请号:2019-07-09.
[13]刘杭,胡孟晗,翟广涛,石艳玲. 一种基于二维码定位的书法教学转播系统及转播方法[P]. 申请号:201910602512.8,申请号:2019-07-05.
[12]徐书凝,胡孟晗. 一种多模态交互反馈的喷水黑板擦[P]. 申请号:201910756542.4,申请日:2019-08-16.
[11]李庆利,袁晨,周梅,孙力,邱崧,胡孟晗,刘洪英. 一种显微高光谱成像平台及大区域数据立方体采集的方法[P]. 公告号:201811236368.2,申请日:2018-10-23.
[10]胡孟晗,李庆利,陈康. 一种拉曼高光谱图像的采集方法[P]. 公告号:201910021928.0,申请日:2019-01-10.
[9] 胡孟晗,李庆利,陈康. 一种拉曼面阵高光谱反射和透射双模式的成像系统[P]. 公告号:201910042380.8,申请日:2019-01-17.
[8] 陈康,胡孟晗,李庆利. 一种基于深度神经网络的图像识别模组[P]. 公告号:201910154372.2,申请日:2019-03-01.
[7] 胡孟晗,李庆利,陈康. 一种集成反射和透射的拉曼线扫描高光谱成像系统[P]. 公告号:201910021884.1,申请日:2019-01-10.
[6] 胡孟晗, 李庆利. 一种折返连续型多模式高光谱成像系统[P]. 专利号: ZL201610522953.3, 授权公告日: 2018-10-25.
[5] 胡孟晗, 董庆利, 刘宝林. 基于机器视觉的香蕉在线分级包装流水线[P].专利号: ZL201310082316.5, 授权公告日: 2015-06-10.
[4] 赵欣, 董庆利, 胡孟晗. 采用青核桃皮制备生物质塑料的方法[P]. 公告号: ZL201510030015.7, 授权公告日: 2016-08-17.
[3] 胡孟晗, 李庆利. 一种多模态成像与多感知交融的增强现实系统及其应用[P]. 申请号: 201810954273.8, 申请日: 2018-10-11.
[2] 胡孟晗, 李庆利, 翟广涛. 一种基于多模态成像和多层感知的增强现实眼镜[P]. 申请号: 201810952939.6, 申请日: 2018-10-11.
[1] 胡孟晗, 李铎, 翟广涛, 杨小康, 范业昭, 朱文瀚. 基于多模态成像技术的生理信号远程监控系统及应用[P]. 专利号: CN 106580294 B, 申请日: 2020-09-04.




[34] Ai J, Hu M H*, Zhai G T, Zhang X P, Wang Y L, Cai L M, Li Q L, Wendell Q. Sun. Rapidly developing human heat residue model under various conditions based on Fluent and thermal video[J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2020, 110:103468.
[33] Shi F Y, Wang Z D, Hu M H, Zhai G T*. Active Learning Plus Deep Learning Can Establish Cost-Effective and Robust Model for Multichannel Image: A Case on Hyperspectral Image Classification[J]. Sensors, 2020, 20(17):4975.
[32] Jiang Z#, Hu M H#, Gao Z P, Fan L, Dai R R, Pan Y L, Tang W, Zhai G T*, Lu Y*. Detection of Respiratory Infections using RGB-infrared sensors on Portable Device[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3004568.
[31] Wang Y L, Hu M H*, Zhou Y W, Li Q L, Yao N, Zhai G T*, Zhang X P, Yang X K. Unobtrusive and Automatic Classification of Multiple People’s Abnormal Respiratory Patterns in Real Time using Deep Neural Network and Depth Camera [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020, DOI (identifier) 10.1109/JIOT.2020.2991456.
[30] Xu Z Y, Wang Q C, Li D, Hu M H*, Yao N, Zhai G T.Estimating Departure Time Using Thermal Camera and Heat Traces Tracking Technique[J]. Sensors, 2020, 20(3): 782.
[29] Zhang M Y, Li J, Kang L, Zhang N, Huang C, He Y Q, Hu M H, Zhou X F, Zhang J. Machine learning-guided design and development of multifunctional flexible Ag/poly (amic acid) composites using differential evolution algorithm[J]. Nanoscale, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1039/C9NR09146G.
