2023-05-10 19:07
  • 郭磊城
  • 郭磊城 - 副研究员-华东师范大学-河口海岸科学研究院-个人资料




2003.8-2007.6 武汉大学 水利水电工程学院 港口海岸与治河工程 工学学士
2007.9-2009.6 华东师范大学 河口海岸学国重室 港口海岸与近海工程 硕士学习
2009.9-2014.12 华东师范大学 河口海岸学国重室 河口海岸学 博士学习
2010.4-2014.12 Delft University of Technology / UNESCO-IHE 博士
2015.1-2017.2 华东师范大学 河口海岸学国重室 博士后
2017.4-2018.3 University of California Irvine 博士后
2017.3- 华东师范大学 河口海岸学国重室 副研究员
5. 上海市青年科技启明星计划, 长江河口三角洲演变跨尺度模拟与预测 (No.19QA1402900) (2019.4-2022.4)

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 河口近口段地貌的减沙失衡效应及再平衡研究 (No.41876091) (2019-2022)

3. 国家自然科学青年基金项目, 河口区径流潮汐相互作用及其机制研究 (No.41506105) (2016-2018) (已结题)

2. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,冲积性河口三角形地貌演变的动力控制机制 (No.2016T90351) (2017-2018) (已结题)

1. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,河口潮波变形时空特征及其控制因素研究 (No.2015M580306) (2016-2017) (已结题)

(9). 上海市科委社发研究项目- 长江河口滩涂生态脆弱区监测与安全预警关键技术, No. 20DZ1204700 (2020.9-2023.8)

(8). 上海市科委重点研究资助项目-长江河口河势稳定及控制关键技术研究与应用, No. 18DZ1206400 (2018.11-2020.10)

(7). 科技部中荷战略合作(重点研发项目)- 应对转型中的河口三角洲 (Coping with Deltas in transition), No. 2016YFE0133700 (2018-2021)

(6). 国家自然科学基金重点项目-河口泥沙运动关键过程与滩槽格局转化研究, No. 51739005 (2018.1-2021.12)

(5). 科技部政府间国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作重点专项(国家重点研发计划项目)-中美大河三角洲侵蚀灾害与应对策略比较研究, No. 2017YFE0107400 (2018.1-2020.12)

(4). 上海市科委重点研究资助项目-变化环境下长江口-杭州湾水沙响应和地貌模拟技术研究, No. 17DZ1204800 (2017-2019) (已结题)

(3). 交通运输部建设科技项目,长江口北槽中下段及相邻水域水沙输移过程初步研究 (2015-2018) (已结题)

(2). 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目-高浊度河口航道回淤及滩槽系统响应研究, No.51320105005 (2014-2018) (已结题)

(1). 中荷等多边合作项目-Sediment and sediment transport from upstream to estuary: Research on Sediment from Upstream to Estuary (ReSeDUE) -No. 60038881 (2009-2013) (已结题)

