教育经历: 美国迈阿密大学(University of Miami) 应用海洋物理学博士 (2009-2014)美国路易斯安那州立大学(LSU) 海洋学与海岸科学硕士 (2007-2009)南京大学 地理科学学士 (2003-2007)工作经历: 华东师范大学 河口海岸学国家重点实验室 研究员 (2019年9月至今)美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所 客座研究员 (2019年9月至今)海外工作和访学经历: 美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所 访问研究员 (2019年8月)美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所 博士后 (2014年8月-2019年7月)个人简介: 主要从事物理海洋学、生物海洋学以及海洋生态系统动力学方向上的交叉学科研究,运用数值模型和数据分析相结合的手段,研究全球变化背景下的河口和近海环境演变和极地海洋生态系统演变。2021年拟招收硕士研究生1-2名,欢迎有海洋学和相关专业背景的学生与我联系,成绩优秀者将推荐到国内外著名学府读博深造。科研项目: 美国科学基金会(NSF)极地项目办公室(Office of Polar Program)北极系统科学项目(Arctic System Science Program):北极太平洋扇区底栖生物热点区域的形成与维持机制研究 (Formation and persistence of benthic biological hotspots in the Pacific Arctic);2016年8月至2020年7月;共同主持;伍兹霍尔海洋研究所获取经费约55万美元。主要合作者:Rubao Ji, Carin Ashjian, Jinlun Zhang, Robert Campbell, and Jackie Grebmeier. 课程教学: 2020年春季学期:海洋数值计算方法(吴辉、冯志轩)2020年春季学期:近海动力学(吴辉、冯志轩)研究领域
第一作者文章(含通讯作者)[9] Feng Z., R. Ji, C. Ashjian, J. Zhang, R. Campbell, and J. Grebmeier, 2020. Benthic hotspots in the Northern Bering and Chukchi continental shelf: spatial variability in production regimes and environmental drivers, Progress in Oceanography, under review after revision. [8] Feng Z., R. Ji, C.J. Ashjian, R.G. Campbell, and J. Zhang, 2018. Biogeographic responses of the copepod Calanus glacialisto a changing Arctic marine environment, Global Change Biology, 24, 159-170.[7] Feng Z., R. Ji, R.G. Campbell, C.J. Ashjian, and J. Zhang, 2016b. Early ice retreat and ocean warming may induce copepod biogeographic boundary shifts in the Arctic Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 121, 6159-6183. doi: 10.1002/2016JC011784.[6] Feng Z., A. Reniers, B.K. Haus, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, and E.A. Kelly, 2016a. Wave energy level and geographic setting correlate with Florida beach water quality, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 104, 54-60.[5] Feng Z., A. Reniers, B.K Haus, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, J.D. Wang, and L.E. Fleming, 2015. A predictive model for microbial counts on beaches where intertidal sand is the primary source, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 94, 37-47.[4] Feng, Z., A. Reniers, B.K. Haus, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2013. Modeling sediment-related enterococci loading, transport and inactivation at an embayed non-point source subtropical beach. Water Resources Research, 49, 693-712.[3] Feng, Z., A. Reniers, B.K. Haus, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, L. Fiorentino, M. Olascoaga, and J. MacMahan, 2012. Modeling microbial water quality at a beach impacted by multiple nonpoint sources, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 33, 1-13. [2] Feng, Z., and C. Li, 2010. Cold-front-induced flushing of the Louisiana bays. Journal of Marine Systems, 82, 252-264.[1] 冯志轩, 罗贤, 高抒. 2007. 江苏盐城自然保护区核心区环境动态的遥感分析. 海洋通报, 26 (6), 68-74. 合作作者文章[10] Record, N.R., J.A. Runge, D.E. Pendleton, W.M. Balch, K.T.A. Davies, A.J. Pershing, C.L. Johnson, K. Stamieszkin, R. Ji, Z. Feng, S.D. Kraus, R.D. Kenney, C.A. Hudak, C.A. Mayo, C. Chen, J.E. Salisbury, and C.R.S. Thompson. 2019. Rapid climate-driven circulation changes threaten conservation of endangered North Atlantic right whales, Oceanography, 32(2), https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2019.201.[9] Kvile, K. Ø., C. Ashjian, Z. Feng, J. Zhang and R. Ji., 2018. Pushing the limit: resilience of an Arctic copepod on environmental fluctuations, Global Change Biology, 24, 5426-5439. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14419. [8] Kelly E.A., Z. Feng, M.L. Gidley, C.D. Sinigalliano, N. Kumar, A.G. Donahue, A. Reniers, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2018. Effect of beach management policies on recreational water quality, Journal of Environmental Management, 212, 266-277.[7] Donahue A., Z. Feng, E. Kelly, A. Reniers, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2017. Significance of beach geomorphology on fecal indicator bacteria levels, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 121, 160-167.[6] Ji. R.,Z. Feng, B.J. Jones, C. Thompson, C. Chen, N.R. Record, and J.A., Runge, 2017. Coastal Amplification of Supply and Transport (CAST): a new hypothesis about the persistence of Calanus finmarchicusin the Gulf of Maine, ICES Journal of Marine Science74(7), 1865-1874.[5] Elliott S.M., C.J. Ashjian, Z. Feng, B. Jones, C. Chen, and Y. Zhang, 2017. Physical control on distributions of a key Arctic copepod in the northeast Chukchi Sea, Deep Sea Research II, 144, 37-51.[4] Phillips, M.C., Z. Feng, L.J., Vogel, A.J.H.M. Reniers, B.K. Haus, A.A. Enns, Y. Zhang, D.B. Hernandez, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2014. Microbial release from seeded beach sediments during wave conditions, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 79, 114-122.[3] Hernandez, R.J., Y. Hernandez, N.H. Jimenez, A.M. Piggot, J.S. Klaus,Z. Feng, A. Reniers, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2014. Effect of full-scale beach renovation on fecal indicator levels in shoreline sand and water, Water Research, 48, 579-591.[2] Fiorentino, L.A., M.J. Olascoaga, A. Reniers, Z. Feng, F.J. Beron-Vera, and J.H. MacMahan, 2012. Using Lagrangian coherent structures to understand coastal water quality, Continental Shelf Research, 47, 145-149.[1] Enns, A.A., L.J. Vogel, A.M. Abdelzaher, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, L.R.W. Plano, M.L. Gidley, M.C. Phillips, J.S. Klaus, A.M. Piggot, Z. Feng, A.J.H.M. Reniers, B.K. Haus, S.M. Elmir, Y. Zhang, N.H. Jimenez, N. Abdel-Mottaleb, M.E. Schoor, A. Brown, S.Q. Khan, A.S. Dameron, N.C. Salazar, and L.E. Fleming, 2012. Spatial and temporal variation in indicator microbe sampling is Influential in beach management decisions, Water Research, 46, 2237-2246.自然资源部第二海洋研究所卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室 青年访问海星学者(2020-2021) 相关热点