[28] Hu M H, Chen Y Z, Zhai G T, Gao Z P, Fan L. An overview of assistive devices for blind and visually impaired people [J]. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2019, 34: 580-598.
[27] Zhang N, Huang C, Wan S S, Kang L, Hu M H, Zhang Y H, Wu X, Zhang J. A Novel Flexible Silver Heater Fabricated by a Solution-Based Polyimide Metalization and Inkjet-Printed Carbon Masking Technique[J]. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2019, 6: 928-935.
[26] Li S P, Luo H P, Hu M H*, Zhang M, Feng J L, Liu Y T, Dong Q L, Liu B L. Optical non-destructive techniques for small berry fruits: A review [J]. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, 2019, 2: 85-98.
[25] Hu M H, Li Q L. An efficient model transfer approach to suppress biological variation in elastic modulus and firmness regression models using hyperspectral data [J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2019, 99: 140-151.
[24] Zhu W H, Zhai G T, Min X K, Hu M H, Liu J, Guo G D, Yang X K. Multi-channel Decomposition in Tandem with Free-energy Principle for Reduced-reference Image Quality Assessment [J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TMM.2019.2902484.
[23] Hu M H, Zhai G T, Xie R, Li Q L, Yang X K, Zhang W J. A Wavelet-Predominant Algorithm Can Evaluate Quality of THz Security Image and Identify Its Usability [J]. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 2019, DOI: 10.1109/TBC.2019.2901388.
[22] Duan Y F, Wang J S, Hu M H, Zhou M, Li Q L, Sun L, Qiu S, Wang Y T. Leukocyte classification based on spatial and spectral features of microscopic hyperspectral images[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2019, 112: 530-538.
[21] Song J, Hu M H, Wang J S, Zhou M, Sun L, Qiu S, Li Q L, Sun Z, Wang Y T. ALK positive lung cancer identification and targeted drugs evaluation using microscopic hyperspectral imaging technique [J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2019, 96: 267-275.
[20] Wang Y, Zhai G T, Zhou S Q, Chen S C, Min X K, Gao Z P, Hu M H. Eye Fatigue Assessment Using Unobtrusive Eye Tracker [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 55948-55962.
[19] Li D, Zhang X P, Hu M H, Zhai G T, Yang X K. Physical Password Breaking via Thermal Sequence Analysis [J]. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TIFS.2018.2868219.
[18] Hu M H, Zhai G T, Li D, Li H Q, Liu M X, Tang W C, Chen Y C. Influence of image resolution on the performance of remote breathing rate measurement using thermal imaging technique [J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2018, 93: 63-69.
[17] Wang Z D, Hu M H*, Zhai G T*. Application of Deep Learning Architectures for Accurate and Rapid Detection of Internal Mechanical Damage of Blueberry Using Hyperspectral Transmittance Data [J]. Sensors, 2018, 18(4), 1126.
[16] Zhu W H, Zhai G T*, Hu M H*, Liu J, Yang X K. Arrow’s impossibility theorem inspired Subjective image quality assessment approach [J]. Signal Processing, 2018, 145: 193-201.
[15] Min X K, Gu K, Zhai G T*, Hu M H*, Yang X K. Saliency-induced reduced-reference quality index for natural scene and screen content images [J]. Signal Processing, 2018, 145: 127-136.
[14] Hu M H, Zhao Yu, Zhai G T, Yang X K. Active learning algorithm can establish classifier of blueberry damage with very small training dataset using hyperspectral transmittance data [J]. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2018, 172: 52-57.
[13] Hu M H, Zhai G T, Li D, Duan H Y, Zhu W H, Yang X K. Combination of near-infrared and thermal imaging techniques for the remote and simultaneous measurements of breathing and heart rates under sleep situation[J]. PloS one, 2018, 13(1): e0190466.
[12] Wang Z D, Hu M H*, Kuruoglu E E, Zhu W H, Zhai G T*. How Do Detected Objects Affect the Noise Distribution of Terahertz Security Images? [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 41087-41092.