2018- 研究生课程 《河口海岸动力沉积地貌模拟与应用》
2020- 研究生课程 《海岸地貌学》
1. Guo Leicheng, 2014. Modeling estuarine morphodynamics under combined river and tidal forcing. PhD. Dissertation of Delft University of Technology and UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands, CRC Press.
2. He Qing, Guo Leicheng, Liu Hongu, Wang Ya, 2015. Changjiang estuary sediment transport dynamics. In: Jing Zhang (ed.), Ecological continuum from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) watersheds to the East China Sea continental margin, Springer, pp.47-69.
2015, the 8th ICAMG, Young Scientist Award
16. Guo Leicheng, He Qing, Xu Fan. Centennial sea-level rise impact on fluvio-deltaic morphodynamics. The 11th River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Auckland, New Zealand, 2019 11.17-21.
15. Guo Leicheng, He Qing, Su Ni, Sediment flux regime changes in the Changjiang River-East China Sea continuum. The 2nd All Material Flux in River Eco-systems, 11-13 Oct. 2019, Beijing (oral)
14. Guo Leicheng, He Qing, Zhu Lei, Chen Yu. Sediment regulation in estuaries: revisiting the idea of 'restricting currents to attack silt'. the 14th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, 17-19 Sep. 2019, Chengdu, China (oral)
13. Guo Leicheng, Su Ni, Zhu Chunyan, He Qing etc., Declined sediment source and connectivity: a basin-wide synthesis in the Changjiang River system. The 9th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, Oct. 2018, Shanghai, China (Oral)
12. Guo Leicheng, He Qing, Zhu Chunyan, Bed slope effects on large scale fluvio-deltaic morphodynamics, the 6th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts, Aug. 2018, Caen, France (oral)
11. Guo Leicheng, Matthew Brand, Brett F. Sanders,etc. The fate of Morphological change in Newport Bay: the influence of tidal dynamics and basin geometry under sea level rise. Word Wetlands Day Symposium, Feb 10, 2018, Newport, California (poste
10. Guo Leicheng, He Qing, Mick van der Wegen. A numerical exploration of controls on tidal estuary length, Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Conference, 9-14 Oct 2016, the Hague, the Netherlands (poster)
9. Guo Leicheng, He Qing, Mick van der Wegen, Development of large scale fluvio-deltaic morphodynamics by long-term modeling, May 2016, JpGU meeting 2016, Chiba, Japan (invited)
8. Guo Leicheng, He Qing, Mick van der Wegen, Zheng Bing Wang, Dano Roelvink. River controls on large scale fluvio-deltaic morphodynamics: a numerical study. 2015, 8th International conference on Asian Marine Geology, Jeju, Korea (Young Scientist Award)
7. Guo Leicheng, Mick van der Wegen, Dano Roelvink, Qing He, Analysis of river tides with a case in the Yangtze River estuary, China. NCK-days 2014, Delft, the Netherlands, Mar 2014. (Oral)
6. Guo Leicheng, Mick van der Wegen, Dano Roelvink, Qing He, Effects of river discharge and tidal asymmetry on residual sediment transport and long-term morphodynamics in the river estuary. AGU fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2013. (Oral)
5. Guo Leicheng, Mick van der Wegen, Dano Roelvink, Qing He, The tidal channel morphodynamics in the Yangtze Estuary: a case of the South Branch. The 7th international conference on coastal dynamics. Bordeaux, France, June 2013. (Oral)
4. Guo Leicheng, Mick van der Wegen, Dano Roelvink, Qing He, Process-based long-term morphodynamic modeling of fluvial estuary. Oct 2012, International Symposium on Climate Change and Human Activities: Coastal Consequences and Response, Shanghai, China.
3. Guo Leicheng, He Qing, Dano Roelvink, Mick van der Wegen, Tidal flat morphodynamics in the Yangtze Estuary, China, 2011, the 11th INTERCOH, Shanghai, China. (Oral)3
2. Guo Leicheng, Dano Roelvink, Mick van der Wegen, He Qing, Modeling the long-tem morphodynamic behavior of the Yangtze Estuary, China, 2011, the 7th RCEM (River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics), Beijing, China. (Oral)
1. Guo Leicheng, He Qing, Liu Hong, Characteristics of in-situ floc from river to estuary, Changjiang River (Yangtze), China. 2009, INTERCOH’09 (the 10th International Conference on Estuarine and Coastal Fine Sediments Dynamics), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
6. 郭磊城, 何青, 等, 河口三角洲系统对海平面上升的影响模拟研究. 大河三角洲和大湾区学术研讨会, 南京, 2019年9月20-21日.
5. 郭磊城, 赵捷, 朱春燕, 朱磊, 何青, 长江口演变对减沙和工程的响应, 中国科协第360次青年科学家论坛——河流泥沙多维度调控理论与技术, 武汉, 2018年11月.
4. 郭磊城, 何青, 大河三角洲地貌演变的数值模拟研究. 第五届地球系统科学大会, 2018年7月, 上海
3. 郭磊城, 何青, 河口泥沙净输移和大尺度地貌演化模拟, 中国水利学会泥沙专业委员会 河床演变和航道治理学术研讨会, 2016年11月, 重庆
2. 郭磊城, 何青, Mick van der Wegen, Dano Roelvink, Zheng Bing Wang, 径潮流作用下的冲积河口地貌发育和演变模拟研究, 中山大学河口三角洲‘动力-沉积-地貌’跨尺度问题研讨会,2015年11月,广州,广东
1. 郭磊城, 何青, Dano Roelvink, Mick van der Wegen. 河流和潮流相互作用:一个控制河口动力地貌的机制. 第九届全国泥沙基本理论研究学术讨论会, 2014年9月, 杭州, 浙江




