计算智能、演化计算、智能制造系统控制与优化调度、供应链智能优化与管理等。"科研项目1、河北农业大学引进人才科研专项,YJ201953,面向柔性制造的群智能协同优化调度理论与方法研究,2019.10-2024.07,10万元,在研,主持。 2、河北省教育厅高校基本科研业务费专项,KY201903,基于混合智能的分布式生产调度问题研究,2020.01-2022.12,10万元,在研,主持。 3、国家自然科学基金面上项目,61271396,核内CREB调控的神经元突触可塑性的信号传导网络建模,2013.01-2016.12,76万元,已结题,主研。 4、国家自然科学基金青年项目,61402122,基于鲁棒判别式非负字典学习的遮挡人脸识别研究,2015.01-2017.12,26万元,已结题,主研。 5、科学部主任基金项目/应急管理项目,61540051,基于拓扑流形结构分析的模拟电路故障特征提取理论与方法, 2016.01-2016.12,已结题,参与。"近期论文
1、G.H. Zhang, K.Y. Xing, F. Cao. Discrete differential evolution algorithm for distributed blocking flowshop scheduling with makespan criterion [J], Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 76, 96-107. (SCI, 中科院二区)2、G.H. Zhang, K.Y. Xing, F. Cao. Scheduling distributed flowshops with flexible assembly and set-up time to minimise makespan [J], International Journal of Production Research, 2018, 56(9), 3226-3244. (SCI,中科院二区)/3、G.H. Zhang, K.Y. Xing. Memetic social spider optimization algorithm for scheduling two stage assembly flowshop in a distributed environment [J], Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2018, 125, 423-433. (SCI,中科院二区)4、G.H. Zhang, K.Y. Xing. Differential evolution metaheuristics for the flowshop scheduling with various buffer constraints in distributed environment [J], Computers & Operations Research, 2019, 108, 33-43. (SCI,中科院三区)5、G.H. Zhang, K.Y. Xing, G.Y. Zhang, Z. X. He. Memetic Algorithm with Meta-Lamarckian Learning and Simplex Search for Distributed Flexible Assembly Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem [J]. IEEE Access, Accepted. (SCI, 中科院二区)6、G.D. Zhou, Z.J. Ren, L.D. Wang, J.G. Wu, B. Sun, G.H. Zhang, S.H. Zheng, S.K. Duan, Q.L. Song. Resistive switching memory integrated with amorphous carbon-based nanogenerators for self-powered device [J], Nano Energy, 2019, 63: 103793. (SCI, 中科院一区)7、张广辉, 王朝峰. CREB依赖的突触长时程增强[J], 中国医学物理学杂志, 2011, 28(4), 2767-2770, 2780. (核心期刊)8、肖迎群, 何怡刚, 刘继乾, 张广辉. 基于主元和判断集成分析的模拟电路故障诊断[J], 控制与决策, 2015, 7, 1321-1324. (EI检索)1、目前获邀担任以下国际知名SCI期刊审稿人:IEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE AccessEngineering Applications of Artificial IntelligenceInternational Journal of Production ResearchComputers & Industrial EngineeringComputers & Operations ResearchJournal of the Operational Research Society2、目前获邀担任以下期刊编辑部成员:SCIREA Journal of MathematicsSCIREA Journal of Computers 相关热点