[11] Hu M H, Zhai G T, Zhao Y, Wang Z D. Use of selection strategies in both spectral and sample spaces for classifying hard and soft blueberry using near infrared data [J]. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 6671.
[10] Li D, Zhai G T, Yang X K, Hu M H, Liu J. Perceptual information hiding based on multi-channel visual masking [J]. Neurocomputing, 2017, 269: 170-179.
[9] Hu M H, Zhai G T, Li D, Fan Y Z, Chen X H, Yang X K. Synergetic use of thermal and visible imaging techniques for contactless and unobtrusive breathing measurement [J]. Journal of biomedical optics, 2017, 22(3): 036006.
[8] Hu M H, Dong Q L, Liu B L. Comparison of predicting blueberry firmness and elastic modulus with hyperspectral reflectance, transmittance and interactance imaging modes [J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2016, 36(11): 3651-3656.
[7] Hu M H, Chen X J, Ye P C, Chen Xi, Shi Y J, Zhai G T, Yang X K. Combination of multiple model population analysis and mid-infrared technology for the estimation of copper content in Tegillarca granosa [J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2016, 79: 198-204.
[6] Hu M H, Dong Q L, Liu B L, Pan L Q, John Walshaw. Image Segmentation of Bananas in a Crate Using a Multiple Threshold Method[J]. Journal of food process engineering, 2016, 39(5): 427-432.
[5] Hu M H, Dong Q L, Liu B L. Modelling postharvest quality of blueberry affected by biological variability using image and spectral data [J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2015, 96(10): 3365-3373.
[4] Hu M H, Dong Q L, Liu B L, Opara U L. Prediction of mechanical properties of blueberry using hyperspectral interactance imaging [J]. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2016, 115: 122-131.
[3] Hu M H, Dong Q L, Liu B L. Classification and characterization of blueberry mechanical damage with time evolution using reflectance, transmittance and interactance imaging spectroscopy [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2016, 122: 19-28.
[2] Hu M H, Dong Q L, Liu B L, Opara U L, Chen L. Estimating blueberry mechanical properties based on random frog selected hyperspectral data [J]. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2015, 106: 1-10.
[1] Hu M H, Dong Q L, Pradeep K M, Liu B L, Ganesh K J. Determining banana size based on computer vision [J]. International Journal of Food Properties, 2015, 18: 508–552.
[3] Jiang Z, Hu M H, Zhai G T. Portable Health Screening Device of Respiratory Infections[J].arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.01479,2020.
[2] Wang Y L, Hu M H*, Li Q L, Zhang X P, Zhai G T, Yao N. Abnormal respiratory patterns classifier may contribute to large-scale screening of people infected with COVID-19 in an accurate and unobtrusive manner[J]. arXiv preprintarXiv:2002.05534, 2020.
[1] Jia J, Gao Z P, Chen K, Hu M H, Zhai G T, Guo G D, Yang X K. Robust Invisible Hyperlinks in Physical Photographs Based on 3D Rendering Attacks[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.01224.
[14] Liu H, Hu M H*, Li G D, Li Q L, Zhou X F, Zhang J, Zhai G T. Calligraphy Navigation System for Blind People Based on Visual Prosthesis on Waist Belt[C]. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops.
[13] Jiang Z, Hu M H, Zhai G T. Portable Health Screening Device of Respiratory Infections[C]. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops.
[12] Yuan Z F#, Qi Y#, Hu M H*, Li Q L. Opinion-Unaware No-Reference Image Quality Assessment of Smartphone Camera Images Based on Aesthetics and Human Perception[C]. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops.
[11] Xu S N, Yan J B, Hu M H*, Li Q L, Zhou J T*. Quality assessment model for smartphone camera photo based on inception network with residual module and batch normalization[C]. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops.
[10] Zhou Y W, Wang Y L, Kong Y Y*, Hu M H*. Multi-Indicator Image Quality Assessment of Smartphone Camera Based on Human Subjective Behavior And Perception[C]. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops.
[9] Yao C, Lu Y R, Liu H, Hu M H*, Li Q L. Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Residual Block for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment of Smartphone Camera Images[C]. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops.