(22) Zhou Zeng, Chen Luying, Tao Jianfeng *, Gong Zheng, Guo Leicheng, Mick van der Wegen, Ian Townend, Zhang Chuangkuan, 2020. The role of salinity in fluvio-deltaic morphodynamics: A long-term modelling study. Earth Surface and Landform Processes. doi.org/10.1002/esp.4757.
(21) Lin Jianliang, He Qing*, Guo Leicheng, Bram van Prooijen, Wang Zheng Bing, 2020. An integrated optic and acoustic (IOA) approach for measuring suspended sediment concentration in highly turbid environments. Marine Geology, 467, 106062, https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0025322718305127.
(20) Guo Chao, Jin Zhongwu, Guo Leicheng *, Lu Jinyuo, Ren Yue, Zhou Yinjun, 2020. On the cumulative dam impact in the upper Changjiang River: Streamflow and sediment load changes. CATENA 184, 104250, doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2019.104250.

(19) Guo Leicheng, Su Ni*, Ian Townend, Wang Zheng Bing, Zhu Chunyan, Zhang Yuning, Wang Xianye, He Qing, 2019. From the headwater to the delta: A synthesis of the basin-scale sediment load regime in the Changjiang River. Earth-Science Review, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102900.

(18) Cai Huayang, H.H.G., Savenije, Erwan Garel, Zhang Xinyi, Guo Leicheng, Zhang Min, Liu Feng*, Yang Qingshu, 2019. Seasonal behavior of tidal damping and residual water level slope in the Yangtze River estuary: identifying the critical position and river discharge for maximum tidal damping. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23, 2779-2794.

(17) Cai Huayang, Zhang Xianyi, Zhang Min *, Guo Leicheng, Liu Feng, Yang Qingshu, 2019. Impacts of Three Gorges Dam's operation on spatial-temporal patterns of tide-river dynamics in the Yangtze River estuary, China. Ocean Sciences 15, 583-599.

(16) Zhu Chunyan, Guo Leicheng *, D.S. van Maren, Tian Bo, Wang Xianye, He Qing, Wang Zheng Bing, 2019. Decadal morphological evolution of the mouth zone of the Yangtze Estuary in response to human interventions. Earth Surface and Landform Processes, doi.org/10.1002/esp.4647.

(15) Guo Leicheng *, Wang Zheng Bing, Ian Townend, He Qing, 2019. Quantification of tidal asymmetry in varying tidal environments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124, 773-787.

(14) Xie Weiming, He Qing*, Wang Xianye, Guo Leicheng, Zhang Keqi, 2019. Role of mudflat-creek sediment exchanges in intertidal sedimentary processes. Journal of Hydrology 567, 351-360.

(13) Guo Leicheng *, Mathew Brand, Brett F. Sanders, Efi Foufoula-Georgia, Eric Stein, 2018. Tidal asymmetry and its variability in a short basin and implications on residual sediment transport and basin management. Advances in Water Resources 121, 1-8.

(12) Guo Leicheng *, Su Ni, Zhu Chunyan, He Qing. 2018. How have the river discharges and sediment loads changed in the Changjiang River basin downstream of the Three Gorges Dam? Journal of Hydrology 560, 259-274.

(11) Zhao Jie, Guo Leicheng *, He Qing, Wang Zheng Bing, D.S. van Maren, Wang Xianye, 2018. An analysis on half century morphological changes in the Changjiang Estuary: spatial variability under natural processes and human intervention. Journal of Marine Systems 181, 25-36.

(10) Guo Chao, He Qing*, Bram C. van Prooijen, Guo Leicheng, Andrew J. Manning, Sarah Bass, 2018. Investigation of flocculation dynamics under changing hydrodynamic forcing on an intertidal mudflat. Marine Geology 395, 120-132.

(9) Xie Weiming, He Qing*, Zhang Keqi, Guo Leicheng, Wang Xianye, Shen Jian, 2017. Impacts of human modification and natural variations on short-term morphological changes in estuarine tidal flats. Estuaries and Coasts, 1-15, doi.org/10.1007/s12237-017-0352-9.

(8) Xie Weiming, He Qing*, Zhang Keqi, Guo Leicheng, Wang Xianye, Shen Jian, Cui Zheng, 2017. Application of terrestrial laser scanner on tidal flat morphology at a typhoon event time scale, Geomorphology 292, 47-58.

