2023-05-10 19:07
  • 巩俊卿
  • 巩俊卿 - 博士 研究员-华东师范大学-软件工程学院-个人资料







Conference Papers
[14] Functional Encryption for Attribute-Weighted Sums from k-Lin
with Michel Abdalla and Hoeteck Wee [ CRYPTO 2020 | eprint ]
[13] Adaptively secure ABE for DFA from k-Lin and more
with Hoeteck Wee [ EUROCRYPT 2020 | eprint ]
[12] ABE for DFA from k-Lin
with Brent Waters and Hoeteck Wee [ CRYPTO 2019 | eprint ]
[11] Improved inner-product encryption with adaptive security and full attribute-hiding
with Jie Chen and Hoeteck Wee [ ASIACRYPT 2018 | eprint ]
[10] Compact IBBE and Fuzzy IBE from simple assumptions
with Benoît Libert and Somindu C. Ramanna [ SCN 2018 | HAL ]
[9] Improved anonymous broadcast encryptions: Tight security and shorter ciphertext
with Jiangtao Li [ ACNS 2018 | HAL ]
[8] Unbounded ABE via bilinear entropy expansion, revisited
with Jie Chen, Lucas Kowalczyk, and Hoeteck Wee [ EUROCRYPT 2018 | eprint ]
[7] ABE with tag made easy: Concise framework and new instantiations in prime-order groups
with Jie Chen [ ASIACRYPT 2017 | eprint ]
[6] Tightly secure IBE under constant-size master public key
with Jie Chen and Jian Weng [ PKC 2017 | eprint ]
[5] Efficient IBE with tight reduction to standard assumption in the multi-challenge setting
with Xiaolei Dong, Jie Chen, and Zhenfu Cao [ ASIACRYPT 2016 | eprint ]
[4] Extended nested dual system groups, revisited
with Jie Chen, Xiaolei Dong, Zhenfu Cao, and Shaohua Tang [ PKC 2016 | eprint ]
[3] Practical and efficient attribute-based encryption with constant-size ciphertexts in outsourced verifiable computation
with Kai Zhang, Shaohua Tang, Jie Chen, Xiangxue Li, Haifeng Qian, and Zhenfu Cao [ AsiaCCS 2016 ]
[2] Traceable CP-ABE with short ciphertexts: How to catch people selling decryption devices on eBay efficiently
with Jianting Ning, Zhenfu Cao, Xiaolei Dong, and Jie Chen [ ESORICS 2016 ]
[1] Fully-secure and practical sanitizable signatures
with Haifeng Qian and Yuan Zhou [ Inscrypt 2010 ]
Journal Papers
[4] Leakage-resilient attribute based encryption in prime-order groups via predicate encodings
with Jie Zhang, Jie Chen, Aijun Ge, and Chuangui Ma [ Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2018 ]
[3] Almost-tight identity based encryption against selective opening attack
with Xiaolei Dong, Zhenfu Cao, and Jie Chen [ The Computer Journal, 2016 ]
[2] Extended dual system group and shorter unbounded hierarchical identity based encryption
with Zhenfu Cao, Shaohua Tang, and Jie Chen [ Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2016 ]
[1] Anonymous password-based key exchange with low resources consumption and better user-friendliness
with Haifeng Qian and Yuan Zhou [ Security and Communication Networks, 2012 ]

