2023-05-10 18:50
  • 黄毓晖
  • 黄毓晖 - 博士 副教授-华东理工大学-机械与动力工程学院-个人资料




江苏启东人,博士。2011年6月于华东理工大学化工过程机械专业获得博士学位。其间于2008年7月赴日本福井大学(Fukui University)进行合作课题研究。2011年9月在华东理工大学机械与动力工程学院从事博士后研究,2013年9月出站留校从事教学科研工作,于2015年担任华东理工大学副教授、硕士生导师。2016年1月-2017年1月年在日本东北大学(Tohoku University)进行访问学者研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金、中国博士后基金、中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金及企业横向合作项目等。
[1] 黄毓晖(第33完成人),极端条件下重大承压设备的设计、制造与维护,中国机械工业科学技术奖特等奖、2013年10月。
[2] 黄毓晖,第八届全国压力容器学术会议青年优秀论文二等奖、2013年11月。




[1] Yuhui Huang, Shan-Tung Tu*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Pit to crack transition behavior in proportional and
non-proportional multiaxial corrosion fatigue of 304 stainless steel. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 184 (2017): 259–272.
[2] Linghua Luo, Yuhui Huang, Fu-Zhen Xuan*. Deflection behaviour of corrosion crack growth in the heat affected zone of CrNiMoV steel welded joint. Corrosion Science. 121(2017): 11-21.(SCI/EI)
[3] Huang YH, Xuan FZ*. Creep behavior of P92 steel in the steam environment at 600 ℃ using miniature three-point bend test. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 25(2016):5440-5449.(SCI/EI)
[4] Linghua Luo, Yuhui Huang, Shuo Weng, Fu-Zhen Xuan*. Mechanism-related modelling of pit evaluation in the CrNiMoV steel in simulated environment of low pressure nuclear steam turbine. Materials & Design, (105)2016: 240-250. (SCI/EI)
[5] Linghua Luo, Yuhui Huang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Pitting corrosion and stress corrosion cracking around heat affected zone in welded joint of CrNiMoV rotor steel in chloridized high temperature water. Procedia Engineering, 130(2015): 1190-1198. (EI)
[6] Shuo Weng, Yuhui Huang*, Fu-Zhen Xuan, Linghua Luo. Correlation between microstructure, hardness and corrosion of welded joints of disc rotors. Procedia Engineering, 130(2015): 1761-1769. (EI)
[7] Yuhui Huang, Shan-Tung Tu, Fuzhen Xuan, Itoh T. Multiaxial corrosion fatigue behavior of 304 stainless steel under proportional loading and non-proportional loading. 37(2014): 436-445. (SCI/EI)
[8] Yuhui Huang, Shan-Tung Tu, Fuzhen Xuan. Modeling and simulation of pit chemistry of 304 austenitic stainless steel under applied stress in sodium chloride solution. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 257(2013): 45-52. (SCI/EI)
[9] Yuhui Huang, Fuzhen Xuan, Shan-Tung Tu, Itoh T. Effects of hydrogen and surface dislocation on active dissolution of deformed 304 austenitic stainless steel in acid chloride solution. Material Science and Engineering A. 2011, 528 (3): 1882-1888. (SCI/EI)
[10] Yuhui Huang, Chengcheng Wang, Shan-Tung Tu, Fu-Zhen Xuan. Numerical investigation of stress concentration factor at irregular corrosion pit under tension-torsion loading. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Conference.2014.07. (EI)
[11] Yuhui Huang, Fuzhen Xuan, Itoh T, Shan-Tung Tu. Electrochemical properties of 304 stainless steel under proportional and non-proportional multiaxial loading condition. Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Pressure Vessels & Piping Division Conference. 2012, 07. (EI)
[12] 黄毓晖,杨博,轩福贞,涂善东.316L不锈钢扩散焊接头在酸性氯化钠溶液中的应力腐蚀行为. 焊接学报. 7(2011): 67-70. (EI)
[13] 王成程,黄毓晖,涂善东. 多轴载荷下点蚀坑应力集中的数值研究. 化工设备与管道. 6(2013):1-4.
[14]Huang YH, Tu ST, Xuan FZ. Statistical analysis of corrosion pits on 304 stainless steel under multiaxial fatigue loading. Asia-Pacific Conference on Fracture and Strength (APCFS 2016), September 19-21, 2016, Toyama, Japan.
[15]Huang YH, Xuan FZ, Yang B, Weng S. Effect of applied tensile stress on steam oxidation behavior of P92 steel. 9th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials October 16-20, 2016,Changsha, China.
[16] Yuhui Huang, Fu-Zhen Xuan, Shan-Tung Tu, Takamoto Itoh.Hydrogen-facilitated anodic dissolution of deformed 304 stainless steel in acid chloride environment.Symposium of Transferability and Applicability of Current Mechanics Approaches, 2009.09
[17] Yuhui Huang, Fuzhen Xuan, Takamoto Itoh, Shan-Tung Tu.Study on microstructure and stress corrosion properties of 30Cr2Ni4MoV weld joint.Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Advanced Mechanical and Power Engineering, 2008.10:44-48
[18] 黄毓晖,轩福贞,涂善东.304奥氏体不锈钢在酸性氯离子溶液中应力腐蚀性能的研究.压力容器, 2009.26(7):5-10
[19] 黄毓晖,轩福贞,涂善东.氢和应力对304不锈钢在酸性氯离子溶液中活化溶解的影响.压力容器, 2009.26(12):5-8

