学习工作经历2009.09-2013.06,在内蒙古工业大学,获工学学士学位;2013.09-2020.01,在河北工业大学硕博连读,获工学博士学位;2020.07-今, 在河北师范大学初等教育系工作。研究领域
数学教师教育"专利:李红岩,袁俊生,安莎莎,李亚宁,李鑫冉,陈淼,一种氨氮检测试纸及其应 用方法.中国,发明专利号:201510012427.8"近期论文
[1] Shasha An, Jie Liu, Jihong Wang, Huajing Zhu, Zhiyong Ji, Tao Zhang, Yingying Zhao, Junsheng Yuan, Synthesis and characterization of organicinorganic cross-linked membrane for the separation of mono-charged and double charged ions using UV irradiation, Desalination,464(2019) 8-17. [2]Shasha An, Jie Liu, Jihong Wang, Mucun Wang, Zhiyong Ji, Shanshan Qi, Junsheng Yuan, Synthesis and characterization of a plat sheet potassiu m ion seive membrane and its performations for separation potassium, Separation and Purification Technology, 212(2019)834-842. [3]Jihong Wang, He Lin, Shasha An,Shenyu Li, Fei Li, Junsheng Yuan, Conc entration-dependent structure of KCl aqueous solutions under weak mag neticfield from the X-ray diffraction and molecular dynamics simulation. J.Mol.Stru. 1201(2020)127130.[4]Jihong Wang, He Lin, Fei Li, Shenyu Li, Shasha An, Junsheng Yuan, Con centration- dependent structure of mixed NH4Cl and (NH4)2SO4 aqueous solutions from the X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. J.Mol.Stru. 1185(2019)469-477. [5]李红岩,安莎莎,李亚宁,陈淼,李鑫冉,袁俊生,氨氮检测试纸的研制,河 北工业大学学报,45(2016)75-79. 相关热点