2023-05-10 19:07
  • 方方
  • 方方 - 博士 教授-华东师范大学-经济与管理学部-个人资料





2002年8月-2007年7月,University of Wisconsin - Madison,统计系,博士

方方,华东师范大学经济与管理学部统计学院教授,统计与数据科学前沿理论及应用教育部重点实验室副主任。本科和博士先后毕业于北京大学数学系和美国威斯康星大学统计系。在2013年加入华东师大之前,曾在通用电气金融集团和上海浦东发展银行任职多年。主要研究方向为缺失数据处理、模型平均、多源数据分析。在包括 The Annals of Statistics/Biometrika/Journal of Econometrics 在内的国际一流统计期刊上发表论文20余篇。中国现场统计研究会高维数据统计分会理事、经济与金融统计分会理事。全国工业统计学教学研究会中国青年统计学家协会理事。中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会数据科学分会监事。SCI期刊 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 副主编。
[1] 统计学习理论、方法及应用课程建设团队,立项单位:华东师范大学经济与管理学部,2018年10月-2021年10月。
[2] 2020 年通识教育经典阅读课程和核心课程建设项目——数据时代的理性思维,立项单位:华东师范大学教务处,2020年5月-2021年5月。
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“碎片化数据”的模型平均方法和理论研究,项目批准号:12071143。2021年1月-2024年12月。
[3] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,多源异构数据的融合、特征提取与分析方法,项目批准号:11831008。2019年1月-2023年12月。子项目主持人。
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金,不可忽略缺失数据的工具变量方法研究,项目批准号:11601156。2017年1月-2019年12月。
[1] 上海市自然科学基金,广义线性模型中非忽略性缺失数据处理的研究,项目编号:15ZR1410300。2015年1月-2017年12月。
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,函数型数据分析的若干问题研究,项目批准号:11771146。2018年1月-2021年12月。
[2] 上海市科委科技项目,高维大数据内在相关性的统计建模方法与理论研究,项目编号16QA1401700。2016年4月-2019年3月。
[1] 上海市科委科技项目,统计前沿理论方法及其应用,项目编号14XD1401600。2014年7月-2017年6月。
[2] 基于零售百货行业大数据的“品牌土壤”模型开发。上海弦石信息科技有限公司。2017年9月-2018年3月。
[1] 基于车联网大数据的UBI模型开发。杭州好好开车科技有限公司。2016年6月-2017年12月。
[1] 《中国银行业海外发展战略研究》,中国银行业协会发展研究委员会编著。参与编写。


missing data, model averaging, statistical learning, multi-source data analysis""


