2023-05-10 18:52
  • 廖杰
  • 廖杰 - 副教授-华东理工大学-理学院-个人资料




2013/9 -副教授,华东理工大学理学院
2014/9 – 2015/8访问学者,LJLL,巴黎六大/Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), France
2010/9 – 2013/8讲师,华东理工大学理学院
2009/7 – 2010/9 访问学者,香港科技大学数学系/Department of Mathematics, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
2007/10 – 2008/9访问学者,斯坦福大学数学系/Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, USA
2004/9 – 2009/6博士,上海交通大学数学系
2000/9 – 2004/6学士,武汉大学数学学院


1、应用偏微分方程/Applied Partial Differential Equations
2、相场模型/Phase Field Modeling
3、高性能计算,机器学习/High Performance Computing and Machine Learning Theory


1.Casimir Emako, Jie Liao and Nicolas Vauchelet, Synchronising and non-synchronising dynamics for a two-species aggregation model, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (B), 22(6)(2017), 2121-2146.
2.Chao Ji, Jie Liao and Binlin Zhang, Ground state solutions and multiple solutions for a p(x)-Laplacian equation in RN with periodic data, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 62(6)(2017), 825-837.
3.Jie Liao, Phase Field Model for Solidification with Boundary Interface Interaction, International Frontier Science Letters, 9(2016), 1-8.
4.Jie Liao, A Phase Field Model for Binary Alloy Solidification with Boundary Interface Intersection, International Frontier Science Letters, 8(2016), 9-18.
5.Radjesvarane Alexandre, Jie Liao and Chunjin Lin, Convergence to the equilibrium state for Bose- Einstein 1-D Kac grazing limit model, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 14(1)(2016), 187-207.
6.Jie Liao, Global solution for a kinetic chemotaxis model with internal dynamics and its fast adaptation limit. J. Differential Equations, 259(11)(2015), 6432-6458.
7.Radjesvarane Alexandre, Jie Liao and Chunjin Lin, Some A priori estimates for the homogeneous Landau equation with soft potentials, Kinetic and Related Models, 8(4)(2015), 617-650.
8.Jie Liao, Chao Ji, Extended Foldy-Lax Approximation on Multiple Scattering, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 19(1)(2014), 85-98.
9.Jie Liao, Analysis of the Foldy-Lax approximation on multiple scattering by many small scatterers, Applicable Analysis, 92(12)(2013), 2547-2560.
10.Radjesvarane Alexandre and Jie Liao, A Pseudo-Kinetic Approach for Helmholtz Equation, Chinese Annals of Mathematics Series B, 34B(3)(2013), 319-332.
11.Jie Liao and Xiao-Ping Wang, Stability of Efficient Navier-Stokes Solvers with Navier Boundary Conditions, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (B), 17(2012), 153-171.
12.Jie Liao, Boundary Layer Analysis for the Eigenvalues of Hanging Rod, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 389(2012), 608-617.
13.Jie Liao, Weike Wang and Tong Yang, Lp Convergence Rates of Diffusion Waves for Multi-dimensional Euler Equations with Damping, J. Differential Equations, 247(1) (2009), 303-329.
14.Jie Liao and Xiongfeng Yang, Global existence of classical solutions to the Vlasov- Poisson-Boltzmann system with given magnetic field, Nonlinear Analysis,67(12) (2007), 3335-3349.