[8] Wang Y L, Li D, Hu M H*, Cai L M*. Non-local Recoloring Algorithm for Color Vision Deficiencies with Naturalness and Detail Preserving[C]. In 2019 International Forum on Digital TV and Wireless Multimedia Communications.
[7] Chen L S, Liu N, Hu M H, Zhai G T. (2019, December). RGB-thermal imaging system collaborated with marker tracking for remote breathing rate measurement[C]. In 2019 IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing.
[6]Liu H, Hu M H*, Zhai G T, Huang H J, Zhang Wa, Li Q L, Tian Y H, Shi Y L. Angel Girl of Visually Impaired Artists: Painting Navigation System for Blind or Visually Impaired Painters[C]. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing.
[5]Yu W Y, Hu M H*, Xu S N, Li Q L. Preliminary Study on Visual Attention Maps of Experts and Nonexperts When Examining Pathological Microscopic Images[C]. In 2019 International Forum on Digital TV and Wireless Multimedia Communications.
[4]Xu S N, Hu M H*, Yu W Y, Feng J L, Li Q L. PMIQD 2019: A Pathological Microscopic Image Quality Database with Nonexpert and Expert Scores[C]. In 2019 International Forum on Digital TV and Wireless Multimedia Communications.
[3] Hu M H, Zhai G T, Li D, Fan Y Z, Zhu W H, Yang X K. Dual-mode Imaging System for Non-contact Heart Rate Estimation during Night[C]. In Workshops: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2017, 97-102.
[2] Hu M H, Min X K, Zhai G T, Zhu W H, Wang Z D, Yang X K, Tian G. Terahertz security image quality assessment by no-reference model observers[C]. International Forum on Digital TV and Wireless Multimedia Communications. Springer, Singapore, 2017:100-114.
[1] Wang Z D, Hu M H*, Zhu W H. Selection of good display mode for terahertz security image via image quality assessment[C]. In International Forum of Digital TV & Wireless Multimedia Communication, 2017: 277-289.

[7] 邓博涵, 陈嘉豪, 胡孟晗, 许文平, 张才喜. 生物散斑技术在水果品质检测中的应用及图像处理算法进展[J]. 激光与光电子学进展, 2019, 56(9):1-14.
[6] 胡孟晗, 董庆利, 刘宝林, 屠康, 宋晓燕. 生物散斑技术在农产品品质分析中的应用[J]. 农业工程学报, 2013, 29(24): 284-292.
[5] 胡孟晗, 董庆利, 罗欣. 多角度剖析世卫组织关于肉类致癌结论的不科学性 [J]. 肉类研究, 2015, 12: 24-28.
[4] 胡孟晗, 董庆利, 刘宝林, 张重阳, 叶飞. 基于椭圆傅里叶描述子的香蕉形状识别[J]. 浙江农业学报, 2014, 26(1): 200-205.
[3] 胡孟晗, 董庆利, 刘阳泰, 王芳芳.基于计算机视觉鉴别肉松与肉粉松 [J].食品与发酵工业.2013, 39(4):180-185.
[2] 胡孟晗, 董庆利, 刘宝林, 黄勋娟. 基于计算机视觉的香蕉贮藏过程中颜色和纹理监测[J]. 农业机械学报, 2013, 44(8): 180-184.
[1] 董庆利, 胡孟晗. 应用计算机视觉评定肉类品质的研究进展 [J]. 现代食品科技, 2011, 27 (2), 209-212.
中国电子学会高级会员;上海电子学会会员;中国人工智能学会会员;上海市图像图形学会会员;中国农业工程学会青年委员;上海市系统仿真学会会员;中国计算机学会会员;中国抗癌协会会员;Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture的Section Editor;Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,Sensor Review, Optik, Digital Signal Processing, Food and Bioprocess Technology, Food Research International, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, LWT-Food Science and Technology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Food Process Engineering, European Food Research and Technology等期刊的审稿人。IEEE ICME,IEEE EUSIPCO,IFTC等国际会议的审稿人。IEEE Access期刊Special Issue\"Visual Perception Modeling in Consumer and Industrial Applications\"的Guest Associate Editer。