[4] Fang, Fang*, Li, Jialiang, and Xia, Xiaochao. Semiparametric model averaging prediction for dichotomous response. Journal of Econometrics, Accepted.
[3] Fang, Fang, Zhao, jiwei, Ahmed, Ejaz, and Qu Annie*. A weak-signal-assisted procedure for variable selection and statistical inference with an informative subsample. Biometrics, Accepted.
[2] Fang, Fang, and Shao, Jun*. Model selection with nonignorable nonresponse. Biometrika, 2016, 103, 861-874.
[1] Fang, Fang, Hong, Quan, and Shao, Jun*. A pseudo empirical likelihood approach for stratified samples with nonresponse. The Annals of Statistics, 2009, 37, 371-393 .
[3] Lou, Zhilan, Fang, Fang, Lee, C.K.M., and Zhang, S.Z.* Imputed stochastic gradient descent for estimation and prediction with fragmentary data in internet financing.
[2] Yuan, Chaoxia, Fang, Fang, and Lyu Ni*. Mallows model averaging with effective model size in fragmentary data prediction.
[1] Fang, Fang* and Tian, Wenling. An asymptotic theory for least squares model averaging.
[1] Fang, Fang,Zhang, Riquan, and Zhao, Xinbin*. An aggregated evaluation and multi-dimensional comparison method of flight safety based on QAR data. ICCASIT 2020.
[23] Fang, Fang* and Liu, Minhan. Limit of the optimal weight in least squares model averaging with non-nested models. Economics Letters, Accepted.
[22] Fang, Fang*, Li, Jialiang, and Xia, Xiaochao. Semiparametric model averaging prediction for dichotomous response. Journal of Econometrics, Accepted.
[21] Fang, Fang, Zhao, jiwei, Ahmed, Ejaz, and Qu Annie*. A weak-signal-assisted procedure for variable selection and statistical inference with an informative subsample. Biometrics, Accepted.
[20] Chen, Ji, Shao, Jun, and Fang, Fang*. Instrument search in pseudo likelihood approach for nonignorable nonresponse. Annals of the Insititute of Statistical Mathematics, Accepted.
[19] Wang, Lei, Shao, Jun, and Fang, Fang*. Propensity model selection with nonignorable nonresponse and instrument variable. Statistica Sinica, Accepted.
[18] Fang, Fang and Yu, Zhou*. Model averaging assisted sufficient dimension reduction. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2020, 152, Article 106993.
[17] Ni, Lyu, Fang, Fang*, and Shao, Jun. Feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional categorical data with covariates missing at random. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2020, 142, Article 106824.
[16] Fang, Fang*, Lan, Wei, Tong, Jingjing, and Shao, Jun. Model averaging for prediction with fragmentary data. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2019, 37, 517-527
[15] Fang, Fang, Wang, Jingli, and Li, Jialiang*. Optimal model averaging estimation for correlation structure in generalized estimating equations. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 2019, 48, 1574-1593.
[14] Chen, Ji and Fang, Fang*. Semiparametric likelihood for estimating equations with nonignorable nonresponse by nonresponse instrument. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 2019, 31, 420-434.
[13] Fang, Fang* and Chen, Yuanyuan. A new approach for credit scoring by directly maximizing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 2019, 133, 180-194.
[12] Fang, Fang*, Yin, Xiangju, and Zhang, Qiang. Divide and conquer algorithms for model averaging with massive data. Journal of System Science and Mathematical Sciences, Chinese Series. 2018, 38, 764-776. An invited paper for the special issue of model averaging.
[11] Fang, Fang*, and Ni, Lyu. Variable screening with missing covariates: A discussion of Statistical inference for nonignorable missing data problems: A selective review by Niansheng Tang and Yuanyuan Ju. Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 2018, 2, 134-136.
[10] Fang, Fang, Zhao, Jiwei, and Shao, Jun*. Imputation-based adjusted score equations in generalized linear models with nonignorable missing covariate values. Statistica Sinica, 2018, 28, 1677-1701.
[9] Chen, Ji, Fang, Fang and Xiao, Zhiguo*, Semiparametric inference for estimating equations with nonignorable missing covaraites. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2018, 30, 796-812.
[8] Ni, Lyu, Fang, Fang*, and Wan, Fangjiao. Adjusted Pearson Chi-Square feature screening for multi-classification with ultrahigh dimensional data. Metrika, 2017, 80, 805-828.
[7] Fang, Fang, and Shao, Jun*. Model selection with nonignorable nonresponse. Biometrika, 2016, 103, 861-874.
[6] Fang, Fang*, Fan, Xiaoyin, and Zhang Ying. Estimation of response from longitudinal binary data with noignorable missing values in migraine trails. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 2016, 4, 90-98.
[5] Fang, Fang, and Shao, Jun*. Iterated imputation estimation for generalized linear models with missing response and covariate values. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2016, 103, 111-123.
[4] Ni, Lyu, and Fang, Fang*. Entropy based model free feature screening for ultrahigh dimenisonal multiclass classification. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2016, 28, 515-530.
[3] Fang, Fang*. Regression analysis with nonignorably missing covariates using surrogate data. Statistics and Its Interface, 2016, 9, 123-130.
[2] Fang, Fang, Hong, Quan, and Shao, Jun*. Empirical likelihood estimation for samples with nonignorable nonresponse. Statistica Sinica, 2010, 20, 263-280.
[1] Fang, Fang, Hong, Quan, and Shao, Jun*. A pseudo empirical likelihood approach for stratified samples with nonresponse. The Annals of Statistics, 2009, 37, 371-393 .
[5] Fang, Fang and Lou, Zhilan. A Conversation with Jun Shao. ICSA Bulletin, 2015, 27, 69-77.
[4] 方方,资本项目开放与银行业务发展机遇探析,上海金融,2013, No. 1, 98-101.
[3] 李麟、蒋波、方方,商业银行综合经营的边界、收益和风险,金融理论与实践, 2012, 396(7), 13-18.
[2] 李麟、方方、李晓玮,利率市场化下的区域商业银行转型,中国金融,2012, No. 19, 70-72.
[1] 方方,“大数据”趋势下商业银行应对策略研究,新金融,2012, 286(12), 25-28.
中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会数据科学分会 监事 2019年10月至今
中国现场统计研究会高维数据统计分会 理事 2015年至今
中国现场统计研究会经济与金融统计分会 理事 2017年至今
全国工业统计学教学研究会中国青年统计学家协会 理事 2019年至今
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics Associate Editor 2016年至今