(7) Guo Chao, He Qing*, Guo Leicheng, Johan C. Winterwerp, 2016. A study of in-situ sediment flocculation in the turbidity maxima of the Yangtze Estuary, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 191, 1-9.

(6) Guo Leicheng *, Mick van der Wegen, Zheng Bing Wang, Dano Roelvink, He Qing, 2016. Exploring the impacts of multiple tidal constituents and varying river flow on long-term, large scale estuarine morphodynamics by means of a 1D model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120, 1000-1022, doi:10.1002/2016JF003821.

(5) Guo Leicheng *, Mick van der Wegen, Zheng Bing Wang, Dano Roelvink, He Qing, 2015. Long-term, process-based morphodynamic modeling of a fluvio-deltaic system, Part I: the role of river discharge. Continental Shelf Research 109, 95-111.

(4) Guo Leicheng *, Mick van der Wegen, David A. Jay, Pascal Matte, Zheng Bing Wang, Dano Roelvink, He Qing, 2015. River-tide dynamics: exploration of nonstationary and nonlinear tidal behavior in the Yangtze River estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120, 3499-3521, doi:10.1002/2014JC010491.

(3) Guo Leicheng*, Mick van der Wegen, Dano Roelvink, Qing He, 2015. Exploration of impact of seasonal river discharge variations on estuarine morphodynamic behavior. Coastal Engineering 95, 105-116.

(2) Guo Leicheng*, Mick van der Wegen, Dano Roelvink, Qing He, 2014. The role of river flow and tidal asymmetry on 1D estuarine morphodynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 119, 2315-2334, doi: 10.1002/2014JF003110.

(1) Guo Leicheng, He Qing*, 2011. Freshwater flocculation of suspended sediments in the Yangtze River, China. Ocean Dynamics 61(2-3), 371-386.

(14). 郭磊城, 朱磊, 陈语,何青, 2020. 河口航道治理中导堤丁坝工程措施的影响探讨,泥沙研究, 45(6), 待刊.

(13). 郭超,何青,郭磊城,王宪业, 2019. 紊动对粘性细颗粒泥沙絮凝沉降影响试验研究,泥沙研究, 44(2) 18-25.

(12). 谢卫明, 何青, 张迨, 朱磊, 郭磊城, 王宪业, 2019. 河口潮滩地貌和沉积物对人类工程的响应特征. 海洋学报, 41(5) 118-127.

(11). 刘帅, 何青, 谢卫明, 郭磊城,沈芳, 2019. 近15年来长江口控制站徐六泾悬沙变化特征研究.长江流域与环境,28(5), 1197-1204.

(10). 谢卫明,何青,王宪业,郭磊城,郭超,2017. 潮沟系统水沙输运研究——以长江口崇明东滩为例, 海洋学报 39(7), 80-91.

(9). 郭磊城*, 朱春燕, 何青, Wang Zheng Bing, 万远扬, 2017. 长江河口潮波时空特征再分析, 海洋通报 36(6), 652-661.

(8). 郭超, 何青, 郭磊城, 2016. 长江河口控制站泥沙絮凝特性研究, 泥沙研究 (5), 60-65.

(7). 邓智瑞,何青,邢超锋,郭磊城,王宪业,2016. 长江口北槽柱状沉积物粒度分布特征及沉积环境指示意义,海洋科学 40(1), 112-122.

(6). 赵捷,何青,王宪业,郭磊城,2015. 长江口南北支水沙特性观测研究, 长江流域资源与环境,24(1), 21-29.

(5). 邢超锋,何青,郭磊城,邓智瑞,2015. ASM在近底泥沙浓度剖面观测中的应用研究, 泥沙研究, 6, 46-51.

(4). 邢超锋,何青,邓智瑞,王宪业,郭磊城,2015. 长江航道柱样沉积物特征及泥沙来源,海洋地质与第四纪地质, 5, 9-17.

(3). 郭磊城, 何青*, Dano Roelvink, Wang Zheng Bing, Mick van der Wegen, 2013. 河口海岸中长时间尺度动力地貌系统模拟研究与进展. 地理学报, 68(9), 1182-1196

(2). 谢卫明, 田欣, 郭磊城,何青,2013. 长江口徐六泾水沙过程对流域的响应研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 23(9), 1251-1257.

(1). 陈锦山, 何青, 郭磊城, 2011. 长江悬浮物絮凝特征. 泥沙研究, 10(5), 11-18.

