2023-05-10 18:53
  • 栾伟玲
  • 栾伟玲 - 博士 教授 博导-华东理工大学-机械与动力工程学院-个人资料





2004年 上海市曙光学者
2006年 校“三八”红旗手、校研究生心目中的“良师益友”
2007年 美国机械工程师学会(ASME)最佳论文奖
2008年 校级教学成果三等奖,校优秀共产党员、优秀青年教师
2009年 第十一届全国大学生挑战杯竞赛优秀指导教师(一等奖作品)
2010年 华东理工大学育英奖(一等奖),德国拜耳集团国际合作研究奖
2011年 华东理工大学优秀共产党员,国家百篇优秀博士学位论文提名奖指导教师
2012年 上海市育英奖




1. Honghong Fu, Weiling Luan, Shantung Tu. A simple route for synthesis of PbSe nanocrystals: shape control by ligand and reaction time. Dalton Transactions, DOI:10.1039/C2DT30962A(IF 3.838)
2. Binxia Yuan, Weiling Luan, Shantung Tu, One step Solvothermal Synthesis of Nickel Selenide Series: Composition and Morphology Control, Cryst Eng Comm, DOI:10.1039/C2CE06474J (IF 4.183)
3. Li Sun, Weiling Luan, YueJing Shan, A Composition and Size Controllable Approach for Au Ag Alloy Nanoparticles, Nanoscale Res. Lett. DOI:1112245634625169 (IF 2.12)
4. Weiling Luan, Hongwei Yang, Zhen Wan, Binxia Yuan, Xinhai Yu, Shantung Tu. Mercaptopropionic acid capped CdSe/ZnS quantum dots as fluorescence probe for lead, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 14(3): 762. 2012 (IF 3.287)
5. Li Sun, Weiling Luan, YueJing Shan, Shantung Tu, One Step Synthesis of Monodisperse Au Ag Alloy Nanoparticles in a Microreaction System, Chem.Eng.J. 189 190, 451-455, 2012 (IF 3.07)
6. Binxia Yuan, Weiling Luan, Shan tung Tu, One Step Synthesis of Cubic FeS2and Flower like FeSe2 Particles by a Solvothermal reduction Process, Dalton Transactions, 41:772-776, 2012 (IF 3.647 )
7. Honghong Fu, Mijung Choi, Weiling Luan, Yong Sang Kim, Shan Tung Tu. Hybrid Solar Cells with an Inverted Structure: Nanodots Incorporated Ternary System. Solid State Electronics, 69: 50-54, 2012 (IF 1.493)
8. Nan Xie, Weiling Luan, Ionic liquid induced microfluidic reaction for water soluble Ce1 xTbxF3 nanocrystal synthesis, Nanotechnology, 22(26), 265609, 2011 (IF 3.644)
9. Zhen Wan, Weiling Luan, Shan tung Tu. Continuous Synthesis of CdSexTe1 x Nanocrystals: Chemical Composition Gradient and Single step Capping. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 356(1):78-85, 2011 (IF 3.066)
10. Zhen Wan, Weiling Luan, Shan tung Tu. Size Controlled Synthesis of Blue Emitting Core/Shell Nanocrystals via Microreaction. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(5): 1569-1575, 2011 (IF 4.52)
11. Shan tung Tu, Xinhai Yu, Weiling Luan, Hoger Loewe. Development of Micro Chemical, Biological and Thermal Systems in China: A Review. Chemical Engineering Journal. 163(3): 165-179, 2010 (IF 3.074)
12. Hongwei Yang, Weiling Luan, Zhen Wan, Shan Tung Tu, Wei Kang Yuan, Zhiming M. Wang. Continuous Synthesis of Full Color Emitting Core/Shell Quantum Dots via Microreaction. Crystal Growth & Design, 9(11): 4807–4813, 2009 (IF 4.389)
13. Hongwei Yang, Weiling Luan, Shan Tung Tu, Zhiming M. Wang. Synthesis of Nanocrystals via Microreaction with Temperature Gradient: Towards Separation of Nucleation and Growth. Lab on a Chip, 8: 451-455, 2008 (IF 6.342)
14. Hu Huang, Weiling Luan, Jiansong Zhang, Yunshi Qi, Shan Tung Tu. Thermoelectric Hydrogen Sensor Working at Room Temperature Prepared by bismuth telluride P N couples and Pt/γ Al2O3. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, 128(2): 581-585, 2008 (IF 3.368)
15. Weiling Luan, Hongwei Yang, Ningning Fan, Shan Tung Tu. Synthesis of Efficiently Green Luminescent CdSe/ZnS Nanocrystals Via Microfluidic Reaction. Nanoscale Research Letters, 3(4):134-139,2008 (IF 2.557)
16. Tian Xu, Hu Huang, Weiling Luan, Yunshi Qi, Shan Tung Tu. Thermoelectric Carbon Monoxide Sensor using Co Ce Catalyst. Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, 133(1): 70-77, 2008(IF 3.368)
17. Weiling Luan, Hongwei Yang, Shan Tung Tu, Zhiming Wang. Open to Air Synthesis of Monodisperse CdSe NCs via Microfluidic Reaction and its Kinetics. Nanotechnology, 18(17): 175603, 2007(IF 3.644)
任中国机械工程学会、中国硅酸盐学会、微纳器件与系统技术学会高级会员,日本化学学会、美国材料学会、美国机械工程师学会、美国微纳米技术商业化教育基金会(MANCEF)会员。担任国家863计划、国家自然科学基金、以色列国家基金计划(The Israel Science Foundation)、上海市纳米专项评审专家,兼任《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Sensors and Actuators B》、《中国机械工程》、《硅酸盐学报》等杂志审稿人。多次担任微化工领域国际会议的共同组织者和学术委员会委员。

