紫江青年学者。中南大学、苏州科技大学兼职教授。曾任苏州大学心理学系教授(博导,东吴学者)。浙江大学应用心理学本科、硕士和博士(工业-组织心理学, 2008)。曾赴香港城市大学管理系工作(研究助理)。现主持国家自然科学基金(72072058),主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目(71372180)、青年项目(70902056)(结项优秀),教育部人文社科青年基金(09YJCZH087)。参与完成香港研究资助局(RGC)、国家自然科学基金、全国教育科学规划基金多项,主持完成企业和政府横向课题多项。曾获江苏“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师(2012-2015),第二届江苏省‘青年社科英才’(2017)等多项项目奖励资助。在国内外期刊发表论文180余篇。研究领域
◆ 组织中的主动行为(proactive behaviors in organization) ◆ 建议采纳和提出(advice taking & giving) ◆ 权力(power)和领导力(leadership) ◆ 创业/创新(entrepreneurship & creativity) ◆ 中国传统文化(Chinese traditional culture)""近期论文
Duan, J.Y., Xu, Y., Van Swol, L. (in press). The influence of self-concept clarity on advice seeking and utilization.Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Duan, J.Y., Wang, X.T., Brinsfield, C.T., Liu, S. S.(in press). How enhancing employee well-being can encourage voice behavior: A desire fulfillment perspective. Human Performance.Duan, J.Y., Guo, Z.J., Brinsfield, C.T. (in press).Does leader integrity facilitate employee voice? A moderated mediation model of perceived risk and leader consultation. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.Duan, J.Y., Xu, Y.,Guo, Y.D., Wang, X.H.(in press).Evaluation sensitivity and advice seeking: The mediating role of self-uncertainty and moderation role of peer exclusion. Current Psychology.Duan, J.Y., Yin, J.L., Xu, Y., & Wu, D. Y. (2020) Should I stay or should I go? Job demands’ push and entrepreneurial resources’ pull in Chinese migrant workers’ return-home entrepreneurial intention, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 32(5-6), 429-448..Duan, J.Y., Lapointe,É., Xu, Y., & Brooks, S. (2019). Why do employees speak up? Examining the roles of LMX, perceived risk and perceived leader power in predicting voice behavior. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34(8), 560-572.Duan, J.Y., Xu, Y., Frazier, M. L. (2019). Voice climate, TMX, and task interdependence: A team-level study. Small Group Research, 50(2), 199-226.Duan, J.Y.,Wong,M., Yue, Y.M. (2019). Organizational helping behavior and its relationship with employee workplace well-being. Career Development International, 24(1),18-36.Duan, J.Y., Xia, X.T., Van Swol, L.M. (2018).Emoticons' influence on advice taking. Computers in Human Behavior, 79, 53-58.Duan, J.Y., Bao, C.Z., Huang, C.Y., Brinsfield, C.T. (2018). Authoritarian leadership and employee silence in China. Journal of Management & Organization, 24(1), 62-80.Duan J.Y., Sherry, Wu,J.Y., Sun, L.Y.(2017). Do the powerful discount the future less? The effects of power on temporal discounting. Frontiers in Psychology,8,1007-1017.Duan, J.Y., Li, C.W., Xu, Y., Wu, C.H.(2017). Transformational leadership and employee voice behavior: A Pygmalion mechanism. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(5), 650-670.(top 10 most cited in 2019)Duan J.Y., Kwan, H. K., Ling B.(2014).The role of voice efficacy in the formation of voice behaviour: A cross-level examination. Journal of Management & Organization, 20(4), 526-543.段锦云, 施蓓, 王啸天. (2019). 寻求者的注视方向对建议者提出建议的影响. 心理学报, 51(12),1363-1374.段锦云, 施嘉逸, 凌斌.(2017). 高承诺组织与员工建言:双过程模型检验. 心理学报, 49(4), 539-553.(年度最佳论文)段锦云,古晓花,孙露莹.(2016).外显自尊、内隐自尊及其分离对建议采纳的影响. 心理学报, 48(4), 371-384.王永跃,段锦云.(2015).政治技能如何影响员工建言:关系和绩效的作用.管理世界, 3,102-112.段锦云, 周冉, 古晓花. (2014).正面自我标签对建议采纳的影响.心理学报,46 (10), 1591-1602.段锦云,黄彩云.(2013).个人权力感对进谏行为的影响:权力认知的视角.心理学报,45(2),217−230.段锦云, 周冉, 陆文娟, 李晶, 朱宜超.(2013).不同反应线索条件下调节匹配对建议采纳的影响. 心理学报, 45(1), 104-113.段锦云, 魏秋江. (2012). 建言效能感结构及其在建言行为发生中的作用.心理学报, 44(7), 972−985.段锦云, 凌斌. (2011). 中国背景下建言行为结构及中庸思维对其的影响.心理学报, 43(10), 1185−1197.担任《心理学报》、《管理世界》、Journal of Management Studies, International Journal of Human Resource Management等二十多本国内外期刊匿名审稿人,《中国人力资源开发》《珞珈管理评论》等期刊编委,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,IACMR审稿专家等。 相关热点